The current version number of IMDF Validations is 1.0.3
. Only current IMDF Validations are described in this resource. Version 1.0.3
validations are also available for download
Prior Version(s)
- IMDF Validations Version:
Severities are used to categorize validation results.
Severity | Description |
INFO | Non-critical constraint violation indicating an informative message |
WARNING | Non-critical constraint violation indicating a warning |
VIOLATION | Constraint violation |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
N/A | Info | ZeroCountOfUnitQualifiedAddresses | Validates that a delivery has at least one unit-qualified Address. |
N/A | Violation | FeatureIdMustBeString | Structural Validation: Validates that the feature id is a string. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed. |
N/A | Violation | FeatureIdMustBeUnique | Structural Validation: Validates that a feature has a unique ID. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed. |
N/A | Violation | FeatureIdMustNotBeEmpty | Structural Validation: Validates that the feature id is not an empty string. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed. |
N/A | Violation | FeatureMustHaveFeatureType | Structural Validation: Validates that the feature has a top-level feature_type field. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed. |
N/A | Violation | FeatureMustHaveId | Structural Validation: Validates that the feature has a top-level id field. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed. |
N/A | Violation | FeatureTypeMustBeString | Structural Validation: Validates that the feature type is a string. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed. |
N/A | Violation | FeatureTypeMustNotBeEmpty | Structural Validation: Validates that the feature has a non-empty feature type. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed. |
N/A | Violation | FileMustBeValidGeoJSON | Structural Validation: Validates that a file is a valid GeoJSON. Checks include, amongst others: i) Self-intersection, where a line segment crosses a line segment. ii) Self-intersection, where a line segment overlaps a line segment. iii) Self-intersection, where vertices have the same x/y coordinates. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed. |
N/A | Violation | FileMustContainFeatureCollection | Structural Validation: Validates that the file contains a valid GeoJSON FeatureCollection. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed. |
N/A | Violation | NameMustBeString | Validates that a name is a string data type. |
N/A | Violation | ReferencedFeatureIDMustBeResolvable | Structural Validation: Validates that a feature id reference is resolvable. |
N/A | Violation | VenueCountMustBeExactlyOne | Validates that a delivery contains only one Venue feature. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
N/A | Violation | ManifestFileMustBePresent | Structural Validation: Validates that a Manifest file is present in the delivery. Complete validation of an Archive is predicated upon all structural validations being passed. |
Manifest | Violation | ManifestVersionMustBeValid | Validates the IMDF version declared in the Manifest geoJSON. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Address | Violation | AddressMustBeReferenced | Validates that an Address record is referenced by a feature. |
Address | Violation | AddressMustHaveAddressLine | Validates that an Address has an address line. |
Address | Violation | AddressMustHaveCountryCode | Validates that an Address has a country code. |
Address | Violation | AddressMustHaveLocality | Validates that an Address has a locality. |
Address | Violation | AddressMustHaveProvinceCode | Validates that an Address has a Province code when defined by ISO for Country. |
Address | Violation | AddressUnitMustNotBeBlank | Validates that Address Unit is not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.) |
Address | Violation | InvalidCountryCode | Validates that a country code is a valid ISO-3166 value. |
Address | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Address | Violation | InvalidISOCountryAndISOProvinceCodeCombination | Validates that the ISO Province code is valid for ISO the Country. |
Address | Violation | InvalidIsoProvinceCode | Validates that a province code is a valid ISO-3166-2 value. |
Address | Violation | LabelMustNotBeBlank | Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank. |
Address | Violation | PostalCodeExtensionMustNotBeBlank | Validates that postal_code_ext in Address is not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.) |
Address | Violation | PostalCodeMustNotBeBlank | Validates that postal_code in an Address is not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.) |
Address | Violation | VanityPostalCodeMustNotBeBlank | Validates that postal_code_vanity in Address is not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.) |
Address | Warning | AddressHasDissimilarProvinceCode | Validates that Addresses do not have dissimilar province codes. |
Address | Warning | AddressMustBeDistinct | Validates that Addresses are distinct. |
Address | Warning | AddressShouldHavePostalCode | Validates that an Address has a postal_code. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Amenity | Info | GenericRestroomUnitCategoryContainsSpecificRestroomAmenityCategory | Validates that a '', 'restroom.female', 'restroom.male', 'restroom.transgender', or 'restroom.unisex' Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a 'restroom' Unit. |
Amenity | Violation | AccessibilityMustBeValid | Validates the accessibility category assigned to the feature. |
Amenity | Violation | AltNameMustBeString | Validates that an alt_name is a string data type. |
