

The current version number of IMDF Validations is 1.0.3. Only current IMDF Validations are described in this resource. Version 1.0.3 validations are also available for download

Prior Version(s)

  • IMDF Validations Version: 1.0.2 (Download)


Severities are used to categorize validation results.

Severity Description
INFO Non-critical constraint violation indicating an informative message
WARNING Non-critical constraint violation indicating a warning
VIOLATION Constraint violation


feature severity rule definition
N/A Info ZeroCountOfUnitQualifiedAddresses Validates that a delivery has at least one unit-qualified Address.
N/A Violation FeatureIdMustBeString Structural Validation: Validates that the feature id is a string. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed.
N/A Violation FeatureIdMustBeUnique Structural Validation: Validates that a feature has a unique ID. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed.
N/A Violation FeatureIdMustNotBeEmpty Structural Validation: Validates that the feature id is not an empty string. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed.
N/A Violation FeatureMustHaveFeatureType Structural Validation: Validates that the feature has a top-level feature_type field. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed.
N/A Violation FeatureMustHaveId Structural Validation: Validates that the feature has a top-level id field. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed.
N/A Violation FeatureTypeMustBeString Structural Validation: Validates that the feature type is a string. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed.
N/A Violation FeatureTypeMustNotBeEmpty Structural Validation: Validates that the feature has a non-empty feature type. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed.
N/A Violation FileMustBeValidGeoJSON Structural Validation: Validates that a file is a valid GeoJSON. Checks include, amongst others: i) Self-intersection, where a line segment crosses a line segment. ii) Self-intersection, where a line segment overlaps a line segment. iii) Self-intersection, where vertices have the same x/y coordinates. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed.
N/A Violation FileMustContainFeatureCollection Structural Validation: Validates that the file contains a valid GeoJSON FeatureCollection. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed.
N/A Violation NameMustBeString Validates that a name is a string data type.
N/A Violation ReferencedFeatureIDMustBeResolvable Structural Validation: Validates that a feature id reference is resolvable.
N/A Violation VenueCountMustBeExactlyOne Validates that a delivery contains only one Venue feature.


feature severity rule definition
N/A Violation ManifestFileMustBePresent Structural Validation: Validates that a Manifest file is present in the delivery. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed.
Manifest Violation ManifestVersionMustBeValid Validates the IMDF version declared in the Manifest geoJSON.


feature severity rule definition
Address Violation AddressMustBeReferenced Validates that an Address record is referenced by a feature.
Address Violation AddressMustHaveAddressLine Validates that an Address has an address line.
Address Violation AddressMustHaveCountryCode Validates that an Address has a country code.
Address Violation AddressMustHaveLocality Validates that an Address has a locality.
Address Violation AddressMustHaveProvinceCode Validates that an Address has a Province code when defined by ISO for Country.
Address Violation AddressUnitMustNotBeBlank Validates that Address Unit is not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.)
Address Violation InvalidCountryCode Validates that a country code is a valid ISO-3166 value.
Address Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Address Violation InvalidISOCountryAndISOProvinceCodeCombination Validates that the ISO Province code is valid for ISO the Country.
Address Violation InvalidIsoProvinceCode Validates that a province code is a valid ISO-3166-2 value.
Address Violation LabelMustNotBeBlank Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank.
Address Violation PostalCodeExtensionMustNotBeBlank Validates that postal_code_ext in Address is not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.)
Address Violation PostalCodeMustNotBeBlank Validates that postal_code in an Address is not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.)
Address Violation VanityPostalCodeMustNotBeBlank Validates that postal_code_vanity in Address is not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.)
Address Warning AddressHasDissimilarProvinceCode Validates that Addresses do not have dissimilar province codes.
Address Warning AddressMustBeDistinct Validates that Addresses are distinct.
Address Warning AddressShouldHavePostalCode Validates that an Address has a postal_code.


