i. Abstract
Publish/Subscribe 1.0 is an interface specification that supports the core components and concepts of the Publish/Subscribe message exchange pattern with OGC Web Services. The Publish/Subscribe pattern complements the Request/Reply pattern specified by many existing OGC Web Services. This specification may be used either in concert with, or independently of, existing OGC Web Services to publish data of interest to interested Subscribers.
Publish/Subscribe 1.0 primarily addresses subscription management capabilities such as creating a subscription, renewing a subscription, and unsubscribing. However, this standard also allows Publish/Subscribe services to advertise and describe the supported message delivery protocols such as SOAP messaging, ATOM, and AMQP. Message delivery protocols should be considered to be independent of the Publish/Subscribe 1.0 standard. Therefore, OGC Publish/Subscribe only includes metadata relating to message delivery protocols in sufficient detail to allow for different implementations of Publish/Subscribe 1.0 to interoperate.
This specification defines Publish/Subscribe functionality independently of the binding technology (e.g., KVP, SOAP, REST). Extensions to this specification may realize these core concepts with specific binding technologies.
ii. Keywords
The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.
ogcdoc pubsub core specification
iii. Preface
The OGC® Abstract Specification does not require any changes to accommodate the technical contents of this document.
No future work is currently anticipated.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The Open Geospatial Consortium shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document, and to provide supporting documentation.
iii. Submitting organizations
The following organizations submitted this Document to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC):
- National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
- National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
- International Geospatial Services Institute (iGSI) GmbH
- CubeWerx, Inc.
- Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA)
iv. Submitters
All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editor or the submitters:
Name | Representing | OGC member |
Aaron Braeckel | NCAR | Yes |
Lorenzo Bigagli | CNR | Yes |
Johannes Echterhoff | interactive instruments | Yes |
Panagiotis (Peter) Vretanos | CubeWerx, Inc. | Yes |
Chris MacDermaid | CIRA | Yes |
1. Scope
This OGC standard defines core concepts and mechanisms for enabling the Publish/Subscribe messaging pattern with OGC Web Services. Publish/Subscribe may be used independently of or in conjunction with the Request/Reply messaging pattern.
This standard defines a common Publish/Subscribe conceptual framework and functionality, independently of specific binding technologies (e.g., KVP, SOAP, REST).
Reliable delivery of messages (i.e. assurance that messages that are sent are actually delivered) is out of scope for this specification, as reliable delivery techniques are dependent on the delivery method. Extensions to this specification may specify requirements and conformance for reliable delivery.
Authorization, authentication, and access control are not addressed in this specification. Extensions to this specification may specify requirements and conformance for security-related functionality.
2. Conformance
Conformance with this standard shall be checked using the relevant tests specified in Annex A (normative) of this document. The framework, concepts, and methodology for testing, and the criteria to be achieved to claim conformance are specified in the OGC Compliance Testing Policies and Procedures and the OGC Compliance Testing web site[1].
This standard distinguishes several conceptual roles for entities participating in Publish/Subscribe interactions: Sender, Receiver, Subscriber, and Publisher (defined in Clause 4). However, this standard only defines conformance requirements for the following Standardization Target Types.
- Publisher – entity that offers publications to Subscribers.
- Receiver– entity that receives messages from Senders (e.g. a Publisher).
This standard defines the Conformance Classes summarized in Table 1 and shown in Figure 1.
Requirements and conformance test URIs defined in this document are relative to
Conformance Class Name |
Conformance Target |
Operation or behavior |
Conformance Class URI |
Basic Receiver |
Receiver |
The Receiver shall implement the following operation: · Notify |
/conf/core/basic-receiver |
Basic Publisher |
Publisher |
The Publisher shall implement the following operations: · Subscribe · Renew · Unsubscribe |
/conf/core/basic-publisher |
Standalone Publisher |
Publisher |
The Publisher
shall implement the Basic Publisher conformance class. · GetCapabilities · GetSubscription |
/conf/core/standalone-publisher |
Pausable Publisher |
Publisher |
The Publisher
shall implement the Basic Publisher conformance class. · Pause · Resume |
/conf/core/pausable-publisher |
Message Batching Publisher |
Publisher |
The Publisher
shall implement the Basic Publisher conformance class. |
/conf/core/message-batching-publisher |
Heartbeat Publisher |
Publisher |
The Publisher
shall implement the Basic Publisher conformance class. |
/conf/core/heartbeat-publisher |
Brokering Publisher |
Publisher |
The Publisher
shall implement the Standalone Publisher conformance class. · RegisterPublisher · RemovePublisher · GetPublisher
/conf/core/brokering-publisher |
Publication Manager |
Publisher |
The Publisher
shall implement the Basic Publisher conformance class. · CreatePublication · RemovePublication |
/conf/core/publication-manager |
Capabilities Filtering |
Publisher |
The Publisher
shall implement the Standalone Publisher conformance class. |
/conf/core/capabilities-filtering |
The relationships between conformance classes are shown below in Figure 1.
All requirements-classes and conformance-classes described in this document are owned by the standard(s) identified.
3. References
This OGC Publish/Subscribe 1.0 Core standard consists of the present document. An associated XML Schema is provided for consistency among extensions to this standard. For this standard, the provided XML Schema may be considered informative.
The complete OGC Publish/Subscribe 1.0specification is identified by OGC URI http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0. It is available for download from http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/pubsub. The informative XML Schema is posted on-line at http://schemas.opengis.net/pubsub/1.0 as part of the OGC schema repository.
The following normative documents contain provisions, which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
- ISO/TS 19103:2005, Geographic information — Conceptual schema language
- OGC 06-121r3, OGC Web Services Common Specification, OGC® Implementation Standard 1.1.0 (9 February 2007)
- W3C XML Schema Part 1, XML Schema Part 1: Structures, W3C Recommendation (2 May 2001)
- W3C XML Schema Part 2, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, W3C Recommendation (2 May 2001).
4. Terms and Definitions
This document uses the terms defined in Sub-clause 5.3 of [OGC 06-121r3], which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular, the word “shall” (not “must”) is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this standard.
For the purposes of this document, the following additional terms and definitions apply.
- 4.1 Message
A container within which data (such as XML, binary data, or other content) is transported. Messages may include additional information beyond data, including headers or other information used for routing or security purposes.
- 4.2 Publication
A uniquely identified aggregation of messages published by a Publisher over time. A Publisher may offer any number of publications that Subscribers may subscribe to.
- 4.3 Publisher
An entity that offers publications to Subscribers; supports subscription management (subscribe, unsubscribe) and is responsible for filtering and matching messages of interest to active subscriptions.
- 4.4 Receiver
An entity that receives messages from Senders; may (but need not) be the original Subscriber.
- 4.5 Sender
Entity that sends messages to Receivers; may (but need not) be the initial creator/producer of the data in the message payload.
- 4.6 Subscriber
Entity that creates a subscription at a Publisher; may (but need not) be the Receiver of delivered messages.
- 4.7 Subscription
Expression of interest in all or part of a publication offered by a Publisher. When a subscription has been created, the Publisher delivers messages that match the subscription criteria to the Receiver defined in the subscription.
5. Conventions
5.1 Abbreviations
In this document the following abbreviations and acronyms are used or introduced:
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
MEP Message Exchange Pattern
OGC Open Geospatial Consortium
OMG Object Management Group
UML Unified Modeling Language (an object modeling language)
XML eXtensible Markup Language
5.2 UML Notation
All symbols used in this document are UML 2 (Unified Modeling Language) as defined by OMG and accepted as a publicly available standard by ISO in its earlier 1.3 version.
All classes in this standard are extensible and may be extended with application- or domain-specific content via Extension blocks.
The UML shown in this standard is considered conceptual and abstract, and should not be interpreted as an implementation strategy for bindings that extend and implement this standard. For example, TM_Instant from ISO 19108 is used to represent time instants for conceptual clarity, but bindings and implementations of this standard may realize TM_Instant as a GML TimeInstant, an ISO 8601 date string, or any other representation that is consistent with TM_Instant.
5.3 Referencing Conventions
This standard references UML classes from other specifications. When referencing UML classes not defined in this standard, the class name will be qualified with the document of origin. For example, a reference to the ISO 19108 TM_Instant is referenced as:
TM_Instant [see ISO/TS 19103:2005]
Many referenced UML classes are instantiated as XML schema, such as the GML realization of ISO TC211 standards. This standard only normatively references UML representations.
6. Publish/Subscribe Overview
Two primary parties characterize the publish/subscribe model: a Publisher that is publishing information and a Subscriber that is interested in all or part of the published information. The publish/subscribe messaging model is distinguished from the request/reply model by the use of an ongoing, persistent, expression of interest (a subscription) and the asynchronous delivery of messages that match a subscription.
The entity subscribing for published information (the Subscriber) and the entity to which data is delivered (the Receiver) are often one and the same. However, they are distinguished in this standard to allow for these roles to be segregated in cases such as a system component mass-subscribing on behalf of the ultimate Receivers of messages.
Similarly, while the Publisher and Sender roles may be segregated they are often implemented as the same entity. Senders may be unaware of the ultimate recipients of their messages and of the architecture of the system into which they deliver messages, such as with multi-cast delivery or ATOM feeds.
While multiple entities (Publisher, Subscriber, Sender, and Receiver) are distinguished in this Clause, requirements are only allocated against Publishers and Receivers in this standard.
6.1 Publish/Subscribe workflow
The publish/subscribe workflow is depicted in Figure 2.
The first step to initiate a publish/subscribe message exchange is the creation of a subscription. A subscription defines which messages available at the Publisher are of interest to the Subscriber. The Subscriber is an entity that creates a subscription on behalf of a Receiver using the Subscribe operation on a Publisher (1.0). If the Publisher accepts the subscribe request, it creates a subscription (1.1) and returns a response informing the requester of the outcome of its request – either success or an exception (1.2).
When a subscription is submitted, a Subscriber may supply filter criteria. Filter expressions evaluate to a boolean value for each individual message. Those messages that evaluate to true for all filter expressions on a subscription are considered to have matched. Filter criteria can filter by message content (such as XPath or OGC Filter Specification), by message metadata (such as header content), or by other criteria.
Whenever a new message is available to the Publisher, it attempts to match it against each subscription (2.0). If the message matches the filter criteria of a subscription the Publisher initiates Sender delivery to the location and/or Receiver specified for the subscription (2.1). Messages are delivered asynchronously as they become available on the Publisher.
