
OGC Discussion Paper

Discussion paper for Publish-Subscribe workflow in OGC APIs
Tom Kralidis Editor Mark Burgoyne Editor Steve Olson Editor Shane Mill Editor
Additional Formats: PDF
OGC Discussion Paper


Document number:23-013
Document type:OGC Discussion Paper
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Document stage:Published
Document language:English

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I.  Abstract

OGC APIs provide Web based capabilities which are typically based on polling for collection resource updates (new features/records items, coverages, maps, etc.). Depending on a collection’s temporal resolution or frequency of updates, an event-driven / Publish-Subscribe architecture provides a timely, efficient, and low latency approach for delivery of data updates. This paper provides recommendations on applying Publish-Subscribe architectural patterns to OGC APIs.

II.  Keywords

The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.

OGC API, Pub/Sub, Publish, Subscribe, Publish-Subscribe, Event driven architecture, Asynchronous, OGC document, OGC

III.  Preface

This document provides an overview of Publish-Subscribe patterns specific to event driven data workflows, as well as options for realizing Publish-Subscribe workflows in OGC APIs. The document builds on the OGC Publish-Subscribe White Paper (OGC document 20-081) and provides recommendations for baseline standardization within the OGC API ecosystem.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The Open Geospatial Consortium shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document and to provide supporting documentation.

IV.  Security considerations

No security considerations have been made for this document.

V.  Submitting Organizations

The following organizations submitted this Document to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC):

VI.  Submitters

All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editors or the submitters:

Steve OlsonNOAA/NWS
Tom KralidisMeteorological Service of Canada
Mark BurgoyneUK Met Office
Shane MillNOAA/NWS

1.  Scope

This Discussion Paper provides insight into the ongoing work within the OGC MetOcean Domain Working Group (MetOceanDWG) and related activities (World Meteorological Organization Information System version 2 [WIS2])) regarding Publish-Subscribe architecture. This paper makes a case for a Publish-Subscribe standard in the OGC API ecosystem.

One of the cases the authors of this paper would like to make in the OGC API — EDR Pub/Sub work is the broader appeal for the larger set of OGC API’s. The basis for this is the author’s choice for the Pub/Sub channel structure to match the OGC API “collections” structure. The overall benefit is that the building blocks of the RESTful API endpoint structure would be crosswalked as Pub/Sub channels with the only difference in syntax being dot notation for channels rather than “/” notation. This allows for a parallel access pattern between the RESTful API and Pub/Sub access.

2.  Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

IANA Link Relations

Aaron Braeckel, Lorenzo Bigagli, Johannes Echterhoff: OGC 13-131r1, OGC® Publish/Subscribe Interface Standard 1.0 — Core. Open Geospatial Consortium (2016).

OGC Publish-Subscribe White Paper (2020)

Mark Burgoyne, David Blodgett, Charles Heazel, Chris Little: OGC 19-086r5, OGC API — Environmental Data Retrieval Standard. Open Geospatial Consortium (2022).

Clemens Portele, Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos, Charles Heazel: OGC 17-069r4, OGC API — Features — Part 1: Core corrigendum. Open Geospatial Consortium (2022).

DRAFT OGC API — Records — Part 1: Core (2020)

H. Butler, M. Daly, A. Doyle, S. Gillies, S. Hagen, T. Schaub: IETF RFC 7946, The GeoJSON Format. RFC Publisher (2016).

Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP) v1.0)

MQTT Version 3.1.1 Plus Errata 01

MQTT Version 5.0

AsyncAPI Specification

Draft guidance on technical specifications of WIS 2.0

DRAFT WMO WIS2 Notification Message

DRAFT WMO WIS2 Topic Hierarchy


3.  Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms

This document uses the terms defined in OGC Policy Directive 49, which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular, the word “shall” (not “must”) is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this document and OGC documents do not use the equivalent phrases in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

This document also uses terms defined in the OGC Standard for Modular specifications (OGC 08-131r3), also known as the ‘ModSpec’. The definitions of terms such as standard, specification, requirement, and conformance test are provided in the ModSpec.

For the purposes of this document, the following additional terms and definitions apply.

This document uses the terms defined in Sub-clause 5.3 of [OGC06-121r9], which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular, the word “shall” (not “must”) is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this standard.

For the purposes of this document, the following additional terms and definitions apply.

3.1. Broker

Intermediary between Subscribers and other Publishers which have been previously registered with the Broker. The Broker is not the original producer of Messages, but acts as an intermediary, (re-)publishing messages received from other Publishers and decoupling them from their Subscribers.