feature severity rule definition
Amenity Info GenericRestroomUnitCategoryContainsSpecificRestroomAmenityCategory Validates that a '', 'restroom.female', 'restroom.male', 'restroom.transgender', or 'restroom.unisex' Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a 'restroom' Unit.
Amenity Violation AccessibilityMustBeValid Validates the accessibility category assigned to the feature.
Amenity Violation AltNameMustBeString Validates that an alt_name is a string data type.
Amenity Violation AmenityCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to an Amenity.
Amenity Violation AmenityMustHaveCategory Validates that an Amenity has a category value.
Amenity Violation AmenityMustHavePointGeometry Validates that an Amenity is a Point geometry.
Amenity Violation AmenityMustReferenceUnit Validates that an Amenity references a Unit.
Amenity Violation CorrelationIdMustBeMatched Validates that a correlation_id is matched by at least one other feature's correlation_id in the same feature-type.
Amenity Violation HoursMustNotBeBlank Validates that hours are not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.)
Amenity Violation InvalidCorrelationID Validates that a 'correlation_id' is a valid v4 UUID value.
Amenity Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Amenity Violation InvalidLanguageTag Validates that a language tag is a valid value.
Amenity Violation LabelMustNotBeBlank Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank.
Amenity Violation LevelIDsMustBeDissimilarForCorrelationID Validates that features from the same feature-type, whose correlation_id match, possess dissimilar Level id values.
Amenity Violation NameMustBeString Validates that a name is a string data type.
Amenity Violation PhoneMustBeValid Validates that the phone is correctly formatted.
Amenity Violation WebsiteMustBeValid Validates that a website URL is correctly formatted.
Amenity Warning AircraftBoardingGateAmenityShouldHaveName Validates that a 'boardinggate.aircraft' Amenity possesses a name.
Amenity Warning AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value.
Amenity Warning AmenityNameAndCategoryAreSame Validates that an Amenity does not possess a category that matches the name.
Amenity Warning AmenityNameShouldNotBeDuplicate Validates that names among Amenities with the same category ('arrivalgate', 'boardinggate.aircraft', 'boardinggate.bus' and 'boardinggate.train') are distinct.
Amenity Warning AmenityShouldBeCoveredByReferencedUnit Validates that an Amenity is covered by the referenced Unit.
Amenity Warning AmenityShouldNotEqualAmenity Validates that Amenities are not coincident on the same Level.
Amenity Warning ArrivalGateAmenityShouldHaveName Validates that an 'arrivalgate' Amenity possesses a name.
Amenity Warning BaggageCarouselAmenityNameIsDuplicateInSameBuilding Validates that 'baggagecarousel' Amenity names are distinct in the same Building.
Amenity Warning BaggageCarouselAmenityShouldHaveName Validates that a 'baggagecarousel' Amenity possesses a name.
Amenity Warning BusBoardingGateAmenityShouldHaveName Validates that a 'boardinggate.bus' Amenity possesses a name.
Amenity Warning CategoryShouldBeSameForCorrelationID Validates that features with matching correlation_id possess the same category.
Amenity Warning ElevatorUnitMayOnlyContainElevatorAmenity Validates that an Amenity, if present and contained (or touched) by an 'elevator' Unit, is an 'elevator' Amenity and not any other category of Amenity.
Amenity Warning EscalatorUnitMayOnlyContainEscalatorAmenity Validates that an Amenity, if present and contained (or touched) by an 'escalator' Unit, is an 'escalator' Amenity and not any other category of Amenity.
Amenity Warning FemaleRestroomUnitMustNotContainRestroomAmenityCategory Validates that a '', 'restroom.male', 'restroom.transgender' or 'restroom.unisex' Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a 'restroom.female' Unit.
Amenity Warning HasOnlyAltName Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value.
Amenity Warning KioskMustNotContainAmenityCategory Validates that an 'elevator', 'escalator', 'movingwalkway' or 'stairs' Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a Kiosk.
Amenity Warning MaleRestroomUnitMustNotContainRestroomAmenityCategory Validates that a '', 'restroom.female', 'restroom.transgender' or 'restroom.unisex' Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a 'restroom.male' Unit.
Amenity Warning MovingWalkwayUnitMayOnlyContainMovingWalkwayAmenity Validates that an Amenity, if present and contained (or touched) by a 'movingwalkway' Unit, is a 'movingwalkway' Amenity and not any other category of Amenity.
Amenity Warning OpenToBelowUnitMustNotContainAmenity Validates that an Amenity is not contained (or touched) by an 'opentobelow' Unit.
Amenity Warning RestroomUnitCategoryShouldNotContainRestroomAmenityCategory Validates i) '.female', '.male', '.transgender', '.unisex' (plus .wheelchair) Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a '' Unit. ii) '.family', '.female', '.male', '.transgender' (plus .wheelchair) Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a 'restroom.unisex' Unit.
Amenity Warning RestroomUnitMayOnlyContainAmenityFromRestroomHierarchy Validates that an Amenity, if present and contained (or touched) by a Unit whose category is in the Restroom hierarchy, also possesses a category from the Restroom hierarchy.
Amenity Warning StairsUnitMayOnlyContainStairsAmenity Validates that an Amenity, if present and contained (or touched) by a 'stairs' Unit, is a 'stairs' Amenity and not any other category of Amenity.
Amenity Warning StepsUnitMustNotContainAmenity Validates that an Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a 'steps' Unit.
Amenity Warning StructuralUnitMustNotContainAmenity Validates that an Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a Unit that models physical/structural elements, such as 'brick', 'column', 'concrete', 'drywall', 'glass', 'structure', and 'wood'.
Amenity Warning TrainBoardingGateAmenityShouldHaveName Validates that a 'boardinggate.train' Amenity possesses a name value.
Amenity Warning UnspecifiedAmenityShouldHaveName Validates that an 'unspecified' Amenity possesses a name.