Every subscription has a defined time at which it expires. When that time is reached the Publisher terminates the subscription. The Renew operation may be utilized (3.0) to set a new termination time for a subscription. If the Publisher accepts the request, the new termination time is set on the subscription and the Publisher returns a response (3.1) informing the Subscriber of the outcome of the request.
Termination of a subscription may be requested any time after the subscription was created using the Unsubscribe operation (4.0). If the Publisher accepts the request, it terminates the subscription (4.1) and returns a response (4.2) informing the Subscriber of the outcome of the request.
7. Requirements Class: Basic Receiver
Requirements Class | |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/basic-receiver | |
Target type |
Receiver |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-receiver/notify |
This Requirements Class specifies the basic operation of a Receiver:
Notify– delivery of a message to the Receiver. In the context of Publish/Subscribe this is often the delivery of a message that matches the filter criteria of a given subscription.
7.1 Notify operation
The Notify operation is offered by a Receiver to allow the delivery of a message.
In the context of Publish/Subscribe a Sender may use the Notify operation to deliver a message that matches the filter criteria of a subscription to the Receiver associated with that subscription. Some pull-based message delivery methods, such as ATOM, do not require that the Receiver to implement this requirements class for message delivery.
Req 1 - /req/core/basic-receiver/notify |
A Receiver shall offer the Notify operation |
7.1.1 Request
The Notify operation is based on the fundamental datagram pattern, where a single message is sent from one system entity to another (the Receiver), without expecting a response. Therefore, it need not be the same as the Request/Response message exchange pattern.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
message |
The content of the message. |
Any |
One (Mandatory) |
7.1.2 Response
No response is expected/defined for the Notify operation.
7.1.3 Exceptions
No exception is defined for the Notify operation.
8. Requirements Class: Basic Publisher
Requirements Class | |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/basic-publisher | |
Target type |
Publisher |
Dependency |
http://www.opengis.net/doc/IS/OWS/1.1/clause/8 |
Dependency |
http://www.opengis.net/doc/IS/OWS/1.1/clause/10 |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-conf-class-listing |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-filtercapabilities |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-unique-filter-languages |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-deliverycapabilities |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-unique-delivery-method |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-publications |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/publication-valid-filter-language |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/publication-bounding-box |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/publication-valid-delivery-method |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/publication-unique-publication-id |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/validating-exceptions |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/exception-version |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/subscribe |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/subscribe-assign-unique-id |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/subscribe-default-termination-time |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/match-active-subscriptions |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/match-inactive-subscriptions |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/interrupt-matching |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/termination |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/filter-id |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/valid-filter-id |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/subscribe-exceptions |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe-halt-matching |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe-exception-state |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe-exceptions |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/renew |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/renew-update-termination-time |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/renew-exception-state |
Requirement |
/req/core/basic-publisher/renew-exceptions |
This Requirements Class specifies the basic Publish/Subscribe operations of a Publisher:
Subscribe- allows for the creation of subscriptions against publications offered by a Publisher;
Renew- allows for the renewal of a subscription on a Publisher; and
Unsubscribe- allows for removal of a subscription on a Publisher.
Additionally this Requirements Class specifies Publish/Subscribe capabilities metadata that is offered in response to a GetCapabilities operation, whether offered as a Publish/Subscribe GetCapabilities as defined in Clause 9 or through a GetCapabilities operation defined by another OGC Web Service - such as the OGC Web Feature Service (WFS). This Requirements Class does not define a GetCapabilities operation, only the capabilities metadata that is offered by a Publish/Subscribe service.
All classes defined in this standard are extensible and may therefore contain additional parameters that can be used and/or defined by an extension.
8.1 Capabilities metadata
Capabilities metadata for a Publisher is defined in three parts: filtering capabilities (Clause 8.1.1), delivery capabilities (Clause 8.1.2), and published contents (Clause 8.1.3).
These components are each offered as the result of a GetCapabilities operation, either defined by the Standalone Publisher Requirements Class (Clause 9) or another OGC web service. In the latter case an existing GetCapabilities operation is extended with Publisher metadata.
This Standard does not specify mechanisms for incorporating Publisher capabilities metadata into other OGC web services
Publish/Subscribe conformance classes are advertised with the Profile section of the ServiceIdentification portion of Capabilities documents.
Req 2 - /req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-conf-class-listing |
A Publisher shall advertise conformance classes which are supported by the server. Each supported conformance class shall be identified by a unique value of the Profile property of the ServiceIdentification section of the capabilities document, and the Publisher shall pass all tests defined for each listed conformance class |
8.1.1 FilterCapabilities
The FilterCapabilities data type describes the filtering-related capabilities of a Publisher. A Publisher may support specific filter languages, such as the OGC Filter Encoding Spec or XPath, that is used by a Subscriber to define a subset of messages of interest on a subscription. In order to support the creation of filtered subscription requests, the Publisher provides metadata about the filter languages it supports, if any.
The FilterLanguage type contains information about the filter languages that the Publisher supports for matching messages against subscriptions.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
description |
The abstract, title, and other human-readable descriptive information |
Description [see OGC 06-121r3] |
Zero to one (Optional) |
identifierA |
A unique identifier for the FilterLanguage on this Publisher |
One (Mandatory) |
supportedCapabilities |
Formal definition of the capabilities supported by the service regarding this FilterLanguage. For example, this can include the FES FilterCapabilities, supported operators/operands, filter parameter ranges, etc. |
Any |
Zero to one (Optional) |
A. Example identifiers include “http://www.opengis.net/fes/2.0” and “http://www.opengis.net/wcs/1.1”, the latter indicating support for WCS 1.1 filtering mechanisms |
FilterLanguage identifiers are provided to the Subscribeoperation along with the actual filter specified in that language. For example, the Subscribe operation may be executed with the XPath filter language identifier (e.g., “http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath”) along with the specific XPath (e.g., “/messageType1”) that defines the messages of interest. The OGC Filter Encoding Specification (see ISO 19143 / OGC 09-026) is an example of a filter language that may be relevant for a Publisher associated with a Web Feature Service (WFS).
FilterLanguage identifiers are advertised for specific publications as part of the Publications data type. Publishers may choose to support a different set of filter languages for each publication. FilterLanguage identifiers advertised in FilterCapabilities need not be associated with any publication offered by the Publisher, such as cases where no publications are offered or the set of offered publications varies over time.
Req 3 - /req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-filtercapabilities |
A Publisher shall return a FilterCapabilities structure within its GetCapabilities response |
Req 4 - /req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-unique-filter-languages |
A Publisher shall uniquely identify each offered FilterLanguage included in FilterCapabilities |
8.1.2 DeliveryCapabilities
A Publisher must support a set of delivery methods that a Subscriber can use to define a method for delivering messages of interest on a subscription. The DeliveryCapabilities type describes the set of delivery methods supported by a Publisher, such as ATOM, AMQP, or SOAP over HTTP.
The DeliveryMethod type contains information on a single method by which a Publisher can deliver messages.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
description |
The abstract, title, and other human-readable descriptive information |
Description [see OGC 06-121r3] |
Zero to one (Optional) |
identifierA |
A unique identifier for the DeliveryMethod on this Publisher |
One (Mandatory) |
supportedCapabilities |
The capabilities supported by the service regarding this DeliveryMethod. For may include information such as which portions of AMQP are supported and which SOAP version is supported |
Any |
Zero to one (Optional) |
A. Examples identifiers include “http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http” and “http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom” |
Req 5 - /req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-deliverycapabilities |
A Publisher shall return a DeliveryCapabilities structure within its GetCapabilities response |
Req 6 - /req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-unique-delivery-method |
A Publisher shall uniquely identify each offered DeliveryMethod included in the PublisherCapabilities |
8.1.3 Publications
The contents offered by a Publisher are described in the Publications type. The Publications type includes all of the offered publications that Subscribers can subscribe to. The Publication type contains information on an individual publication.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
description |
A human-readable description |
DescriptionType [see OGC 06-121r3] |
Zero to one (Optional) |
identifier |
A unique identifier |
One (Mandatory) |
contentType |
The content type of the published data contents (e.g. “application/weather+xml”, “text/plain”) |
MimeType [see OGC 06-121r3] |
One to many (Mandatory) |
supportedFilterLanguage |
The filter languages that are supported for filtering this publication |
Zero to many (Optional) |
supportedDeliveryMethod |
The supported delivery methods for this publication |
One to many (Mandatory) |
boundingBox |
The area of interest of the published data contents. If multiple bounding boxes are included, this shall be interpreted as the union of the areas of these bounding boxes |
BoundingBox [see OGC 06-121r3] |
Zero to many (Optional) |
metadata |
Additional metadata on this publication |
Metadata [see OGC 06-121r3] |
Zero to one (Optional) |
formalContentDefinition |
The identifier of the language used to describe the formal publication content definition (e.g., "http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema/1.0”) |
Zero to many (Optional) |
formalContentDefinition |
A formal definition of the published data contents. This may take the form of an XML schema or other machine-readable definition for the publication |
Any |
Zero to many (Optional) |
Publication content types specify the media/MIME type of the published content. A publication may be offered in multiple formats, such as ‘application/xml’ and ‘application/json’.
Publication bounding boxes carry the same meaning as that used for [OGC 06-121r3]. Specifically, publications may have any number of bounding boxes whose union describes the extent of the published contents.
Req 7 - /req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-publications |
A Publisher shall return a Publications structure within its GetCapabilities response |
Req 8 - /req/core/basic-publisher/publication-valid-filter-language |
Each supportedFilterLanguage of a Publication shall correspond to one of the FilterLanguage identifiers advertised in the FilterCapabilities |
Req 9 - /req/core/basic-publisher/publication-valid-delivery-method |
Each supportedDeliveryMethod of a Publication shall correspond to one of the DeliveryMethod identifiers advertised in the DeliveryCapabilities |
Req 10 - /req/core/basic-publisher/publication-unique-publication-id |
The identifier on each Publication shall be unique among all other Publication identifiers on the Publisher |
8.2 Exception usage
In the event that a Publisher encounters an error while processing a request or receives an invalid request, it shall generate an OWS Exception indicating that an error has occurred. The form of the error response is specified by the ExceptionReport defined in Clause 8 of the OWS Common Specification [OGC 06-121r3].
Req 11 - /req/core/basic-publisher/valid-exceptions |
A Publisher shall issue Exceptions that incorporate an ExceptionReport valid according to Clause 8 of the OWS Common Specification [OGC 06-121r3] |
The mandatory version parameter is used to indicate the version of the service exception report, which shall be “1.0.0”. The optional language may be used to indicate the language used. The code list for the language parameter is defined in [IETF RFC 4646].