3.2. Subscriber

An entity that creates a subscription to a Publisher.

3.3. Message

A container within which data (such as JSON, XML, binary data, or other content) is transported. Messages may include additional information beyond data, including headers or other metadata used for routing or security purposes.

3.4. Channel

A term (string) used to filter messages from a Broker.

3.5.  Abbreviated terms


Advanced Message Queuing Protocol


Advanced Message Queuing Protocol Secure


Application Programming Interface


Cross-Origin Resource Sharing


Geospatial JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)


Hypertext Transfer Protocol


Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure


Internet Assigned Numbers Authority


JavaScript Object Notation


Message Queuing Protocol


Message Queuing Telemetry Transport


Message Queuing Telemetry Transport Secure


Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards


Open Geospatial Consortium


Uniform Resource Identifier


WMO Information System


World Meteorological Organization


YAML Ain’t Markup Language

4.  Conventions

This section provides details and examples for any conventions used in the document. Examples of conventions are symbols, abbreviations, use of XML schema, or special notes regarding how to read the document.

4.1.  Identifiers

The normative provisions in this document are denoted by the URI

All requirements and conformance tests that appear in this document are denoted by partial URIs which are relative to this base.

5.  Overview

Event-driven workflows provide publish-subscribe based capabilities as part of information systems and architectures. The publish-subscribe model also provides efficiencies in providing data “as it happens,” thereby alleviating potential clients from continuous polling to check on the availability of new data/resources.

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has conducted significant work on event-based models and architectures. The publish-subscribe model results in less network traffic and more timely responses to manage event-based models such as urgent, temporally unpredictable data (examples include, but are not limited to weather or hazard warnings and sensor data).

Building on the OGC Publish-Subscribe Interface Standard, as well as the recommendations put forward in the OGC Pub/Sub White Paper (OGC 20-046) produced as part of OGC Testbed 12, this paper discusses approaches for integrating publish-subscribe architecture into the OGC API suite of standards.

6.  OGC API Considerations

The OGC API building block approach is typically implemented for shared components of APIs in support of polling workflows. This means the client initiates and invokes requests and receives responses from the server using HTTP. A key concept of the OGC API building blocks is the endpoint hierarchy, which can be applied for Pub/Sub workflow as follows:

The above workflow requires adherence to a hierarchy of channels and autodiscovery of channels, as well as processing of generic messages for broad interoperability by all components.

6.1.  Channels, message payloads and OGC API endpoints

The OGC API endpoint hierarchy can be used in parallel as a channel description when the data publisher wishes to provide Pub/Sub capability for OGC API resources normally available in the same way. Below are examples of OGC endpoints normally available via HTTP, and how these endpoints can be re-used as topics for Pub/Sub workflow as follows.

  • /collections: notifies Subscribers whenever there is a change to the /collections OGC API endpoint (for example, addition of a new collection). The message payload would be collection metadata as defined by OGC API — Common, or a message referencing the same.

  • /collections/{collectionId}: notifies Subscribers whenever there is an update to a single collection (for example, spatial or temporal extents, new items, etc.). The message payload would be defined by the resource model of the given collection (items, etc.), or a message referencing the same.

For smaller payload workflows, OGC APIs can additionally provide a channel for notification metadata in order to receive a smaller message payload, which a user can process to determine whether to further interact with the reference data granule or resource.

Using the OGC API endpoint hierarchy provides the key benefit that OGC API users do not need to learn a different, additional approach or hierarchy for Pub/Sub (same content, additional interface).

6.2.  AsyncAPI

Following the recommendations of the Pub/Sub White Paper, AsyncAPI provides an event-driven equivalent of what is provided by OpenAPI for OGC APIs (description of protocols, channels, parameters, models, etc.). An OGC API landing page can provide a link to an AsyncAPI document as follows:

"rel": "",
"type": "application/json",
"title": "AsyncAPI document",
"href": ""

Figure 1 — OGC API landing page AsyncAPI link example

6.3.  Providing notification metadata as an OGC API endpoint

For Brokers providing notification metadata (as opposed to actual data payloads), an OGC API can, in parallel, easily provide GeoJSON-based notification messages via an OGC API — Features endpoint. Providing message payloads via an OGC API provides the additional benefit of querying for past messages over time in case of a lost connection.

7.  Recommendations for an OGC API — Pub/Sub standard

An OGC API — Pub/Sub standard can provide the following requirements, recommendations, and permissions for server implementations.

7.1.  API conformance

It is appropriate to add a conformance class to describe that the service supports Pub/Sub with reference to the specifications needed to define the functionality. The requirements class and the conformance class with a set of conformance tests covering a variety of protocol options that ensure compliance with the standard must also be defined.