feature severity rule definition
Anchor Info ReferencedAddressDoesNotMatchBuildingAddress Validates that an Anchor's referenced Address (non-unit-qualified Address portion) matches the Building's Address.
Anchor Violation AnchorMustBeCoveredByReferencedUnit Validates that an Anchor is covered by the referenced Unit.
Anchor Violation AnchorMustHavePointGeometry Validates that an Anchor is a Point geometry.
Anchor Violation AnchorMustReferenceUnit Validates that an Anchor references a Unit.
Anchor Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Anchor Warning AnchorShouldNotEqualAnchor Validates that Anchors are not coincident on the same Level.
Anchor Warning OpenToBelowUnitMustNotContainAnchor Validates that an Anchor is not contained (or touched) by an 'opentobelow' Unit.
Anchor Warning StructuralUnitMustNotContainAnchor Validates that an Anchor is not contained (or touched) by a Unit that models physical/structural elements, such as 'brick', 'column', 'concrete', 'drywall', 'glass', 'structure', and 'wood'.


feature severity rule definition
Building Info BuildingAddressResolvesToVenueAddress Validates that a Building and Venue do not share the same Address.
Building Violation AltNameMustBeString Validates that an alt_name is a string data type.
Building Violation BuildingCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Building.
Building Violation BuildingHasNoLevel Validates that a Building is referenced by at least one Level.
Building Violation BuildingMustHaveAtLeastOneFootprint Validates that a Building has at least one Footprint defined.
Building Violation BuildingMustHaveCategory Validates that a Building has a category.
Building Violation DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type.
Building Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Building Violation InvalidLanguageTag Validates that a language tag is a valid value.
Building Violation LabelMustNotBeBlank Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank.
Building Violation NameMustBeString Validates that a name is a string data type.
Building Violation RestrictionCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Restriction.
Building Warning AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value.
Building Warning BuildingAltNameShouldBeDistinct Validates that a Building's alt_name is distinct.
Building Warning BuildingCategoryShouldBeParking Validates that a Building's category is 'parking' when all Level features referencing the Building possess the same category.
Building Warning BuildingFootprintGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint Validates that the display_point, when present, is within at least one (1) Footprint that references the Building.
Building Warning BuildingHasNoAddress Validates that a Building references an Address.
Building Warning BuildingHasNoAerialFootprint Validates that a Building references an 'aerial' Footprint.
Building Warning BuildingHasNoDisplayPoint Validates that a Building has a display_point.
Building Warning BuildingHasNoGroundFootprint Validates that a Building references a 'ground' Footprint.
Building Warning BuildingHasNoName Validates that a Building has a name.
Building Warning BuildingHasNoSubterraneanFootprint Validates that a Building references a 'subterranean' Footprint when the Building is also referenced by a Level that possesses a negative ordinal.
Building Warning BuildingLevelOrdinalZeroShouldBePresent Validates that a Building is referenced by a Level whose ordinal 0.
Building Warning BuildingNameIsNotDistinct Validates that a Building name is distinct.
Building Warning BuildingNameMatchesOccupantName Validates that a Building name does not match an Occupant name it 'contains'.
Building Warning BuildingReferencesUnitQualifiedAddress Validates that the Building's referenced Address is not a unit-qualified address.
Building Warning BuildingsHaveSameAddress Validates that Buildings do not share the same Address.
Building Warning HasOnlyAltName Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value.
Building Warning LevelNamesInBuildingShouldBeDistinct Validates that Levels referencing the same Building possess dissimilar name values.
Building Warning LevelOrdinalsForBuildingAreNotSequential Validates that ordinal values among Levels referencing the same Building are sequential.
Building Warning LevelShortNamesInBuildingShouldBeDistinct Validates that Levels referencing the same Building possess dissimilar short_name values.
Building Warning NonMatchingNameLangTagsAmongLevelsReferencingSameBuilding Validates that a Level name language tag set is matched by another Level's name language tag set among Levels that reference the same Building.
Building Warning NonMatchingShortNameLangTagsAmongLevelsReferencingSameBuilding Validates that a Level short_name language tag set is matched by another Level's short_name language tag set among Levels that reference the same Building.
Building Warning ParkingBuildingReferencingNonParkingLevel Validates that a 'parking' Building is only referenced by a Level possessing the same category.