Req 12 - /req/core/basic-publisher/exception-version |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions with the ExceptionReport version set to the value “1.0.0” |
Individual exception messages are contained within the OWS ExceptionText. The mandatory code is used to associate an exception code with the accompanying message. The optional locator may be used to indicate where an exception was encountered in the request that generated the error.
Multiple exceptions may be reported in a single exception report so implementations should endeavor to report as many exceptions as necessary to clearly describe a problem.
8.3 Subscribe operation
The Subscribe operation is offered by the Publisher to allow Subscribers to subscribe for messages. To invoke the Subscribe operation, a Subscriber sends a Subscribe request message to the Publisher. The Publisher then processes the request and determines if the proposed subscription is acceptable. If so, the Publisher creates a subscription and returns a SubscribeResponse. If it is not acceptable or problems occur while processing the request, the Publisher returns an exception.
Req 13 - /req/core/basic-publisher/subscribe |
The Publisher shall offer the Subscribe operation |
8.3.1 Subscription
Subscribers express their interest in a specific set of messages that are available to a Publisher with a subscription. When a subscription has been submitted to a Publisher, the Publisher delivers messages that match the subscription criteria to the location defined by the subscription.
A Publisher creates a subscription when it accepts a Subscribe request. The subscription has a well-defined termination time. That time is an absolute point in time in the future.
The termination time defines the point in time at which the Publisher terminates the subscription. A subscription can be terminated at any time by explicitly requesting its termination (see Unsubscribe in Clause 8.4). In addition, the termination time of a subscription can be updated to a different time (see Renew in Clause 8.5) at a later point in time.
The subscription filter is used to express the interest in a certain set of messages. The filter itself is an expression evaluating to a boolean value. Filter languages may support logical combinations of filter expressions, such as the OGC Filter Encoding Specification (see ISO 19143 / OGC 09-026).
A subscription has the properties shown in the following figure.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
identifier |
A unique identifier for the subscription on the Publisher. Assigned by the Publisher when the subscription is created |
One (Mandatory) |
publicationIdentifier |
The identifier of the publication to which the subscription applies |
One (Mandatory) |
terminationTime |
The time at which the subscription is set to terminate |
TM_Instant [see ISO/TS 19103:2005] |
One (Mandatory) |
filter |
An expression of interest that evaluates to a Boolean value (true/false) when applied to messages published in a publication. If missing, no messages from the publication are excluded (all messages are delivered for the subscription) |
Any |
Zero to one (Optional) |
filterLanguageId |
The identifier of the filter language used to encode the filter. Must be one of the advertised supportedFilterLanguages for the publication |
Zero to one (Optional)
Required if filter is present |
deliveryLocation |
The location to which messages are delivered |
Any |
One (Mandatory) |
deliveryMethod |
The method used to deliver messages. Must be one of the advertised delivery methods for the publication |
One (Mandatory) |
deliveryParameter |
Delivery-related parameter that allows for messages to be delivered to the specified delivery location using the delivery method |
Any |
Zero to many (Optional) |
contentType |
The media type of the data contents for the subscription |
MimeType [see OGC 06-121r3] |
One (Mandatory) |
Req 14 - /req/core/basic-publisher/subscribe-assign-unique-id |
A Publisher shall assign a unique identifier to each created subscription |
Req 15 - /req/core/basic-publisher/subscribe-default-termination-time |
A Publisher shall assign a default terminationTime to created subscriptions if not provided by the Subscriber |
The lifecycle of a subscription is shown in Figure 8. The matching process takes place against all active subscriptions whenever a new message is available to the Publisher.
Req 16 - /req/core/basic-publisher/match-active-subscriptions |
A Publisher shall match messages against all active subscriptions |
Req 17 - /req/core/basic-publisher/match-inactive-subscriptions |
A Publisher shall cease matching and delivery of messages when subscriptions move to an inactive or terminated state |
The Publisher performs matching by evaluating the filter against the new message. If the boolean value of the filter evaluates to “true” for a message, then the message matches the subscription. If no filter is defined, all messages match for the publication defined in the subscription. When a message matches, the Publisher is responsible for delivering it to the Receiver specified in the subscription.
The Basic Publisher conformance class requires that the Publisher attempt to deliver matching messages once. This does not prevent repeated attempts to deliver the message or the use of additional mechanisms to guarantee the message delivery. The delivery method and/or transport mechanism may provide additional delivery guarantees for messages.
The Publisher starts matching new messages against a subscription once that subscription has been created. This can happen at any time after it received the request to create that subscription, and must happen before a SubscribeResponse is returned. Therefore, the Receiver specified for a new subscription should be ready to receive incoming messages before the Subscriber has received the SubscribeResponse.
Likewise, the Publisher stops matching new messages against a subscription once it has been terminated. Message matching and message delivery are independent; message matching will cease after termination, but messages that have previously matched may still be delivered.
Req 18 - /req/core/basic-publisher/interrupt-matching |
When a Publisher terminates a subscription it shall interrupt all unfinished matching processes for this subscription |
Req 19 - /req/core/basic-publisher/termination |
A Publisher shall terminate a subscription when its termination time is reached |
8.3.2 Request
A Subscriber sends a Subscribe request to the Publisher in order to create a new subscription.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
publicationIdentifier |
The publication to which the subscription applies |
One (Mandatory) |
terminationTime |
The requested termination time for the subscription. Must be in the future |
TimeInstant [see ISO/TS 19103:2005] |
Zero to one (Optional) |
filter |
The filter to be applied to the publication for the subscription. |
Zero to one (Optional) |
filterLanguageId |
The identifier of the filter language used to encode the filter. Must be one of the advertised supportedFilterLanguages for the publication |
Zero to one (Optional)
Required if filter is present |
deliveryLocation |
The location where information will be delivered |
Any |
Zero to one (Optional) |
deliveryMethod |
The method used to deliver messages for this subscription. Must be from the list of advertised delivery methods for the publication |
Zero to one (Optional) |
deliveryParameter |
Delivery-related parameter that allows for messages to be delivered to the specified delivery location using the specified delivery method |
Any |
Zero to many (Optional) |
contentType |
The content type of the data contents for the subscription. Must be from the list of advertised content types for the publication |
MimeType [see OGC 06-121r3] |
Zero to one (Optional)
Required if the publication is available in more than one content types |
The deliveryLocation parameter defines the system endpoint where the Publisher should send messages that match the filter criteria of the requested subscription. The deliveryLocation parameter is optional, as in some cases the Publisher may assign a deliveryLocation to the subscription rather than accept a deliveryLocation from a Subscriber. Extensions to the Basic Publisher conformance class (e.g. bindings) may specialize the use of this parameter.
For example, in WS-BaseNotification[2] it is mandatory to specify an endpoint in a Subscribe request. In a RESTful binding with ATOM-based delivery, the Publisher might create an ATOM feed to which all messages matching a given subscription are sent. In the latter case, the Publisher determines the delivery location and will raise an Exception if one is provided in the Subscribe request.
When a Subscribe request includes a deliveryMethod it must be among those listed in the DeliveryCapabilities section of the PublisherCapabilities document.
The terminationTime parameter defines the requested time when a subscription terminates. That time must be an absolute time in the future. The Publisher may choose to reject the requested termination time with an Exception.
The filter parameter in a Subscribe request defines which messages match the requested subscription, i.e., it defines the subset of messages available in a publication that are of interest to the Subscriber.
The filterLanguageId parameter defines the language using for encoding the Filter in the Subscribe request. The supported filter languages are advertised in the supportedFilterLanguage of each Publication, and in the FilterCapabilities of the Publisher.
Req 20 - /req/core/basic-publisher/filter-id |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the Subscribe request includes a filter, but does not include a filterLanguageId |
Req 21 - /req/core/basic-publisher/valid-filter-id |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the Subscribe request includes a filterLanguageId that does not correspond to a supportedFilterLanguage for the publication |
The contentType parameter defines the format of the data contents for the subscription. Must be from the list of content types for the publication, advertised in the Publications of the service instance. It can be omitted if there is only one content type advertised for the Publication.
Req 22 - /req/core/basic-publisher/content-type |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the Subscribe request does not include a contentType and the offered Publication advertises multiple content types |
8.3.3 Response
If the request is accepted and no Exception is raised, the Publisher creates a new subscription with information from the Subscribe request, determines any other information not provided by the Subscriber (such as delivery location, termination, etc.) and returns a SubscribeResponse. The SubscribeResponse includes the complete and valid subscription that was created.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
subscription |
The newly created subscription |
Subscription |
One (Mandatory) |
8.3.4 Exceptions
Exceptions raised as a result of the Subscribe operation are described below.
Req 23 - /req/core/basic-publisher/subscribe-exceptions |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 9 when executing the Subscribe operation |
Exception Code | Description | Locator Values |
InvalidPublicationIdentifier |
The referenced publication is unknown to the Publisher |
Comma-separated list of invalid publication identifiers |
TerminationUnacceptable |
The requested termination time is not acceptable for the Publisher |
Comma-separated list of unacceptable termination times |
PastTermination |
The requested termination time is in the past |
Comma-separated list of unacceptable termination times |
InvalidDeliveryMethod |
The DeliveryMethod identifier is unknown to this Publisher |
Comma-separated list of unacceptable DeliveryMethod identifiers |
InvalidFilter |
The requested filter is not valid for the subscription or Publisher |
XPath to invalid request filter section, or other relevant request location information |
MissingParameterValue |
Operation request does not include a parameter value, and this server did not declare a default value for that parameter |
Name of missing parameter |
InvalidParameterValue |
Operation request contains an invalid parameter value |
Name of parameter with invalid value |
NoApplicableCode |
No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
8.4 Unsubscribe operation
The Unsubscribe operation allows Subscribers to terminate a subscription. To invoke the Unsubscribe operation, a client sends an Unsubscribe request message to the Publisher. The Publisher then processes the request and determines if it is acceptable. If so, the Publisher terminates the subscription identified in the request and returns an Unsubscribe operation response. If it is not acceptable or problems occur while processing the request, the Publisher returns an exception.