Amenity | Violation | AmenityCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to an Amenity. |
Amenity | Violation | AmenityMustHaveCategory | Validates that an Amenity has a category value. |
Amenity | Violation | AmenityMustHavePointGeometry | Validates that an Amenity is a Point geometry. |
Amenity | Violation | AmenityMustReferenceUnit | Validates that an Amenity references a Unit. |
Amenity | Violation | CorrelationIdMustBeMatched | Validates that a correlation_id is matched by at least one other feature's correlation_id in the same feature-type. |
Amenity | Violation | HoursMustNotBeBlank | Validates that hours are not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.) |
Amenity | Violation | InvalidCorrelationID | Validates that a 'correlation_id' is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Amenity | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Amenity | Violation | InvalidLanguageTag | Validates that a language tag is a valid value. |
Amenity | Violation | LabelMustNotBeBlank | Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank. |
Amenity | Violation | LevelIDsMustBeDissimilarForCorrelationID | Validates that features from the same feature-type, whose correlation_id match, possess dissimilar Level id values. |
Amenity | Violation | NameMustBeString | Validates that a name is a string data type. |
Amenity | Violation | PhoneMustBeValid | Validates that the phone is correctly formatted. |
Amenity | Violation | WebsiteMustBeValid | Validates that a website URL is correctly formatted. |
Amenity | Warning | AircraftBoardingGateAmenityShouldHaveName | Validates that a 'boardinggate.aircraft' Amenity possesses a name. |
Amenity | Warning | AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag | Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value. |
Amenity | Warning | AmenityNameAndCategoryAreSame | Validates that an Amenity does not possess a category that matches the name. |
Amenity | Warning | AmenityNameShouldNotBeDuplicate | Validates that names among Amenities with the same category ('arrivalgate', 'boardinggate.aircraft', 'boardinggate.bus' and 'boardinggate.train') are distinct. |
Amenity | Warning | AmenityShouldBeCoveredByReferencedUnit | Validates that an Amenity is covered by the referenced Unit. |
Amenity | Warning | AmenityShouldNotEqualAmenity | Validates that Amenities are not coincident on the same Level. |
Amenity | Warning | ArrivalGateAmenityShouldHaveName | Validates that an 'arrivalgate' Amenity possesses a name. |
Amenity | Warning | BaggageCarouselAmenityNameIsDuplicateInSameBuilding | Validates that 'baggagecarousel' Amenity names are distinct in the same Building. |
Amenity | Warning | BaggageCarouselAmenityShouldHaveName | Validates that a 'baggagecarousel' Amenity possesses a name. |
Amenity | Warning | BusBoardingGateAmenityShouldHaveName | Validates that a 'boardinggate.bus' Amenity possesses a name. |
Amenity | Warning | CategoryShouldBeSameForCorrelationID | Validates that features with matching correlation_id possess the same category. |
Amenity | Warning | ElevatorUnitMayOnlyContainElevatorAmenity | Validates that an Amenity, if present and contained (or touched) by an 'elevator' Unit, is an 'elevator' Amenity and not any other category of Amenity. |
Amenity | Warning | EscalatorUnitMayOnlyContainEscalatorAmenity | Validates that an Amenity, if present and contained (or touched) by an 'escalator' Unit, is an 'escalator' Amenity and not any other category of Amenity. |
Amenity | Warning | FemaleRestroomUnitMustNotContainRestroomAmenityCategory | Validates that a '', 'restroom.male', 'restroom.transgender' or 'restroom.unisex' Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a 'restroom.female' Unit. |
Amenity | Warning | HasOnlyAltName | Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value. |
Amenity | Warning | KioskMustNotContainAmenityCategory | Validates that an 'elevator', 'escalator', 'movingwalkway' or 'stairs' Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a Kiosk. |
Amenity | Warning | MaleRestroomUnitMustNotContainRestroomAmenityCategory | Validates that a '', 'restroom.female', 'restroom.transgender' or 'restroom.unisex' Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a 'restroom.male' Unit. |
Amenity | Warning | MovingWalkwayUnitMayOnlyContainMovingWalkwayAmenity | Validates that an Amenity, if present and contained (or touched) by a 'movingwalkway' Unit, is a 'movingwalkway' Amenity and not any other category of Amenity. |
Amenity | Warning | OpenToBelowUnitMustNotContainAmenity | Validates that an Amenity is not contained (or touched) by an 'opentobelow' Unit. |
Amenity | Warning | RestroomUnitCategoryShouldNotContainRestroomAmenityCategory | Validates i) '.female', '.male', '.transgender', '.unisex' (plus .wheelchair) Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a '' Unit. ii) '.family', '.female', '.male', '.transgender' (plus .wheelchair) Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a 'restroom.unisex' Unit. |
Amenity | Warning | RestroomUnitMayOnlyContainAmenityFromRestroomHierarchy | Validates that an Amenity, if present and contained (or touched) by a Unit whose category is in the Restroom hierarchy, also possesses a category from the Restroom hierarchy. |
Amenity | Warning | StairsUnitMayOnlyContainStairsAmenity | Validates that an Amenity, if present and contained (or touched) by a 'stairs' Unit, is a 'stairs' Amenity and not any other category of Amenity. |
Amenity | Warning | StepsUnitMustNotContainAmenity | Validates that an Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a 'steps' Unit. |
Amenity | Warning | StructuralUnitMustNotContainAmenity | Validates that an Amenity is not contained (or touched) by a Unit that models physical/structural elements, such as 'brick', 'column', 'concrete', 'drywall', 'glass', 'structure', and 'wood'. |