feature severity rule definition
Detail Info DetailMustNotIntersectOpening Validates that a Detail does not intersect an Opening feature.
Detail Violation DetailMustBeCoveredByReferencedLevel Validates that a Detail feature is covered by the referenced Level.
Detail Violation DetailMustHaveLinealGeometry Validates that a Detail feature is a LineString or MultiLineString geometry.
Detail Violation DetailMustReferenceLevel Validates that a Detail references a Level.
Detail Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.


feature severity rule definition
Fixture Violation AltNameMustBeString Validates that an alt_name is a string data type.
Fixture Violation DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type.
Fixture Violation FixtureCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Fixture.
Fixture Violation FixtureMustBeCoveredByReferencedLevel Validates that a Fixture is covered by the referenced Level.
Fixture Violation FixtureMustHaveCategory Validates that a Fixture has a category value.
Fixture Violation FixtureMustHavePolygonalGeometry Validates that a Fixture feature has Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry.
Fixture Violation FixtureMustNotEqualFixture Validates that Fixtures are not equal on the same Level.
Fixture Violation FixtureMustNotEqualUnit Validates that a Fixture is not equal to a Unit on the same Level.
Fixture Violation FixtureMustReferenceLevel Validates that a Fixture references a Level.
Fixture Violation FixturesMustNotOverlap Validates that Fixture interiors do not intersect.
Fixture Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Fixture Violation InvalidLanguageTag Validates that a language tag is a valid value.
Fixture Violation LabelMustNotBeBlank Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank.
Fixture Violation NameMustBeString Validates that a name is a string data type.
Fixture Warning AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value.
Fixture Warning BaggageCarouselFixtureShouldHaveDisplayPointAndName Validates that a 'baggagecarousel' Fixture has both a display_point and name when the Fixture does not contain a 'baggagecarousel' Amenity.
Fixture Warning BaggageCarouselFixtureShouldHaveName Validates that a 'baggagecarousel' Fixture has a name value when it has a display_point, and the Fixture does not contain a 'baggagecarousel' Amenity.
Fixture Warning FixtureGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint Validates that the display_point is contained by the Fixture.
Fixture Warning FixtureHasInteriorRing Validates that a Fixture does not possess an interior ring.
Fixture Warning FixtureMustBeCoveredByUnit Validates that a Fixture is covered by a Unit.
Fixture Warning FixtureMustContainReferencedAnchor Validates that a Fixture contains the referenced Anchor.
Fixture Warning FixtureMustNotOverlapKiosk Validates that Fixture and Kiosk interiors do not intersect.
Fixture Warning HasOnlyAltName Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value.
Fixture Warning OpenToBelowUnitMustNotContainFixture Validates that a Fixture is not contained by an 'opentobelow' Unit.
Fixture Warning StructuralUnitMustNotContainFixture Validates that a Fixture is not contained (or overlapped) by a Unit that models physical/structural elements, such as 'brick', 'column', 'concrete', 'drywall', 'glass', 'structure', and 'wood'.