Req 24 - /req/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe |
The Publisher shall offer the Unsubscribe operation |
8.4.1 Request
The Unsubscribe request identifies the subscription that the client wants to terminate, as shown in Figure 11.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
subscriptionIdentifier |
The identifier of the subscription to be terminated |
One (Mandatory) |
8.4.2 Response
If the request is accepted and no Exception is raised, the Publisher terminates the subscription and ceases message matching. Undelivered messages that matched before termination may be delivered after termination.
Req 25 - /req/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe-halt-matching |
A Publisher shall cease subscription matching for the subscription identified in the Unsubscribe request |
8.4.3 Exceptions
Exceptions raised as a result of the Unsubscribe operation are described below. Unsuccessful Unsubscribe requests do not change any subscription state.
Req 26 - /req/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe-exception-state |
A Publisher shall leave subscription state unchanged when an Exception occurs during the Unsubscribe operation |
Req 27 - /req/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe-exceptions |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 11 when executing the Unsubscribe operation |
Exception Code | Description | Locator Values |
InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier |
The requested subscription is unknown to the Publisher. |
Comma-separated list of invalid subscription identifiers |
NoApplicableCode |
No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
8.5 Renew operation
The Renew operation allows subscribers to set the termination time on a subscription to a new time. This new time may be before or after the current termination time.
A subscription that has already been terminated (either automatically expired or explicitly via the Unsubscribe operation) cannot be renewed.
To invoke the Renew operation, a client sends a Renew request message to the Publisher. The Publisher then processes the request and determines if the proposed termination time is acceptable.
If so, the Publisher updates the subscription and returns a RenewResponse. If it is not acceptable or problems occur while processing the request, the Publisher returns an exception.
Req 28 - /req/core/basic-publisher/renew |
The Publisher shall offer the Renew operation |
8.5.1 Request
A client sends a Renew request to the Publisher in order to update the termination time of an existing subscription.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
subscriptionIdentifier |
Unique identifier for the subscription |
One (Mandatory) |
newTerminationTime |
The new date and time when the identified subscription is requested to terminate. The new termination time cannot be in the past |
TM_Instant [see ISO/TS 19103:2005] |
One (Mandatory) |
Req 29 - /req/core/basic-publisher/renew-update-termination-time |
A Publisher shall update the terminationTime on the identified subscription to be the value of newTerminationTime provided as part of a successful Renew operation |
8.5.2 Response
If the request is accepted and no Exception is raised, the Publisher accepts the request, updates the termination time of the subscription, and returns a RenewResponse.
This Requirements Class does not define any content to be returned in a RenewResponse. Extensions may include more information, such as further information about the updated subscription.
8.5.3 Exceptions
Exceptions raised as a result of the Renew operation are described below. Unsuccessful Renew requests do not change any subscription state, in particular termination time.
Req 30 - /req/core/basic-publisher/renew-exception-state |
A Publisher shall leave subscription state unchanged when an Exception occurs during the Renew operation |
Req 31 - /req/core/basic-publisher/renew-exceptions |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 13 when executing the Renew operation |
Exception Code | Description | Locator Values |
InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier |
The requested subscription is unknown to the Publisher. |
Comma-separated list of invalid subscription identifiers |
TerminationUnacceptable |
The requested termination time is not acceptable for the Publisher. |
Comma-separated list of unacceptable termination times |
PastTermination |
The requested termination time is in the past. |
Comma-separated list of unacceptable termination times |
MissingParameterValue |
Operation request does not include a parameter value, and this server did not declare a default value for that parameter |
Name of missing parameter |
InvalidParameterValue |
Operation request contains an invalid parameter value |
Name of parameter with invalid value |
NoApplicableCode |
No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
9. Requirements Class – Standalone Publisher extends Basic Publisher
Requirements Class | |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/standalone-publisher | |
Target type |
Publisher |
Dependency |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/basic-publisher |
Dependency |
http://www.opengis.net/doc/IS/OWS/1.1/clause/7 |
Requirement |
/req/core/standalone-publisher/getcapabilities |
Requirement |
/req/core/standalone-publisher/getsubscription |
Requirement |
/req/core/standalone-publisher/getsubscription-all-subscriptions |
Requirement |
/req/core/standalone-publisher/getsubscription-exceptions |
This Requirements Class enables standalone publishing, wherein Publishers offer metadata concerning Publisher capabilities. This Requirements Class requires that a Publisher implement two operations:
GetCapabilities- allows for the discovery of Publisher metadata, including offered publications, service capabilities, and service provider information; and
GetSubscription- allows for the retrieval of subscription information.
The Standalone Publisher includes a Publish/Subscribe GetCapabilities operation extended from OWS Common [OGC 06-121r3] that integrates FilterCapabilities, DeliveryCapabilities, and Publications metadata as specified in Clause 8.1.
9.1 GetCapabilities operation
The GetCapabilities operation allows clients to retrieve the capabilities metadata (also called the “capabilities document”) of a Publisher. This includes supported functionality (e.g. filter functionality, or functionality defined in other Publish/Subscribe Requirements Classes) requirements for use (e.g. that Subscribers authenticate themselves to the service) and content information (e.g., formal description of published contents).
The Publish/Subscribe GetCapabilitiestype derives from the OWS Common GetCapabilitiestype described in Table 3 of [OGC 06-121r3].
Req 32 - /req/core/standalone-publisher/getcapabilities |
The Publisher shall offer the GetCapabilities operation |
9.1.1 Request
The Publish/Subscribe GetCapabilities request extends the OWS Common GetCapabilitiesType with limited information.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
service |
The service type |
ServiceType [see OGC 06-121r3] |
One (Mandatory) Always the fixed value “PubSub” |
9.1.2 Response
If the request is accepted and no Exception is raised, the Publisher returns a PublisherCapabilities. PublisherCapabilities is an extension of the OWS Common Capabilities document that adds filter capabilities, delivery capabilities, and publications/contents metadata. These additional portions of the Capabilities document are specified in the FilterCapabilities, DeliveryCapabilities, and Publication clauses in Clause 8.1.
9.1.3 Exceptions
Exception behavior for the GetCapabilities operation is defined in Table 8 and Clause 8 of the OWS Common Specification [OGC 06-121r3].
9.2 GetSubscription operation
A Subscriber invokes the GetSubscription operation in order to retrieve information on one or more subscriptions.
Terminated subscriptions are not returned. Publishers may return an empty list if all the requested subscriptions have expired or were explicitly terminated via the Unsubscribe operation.
To invoke the GetSubscription operation, a client sends a GetSubscription request message to the Publisher. The Publisher then processes the request and determines if it is acceptable. If so, the Publisher returns a GetSubscription operation response. If it is not acceptable or problems occur while processing the request, the Publisher returns an exception.
Req 33 - /req/core/standalone-publisher/getsubscription |
The Publisher shall offer the GetSubscription operation |
9.2.1 Request
A client sends a GetSubscription request to the Publisher in order to retrieve the active subscriptions. The Publisher needs to determine if the request is acceptable. In order to do so, the Publisher performs syntactic as well as semantic checks regarding the request.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
subscriptionIdentifier |
The identifier of the subscription(s) to be described. If missing, all subscriptions are requested |
Zero to many (Optional) |
9.2.2 Response
If the request is accepted and no Exception is raised, the Publisher returns the requested active subscriptions in a GetSubscriptionResponse. If no subscription identifiers are specified in the request, the Publisher returns all active subscriptions (see the state diagram in Figure 8).
Req 34 - /req/core/standalone-publisher/getsubscription-all-subscriptions |
A Publisher shall return a GetSubscriptionResponse with all the active subscriptions when no subscription identifiers are provided as part of the GetSubscription request |
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
subscription |
The requested subscription description |
Subscription |
One (Mandatory) |
9.2.3 Exceptions
Exceptions raised as a result of the GetSubscription operation are described below.
Req 35 - /req/core/standalone-publisher/getsubscription-exceptions |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 17 when executing the GetSubscription operation |
Exception Code | Description | Locator Values |
InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier |
The requested subscription is unknown to the Publisher. |
Comma-separated list of invalid subscription identifiers |
NoApplicableCode |
No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
10. Requirements Class – Pausable Publisher extends Basic Publisher
Requirements Class | |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/pausable-publisher | |
Target type |
Publisher |
Dependency |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/basic-publisher |
Requirement |
/req/core/pausable-publisher/pause |
Requirement |
/req/core/pausable-publisher/pause-halt-delivery |
Requirement |
/req/core/pausable-publisher/pause-unchanged-paused-subscription |
Requirement |
/req/core/pausable-publisher/pause-exceptions |
Requirement |
/req/core/pausable-publisher/resume |
Requirement |
/req/core/pausable-publisher/resume-resume-delivery |
Requirement |
/req/core/pausable-publisher/resume-unchanged-active-subscription |
Requirement |
/req/core/pausable-publisher/resume-exceptions |
The Pausable Publisher Requirements Class enables subscription pausing, wherein Publishers may be directed to pause and resume message delivery for a subscription. Message matching for a paused subscription continues unchanged, but matching messages are not delivered until the subscription is resumed. This Requirements Class requires that a Publisher implement two operations:
Pause- allows for the pausing of an unpaused subscription, which pauses message delivery; and
Resume- allows for the resumption of a paused subscription, which resumes message delivery.
Pausing and resuming of subscriptions is independent of subscription termination. Paused subscriptions are subject to subscription termination (through expiry or other means) in an identical manner to active subscriptions.
When a paused subscription is resumed, the Publisher delivers all matched but undelivered messages for the subscription. Message delivery (as well as message matching) may also be halted with the Unsubscribe and Subscribe operations, except that matching messages that arrive between the Unsubscribe and the new Subscribe call will be lost.
Pausable Publishers deliver messages for resumed subscriptions on a best-effort basis. Not all messages are guaranteed to be delivered upon resumption of the subscription. Storage limitations and other practical considerations may prevent the delivery of some messages that arrived while a subscription is paused. A future revision of this Standard may specify delivery guarantees, but none are currently made.
In cases of asynchronous message delivery, some messages may be in transit when the Pause operation is executed. When this occurs, message delivery may continue after the Pause operation is successfully completed and the Publisher has ceased initiating the delivery of messages.
The valid subscription states and transitions between states are shown in Figure 19. Execution of the Pause operation is equivalent to executing a pause state transition. Similarly, execution of the Resume operation is equivalent to executing a resume state transition.
Paused subscriptions only differ from active subscriptions in terms of message delivery. Therefore, they are valid targets and valid responses from all operations that include active subscriptions, such as GetSubscription responses.