Amenity | Warning | TrainBoardingGateAmenityShouldHaveName | Validates that a 'boardinggate.train' Amenity possesses a name value. |
Amenity | Warning | UnspecifiedAmenityShouldHaveName | Validates that an 'unspecified' Amenity possesses a name. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Anchor | Info | ReferencedAddressDoesNotMatchBuildingAddress | Validates that an Anchor's referenced Address (non-unit-qualified Address portion) matches the Building's Address. |
Anchor | Violation | AnchorMustBeCoveredByReferencedUnit | Validates that an Anchor is covered by the referenced Unit. |
Anchor | Violation | AnchorMustHavePointGeometry | Validates that an Anchor is a Point geometry. |
Anchor | Violation | AnchorMustReferenceUnit | Validates that an Anchor references a Unit. |
Anchor | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Anchor | Warning | AnchorShouldNotEqualAnchor | Validates that Anchors are not coincident on the same Level. |
Anchor | Warning | OpenToBelowUnitMustNotContainAnchor | Validates that an Anchor is not contained (or touched) by an 'opentobelow' Unit. |
Anchor | Warning | StructuralUnitMustNotContainAnchor | Validates that an Anchor is not contained (or touched) by a Unit that models physical/structural elements, such as 'brick', 'column', 'concrete', 'drywall', 'glass', 'structure', and 'wood'. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Building | Info | BuildingAddressResolvesToVenueAddress | Validates that a Building and Venue do not share the same Address. |
Building | Violation | AltNameMustBeString | Validates that an alt_name is a string data type. |
Building | Violation | BuildingCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Building. |
Building | Violation | BuildingHasNoLevel | Validates that a Building is referenced by at least one Level. |
Building | Violation | BuildingMustHaveAtLeastOneFootprint | Validates that a Building has at least one Footprint defined. |
Building | Violation | BuildingMustHaveCategory | Validates that a Building has a category. |
Building | Violation | DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry | Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type. |
Building | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Building | Violation | InvalidLanguageTag | Validates that a language tag is a valid value. |
Building | Violation | LabelMustNotBeBlank | Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank. |
Building | Violation | NameMustBeString | Validates that a name is a string data type. |
Building | Violation | RestrictionCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Restriction. |
Building | Warning | AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag | Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value. |
Building | Warning | BuildingAltNameShouldBeDistinct | Validates that a Building's alt_name is distinct. |
Building | Warning | BuildingCategoryShouldBeParking | Validates that a Building's category is 'parking' when all Level features referencing the Building possess the same category. |
Building | Warning | BuildingFootprintGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint | Validates that the display_point, when present, is within at least one (1) Footprint that references the Building. |
Building | Warning | BuildingHasNoAddress | Validates that a Building references an Address. |
Building | Warning | BuildingHasNoAerialFootprint | Validates that a Building references an 'aerial' Footprint. |
Building | Warning | BuildingHasNoDisplayPoint | Validates that a Building has a display_point. |
Building | Warning | BuildingHasNoGroundFootprint | Validates that a Building references a 'ground' Footprint. |
Building | Warning | BuildingHasNoName | Validates that a Building has a name. |
Building | Warning | BuildingHasNoSubterraneanFootprint | Validates that a Building references a 'subterranean' Footprint when the Building is also referenced by a Level that possesses a negative ordinal. |
Building | Warning | BuildingLevelOrdinalZeroShouldBePresent | Validates that a Building is referenced by a Level whose ordinal 0. |
Building | Warning | BuildingNameIsNotDistinct | Validates that a Building name is distinct. |
Building | Warning | BuildingNameMatchesOccupantName | Validates that a Building name does not match an Occupant name it 'contains'. |
Building | Warning | BuildingReferencesUnitQualifiedAddress | Validates that the Building's referenced Address is not a unit-qualified address. |
Building | Warning | BuildingsHaveSameAddress | Validates that Buildings do not share the same Address. |
Building | Warning | HasOnlyAltName | Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value. |
Building | Warning | LevelNamesInBuildingShouldBeDistinct | Validates that Levels referencing the same Building possess dissimilar name values. |
Building | Warning | LevelOrdinalsForBuildingAreNotSequential | Validates that ordinal values among Levels referencing the same Building are sequential. |
Building | Warning | LevelShortNamesInBuildingShouldBeDistinct | Validates that Levels referencing the same Building possess dissimilar short_name values. |
Building | Warning | NonMatchingNameLangTagsAmongLevelsReferencingSameBuilding | Validates that a Level name language tag set is matched by another Level's name language tag set among Levels that reference the same Building. |
Building | Warning | NonMatchingShortNameLangTagsAmongLevelsReferencingSameBuilding | Validates that a Level short_name language tag set is matched by another Level's short_name language tag set among Levels that reference the same Building. |