feature severity rule definition
Footprint Violation AerialFootprintMustNotContainOrEqualAerialFootprint Validates that an 'aerial' Footprint does not equal or contain another 'aerial' Footprint.
Footprint Violation FootprintCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Footprint.
Footprint Violation FootprintMustHavePolygonalGeometry Validates that a Footprint has a Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry.
Footprint Violation FootprintMustReferenceBuilding Validates that a Footprint references a Building.
Footprint Violation GroundFootprintMustNotContainOrEqualGroundFootprint Validates that a 'ground' Footprint does not equal or contain another 'ground' Footprint.
Footprint Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Footprint Violation LabelMustNotBeBlank Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank.
Footprint Violation NameMustBeString Validates that a name is a string data type.
Footprint Warning AerialFootprintShouldCoverGroundFootprint Validates that an 'aerial' Footprint contains a 'ground' Footprint.
Footprint Warning AerialFootprintsShouldNotOverlap Validates that 'aerial' Footprints do not overlap.
Footprint Warning FootprintHasInteriorRing Validates that a Footprint does not possess an interior ring.
Footprint Warning GroundFootprintShouldIntersectSubterraneanFootprint Validates that a 'subterranean' Footprint intersects a 'ground' Footprint. Intersection may either be features that touch, or the interior geometry of one feature intersecting the interior geometry of another.
Footprint Warning GroundFootprintsShouldNotOverlap Validates that 'ground' Footprints do not overlap.
Footprint Warning IndoorLevelNotEqualToAerialFootprint Validates that the union of all Indoor Levels whose ordinal is '0' and greater, is equal to the 'aerial' Footprint referencing the same Building.
Footprint Warning IndoorLevelNotEqualToGroundFootprint Validates that the union of all Indoor Levels whose ordinal is '0' is equal to the 'ground' Footprint referencing the same Building.
Footprint Warning IndoorLevelNotEqualToSubterraneanFootprint Validates that the union of all Indoor Levels, ordinal '-1' and less, is equal to the 'subterranean' Footprint referencing the same Building.
Footprint Warning SubterraneanFootprintsOverlap Validates that 'subterranean' Footprints do not overlap.


feature severity rule definition
Geofence Info GeofenceHasInteriorRing Validates that a Geofence does not possess an interior ring.
Geofence Info GeofenceHasNoBuildingReference Validates that a Geofence references a Building.
Geofence Info GeofenceHasNoLevelReference Validates that a Geofence references a Level.
Geofence Info GeofenceHasParentReference Validates that a Geofence has a parent reference.
Geofence Info GeofenceNotWithinReferencedBuildingFootprint Validates that a Geofence is within the referenced Building's union of Footprints.
Geofence Info GeofencesOverlap Validates that the interior geometry of a Geofence does not intersect the interior geometry of another on the same Level.
Geofence Violation AltNameMustBeString Validates that an alt_name is a string data type.
Geofence Violation CorrelationIdMustBeMatched Validates that a correlation_id is matched by at least one other feature's correlation_id in the same feature-type.
Geofence Violation DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type.
Geofence Violation GeofenceCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Geofence.
Geofence Violation GeofenceMustHaveCategory Validates that a Geofence has a category value.
Geofence Violation GeofenceMustHaveLevelOrBuildingReference Validates that a Geofence references at least one Level or Building.
Geofence Violation GeofenceMustHavePolygonalGeometry Validates that a Geofence has Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry.
Geofence Violation InvalidCorrelationID Validates that a 'correlation_id' is a valid v4 UUID value.
Geofence Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Geofence Violation InvalidLanguageTag Validates that a language tag is a valid value.
Geofence Violation LabelMustNotBeBlank Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank.
Geofence Violation LevelIDsMustBeDissimilarForCorrelationID Validates that features from the same feature-type, whose correlation_id match, possess dissimilar Level id values.
Geofence Violation NameMustBeString Validates that a name is a string data type.
Geofence Violation RestrictionCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Restriction.
Geofence Warning AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value.
Geofence Warning CategoryShouldBeSameForCorrelationID Validates that features with matching correlation_id possess the same category.
Geofence Warning GeofenceGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint Validates that the display_point is within the Geofence.
Geofence Warning GeofenceNotCoveredByReferencedLevel Validates that a Geofence is covered by the referenced Level.
Geofence Warning HasOnlyAltName Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value.


feature severity rule definition
Kiosk Violation AltNameMustBeString Validates that an alt_name is a string data type.
Kiosk Violation DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type.
Kiosk Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Kiosk Violation InvalidLanguageTag Validates that a language tag is a valid value.
Kiosk Violation KioskMustBeCoveredByReferencedLevel Validates that a Kiosk is covered by the referenced Level.
Kiosk Violation KioskMustHavePolygonalGeometry Validates that a Kiosk has a Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry.
Kiosk Violation KioskMustNotEqualUnit Validates that a Kiosk does not equal a Unit.
Kiosk Violation KioskMustReferenceLevel Validates that a Kiosk feature references a Level.
Kiosk Violation KiosksMustNotOverlap Validates that Kiosk interiors do not intersect.
Kiosk Violation LabelMustNotBeBlank Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank.
Kiosk Violation NameMustBeString Validates that a name is a string data type.
Kiosk Warning AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value.
Kiosk Warning HasOnlyAltName Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value.
Kiosk Warning KioskGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint Validates that the display_point is within the Kiosk.
Kiosk Warning KioskHasInteriorRing Validates that a Kiosk does not possess an interior ring.
Kiosk Warning KioskMustBeCoveredByUnit Validates that a Kiosk is covered by a Unit.
Kiosk Warning KioskMustContainReferencedAnchor Validates that a Kiosk contains the referenced Anchor.
Kiosk Warning KioskShouldHaveAnchorOrContainAmenity Validates that a Kiosk references an Anchor or contains Amenity.
Kiosk Warning OpenToBelowUnitMustNotContainKiosk Validates that a Kiosk is not contained by an 'opentobelow' Unit.
Kiosk Warning StructuralUnitMustNotContainKiosk Validates that a Kiosk is not contained (or overlapped) by a Unit that models physical/structural elements, such as 'brick', 'column', 'concrete', 'drywall', 'glass', 'structure', and 'wood'.