10.1 Pause operation
10.1.1 Request
The Pause request includes a single property that identifies the subscription to be paused.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
subscriptionIdentifier |
The identifier of the subscription to be paused |
One (Mandatory) |
Req 36 - /req/core/pausable-publisher/pause |
A Publisher shall offer the Pause operation |
Req 37 - /req/core/pausable-publisher/pause-halt-delivery |
A Publisher shall cease the initiation of message delivery processes for the subscription when the Pause operation is successfully completed. Message delivery processes already underway continue unchanged |
Req 38 - /req/core/pausable-publisher/pause-unchanged-paused-subscription |
When a Publisher executes the Pause operation on a subscription that is already paused, no change in subscription matching or subscription state will be made |
10.1.2 Response
If the request is accepted and no Exception is raised, the Publisher pauses the subscription and returns a PauseResponse. The PauseResponse is returned when the relevant subscription has been successfully paused.
10.1.3 Exceptions
Exceptions raised as a result of the Pause operation are described below. Unsuccessful Pause requests do not change any subscription state.
Req 39 - /req/core/pausable-publisher/pause-exceptions |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 19 when executing the Pause operation |
Exception Code | Description | Locator Values |
InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier |
The requested subscription is unknown to the Publisher. |
Comma-separated list of invalid subscription identifiers |
NoApplicableCode |
No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
10.2 Resume operation
10.2.1 Request
The Resume request includes a single property that identifies the subscription to be resumed. All messages that have matched for a subscription but have not yet been delivered will be delivered when the Resume operation is completed.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
subscriptionIdentifier |
The identifier of the subscription to be resumed |
One (Mandatory) |
Req 40 - /req/core/pausable-publisher/resume |
A Publisher shall offer the Resume operation |
Req 41 - /req/core/pausable-publisher/resume-resume-delivery |
A Publisher shall re-start all message delivery processes for the appropriate subscription when the Resume operation is successfully completed |
Req 42 - /req/core/pausable-publisher/resume-unchanged-active-subscription |
When a Publisher executes the Resume operation on a subscription that is already active, no change in subscription matching or subscription state will be made |
10.2.2 Response
If the request is accepted and no Exception is raised, the Publisher resumes the subscription and returns a ResumeResponse. The ResumeResponse is returned when the relevant subscription has been successfully resumed.
10.2.3 Exceptions
Exceptions raised as a result of the Resume operation are described below. Unsuccessful Resume requests do not change subscription state.
Req 43 - /req/core/pausable-publisher/resume-exceptions |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 21 when executing the Resume operation |
Exception Code | Description | Locator Values |
InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier |
The requested subscription is unknown to the Publisher. |
Comma-separated list of invalid subscription identifiers |
NoApplicableCode |
No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
11. Requirements Class – Message Batching Publisher extends Basic Publisher
Requirements Class | |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/message-batching-publisher | |
Target type |
Publisher |
Dependency |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/basic-publisher |
Requirement |
/req/core/message-batching-publisher/subscribe-message-batching |
Requirement |
/req/core/message-batching-publisher/withheld-delivery |
Requirement |
/req/core/message-batching-publisher/reset-batching |
Requirement |
/req/core/message-batching-publisher/subscription-termination |
Requirement |
/req/core/message-batching-publisher/pausing |
Requirement |
/req/core/message-batching-publisher/subscribe-exceptions |
The Message Batching Publisher Requirements Class specifies capabilities for Subscribers to communicate message-batching directives. Message batching allows Subscribers to specify desired message delivery at a different rate than the messages are natively generated. This includes cases where frequent, small messages are published that can be consumed more efficiently in batches by the Receiver.
11.1 Batching criteria
Message-batching criteria are optionally set by providing a BatchingCriteria object to the Subscribe operation. The batching criteria supported include:
- Time period (e.g. every 5 minutes, every hour); and
- Batch size (e.g. every 20 messages, every 150 messages).
More than one criterion may be supplied at once. When multiple criteria are supplied, the first criterion that applies triggers the delivery of the batch.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
maxDelay |
The maximum amount of time that may pass between the delivery of message batches |
TM_PeriodDuration [see ISO/TS 19103:2005] |
Zero to one (Optional) |
maxMessageCount |
The maximum number of messages accumulated before a batch is delivered |
Integer - greater than 0 |
Zero to one (Optional) |
Messages matching a BatchingCriteria are accumulated and withheld by the Publisher. When either the number of messages equals maxMessageCount or the time passed since the last delivery exceeds maxDelay, all the withheld messages are delivered. Subscription termination will trigger the batch delivery of any withheld (undelivered) messages for that subscription.
If the maxDelayperiod is reached without any withheld messages to deliver, no message delivery will take place. No message batch will ever be delivered with more messages than maxMessageCount.
For example, in the case where a Subscriber submitted a subscription via the Subscribe operation with batching criteria indicating a maxDelay of 10 minutes and a maxMessageCount of 30 the Publisher would withhold the messages for this publication until 30 matching messages become available or 10 minutes pass, whichever occurs first.
Req 44 - /req/core/message-batching-publisher/subscribe-message-batching |
A Publisher shall accept MessageBatchingCriteria with other subscription criteria on the Subscribe operation |
Req 45 - /req/core/message-batching-publisher/withheld-delivery |
A Publisher shall withhold delivery of messages until any of the subscription message batching criteria are met, at which time all withheld messages will be delivered together as a batch |
Req 46 - /req/core/message-batching-publisher/reset-batching |
A Publisher shall reset tracking information (e.g., last batch delivery time and number of withheld messages) for subscription message batching criteria whenever a message batch is delivered |
Req 47 - /req/core/message-batching-publisher/subscription-termination |
A Publisher shall deliver withheld messages in a batch when a subscription is terminated |
Req 48 - /req/core/message-batching-publisher/pausing |
A Publisher shall deliver withheld messages in a batch when a subscription is paused as described in the Pausable Publisher Requirements Class (see Clause 10) |
The use of this conformance class in conjunction with the Heartbeat Publisher conformance class can result in batched heartbeats. Subscribers are recommended to exercise caution when both message batching and heartbeats are used in conjunction.
11.2 Exceptions
Exceptions raised as a result of the Subscribe operation are described below.
Req 49 - /req/core/message-batching-publisher/subscribe-exceptions |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 23 when executing the Subscribe operation, in addition to those specified in Section 8.3.4 |
Exception Code | Description | Locator Values |
MissingParameterValue |
Operation request does not include a parameter value, and this server did not declare a default value for that parameter |
Name of missing parameter |
InvalidParameterValue |
Operation request contains an invalid parameter value |
Name of parameter with invalid value |
NoApplicableCode |
No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
12. Requirements Class – Heartbeat Publisher extends Basic Publisher
Requirements Class | |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/heartbeat-publisher | |
Target type |
Publisher |
Dependency |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/basic-publisher |
Requirement |
/req/core/heartbeat-publisher/subscribe-heartbeat |
Requirement |
/req/core/heartbeat-publisher/publish-heartbeat |
Requirement |
/req/core/heartbeat-publisher/pausing |
Requirement |
/req/core/heartbeat-publisher/subscribe-exceptions |
The Heartbeat Publisher Requirements Class specifies capabilities to ensure that the Receiver is sent notifications on a regular basis. This Requirements Class enables Receivers to detect outages due to network failures, Publisher failures, or other issues preventing communication of messages for an active subscription. This Requirements Class addresses end-to-end subscription delivery life, and as such is a capability that is most useful when the original Publisher or Sender is capable of issuing heartbeats.
12.1 Heartbeat criteria
Subscribers may optionally specify a rate for heartbeat messages to be issued by the Publisher.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
heartbeatRate |
The rate at which heartbeat messages should be sent for this subscription |
TM_PeriodDuration [see ISO/TS 19103:2005] |
One (Mandatory) |
Req 50 - /req/core/heartbeat-publisher/subscribe-heartbeat |
A Publisher shall accept HeartbeatCriteria with other subscription criteria on the Subscribe operation |
HeartbeatMessages are messages sent on a regular period, each of which includes the heartbeat issuance time from the Publisher. The arrival of these messages indicates that the Publisher was able to deliver messages as of that time, as observed by the Publisher’s clock when it initiated the delivery of the HeartbeatMessage.
HeartbeatMessages may be represented as a header entry, unique message, or other representation depending on the delivery method.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
currentTime |
The time of issuance of the heartbeat message |
TM_Instant [see ISO/TS 19103:2005] |
One (Mandatory) |
Req 51 - /req/core/heartbeat-publisher/publish-heartbeat |
A Publisher shall send regular HeartbeatMessages for each subscription as specified by each subscription’s HeartbeatCriteria |
Req 52 - /req/core/heartbeat-publisher/pausing |
A Publisher shall cease sending HeartbeatMessages for a subscription when it is paused as described in the Pausable Publisher Requirements Class (see Clause 10) |
12.2 Exceptions
Exceptions raised as a result of the Subscribe operation are described below.
Req 53 - /req/core/heartbeat-publisher/subscribe-exceptions |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 26 when executing the Subscribe operation, in addition to those specified in Section 8.3.4 |
Exception Code | Description | Locator Values |
MissingParameterValue |
Operation request does not include a parameter value, and this server did not declare a default value for that parameter |
Name of missing parameter |
InvalidParameterValue |
Operation request contains an invalid parameter value |
Name of parameter with invalid value |
NoApplicableCode |
No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
13. Requirements Class – Brokering Publisher extends Standalone Publisher
Requirements Class | |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/brokering-publisher | |
Target type |
Publisher |
Dependency |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/standalone-publisher |
Requirement |
/req/core/brokering-publisher/registerpublisher |
Requirement |
/req/core/brokering-publisher/registerpublisher-connect |
Requirement |
/req/core/brokering-publisher/registerpublisher-exceptions |
Requirement |
/req/core/brokering-publisher/removepublisher |
Requirement |
/req/core/brokering-publisher/removepublisher-exceptions |
Requirement |
/req/core/brokering-publisher/getcapabilities-registered-publishers |
A Brokering Publisher, or broker, is an intermediary between Subscribers and other Publishers which have been previously registered with the broker. The broker is not the original producer of messages, but only acts as a message middleman, re-publishing messages received from other Publishers and decoupling them from their Subscribers. This Requirements Class requires that a Publisher implement the operations:
RegisterPublisher- allows the connection of an external Publisher to the broker; and
RemovePublisher- allows the disconnection of a Publisher from the broker.