Building | Warning | ParkingBuildingReferencingNonParkingLevel | Validates that a 'parking' Building is only referenced by a Level possessing the same category. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Detail | Info | DetailMustNotIntersectOpening | Validates that a Detail does not intersect an Opening feature. |
Detail | Violation | DetailMustBeCoveredByReferencedLevel | Validates that a Detail feature is covered by the referenced Level. |
Detail | Violation | DetailMustHaveLinealGeometry | Validates that a Detail feature is a LineString or MultiLineString geometry. |
Detail | Violation | DetailMustReferenceLevel | Validates that a Detail references a Level. |
Detail | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Fixture | Violation | AltNameMustBeString | Validates that an alt_name is a string data type. |
Fixture | Violation | DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry | Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type. |
Fixture | Violation | FixtureCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Fixture. |
Fixture | Violation | FixtureMustBeCoveredByReferencedLevel | Validates that a Fixture is covered by the referenced Level. |
Fixture | Violation | FixtureMustHaveCategory | Validates that a Fixture has a category value. |
Fixture | Violation | FixtureMustHavePolygonalGeometry | Validates that a Fixture feature has Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry. |
Fixture | Violation | FixtureMustNotEqualFixture | Validates that Fixtures are not equal on the same Level. |
Fixture | Violation | FixtureMustNotEqualUnit | Validates that a Fixture is not equal to a Unit on the same Level. |
Fixture | Violation | FixtureMustReferenceLevel | Validates that a Fixture references a Level. |
Fixture | Violation | FixturesMustNotOverlap | Validates that Fixture interiors do not intersect. |
Fixture | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Fixture | Violation | InvalidLanguageTag | Validates that a language tag is a valid value. |
Fixture | Violation | LabelMustNotBeBlank | Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank. |
Fixture | Violation | NameMustBeString | Validates that a name is a string data type. |
Fixture | Warning | AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag | Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value. |
Fixture | Warning | BaggageCarouselFixtureShouldHaveDisplayPointAndName | Validates that a 'baggagecarousel' Fixture has both a display_point and name when the Fixture does not contain a 'baggagecarousel' Amenity. |
Fixture | Warning | BaggageCarouselFixtureShouldHaveName | Validates that a 'baggagecarousel' Fixture has a name value when it has a display_point, and the Fixture does not contain a 'baggagecarousel' Amenity. |
Fixture | Warning | FixtureGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint | Validates that the display_point is contained by the Fixture. |
Fixture | Warning | FixtureHasInteriorRing | Validates that a Fixture does not possess an interior ring. |
Fixture | Warning | FixtureMustBeCoveredByUnit | Validates that a Fixture is covered by a Unit. |
Fixture | Warning | FixtureMustContainReferencedAnchor | Validates that a Fixture contains the referenced Anchor. |
Fixture | Warning | FixtureMustNotOverlapKiosk | Validates that Fixture and Kiosk interiors do not intersect. |
Fixture | Warning | HasOnlyAltName | Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value. |
Fixture | Warning | OpenToBelowUnitMustNotContainFixture | Validates that a Fixture is not contained by an 'opentobelow' Unit. |
Fixture | Warning | StructuralUnitMustNotContainFixture | Validates that a Fixture is not contained (or overlapped) by a Unit that models physical/structural elements, such as 'brick', 'column', 'concrete', 'drywall', 'glass', 'structure', and 'wood'. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Footprint | Violation | AerialFootprintMustNotContainOrEqualAerialFootprint | Validates that an 'aerial' Footprint does not equal or contain another 'aerial' Footprint. |
Footprint | Violation | FootprintCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Footprint. |
Footprint | Violation | FootprintMustHavePolygonalGeometry | Validates that a Footprint has a Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry. |
Footprint | Violation | FootprintMustReferenceBuilding | Validates that a Footprint references a Building. |
Footprint | Violation | GroundFootprintMustNotContainOrEqualGroundFootprint | Validates that a 'ground' Footprint does not equal or contain another 'ground' Footprint. |
Footprint | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Footprint | Violation | LabelMustNotBeBlank | Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank. |
Footprint | Violation | NameMustBeString | Validates that a name is a string data type. |
Footprint | Warning | AerialFootprintShouldCoverGroundFootprint | Validates that an 'aerial' Footprint contains a 'ground' Footprint. |
Footprint | Warning | AerialFootprintsShouldNotOverlap | Validates that 'aerial' Footprints do not overlap. |
Footprint | Warning | FootprintHasInteriorRing | Validates that a Footprint does not possess an interior ring. |
Footprint | Warning | GroundFootprintShouldIntersectSubterraneanFootprint | Validates that a 'subterranean' Footprint intersects a 'ground' Footprint. Intersection may either be features that touch, or the interior geometry of one feature intersecting the interior geometry of another. |
Footprint | Warning | GroundFootprintsShouldNotOverlap | Validates that 'ground' Footprints do not overlap. |
Footprint | Warning | IndoorLevelNotEqualToAerialFootprint | Validates that the union of all Indoor Levels whose ordinal is '0' and greater, is equal to the 'aerial' Footprint referencing the same Building. |