feature severity rule definition
Level Info LevelHasSuspiciousOrdinal Validates that a Level ordinal value is within the typical range. (>=-12 =<163)
Level Info OutdoorLevelHasBuildingReference Validates that an outdoor Level on ordinal 0 does not reference a Building.
Level Violation DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type.
Level Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Level Violation InvalidLanguageTag Validates that a language tag is a valid value.
Level Violation LabelMustNotBeBlank Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank.
Level Violation LevelCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Level.
Level Violation LevelMustBeReferencedByUnit Validates that a Level is referenced by at least one Unit.
Level Violation LevelMustHaveCategory Validates that a Level has a category value.
Level Violation LevelMustHaveName Validates that a Level has a name.
Level Violation LevelMustHaveOrdinal Validates that a Level has an ordinal.
Level Violation LevelMustHavePolygonalGeometry Validates that a Level has a Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry.
Level Violation LevelMustHaveShortName Validates that a Level has a short_name.
Level Violation LevelOrdinalMustBeInteger Validates that a Level ordinal is an integer value.
Level Violation NameMustBeString Validates that a name is a string data type.
Level Violation RestrictionCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Restriction.
Level Warning IndoorLevelMustHaveBuildingReference Validates that an indoor Level references a Building.
Level Warning LevelAndAerialFootprintShouldReferenceSameBuilding Validates that a Level whose interior geometry intersects the interior geometry of an 'aerial' Footprint both reference the same Building.
Level Warning LevelAndGroundFootprintShouldReferenceSameBuilding Validates that a Level whose interior geometry intersects the interior geometry of a 'ground' Footprint both reference the same Building.
Level Warning LevelAndSubterraneanFootprintShouldReferenceSameBuilding Validates that a Level whose interior geometry intersects the interior geometry of a 'subterranean' Footprint both reference the same Building.
Level Warning LevelGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint Validates that the display_point is within the Level.
Level Warning LevelHasInteriorRing Validates that a Level does not possess an interior ring.
Level Warning LevelMustBeFullyCoveredByUnits Validates that the union of all Units is equal to the Level they reference.
Level Warning LevelShouldBeReferencedByOpening Validates that a Level is referenced by at least one Opening.
Level Warning LevelsShouldNotOverlap Validates that Level interiors do not intersect.
Level Warning OutdoorLevelHasNegativeOrdinal Validates that an outdoor Level does not have a negative ordinal.
Level Warning OutdoorLevelShouldNotOverlapGroundFootprint Validates that an outdoor Level whose ordinal is '0' does not overlap any Building's 'ground' Footprint.
Level Warning OutdoorLevelShouldReferenceBuilding Validates that an outdoor Level, on an ordinal other than 0, references a Building.
Level Warning ParkingLevelShouldContainParkingUnit Validates that a 'parking' Level contains a 'parking' Unit.
Level Warning ParkingLevelShouldHaveAutomobileOpening Validates that a 'parking' Level is referenced by an expected Opening category on the expected ordinal.
Level Warning ParkingUnitShouldBeContainedByParkingLevel Validates that a Level containing a 'parking' Unit, and no other Unit, is categorized as a 'parking' Level.


