

An Amenity models the physical presence and approximate point location of a pedestrian amenity that serves a utilitarian purpose or other convenience that serves to enhance the pedestrian “experience.”

Feature Structure

  • Amenity objects are Feature objects
  • Amenity objects MUST have an "id" member with a FEATURE-ID value
  • Amenity objects MUST have a "feature_type" member with the value "amenity"
  • Amenity objects MUST have a "geometry" member with a POINT value

Property Keys

Property Type Description
category AMENITY-CATEGORY The category that best describes the function and/or service provided by the Amenity
accessibility null or JSON array of ACCESSIBILITY-CATEGORY Indicates the type of accessibility provided by the Amenity to a pedestrian that experiences disabilities
name null or LABELS The name of the Amenity as declared by the Venue Organization
alt_name null or LABELS Alternative name for the Amenity that may be recognized by the Venue Organization
hours null or HOURS Hours of operation
phone null or PHONE Main phone number
website null or WEBSITE Website URL
unit_ids JSON array of UNIT-ID Unique identifier of the Unit(s) the Amenity is associated with
address_id null or ADDRESS-ID ID reference to Address record
correlation_id null or UUID Correlation ID shared among similar Amenities that occupy different floors of the physical Venue


  "id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
  "type": "Feature",
  "feature_type": "amenity",
  "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [1.0, 2.0]
  "properties": {
    "category": "phone",
    "accessibility": ["tdd", "trs"],
    "name": null,
    "alt_name": null,
    "phone": null,
    "website": null,
    "hours": null,
    "unit_ids": ["22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222"],
    "address_id": null,
    "correlation_id": null

Property Capturing Rules


Correlation ID shared by two or more distinct Amenity records modeling the same service that exists on different Levels.

  • MUST NOT be used to correlate instances of the same Amenity that are spatially distributed across a horizontal plane
  • MUST be specified when ALL of the following conditions are present:

    • The Amenities are within Units that reference different Levels
    • The Units are within, overlap or equal one another (Illustration)
    • Only one Amenity is expected to be visible in a mapping application before a user selects a particular Level

    "...within, overlap or equal one another." is equivalent to the same amenity or convenience being physically above or physically below the pedestrian's standing position.

Geometry Capturing Rules

  • MUST model the ground-truth or approximate physical location of the represented Amenity where possible
  • SHOULD be used when no exact ground-truth based placement is possible (e.g. "wifi")
  • SHOULD be used when it is not possible to explicitly model ground-truth using a Unit (e.g. "elevator") or Fixture (e.g. "baggagecarousel")
  • Multiple Amenities MAY be within a single Unit
  • SHOULD be used when the display-point capability of a Unit or Fixture is not suitable for mapping purposes

Category Specific Rules


Amenities with a category value in the "parking" hierarchy are subject to the following additional restrictions.

  • MUST have an assigned "correlation_id" if eligibility requirements listed above are satisfied. (Illustration)


For Amenities with a category value in the "restroom" hierarchy, the following modeling approach is RECOMMENDED.

  • When multiple Units representing restrooms with dissimilar category touch:

    • Centrally locate the Amenity among the Units
    • Select an Amenity category that is suitably abstract and describes the intended purpose of all the Units of dissimilar category
  • MAY be positioned outside the boundary of a collection of Units that touch or neighbor one another when this is the most practical way to symbolize the existence of the restrooms