Footprint | Warning | IndoorLevelNotEqualToGroundFootprint | Validates that the union of all Indoor Levels whose ordinal is '0' is equal to the 'ground' Footprint referencing the same Building. |
Footprint | Warning | IndoorLevelNotEqualToSubterraneanFootprint | Validates that the union of all Indoor Levels, ordinal '-1' and less, is equal to the 'subterranean' Footprint referencing the same Building. |
Footprint | Warning | SubterraneanFootprintsOverlap | Validates that 'subterranean' Footprints do not overlap. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Geofence | Info | GeofenceHasInteriorRing | Validates that a Geofence does not possess an interior ring. |
Geofence | Info | GeofenceHasNoBuildingReference | Validates that a Geofence references a Building. |
Geofence | Info | GeofenceHasNoLevelReference | Validates that a Geofence references a Level. |
Geofence | Info | GeofenceHasParentReference | Validates that a Geofence has a parent reference. |
Geofence | Info | GeofenceNotWithinReferencedBuildingFootprint | Validates that a Geofence is within the referenced Building's union of Footprints. |
Geofence | Info | GeofencesOverlap | Validates that the interior geometry of a Geofence does not intersect the interior geometry of another on the same Level. |
Geofence | Violation | AltNameMustBeString | Validates that an alt_name is a string data type. |
Geofence | Violation | CorrelationIdMustBeMatched | Validates that a correlation_id is matched by at least one other feature's correlation_id in the same feature-type. |
Geofence | Violation | DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry | Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type. |
Geofence | Violation | GeofenceCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Geofence. |
Geofence | Violation | GeofenceMustHaveCategory | Validates that a Geofence has a category value. |
Geofence | Violation | GeofenceMustHaveLevelOrBuildingReference | Validates that a Geofence references at least one Level or Building. |
Geofence | Violation | GeofenceMustHavePolygonalGeometry | Validates that a Geofence has Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry. |
Geofence | Violation | InvalidCorrelationID | Validates that a 'correlation_id' is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Geofence | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Geofence | Violation | InvalidLanguageTag | Validates that a language tag is a valid value. |
Geofence | Violation | LabelMustNotBeBlank | Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank. |
Geofence | Violation | LevelIDsMustBeDissimilarForCorrelationID | Validates that features from the same feature-type, whose correlation_id match, possess dissimilar Level id values. |
Geofence | Violation | NameMustBeString | Validates that a name is a string data type. |
Geofence | Violation | RestrictionCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Restriction. |
Geofence | Warning | AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag | Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value. |
Geofence | Warning | CategoryShouldBeSameForCorrelationID | Validates that features with matching correlation_id possess the same category. |
Geofence | Warning | GeofenceGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint | Validates that the display_point is within the Geofence. |
Geofence | Warning | GeofenceNotCoveredByReferencedLevel | Validates that a Geofence is covered by the referenced Level. |
Geofence | Warning | HasOnlyAltName | Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Kiosk | Violation | AltNameMustBeString | Validates that an alt_name is a string data type. |
Kiosk | Violation | DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry | Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type. |
Kiosk | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Kiosk | Violation | InvalidLanguageTag | Validates that a language tag is a valid value. |
Kiosk | Violation | KioskMustBeCoveredByReferencedLevel | Validates that a Kiosk is covered by the referenced Level. |
Kiosk | Violation | KioskMustHavePolygonalGeometry | Validates that a Kiosk has a Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry. |
Kiosk | Violation | KioskMustNotEqualUnit | Validates that a Kiosk does not equal a Unit. |
Kiosk | Violation | KioskMustReferenceLevel | Validates that a Kiosk feature references a Level. |
Kiosk | Violation | KiosksMustNotOverlap | Validates that Kiosk interiors do not intersect. |
Kiosk | Violation | LabelMustNotBeBlank | Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank. |
Kiosk | Violation | NameMustBeString | Validates that a name is a string data type. |
Kiosk | Warning | AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag | Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value. |
Kiosk | Warning | HasOnlyAltName | Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value. |
Kiosk | Warning | KioskGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint | Validates that the display_point is within the Kiosk. |
Kiosk | Warning | KioskHasInteriorRing | Validates that a Kiosk does not possess an interior ring. |
Kiosk | Warning | KioskMustBeCoveredByUnit | Validates that a Kiosk is covered by a Unit. |
Kiosk | Warning | KioskMustContainReferencedAnchor | Validates that a Kiosk contains the referenced Anchor. |
Kiosk | Warning | KioskShouldHaveAnchorOrContainAmenity | Validates that a Kiosk references an Anchor or contains Amenity. |
Kiosk | Warning | OpenToBelowUnitMustNotContainKiosk | Validates that a Kiosk is not contained by an 'opentobelow' Unit. |