feature severity rule definition
Occupant Info OccupantShouldHaveModifiedTime Validates that an Occupant has a modified time.
Occupant Violation CorrelationIdMustBeMatched Validates that a correlation_id is matched by at least one other feature's correlation_id in the same feature-type.
Occupant Violation EndDateTimeIsBeforeCurrentDateTime Validates that an end DATE-TIME is after the current (system) date-time.
Occupant Violation HoursMustNotBeBlank Validates that hours are not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.)
Occupant Violation InvalidCorrelationID Validates that a 'correlation_id' is a valid v4 UUID value.
Occupant Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Occupant Violation InvalidLanguageTag Validates that a language tag is a valid value.
Occupant Violation LabelMustNotBeBlank Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank.
Occupant Violation LevelIDsMustBeDissimilarForCorrelationID Validates that features from the same feature-type, whose correlation_id match, possess dissimilar Level id values.
Occupant Violation ModifiedDateTimeIsAfterCurrentDateTime Validates that a modified DATE-TIME is before the current (system) date-time.
Occupant Violation NameMustBeString Validates that a name is a string data type.
Occupant Violation OccupantCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to an Occupant.
Occupant Violation OccupantMustHaveCategory Validates that an Occupant has a category value.
Occupant Violation OccupantMustHaveName Validates that an Occupant has a Name.
Occupant Violation OccupantMustReferenceAnchor Validates that an Occupant references an Anchor.
Occupant Violation PhoneMustBeValid Validates that the phone is correctly formatted.
Occupant Violation StartDateTimeIsAfterEndDateTime Validates that a start DATE-TIME` is before the end DATE-TIME.
Occupant Violation WebsiteMustBeValid Validates that a website URL is correctly formatted.
Occupant Warning CategoryShouldBeSameForCorrelationID Validates that features with matching correlation_id possess the same category.
Occupant Warning OccupantShouldHaveHours Validates that an Occupant has hours.
Occupant Warning OccupantShouldHavePhone Validates that an Occupant has a phone.
Occupant Warning OccupantShouldHaveWebsite Validates that an Occupant has a website.
Occupant Warning SimilarOccupantsShouldNotRefSameAnchor Validates that an Anchor reference is not matched among similarly named Occupants.


feature severity rule definition
Opening Violation AccessControlMustBeValid Validates that the access_control category assigned to the Opening.
Opening Violation AccessibilityMustBeValid Validates the accessibility category assigned to the feature.
Opening Violation AltNameMustBeString Validates that an alt_name is a string data type.
Opening Violation DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type.
Opening Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Opening Violation InvalidLanguageTag Validates that a language tag is a valid value.
Opening Violation LabelMustNotBeBlank Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank.
Opening Violation NameMustBeString Validates that a name is a string data type.
Opening Violation OpeningCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to an Opening.
Opening Violation OpeningDoorMaterialMustBeValid Validates that the Opening's door material is valid.
Opening Violation OpeningDoorTypeMustBeValid Validates that the Opening door type is valid.
Opening Violation OpeningMustBeCoveredByReferencedLevel Validates that an Opening is within the referenced Level.
Opening Violation OpeningMustHaveCategory Validates that an Opening has a category.
Opening Violation OpeningMustHaveLineStringGeometry Validates that an Opening has a LineString geometry.
Opening Violation OpeningMustReferenceLevel Validates that an Opening references a Level.
Opening Warning AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value.
Opening Warning HasOnlyAltName Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value.
Opening Warning OpeningDisplayPointShouldBeWithinBufferedDistanceOfOpening Validates that an Opening display_point is within a buffered distance of the line-string.
Opening Warning OpeningIsSuspiciouslyLarge Validates that the Opening length does not exceed 45 meters.
Opening Warning OpeningIsSuspiciouslySmall Validates that the Opening length exceeds 0.8382 meters.
Opening Warning OpeningMustBeCoveredByUnitBoundary Validates that an Opening is covered by a Unit's boundary.
Opening Warning OpeningsMustNotCrossOrOverlap Validates that an Opening does not cross or overlap another Opening referencing the same Level.


feature severity rule definition
Relationship Info RelationshipHasGeometry Validates that a Relationship has geometry.
Relationship Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Relationship Violation InvalidRelationshipDestinationReference Validates the integrity of a feature reference.
Relationship Violation InvalidRelationshipIntermediaryReference Validates the integrity of a feature reference.
Relationship Violation InvalidRelationshipOriginReference Validates the integrity of a feature reference.
Relationship Violation RelationshipCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Relationship.
Relationship Violation RelationshipDirectionMustBeValid Validates the direction assigned to a Relationship.
Relationship Violation RelationshipMustHaveCategory Validates that a Relationship has a category.