An OGC API server SHALL provide a mechanism to define the protocols and message schemas it supports following the convention in the use of OpenAPI to describe OGC API’s, as well as the /conformance endpoint. An API SHALL NOT mandate any encoding or format for the formal definition of the API. This approach has allowed OGC API’s to take advantage of industry best practices for describing functionality. At the time of this writing, AsyncAPI can be defined as the preferred option.

7.2.  API definition

A link to the Pub/Sub definition document for the service SHALL be provided on the service landing page / as a link with a defined link relation as per IANA1 or OGC API Standards.

7.3.  Protocols and interoperability

An OGC API — Pub/Sub standard SHOULD NOT prescribe a protocol. An asynchronous API definition (such as AsyncAPI or equivalent technology), SHOULD be utilized to describe the interfaces supported by a service.

7.4.  Message payloads

An OGC API — Pub/Sub server SHOULD NOT mandate a message payload, but SHALL define and advertise all payload formats/schemas as part of the API definition. Examples include (but are not limited to) GeoJSON and various OGC API response schemas of metadata or actual data payloads or references to the same.

7.5.  Channel descriptions

Channel (topic/destination/node depending on protocol) identifiers SHALL be based on the same naming hierarchy as the OGC API endpoints which are generating the events that users subscribe to.

8.  WMO WIS2 implementation

The WMO Information System 2.0 (WIS 2.0) is the framework for WMO data sharing in the 21st century for all WMO domains and disciplines. It supports the WMO Unified Data policy, the Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) and makes international, regional, and national data sharing simple, effective, and inexpensive. The idea that no WMO Member should be left behind and the objective of lowering the barrier to adoption has been at the core of WIS 2.0 development. These objectives inspire the principles underpinning the WIS 2.0 technical framework, such as adopting open standards and Web technologies to facilitate sharing of increasing variety and volume of real-time data2.

Given the real-time nature of weather/climate/water data, WIS2 makes significant use of Pub/Sub standards and technologies, and has resulted in the following draft standards:

Key core protocols and encodings of WIS2 are identified below:

A draft architecture is illustrated below, exemplifying the Pub/Sub interactions between WIS2 Nodes and the Global Broker (a WIS2 global service).

WIS2 Architecture C4 container diagram

Figure 5

8.1.  Protocols and Message Queuing Protocol (MQP) Brokers

WIS2 mandates use of a Message Queuing Protocol (MQP) using MQTT 3.1.1 and/or MQTT 5.0. MQTT can also be used over the Web using WebSockets, thereby providing the ability to build mobile and web applications.

8.2.  Notification Message

The WIS2 standard notification message format ensures that the WIS2 ecosystem (data publisher, data user, and global services) is a robust, effective, and unified exchange platform for weather, climate, and water data. The message provides notification metadata about the availability of a new data granule. The message is encoded using a GeoJSON baseline and provides detailed information on the data notification (associated datetime of the granule, publishing datetime, integrity), as well as access to the data via a link object or inline content (useful for encoding small messages). Geometry is required (given GeoJSON requirements) but can be expressed with a null value when generating the geometry in the message is not possible, practical, or timely for data publishers. To support extensibility, additional properties are also valid (given the default definition in JSON Schema).

Using a GeoJSON baseline as the message payload allows for broad interoperability given the large ecosystem of tooling (decoders, encoders) supporting the same approach. An example web application demonstrating the ease of integration can be found at

"id": "31e9d66a-cd83-4174-9429-b932f1abe1be",
"version": "v04",
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"pubtime": "2022-03-20T04:50:18.314854383Z",
"datetime": "2022-03-20T04:45:00Z",
"integrity": {
"method": "sha512",
"value": "A2KNxvks...S8qfSCw=="
"data_id": "wis2/CAN/eccc-msc/data/core/weather/surface-based-obs/landFixed/UANT01_CWAO_200445___15103.bufr4",
"content": {
"encoding": "utf-8",
"value": "encoded bytes from the file",
"size": 457
"links": [
"href": "",
"rel": "canonical",
"type": "application/x-bufr"

Figure 6 — Example of a WIS2 Notification Message

8.3.  Topic hierarchy

The WIS2 topic hierarchy provides a central classification and categorization scheme used by data providers and WIS2 Global Services in support of core WIS2 workflows: publish, discover, subscribe, and download, and is aligned with and implements WMO Res. 1 Cg-EXT-21 — Unified Data Policy5. The topic hierarchy defines eight (8) core levels for all WIS2 data and provides an extensibility framework for specific information communities (atmospheric composition, cryosphere, etc.) to define their own hierarchy as subdomains.