Kiosk | Warning | StructuralUnitMustNotContainKiosk | Validates that a Kiosk is not contained (or overlapped) by a Unit that models physical/structural elements, such as 'brick', 'column', 'concrete', 'drywall', 'glass', 'structure', and 'wood'. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Level | Info | LevelHasSuspiciousOrdinal | Validates that a Level ordinal value is within the typical range. (>=-12 =<163) |
Level | Info | OutdoorLevelHasBuildingReference | Validates that an outdoor Level on ordinal 0 does not reference a Building. |
Level | Violation | DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry | Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type. |
Level | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Level | Violation | InvalidLanguageTag | Validates that a language tag is a valid value. |
Level | Violation | LabelMustNotBeBlank | Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank. |
Level | Violation | LevelCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Level. |
Level | Violation | LevelMustBeReferencedByUnit | Validates that a Level is referenced by at least one Unit. |
Level | Violation | LevelMustHaveCategory | Validates that a Level has a category value. |
Level | Violation | LevelMustHaveName | Validates that a Level has a name. |
Level | Violation | LevelMustHaveOrdinal | Validates that a Level has an ordinal. |
Level | Violation | LevelMustHavePolygonalGeometry | Validates that a Level has a Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry. |
Level | Violation | LevelMustHaveShortName | Validates that a Level has a short_name. |
Level | Violation | LevelOrdinalMustBeInteger | Validates that a Level ordinal is an integer value. |
Level | Violation | NameMustBeString | Validates that a name is a string data type. |
Level | Violation | RestrictionCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Restriction. |
Level | Warning | IndoorLevelMustHaveBuildingReference | Validates that an indoor Level references a Building. |
Level | Warning | LevelAndAerialFootprintShouldReferenceSameBuilding | Validates that a Level whose interior geometry intersects the interior geometry of an 'aerial' Footprint both reference the same Building. |
Level | Warning | LevelAndGroundFootprintShouldReferenceSameBuilding | Validates that a Level whose interior geometry intersects the interior geometry of a 'ground' Footprint both reference the same Building. |
Level | Warning | LevelAndSubterraneanFootprintShouldReferenceSameBuilding | Validates that a Level whose interior geometry intersects the interior geometry of a 'subterranean' Footprint both reference the same Building. |
Level | Warning | LevelGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint | Validates that the display_point is within the Level. |
Level | Warning | LevelHasInteriorRing | Validates that a Level does not possess an interior ring. |
Level | Warning | LevelMustBeFullyCoveredByUnits | Validates that the union of all Units is equal to the Level they reference. |
Level | Warning | LevelShouldBeReferencedByOpening | Validates that a Level is referenced by at least one Opening. |
Level | Warning | LevelsShouldNotOverlap | Validates that Level interiors do not intersect. |
Level | Warning | OutdoorLevelHasNegativeOrdinal | Validates that an outdoor Level does not have a negative ordinal. |
Level | Warning | OutdoorLevelShouldNotOverlapGroundFootprint | Validates that an outdoor Level whose ordinal is '0' does not overlap any Building's 'ground' Footprint. |
Level | Warning | OutdoorLevelShouldReferenceBuilding | Validates that an outdoor Level, on an ordinal other than 0, references a Building. |
Level | Warning | ParkingLevelShouldContainParkingUnit | Validates that a 'parking' Level contains a 'parking' Unit. |
Level | Warning | ParkingLevelShouldHaveAutomobileOpening | Validates that a 'parking' Level is referenced by an expected Opening category on the expected ordinal. |
Level | Warning | ParkingUnitShouldBeContainedByParkingLevel | Validates that a Level containing a 'parking' Unit, and no other Unit, is categorized as a 'parking' Level. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Occupant | Info | OccupantShouldHaveModifiedTime | Validates that an Occupant has a modified time. |
Occupant | Violation | CorrelationIdMustBeMatched | Validates that a correlation_id is matched by at least one other feature's correlation_id in the same feature-type. |
Occupant | Violation | EndDateTimeIsBeforeCurrentDateTime | Validates that an end DATE-TIME is after the current (system) date-time. |
Occupant | Violation | HoursMustNotBeBlank | Validates that hours are not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.) |
Occupant | Violation | InvalidCorrelationID | Validates that a 'correlation_id' is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Occupant | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Occupant | Violation | InvalidLanguageTag | Validates that a language tag is a valid value. |
Occupant | Violation | LabelMustNotBeBlank | Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank. |
Occupant | Violation | LevelIDsMustBeDissimilarForCorrelationID | Validates that features from the same feature-type, whose correlation_id match, possess dissimilar Level id values. |
Occupant | Violation | ModifiedDateTimeIsAfterCurrentDateTime | Validates that a modified DATE-TIME is before the current (system) date-time. |
Occupant | Violation | NameMustBeString | Validates that a name is a string data type. |
Occupant | Violation | OccupantCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to an Occupant. |
Occupant | Violation | OccupantMustHaveCategory | Validates that an Occupant has a category value. |
Occupant | Violation | OccupantMustHaveName | Validates that an Occupant has a Name. |