A broker is a distinct third party that acts as a communication intermediary between the source and the target of a communication, mediating their interfaces and in some cases adding new behavior. A broker may aggregate the messages into different publications, may provide the same publications with a with different delivery methods, or otherwise process the messages (e.g. converting their format). A broker may also provide advanced messaging features such as load balancing. However, a broker should not advertise capabilities on behalf of another Publisher, unless the latter provides identical guarantees (e.g. heartbeat capabilities).
Examples of Brokering Publisher applications include the following.
Publisher Aggregation – a broker subscribes to several Publishers and relays their publications (without modification) to interested Subscribers, acting like a Proxy to multiple Publishers. Optionally, the broker may adapt the service interface (binding) of the aggregated Publishers.
Publication Aggregation – a broker receives messages generated by several Publishers (e.g. dumb sensors) and publishes them to the interested Subscribers as a single publication.
This Requirement Class does not mandate any specific behavior to be implemented by a Brokering Publisher, in particular as regards the support to Delivery Capabilities, Filtering Capabilities, and Publications of connected Publishers. Implementations of this Requirement Class are free to interact with the connected Publishers as appropriate for their specific application. Interactions may include subscribing, loading and/or proxying capabilities documents, or other behavior. Future extensions to this Requirement Class may standardize the behavior of Brokering Publishers in specific application scenarios.
WS-Notification has a similar abstraction, the NotificationBroker, as defined in WS-BrokeredNotification[3].
Figure 27 illustrates the typical broker interaction. The broker behaves like a Basic Publisher in the core Publish/Subscribe. However, the broker relays messages received from an external Publisher, which is assumed to have been previously registered.
The broker provides additional functionalities that support the management of brokered Publishers. The operations described herein allow external Publishers to be registered to and removed from the broker.
13.1 RegisterPublisher operation
The RegisterPublisher operation is used to connect the broker to a given Publisher. As a result of this operation, the broker capabilities may change (e.g. exposing part or all of the FilterCapabilities, DeliveryCapabilities, and Publications of the brokered Publisher); the specification of such changes is out of the scope of this Requirements Class.
Req 54 - /req/core/brokering-publisher/registerpublisher |
A Publisher shall offer the RegisterPublisher operation |
13.1.1 Request
The following diagram and table list the request parameters for the RegisterPublisher operation:
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
Reference to the capabilities document of the Publisher to be registered |
One (Mandatory) |
13.1.2 Response
If the request is accepted and no Exception is raised, the broker retrieves the capabilities document, verifies that the document is a valid Publish/Subscribe capabilities document, and returns a RegisterPublisherResponse. If there is a failure retrieving or verifying the capabilities document, an Exception is raised.
Req 55 - /req/core/brokering-publisher/registerpublisher-connect |
When the RegisterPublisher operation is executed a Publisher shall retrieve the capabilities document of the registered Publisher and verify that it contains integrates FilterCapabilities, DeliveryCapabilities, and Publications sections before returning the RegisterPublisherResponse |
13.1.3 Exceptions
Exceptions raised as a result of the RegisterPublisher operation are described below.
Req 56 - /req/core/brokering-publisher/registerpublisher-exceptions |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 28 when executing the RegisterPublisher operation |
Exception Code | Description | Locator Values |
PublisherRegistrationRejected |
Registration of the Publisher was rejected by the broker |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
PublisherRegistrationFailed |
Registration of the Publisher on the broker failed |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
NoApplicableCode |
No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
13.2 RemovePublisher operation
The RemovePublisheroperation removes a Publisher from the broker. As a result of this operation, the broker capabilities may change (e.g. removing the Publications, FilterCapabilities, DeliveryCapabilities of the removed Publisher); the specification of such changes is out of the scope of this Requirements Class.
Req 57 - /req/core/brokering-publisher/removepublisher |
A Publisher shall offer the RemovePublisher operation |
13.2.1 Request
The following figure and table list the parameters for the RemovePublisheroperation:
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
capabilitiesReference |
The Capabilities reference of the Publisher(s) to be removed and disconnected |
One to many (Mandatory) |
13.2.2 Response
If the request is accepted and no Exception is raised, the broker accepts the request, removes the specified Publishers and returns a RemovePublisherResponse.
13.2.3 Exceptions
Exceptions raised as a result of the RemovePublisher operation are described below.
Req 58 - /req/core/brokering-publisher/removepublisher-exceptions |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 30 when executing the RemovePublisher operation |
Exception Code | Description | Locator Values |
UnknownPublisher |
The Publisher identified by the capabilitiesReference parameter is unknown to the broker |
Comma-separated list of invalid capabilitiesReference parameters |
NoApplicableCode |
No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
13.3 GetCapabilities operation
In addition to the three parts offered by Standalone Publishers: filtering capabilities (Clause 8.1.1), delivery capabilities (Clause 8.1.2), and published contents (Clause 8.1.3) Brokering Publishers add RegisteredPublishers: the set of registered Publishers.
13.3.1 RegisteredPublishers
The set of registered Publishers on a broker is described with the RegisteredPublishers type. RegisteredPublishers is returned as part of the PublisherCapabilities type as a result of the GetCapabilities operation.
Req 59 - /req/core/brokering-publisher/getcapabilities-registered-publishers |
A Publisher shall return a RegisteredPublishers as part of the PublisherCapabilities type as a result of the GetCapabilities operation |
14. Requirements Class – Publication Manager extends Basic Publisher
Requirements Class | |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/publication-manager | |
Target type |
Publisher |
Dependency |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/basic-publisher |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/getcapabilities-processingcapabilities |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/getcapabilities-unique-processinglanguage |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/publication-valid-processinglanguage |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/createpublication |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-publication-id |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-assign-properties |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-assign-identifier |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-filter-id |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-valid-filter-id |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-processinglanguage-id |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-valid-processinglanguage-id |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-exceptions |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/removepublication |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/removepublication-nesting |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/removepublication-base-publication-removal |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/subscribe-derived-publications |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/derived-publication-identifiers |
Requirement |
/req/core/publication-manager/removepublication-exceptions |
The Publication Manager Requirements Class supports the creation, removal, and subscriptions to user-defined publications that are derived from an existing publication. This Requirements Class requires that a Publisher implement two operations:
CreatePublication- allows for the creation of a new derived publication based upon an existing publication with an optional filter; and
RemovePublication- allows for the removal of a derived publication.
A derived publication is a publication that is created by applying an optional additional filter and/or processing expression to messages aggregated within an existing publication. As with any publication, a Subscriber may subscribe to a derived publication. Derived publications allow subscription filters to be shared among a large number of Subscribers rather than having each Subscriber create a subscription with the same filter and/or processing transformation. This capability can be useful in cases such as large enterprises where different filtering and processing criteria on publications is required for different sets of Subscribers in order to satisfy policy and/or legal requirements.
This clause describes operations that support the management of derived publications. The operations described herein allow derived publications to be created and removed from the system.
14.1 Publication Types
The DerivedPublication type is a specialized type of publication that is a distinct type of offered publication. Specifically, an offered publication is published content in its original form, whereas DerivedPublications are derived from a processed and/or filtered form of another publication. Therefore, there may be any number of DerivedPublications that apply processing or filtering to a single base publication. DerivedPublication identifiers are accepted as publication identifiers to all Publish/Subscribe operations and are included among publications results in GetCapabilities and other relevant operationresponses. DerivedPublications themselves may be used as a base publication when creating a new DerivedPublication, and it is therefore possible to create a hierarchy of publications with a single base publication at its root.
This Requirements Class also adds an extension to the Publication type to allow Publishers to advertise the supported processing languages for each base Publication. The mechanism for advertising the supported processing languages is similar to that of supported filter languages. Therefore, as with filter languages, a set of supported processing languages is advertised in the GetCapabilities response and each Publication lists the set of processing languages allowed for each specific Publication.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
supportedProcessingLanguage |
The processing languages that are supported for processing this publication |
Zero to many (Optional) |
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
basePublicationIdentifier |
Identifier of the base publication |
One (Mandatory) |
filter |
The filter applied to messages produced by the base publication that are available to Subscribers of this publication |
Any |
Zero to one (Optional) |
filterLanguageId |
The identifier (unique in the scope of a Publisher) for the language used to encode the filter |
Zero to one (Optional)
Required if filter is present |
processingExpression |
A formal expression that specifies processing instructions for transforming the base publication contents to a new form. If a processing expression is not provided, the DerivedPublication message contents are those of the base publication |
Any |
Zero to one (Optional) |
processingLanguageId |
The identifier (unique in the scope of a Publisher) for the language used to process the messages from the base publication |
Zero to one (Optional)
Required if processingExpression is present |
14.1.1 ProcessingCapabilities
The ProcessingCapabilities data type describes the processing-related capabilities of a Publisher. A Publisher may support specific processing languages, such as XSLT, or WCPS. In order to support the creation of processed derived publications, the Publisher provides metadata about the processing languages it supports, if any.
The ProcessingLanguage type contains information about the processing languages that the Publisher supports for processing matching messages before the delivery.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
description |
The abstract, title, and other human-readable descriptive information |
Description [see OGC 06-121r3] |
Zero to one (Optional) |
identifierA |
A unique identifier for the ProcessingLanguage on this Publisher |
One (Mandatory) |
supportedCapabilities |
Formal definition of the capabilities supported by the service regarding this ProcessingLanguage. For example, this can include supported operators/operands, process parameter ranges, etc. |
Any |
Zero to one (Optional) |
A. Example identifiers include “http://www.opengis.net/wcps/1.0”, indicating support for WCPS 1.0 processing mechanisms |
ProcessingLanguage identifiers are provided to the CreatePublicationoperation along with the actual processing expression specified in that language. For example, the CreatePublicationoperation can be executed with the WCPS processing language identifier (e.g., “http://www.opengis.net/wcps/1.0”) along with the specific expression that defines the process of interest.
ProcessingLanguage identifiers are advertised for specific publications as part of the DerivedPublications data type. Publishers may choose to support a different set of processing languages for each publication. ProcessingLanguage identifiers advertised in ProcessingCapabilities need not be associated with any publication offered by the Publisher, such as cases where no publications are offered or the set of offered publications varies over time.
