Footprint - Illustrative Guidance

Geometry Capturing Rules

Footprint Extent

Illustration 1

Mathilda, Sunnyvale, CA, USA. "Mathilda 4" is structurally integrated into a multi-story parking garage. The parking structure is included within the Footprint extent in its entirety.

Footprint Extent - Ground

Illustration 1

An entrance and associated physical structure that should be judged as being physically "insignificant." The extent of this physical entrance should be captured as an outdoor Level (outdoor = true). This Level would be equal to the "stairs" Unit that covers it. Because this entrance is directly reachable from a physical road and external pedestrian network, the entrance would be modeled using an Opening that possesses a "pedestrian.principal" category.

Illustration 2

An entrance and associated physical structure that should be judged as being physically significant. The extent of this physical entrance should be captured as a Footprint. An indoor Level (outdoor = false) should be captured and the Level should be equal to the Units within it. Because this entrance is directly reachable from a physical road and external pedestrian network, the entrance would be modeled using an Opening that possess a "pedestrian.principal" category.