Occupant | Violation | OccupantMustReferenceAnchor | Validates that an Occupant references an Anchor. |
Occupant | Violation | PhoneMustBeValid | Validates that the phone is correctly formatted. |
Occupant | Violation | StartDateTimeIsAfterEndDateTime | Validates that a start DATE-TIME` is before the end DATE-TIME. |
Occupant | Violation | WebsiteMustBeValid | Validates that a website URL is correctly formatted. |
Occupant | Warning | CategoryShouldBeSameForCorrelationID | Validates that features with matching correlation_id possess the same category. |
Occupant | Warning | OccupantShouldHaveHours | Validates that an Occupant has hours. |
Occupant | Warning | OccupantShouldHavePhone | Validates that an Occupant has a phone. |
Occupant | Warning | OccupantShouldHaveWebsite | Validates that an Occupant has a website. |
Occupant | Warning | SimilarOccupantsShouldNotRefSameAnchor | Validates that an Anchor reference is not matched among similarly named Occupants. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Opening | Violation | AccessControlMustBeValid | Validates that the access_control category assigned to the Opening. |
Opening | Violation | AccessibilityMustBeValid | Validates the accessibility category assigned to the feature. |
Opening | Violation | AltNameMustBeString | Validates that an alt_name is a string data type. |
Opening | Violation | DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry | Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type. |
Opening | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Opening | Violation | InvalidLanguageTag | Validates that a language tag is a valid value. |
Opening | Violation | LabelMustNotBeBlank | Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank. |
Opening | Violation | NameMustBeString | Validates that a name is a string data type. |
Opening | Violation | OpeningCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to an Opening. |
Opening | Violation | OpeningDoorMaterialMustBeValid | Validates that the Opening's door material is valid. |
Opening | Violation | OpeningDoorTypeMustBeValid | Validates that the Opening door type is valid. |
Opening | Violation | OpeningMustBeCoveredByReferencedLevel | Validates that an Opening is within the referenced Level. |
Opening | Violation | OpeningMustHaveCategory | Validates that an Opening has a category. |
Opening | Violation | OpeningMustHaveLineStringGeometry | Validates that an Opening has a LineString geometry. |
Opening | Violation | OpeningMustReferenceLevel | Validates that an Opening references a Level. |
Opening | Warning | AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag | Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value. |
Opening | Warning | HasOnlyAltName | Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value. |
Opening | Warning | OpeningDisplayPointShouldBeWithinBufferedDistanceOfOpening | Validates that an Opening display_point is within a buffered distance of the line-string. |
Opening | Warning | OpeningIsSuspiciouslyLarge | Validates that the Opening length does not exceed 45 meters. |
Opening | Warning | OpeningIsSuspiciouslySmall | Validates that the Opening length exceeds 0.8382 meters. |
Opening | Warning | OpeningMustBeCoveredByUnitBoundary | Validates that an Opening is covered by a Unit's boundary. |
Opening | Warning | OpeningsMustNotCrossOrOverlap | Validates that an Opening does not cross or overlap another Opening referencing the same Level. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Relationship | Info | RelationshipHasGeometry | Validates that a Relationship has geometry. |
Relationship | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Relationship | Violation | InvalidRelationshipDestinationReference | Validates the integrity of a feature reference. |
Relationship | Violation | InvalidRelationshipIntermediaryReference | Validates the integrity of a feature reference. |
Relationship | Violation | InvalidRelationshipOriginReference | Validates the integrity of a feature reference. |
Relationship | Violation | RelationshipCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Relationship. |
Relationship | Violation | RelationshipDirectionMustBeValid | Validates the direction assigned to a Relationship. |
Relationship | Violation | RelationshipMustHaveCategory | Validates that a Relationship has a category. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Section | Info | SectionHasInteriorRing | Validates that a Section does not possess an interior ring. |
Section | Info | SectionHasParentReference | Validates that a Section has a parent reference. |
Section | Info | SectionsOverlap | Validates that Section interiors do not intersect on the same Level. |
Section | Violation | AccessibilityMustBeValid | Validates the accessibility category assigned to the feature. |
Section | Violation | AltNameMustBeString | Validates that an alt_name is a string data type. |
Section | Violation | CorrelationIdMustBeMatched | Validates that a correlation_id is matched by at least one other feature's correlation_id in the same feature-type. |
Section | Violation | DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry | Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type. |
Section | Violation | InvalidCorrelationID | Validates that a 'correlation_id' is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Section | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Section | Violation | InvalidLanguageTag | Validates that a language tag is a valid value. |
Section | Violation | LabelMustNotBeBlank | Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank. |
Section | Violation | LevelIDsMustBeDissimilarForCorrelationID | Validates that features from the same feature-type, whose correlation_id match, possess dissimilar Level id values. |