feature severity rule definition
Section Info SectionHasInteriorRing Validates that a Section does not possess an interior ring.
Section Info SectionHasParentReference Validates that a Section has a parent reference.
Section Info SectionsOverlap Validates that Section interiors do not intersect on the same Level.
Section Violation AccessibilityMustBeValid Validates the accessibility category assigned to the feature.
Section Violation AltNameMustBeString Validates that an alt_name is a string data type.
Section Violation CorrelationIdMustBeMatched Validates that a correlation_id is matched by at least one other feature's correlation_id in the same feature-type.
Section Violation DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type.
Section Violation InvalidCorrelationID Validates that a 'correlation_id' is a valid v4 UUID value.
Section Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Section Violation InvalidLanguageTag Validates that a language tag is a valid value.
Section Violation LabelMustNotBeBlank Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank.
Section Violation LevelIDsMustBeDissimilarForCorrelationID Validates that features from the same feature-type, whose correlation_id match, possess dissimilar Level id values.
Section Violation NameMustBeString Validates that a name is a string data type.
Section Violation RestrictionCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Restriction.
Section Violation SectionCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Section.
Section Violation SectionMustBeCoveredByReferencedLevel Validates that a Section is covered by the referenced Level.
Section Violation SectionMustHaveCategory Validates that a Section has a category.
Section Violation SectionMustHavePolygonalGeometry Validates that a Section has a Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry.
Section Violation SectionMustReferenceLevel Validates that a Section references a Level.
Section Warning AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value.
Section Warning CategoryShouldBeSameForCorrelationID Validates that features with matching correlation_id possess the same category.
Section Warning HasOnlyAltName Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value.
Section Warning SectionGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint Validates that the display_point is within its Section.


feature severity rule definition
Unit Violation AccessibilityMustBeValid Validates the accessibility category assigned to the feature.
Unit Violation AltNameMustBeString Validates that an alt_name is a string data type.
Unit Violation DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type.
Unit Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Unit Violation InvalidLanguageTag Validates that a language tag is a valid value.
Unit Violation LabelMustNotBeBlank Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank.
Unit Violation NameMustBeString Validates that a name is a string data type.
Unit Violation RestrictionCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Restriction.
Unit Violation UnitCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Unit.
Unit Violation UnitMustBeCoveredByReferencedLevel Validates that a Unit is covered by the referenced Level.
Unit Violation UnitMustHaveCategory Validates that a Unit has a category.
Unit Violation UnitMustHavePolygonalGeometry Validates that a Unit has Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry.
Unit Violation UnitMustReferenceLevel Validates that a Unit references a Level.
Unit Warning AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value.
Unit Warning HasOnlyAltName Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value.
Unit Warning UnitGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint Validates that a display_point, if present, is contained by the Unit.
Unit Warning UnitsMustNotOverlap Validates that Unit interiors do not intersect.


feature severity rule definition
Venue Violation AltNameMustBeString Validates that an alt_name is a string data type.
Venue Violation DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type.
Venue Violation HoursMustNotBeBlank Validates that hours are not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.)
Venue Violation InvalidFeatureID Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value.
Venue Violation InvalidLanguageTag Validates that a language tag is a valid value.
Venue Violation LabelMustNotBeBlank Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank.
Venue Violation NameMustBeString Validates that a name is a string data type.
Venue Violation PhoneMustBeValid Validates that the phone is correctly formatted.
Venue Violation RestrictionCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Restriction.
Venue Violation VenueCategoryMustBeValid Validates the category assigned to a Venue.
Venue Violation VenueGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint Validates that a display_point assigned to a Venue feature is contained by its polygonal geometry.
Venue Violation VenueMustCoverAllChildFeatures Validates that all features are contained within the Venue.
Venue Violation VenueMustHaveAddress Validates that a Venue references an Address.
Venue Violation VenueMustHaveAtLeastOneBuilding Validates that a delivery contains at least one Building.
Venue Violation VenueMustHaveCategory Validates that the Venue has a category.
Venue Violation VenueMustHaveName Validates that a Venue has a Name.
Venue Violation VenueMustHavePolygonalGeometry Validates that a Venue has Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry.
Venue Violation WebsiteMustBeValid Validates that a website URL is correctly formatted.
Venue Warning AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value.
Venue Warning VenueGeometryShouldNotHaveInteriorRing Validates that a Venue does not possess an interior ring.
Venue Warning VenueHasNoDisplayPoint Validates that the Venue has a display_point.
Venue Warning VenueShouldHaveHours Validates that a Venue has hours (of operation).
Venue Warning VenueShouldHavePhone Validates that a Venue has a phone (telephone number).
Venue Warning VenueShouldHaveWebsite Validates that a Venue has a website.