Combined with implementing MQP brokers, the topic hierarchy allows for subscribing and filtering of notification messages by data consumers.

Annex A
Examples (Informative)

A.1.  Pub/Sub API Description Example

The API is described using the AysncAPI 2.5.0 specification and an example response can be found below:

Example 1

    asyncapi: '2.5.0'
        title: AsyncAPI demo
        version: '0.0.1'
        description: |
            AsyncAPI description of the proposed Pub/Sub functionality
            name: Contact Name

            protocol: mqtt
            description: MQTT endpoint
                - user-password: []
    defaultContentType: application/json

                    $ref: '#/components/messages/collection_msg'
                    $ref: '#/components/messages/collection_msg'
                    $ref: '#/components/messages/collection_msg'
                    $ref: '#/components/messages/wthr_stn_msg'
                    $ref: '#/components/messages/stream_gage_msg'

                description: collection updated notification
                    type: object
                        - id
                        - href
                            type: string
                            description: collection name
                            type: string
                            format: date-time
                            description: time collection changed
                            type: string
                            format: uri
                            description: URL of the changed collection
                description: An observation formatted as GeoJSON
                    type: object
                    additionalProperties: false
                            type: string
                            type: string
                            type: object
                                    type: string
                                    type: array
                                    type: number
                                    format: float
                            type: object
                                    type: string
                                    format: date-time
                                    type: string
                                    type: number
                                    format: float
                                    type: number
                                    format: float
                                    type: number
                                    format: float
                                    type: number
                                    format: float
                                    type: number
                                    format: float
                                    type: number
                                    format: float
                                    type: number
                                    format: float
                description: Monitoring station data formatted as GeoJSON
                    type: object
                    additionalProperties: false
                            type: string
                            type: string
                            type: object
                                    type: string
                                    type: array
                                    type: number
                                    format: float
                        type: array
                                type: object
                                        type: string
                                       type: string
                                       type: string
                                        type: string
                                    format: uri
                        type: object
                                type: string
                                format: date-time
                                type: string
                                type: array
                                    type: string
                                type: string
                                format: uri
                type: userPassword

Breaking down into the components:

Example 2

    asyncapi: '2.5.0'
        title: AsyncAPI demo
        version: '0.0.1'
        description: |
            AsyncAPI description of the proposed Pub/Sub functionality
            name: Contact Name
  • The asyncapi field indicates the user should use the AsyncAPI version 2.5.0.

  • The info field holds information about the API, such as its name, version, description, and license.

Example 3

            protocol: mqtt
            protocolVersion: 3.1.1
            description: MQTT endpoint
                - user-password: []
  • Each server object provides the following fields:

    • url: URL of the target broker (this may be relative to the API document);

    • protocol: Pub/Sub protocol supported by the server;

    • protocolVersion: version of the Pub/Sub protocol supported by the server;

    • description: string describing the host; and

    • security: reference to supported authentication types.

Example 4

                    $ref: '#/components/messages/collection_msg'
                    $ref: '#/components/messages/collection_msg'
                    $ref: '#/components/messages/collection_msg'
                    $ref: '#/components/messages/wthr_stn_msg'
                    $ref: '#/components/messages/stream_gage_msg'
  • The channels section lists the events a user can subscribe to and can provide a schema for the associated message payloads.

  • In the example the following events can be subscribed to:

    • collections

    • collections/wthr_stn

    • collections/stream_gage

    • collections/wthr_stn/items

    • collections/stream_gage/items

Example 5

  • As in the OpenAPI specification, the components section is used to define reusable objects for different aspects of the AsyncAPI specification.

Annex B
Revision History

Table B.1

DateReleaseEditorPrimary clauses modifiedDescription
2022-11-220.1S. Olsonallinitial version
2023-01-150.2T. Kralidisallbootstrap
2023-01-180.2.1C. Littlealleditorial changes
2023-01-190.2.2M. Burgoynealleditorial changes
2023-01-210.2.3S. Olson/S. Millalleditorial changes
2023-01-250.3M. Burgoynealladded annex
2023-01-250.3M. Burgoynealladded annex
2023-01-260.3T. Kralidisallupdates based on MetOceanDWG 2022-01-26 meeting


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– Actual References:

[n] Journal: Author Surname, A.: Title. Publication Title. Volume number, Issue number, Pages Used (Year Published)

[1]  OGC: OGC Testbed 12 Annex B: Architecture (2015).