Section | Violation | NameMustBeString | Validates that a name is a string data type. |
Section | Violation | RestrictionCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Restriction. |
Section | Violation | SectionCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Section. |
Section | Violation | SectionMustBeCoveredByReferencedLevel | Validates that a Section is covered by the referenced Level. |
Section | Violation | SectionMustHaveCategory | Validates that a Section has a category. |
Section | Violation | SectionMustHavePolygonalGeometry | Validates that a Section has a Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry. |
Section | Violation | SectionMustReferenceLevel | Validates that a Section references a Level. |
Section | Warning | AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag | Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value. |
Section | Warning | CategoryShouldBeSameForCorrelationID | Validates that features with matching correlation_id possess the same category. |
Section | Warning | HasOnlyAltName | Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value. |
Section | Warning | SectionGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint | Validates that the display_point is within its Section. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Unit | Violation | AccessibilityMustBeValid | Validates the accessibility category assigned to the feature. |
Unit | Violation | AltNameMustBeString | Validates that an alt_name is a string data type. |
Unit | Violation | DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry | Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type. |
Unit | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Unit | Violation | InvalidLanguageTag | Validates that a language tag is a valid value. |
Unit | Violation | LabelMustNotBeBlank | Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank. |
Unit | Violation | NameMustBeString | Validates that a name is a string data type. |
Unit | Violation | RestrictionCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Restriction. |
Unit | Violation | UnitCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Unit. |
Unit | Violation | UnitMustBeCoveredByReferencedLevel | Validates that a Unit is covered by the referenced Level. |
Unit | Violation | UnitMustHaveCategory | Validates that a Unit has a category. |
Unit | Violation | UnitMustHavePolygonalGeometry | Validates that a Unit has Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry. |
Unit | Violation | UnitMustReferenceLevel | Validates that a Unit references a Level. |
Unit | Warning | AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag | Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value. |
Unit | Warning | HasOnlyAltName | Validates that an alt_name value is not exclusive, that it is accompanied by a name value. |
Unit | Warning | UnitGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint | Validates that a display_point, if present, is contained by the Unit. |
Unit | Warning | UnitsMustNotOverlap | Validates that Unit interiors do not intersect. |
feature | severity | rule | definition |
Venue | Violation | AltNameMustBeString | Validates that an alt_name is a string data type. |
Venue | Violation | DisplayPointMustBePointGeometry | Validates that a display_point is a point geometry type. |
Venue | Violation | HoursMustNotBeBlank | Validates that hours are not blank. (Not empty string or whitespace.) |
Venue | Violation | InvalidFeatureID | Validates that a feature ID is a valid v4 UUID value. |
Venue | Violation | InvalidLanguageTag | Validates that a language tag is a valid value. |
Venue | Violation | LabelMustNotBeBlank | Validates that a Label (prefLabel and altLabel) is not blank. |
Venue | Violation | NameMustBeString | Validates that a name is a string data type. |
Venue | Violation | PhoneMustBeValid | Validates that the phone is correctly formatted. |
Venue | Violation | RestrictionCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Restriction. |
Venue | Violation | VenueCategoryMustBeValid | Validates the category assigned to a Venue. |
Venue | Violation | VenueGeometryMustContainDisplayPoint | Validates that a display_point assigned to a Venue feature is contained by its polygonal geometry. |
Venue | Violation | VenueMustCoverAllChildFeatures | Validates that all features are contained within the Venue. |
Venue | Violation | VenueMustHaveAddress | Validates that a Venue references an Address. |
Venue | Violation | VenueMustHaveAtLeastOneBuilding | Validates that a delivery contains at least one Building. |
Venue | Violation | VenueMustHaveCategory | Validates that the Venue has a category. |
Venue | Violation | VenueMustHaveName | Validates that a Venue has a Name. |
Venue | Violation | VenueMustHavePolygonalGeometry | Validates that a Venue has Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry. |
Venue | Violation | WebsiteMustBeValid | Validates that a website URL is correctly formatted. |
Venue | Warning | AltNameLangTagHasNoCorrespondingNameLangTag | Validates that a language tag associated with an alt_name has a corresponding presence and association with a name value. |
Venue | Warning | VenueGeometryShouldNotHaveInteriorRing | Validates that a Venue does not possess an interior ring. |
Venue | Warning | VenueHasNoDisplayPoint | Validates that the Venue has a display_point. |
Venue | Warning | VenueShouldHaveHours | Validates that a Venue has hours (of operation). |
Venue | Warning | VenueShouldHavePhone | Validates that a Venue has a phone (telephone number). |
Venue | Warning | VenueShouldHaveWebsite | Validates that a Venue has a website. |