Req 60 - /req/core/publication-manager/getcapabilities-processingcapabilities |
A Publisher shall return a ProcessingCapabilities structure within its GetCapabilities response |
Req 61 - /req/core/publication-manager/getcapabilities-unique-processinglanguage |
A Publisher shall uniquely identify each offered ProcessingLanguage included in the PublisherCapabilities |
Req 62 - /req/core/publication-manager/publication-valid-processinglanguage |
Each supportedProcessingLanguage of a Publication shall correspond to one of the ProcessingLanguage identifiers advertised in the ProcessingCapabilities |
14.2 CreatePublication operation
The CreatePublication operation is used to create a filtered view of a publication offered by a publisher. The salient parameters for the operation are a base publication identifier, an optional filter that is used to identify the active set of messages, and an optional processing expression. A derived publication with only filtering applied may be considered conceptually equivalent to a stored query.
While filtering allows for a subset of messages from the base publication to be offered, processing expressions change the nature of the delivered messages (relative to the base publication) in some fashion. One example of processing capabilities would be a Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS) augmented with Publish/Subscribe that allows for the creation of derived publications with WCPS processing expressions. Subscribers may then subscribe to a derived publication and receive the processed messages. Processing is applied to messages by the Publisher prior to being made available as part of the derived publication.
14.2.1 Request
The following diagram and table list the request parameters for the CreatePublication operation:
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
identifier |
The identifier of the DerivedPublication to be created. If specified, it must be unique within the Publisher. If unspecified, the Publisher will generate a unique identifier |
Zero to one (Optional) |
basePublicationIdentifier |
Identifier of the base publication upon which the DerivedPublication is derived |
One (Mandatory) |
description |
A human-readable description of the DerivedPublication |
String |
One (Mandatory) |
filter |
An expression that evaluates to a Boolean value (true/false) when applied to messages published in the base publication. It determines whether a message from the base publication appears as a message in this DerivedPublication. If a filter is not provided, no filtering is applied |
Any |
Zero to one (Optional) |
filterLanguageId |
The identifier of the filter language used to encode the filter. Must be one of the supportedFilterLanguages advertised for the base publication |
Zero to one (Optional)
Required if filter is present |
processingExpression |
A formal expression that specifies processing instructions for transforming the base publication contents to a new form. If a processing expression is not provided, the DerivedPublication message contents are those of the base publication |
Any |
Zero to one (Optional) |
processingLanguageId |
The identifier of the processing language used to encode the processing expression. Must be one of the supportedFilterLanguages advertised for the base publication |
Zero to one (Optional)
Required if processingExpression is present |
Req 63 - /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication |
The Publisher shall offer the CreatePublication operation |
Req 64 - /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-publication-id |
The Publisher shall raise an Exception if the basePublicationIdentifier specified in the CreatePublication request is not a member of the list of offered publications at the time the derived publication is created |
Req 65 - /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-assign-properties |
The Publisher shall assign publication properties (contentType, supportedFilterLanguage, supportedDeliveryMethod, boundingBox, formalContentDefinitionLanguage, and formalContentDefinition) from the base publication to the created DerivedPublication when a derived publication is created, excepting the identifier and description properties |
Req 66 - /req/core/ publication-manager/createpublication-assign-identifier |
The Publisher shall assign a unique identifier to the created DerivedPublication, when not specified in the CreatePublication request |
Req 67 - /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-filter-id |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the CreatePublication request includes a filter, but does not include a filterLanguageId |
Req 68 - /req/core/ publication-manager/createpublication-valid-filter-id |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the CreatePublication request includes a filterLanguageId that does not correspond to a supportedFilterLanguage for the base publication |
Req 69 - /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-processinglanguage-id |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the CreatePublication request includes a processingExpression, but does not include a processingLanguageId |
Req 70 - /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-valid-processinglanguage-id |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the CreatePublication request includes a processingLanguageId that does not correspond to a supportedProcessingLanguage for the publication |
14.2.2 Response
If the request is accepted and no Exception is raised, the Publisher creates a new DerivedPublication and returns a CreatePublicationResponse.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
publication |
The newly created DerivedPublication |
DerivedPublication |
One (Mandatory) |
14.2.3 Exceptions
Exceptions raised as a result of the CreatePublication operation are described below.
Req 71 - /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-exceptions |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 36 when executing the CreatePublication operation |
Exception Code | Description | Locator Values |
InvalidPublicationIdentifier |
The requested base publication is unknown to the Publisher and/or the identifier specified for the publication to be created is not unique |
Comma-separated list of invalid publication identifiers |
InvalidFilter |
The requested filter is not valid for the subscription or not known to the Publisher |
XPath to invalid request filter section, or other relevant request location information |
InvalidParameterValue |
Operation request contains an invalid parameter value |
Name of parameter with invalid value |
NoApplicableCode |
No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
14.3 RemovePublication operation
The RemovePublication operation deletes one or more derived publications from the system.
14.3.1 Request
The following figure and table list the parameters for the RemovePublication operation:
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
publicationIdentifier |
The identifiers of the derived publication(s) to be removed |
One to many (Mandatory) |
DerivedPublications may be created using other DerivedPublications as the base publication. However, any publications with active DerivedPublications cannot be removed until their child DerivedPublications have first been removed.
Req 72 - /req/core/publication-manager/removepublication |
The Publisher shall offer the RemovePublication operation |
Req 73 - /req/core/publication-manager/removepublication-nesting |
The Publisher shall raise an Exception if the RemovePublication operation specifies a publication that is an active base publication for one or more derived publications |
Req 74 - /req/core/publication-manager/removepublication-base-publication-removal |
The Publisher shall raise an Exception if the publicationIdentifier parameter to the RemovePublication operation specifies a publication that is not a derived publication |
DerivedPublications are publications, and as such the Publisher shall follow normal subscription termination procedures as described in Clause 8.3.1 when a DerivedPublication is removed to which active subscriptions are associated.
14.3.2 Response
If the request is accepted and no Exception is raised, the Publisher removes the specified DerivedPublication and returns a RemovePublicationResponse.
Req 75 - /req/core/publication-manager/subscribe-derived-publications |
The Publisher shall perform DerivedPublication message matching and message delivery on messages that match on the base publication, but filtered by any filters on the DerivedPublication |
Req 76 - /req/core/publication-manager/derived-publication-identifiers |
The Publisher shall accept DerivedPublication identifiers as valid publication identifiers to all Publish/Subscribe operations (e.g., the Subscribe operation) and include DerivedPublications among publication results (e.g., the GetCapabilities operation) |
14.3.3 Exceptions
Exceptions raised as a result of the RemovePublication operation are described below.
Req 77 - /req/core/publication-manager/removepublication-exceptions |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 38 when executing the RemovePublication operation |
Exception Code | Description | Locator Values |
InvalidPublicationIdentifier |
The publication identifier is unknown to the Publisher, or the publicationIdentifier parameter is the identifier of a non-derived publication |
Comma-separated list of invalid publication identifiers |
InvalidParameterValue |
Operation request contains an invalid parameter value |
Name of parameter with invalid value |
NoApplicableCode |
No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
15. Requirements Class – Capabilities Filtering extends Basic Publisher
Requirements Class | |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/capabilities-filtering | |
Target type |
Publisher |
Dependency |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/req/core/standalone-publisher |
Requirement |
/req/core/capabilities-filtering/getcapabilities-content-sort |
Requirement |
/req/core/capabilities-filtering/getcapabilities-content-filter |
Requirement |
/req/core/capabilities-filtering/getcapabilities-search |
Requirement |
/req/core/capabilities-filtering/getcapabilities-exceptions |
15.1 Introduction
Clause 8.1 of this standard and Clause 7.4 of OGC 06-121r3 define the response to a GetCapabilities request. The response is composed of a number of sections including a Publications section, which lists the publications offered for subscription by a Publisher, otherwise known as a content section. This Publications section can become quite large, hindering the efficient transmission of a capabilities document over the Internet. For example, a Publisher may offer many thousands of publications resulting in a large and cumbersome capabilities document. The content section of OGC web services may include multiple items, in this case individual publications.
This clause defines syntactic and semantic extensions to the GetCapabilities operation in order to support very large Publications sections. Specifically, this clause defines additional parameters for the GetCapabilities request that allow a client to:
- control the number of items that appear in the Publications section;
- page through a Publications section that includes a large number of items; and
- specify query predicates, including spatial and temporal predicates, which allow a client to control which items are listed in the Publications section.
15.2 Request
Table 3 in Clause 7 of OGC 06-121r3 defines the standard set of request parameters for the GetCapabilities operation. Table 39 below defines additional parameters for the GetCapabilities operation that enables support for large Publications sections.
The default maximum number of content items returned is 15 unless specified otherwise by the count parameter described in Table 39. As this conformance class addresses the requirements of web services with large numbers of content items, this means that clients executing the GetCapabilities operation will not be overwhelmed by large Capabilities responses before being able to discover the functional capabilities.
Name | Definition | Data type and values | Multiplicity and use |
searchTerms |
A list of terms, one or more of which, matching content items appearing in the capabilities document shall contain. |
String |
Zero to one (Optional) |
count |
The maximum number of content items that shall appear in the Publications section of a capabilities document at one time. |
Integer (default=15)A |
Zero to one (Optional) |
startIndexB |
The item offset, starting from zero, from which the service shall begin presenting content items in the Publications section of a capabilities document. |
Integer (default=0) |
Zero to one (Optional) |
bbox |
A spatial search box as defined in clause 10.2 of OGC 06-121r3. |
BoundingBox [see OGC 06-121r3] |
Zero to one (Optional) |
start |
The starting point of a temporal search range. When omitted, no start time filtering is applied |
TM_Instant [see ISO/TS 19103:2005] |
Zero to one (Optional) |
end |
The ending point of a temporal search range. When omitted, no end time filtering is applied |
TM_Instant [see ISO/TS 19103:2005] |
Zero to one (Optional) |
A. When no content filtering parameters are provided, the default values apply. Unless the count parameter is provided with the request, at most 15 items are returned in the Publications section by services that implement this conformance class B. See requirement /req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities/content/sort |
Req 78 - /req/core/capabilities-filtering/getcapabilities-content-sort |
A Publisher shall impose a consistent sort order on the items listed in the Publications section. The sorting methodology is not specified by this Standard, but GetCapabilities responses shall present a consistent order between GetCapabilities requests, regardless of filtering criteria |
15.3 Response
Without the parameters defined in Table 39, the GetCapabilities operation behaves as described in OGC 06-121r3 and generates a complete Publications section as defined in Clause 9.1.4 of this standard and Clause 7.4 of OGC 06-121r3. The response to a GetCapabilities filtering query will always be a valid Capabilities document. The parameters in Table 39, if specified, only affect what items appear in the Publications section of the response. Contents filtering will not take effect if the GetCapabilities request excludes the Publications section from appearing in the response via the sections parameter described in OGC 06-121r3.
Req 79 - /req/core/capabilities-filtering/getcapabilities-content-filter |
A Publisher shall filter the items in the Publications section of the Capabilities response in accordance with Clause 15.2 when the parameters from Table 39 are provided in the request |
Req 80 - /req/core/capabilities-filtering/getcapabilities-search |
When a Publisher receives a GetCapabilities request that causes the Publications section to be excluded from the response, the Publisher shall ignore any of the parameters defined in Table 39 |
15.4 Examples
The following request fragments exemplify (in a KVP encoding) how the parameters in Table 39 affect the behavior of the GetCapabilities operation.
Example 1: Excluded Publications section
In this example, the searchTerms parameter is ignored since the request specifically excludes the Publications section (as specified by sections=ServiceIdentification,ServiceProvider).
Example 2: Publications section paging
…§ions=Publications &count=10&startIndex=11&…
In this example, only the Publications section is presented in the response and the Publications section contains 10 items (i.e., items 11 through 20).
Example 3: Publications section filtering
…§ions=Publications &searchTerms=restaurants&bbox=43.57,-79.64,43.89,-79.12&…
In this example, only the Publications section is presented, and the records that contain the search term “restaurants” and lie within the rough boundary of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Example 4: Publications section filtering
In this example, only the Publications section is presented, and the records that contain the search term “javascript” and have a salient date in the first 6 months of 2013.
15.5 Exceptions
Exceptions raised as a result of the GetCapabilities operation are described below.
Req 81 - /req/core/capabilities-filtering/getcapabilities-exceptions |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 40 when executing the GetCapabilities operation, in addition to those specified in Clause 9.1.3 |
Exception Code | Description | Locator Values |
MissingParameterValue |
Operation request does not include a parameter value, and this server did not declare a default value for that parameter |
Name of missing parameter |
InvalidParameterValue |
Operation request contains an invalid parameter value |
Name of parameter with invalid value |
NoApplicableCode |
No other exceptionCode specified by this service and server applies to this exception |
None, omit “locator” parameter |
Annex A Abstract Test Suite (Normative)
A Publish/Subscribe implementation must satisfy the following system characteristics to be conformant with this specification.
Test, requirement, requirements class, and conformance class identifiers below are relative to http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/.
The minimum set of conformance classes an implementation needs to pass are either Basic Receiver (section A.1) or Basic Publisher (section A.2)
A.1 Conformance class: Basic Receiver
/conf/core/basic-receiver | |
Requirements Class |
/req/core/basic-receiver |
Requirement | /req/core/basic-receiver/notify |
Test Purpose |
A Receiver shall offer the Notify operation |
Test Method |
Execute a Notify operation with test data |
A.2 Conformance class: Basic Publisher
/conf/core/basic-publisher | |
Dependency |
http://www.opengis.net/doc/IS/OWS/1.1/clause/8 |
Dependency |
http://www.opengis.net/doc/IS/OWS/1.1/clause/10 |
Requirements Class |
/req/core/basic-publisher |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-conf-class-listing
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-conf-class-listing |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall advertise conformance classes which are supported by the server. Each supported conformance class shall be identified by a unique value of the Profile property of the ServiceIdentification section of the capabilities document |
Test Method |
Execute a GetCapabilities operation against the service that includes the ServiceIdentification section and verify that the service returns a Capabilities document with a ServiceIdentification section with a Profile section with a value starting with “http://www.opengis.net/spec/pubsub/1.0/” |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-filtercapabilities
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/getcapabilities-filtercapabilities |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall return a FilterCapabilities structure within its GetCapabilities response |
Test Method |
Execute a GetCapabilities operation against the service and verify that the service returns a Capabilities document with a FilterCapabilities section |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/unique-filter-languages
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/unique-filter-languages |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall uniquely identify each offered FilterLanguage included in FilterCapabilities |
Test Method |
Execute a GetCapabilities operation on the service, ensure that every FilterLanguage identifier property in the PublisherCapabilities section is unique among all FilterLanguage identifiers |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/deliverycapabilities
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/deliverycapabilities |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall return a DeliveryCapabilities structure within its GetCapabilities response |
Test Method |
Execute a GetCapabilities operation against the service and verify that the service returns a Capabilities document with a DeliveryCapabilities section |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/unique-delivery-method
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/unique-delivery-method |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall uniquely identify each offered DeliveryMethod included in the PublisherCapabilities |
Test Method |
Execute a GetCapabilities operation on the service, ensure that every DeliveryMethod identifier property in the DeliveryCapabilities section is unique among all other DeliveryMethod identifiers |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/publications
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/publications |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall return a Publications structure within its GetCapabilities response |
Test Method |
Execute a GetCapabilities operation against the service and verify that the service returns a Capabilities document with a Publications section |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/publication-valid-filter-language
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/publication-valid-filter-language |
Test Purpose |
Each supportedFilterLanguage of a Publication shall correspond to one of the FilterLanguage identifiers advertised in the FilterCapabilities |
Test Method |
Execute a GetCapabilities operation against the service and verify that each supportedFilterLanguage identifier in each Publication section exactly matches a FilterLanguage identifier |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/publication-valid-delivery-method
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/publication-valid-delivery-method |
Test Purpose |
Each supportedDeliveryMethod of a Publication shall correspond to one of the DeliveryMethod identifiers advertised in the DeliveryCapabilities |
Test Method |
Execute a GetCapabilities operation against the service and verify that each supportedDeliveryMethod identifier in each Publication section exactly matches a DeliveryMethod identifier |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/publication-unique-publication-id
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/publication-unique-publication-id |
Test Purpose |
The identifier on each Publication shall be unique among all other Publication identifiers on the Publisher |
Test Method |
Execute a GetCapabilities operation on the service, ensure that every Publication identifier property in the Publications section is unique among all other Publication identifiers |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/valid-exceptions
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/valid-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall issue Exceptions that incorporate an ExceptionReport valid according to Clause 8 of the OWS Common Specification [OGC 06-121r3] |
Test Method |
Execute a request that raises an exception on the service and ensure that the response message contains a valid ExceptionReport from [OGC 06-121r3] |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/exception-version
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/exception-version |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions with the ExceptionReport version set to the value “1.0.0” |
Test Method |
Execute a request that raises an exception on the service and ensure that the response Exception message version parameter is “1.0.0” |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/subscribe
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/subscribe |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall offer the Subscribe operation |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operations against a test publication and ensure that the SubscribeResponse includes a valid Subscription |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/subscribe-assign-unique-id
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/subscribe-assign-unique-id |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall assign a unique identifier to each created subscription |
Test Method |
Execute three Subscribe operations against a test publication and ensure that the Subscription identifier is unique among all returned Subscriptions |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/subscribe-default-termination-time
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/subscribe-default-termination-time |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall assign a default terminationTime to created subscriptions if not provided by the Subscriber |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operations against a test publication without an terminationTime parameter and ensure that the returned Subscription terminationTime is set |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/match-active-subscriptions
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/match-active-subscriptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall match messages against all active subscriptions |
Test Method |
Execute two Subscribe operations against two different test publications and ensure that matching messages are delivered for each subscription |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/match-inactive-subscriptions
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/match-inactive-subscriptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall cease matching and delivery of messages when subscriptions move to an inactive or terminated state |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operation against a test publication with an terminationTime parameter that specifies 1 minute in the future. Ensure that messages are delivered on the subscription for the 1-minute period, and ensure that message delivery ceases shortly after the 1-minute period (i.e., on subscription expiry) |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/interrupt-matching
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/interrupt-matching |
Test Purpose |
When a Publisher terminates a subscription it shall interrupt all unfinished matching processes for this subscription |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operation against a test publication with an terminationTime parameter that specifies 1 hour in the future. Wait 1 minute and ensure that messages are delivered on the subscription. Execute an Unsubscribe operation against the test subscription, and ensure that message delivery ceases within a brief period |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/termination
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/termination |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall terminate a subscription when its termination time is reached |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operation against a test publication with an terminationTime parameter that specifies 1 minute in the future. Ensure that messages are delivered on the subscription for the 1-minute period, and ensure that message delivery ceases shortly after the 1-minute period (i.e., on subscription expiry) |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/filter-id
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/filter-id |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the Subscribe request includes a filter, but does not include a filterLanguageId |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operation including in the request a filter, but not a filterLanguageId. Ensure that the response is a MissingParameterValue Exception with a locator value set to “filterLanguageId” |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/valid-filter-id
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/valid-filter-id |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the Subscribe request includes a filterLanguageId that does not correspond to a supportedFilterLanguage for the publication |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operation including in the request a filterLanguageId that does not correspond to any supportedFilterLanguage for the publication. Ensure that the response is an InvalidParameterValue Exception with a locator value set to “filterLanguageId” |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/content-type
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/content-type |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the Subscribe request does not include a contentType and the offered Publication advertises multiple content types |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operation without a contentType parameter in the request against a test publication with multiple (offered) contentType parameters. Ensure that the response is a MissingParameterValue Exception with a locator value set to “contentType” |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/subscribe-exceptions
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/subscribe-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 9 when executing the Subscribe operation |
Test Method |
Execute the Subscribe operation with the following scenarios: 1. A publicationIdentifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidPublication”, and ensure that an InvalidPublicationIdentifier Exception is returned with a locator value of “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidPublication” 2. An terminationTime parameter specifying a point in time a year ago, and ensure that the response is a PastTermination Exception with a locator value set to the requested termination time 3. A deliveryMethod parameter of “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidDeliveryMethod”, and ensure that the response is an InvalidDeliveryMethod Exception with a locator value set to the requested delivery method identifier 4. A filter parameter containing the text “Invalid filter”, and ensure that the response is an InvalidFilter Exception 5. A missing publicationIdentifier parameter, and ensure that the response is a MissingParameterValue Exception with a locator value set to “publicationIdentifier” 6. A deliveryMethod parameter of “not a URN”, and ensure that the response is a InvalidParameterValue Exception with a locator value set to “deliveryMethod” 7. An empty request (request sent to the Subscribe endpoint with no content), and ensure that the response is a NoApplicableCode Exception with an empty locator value |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall offer the Unsubscribe operation |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operation against a test publication, record the returned subscription identifier, and execute an Unsubscribe operation with the subscription identifier, and ensure that the response is a valid UnsubscribeResponse |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/halt-matching
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/halt-matching |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall cease subscription matching for the subscription identified in the Unsubscribe request |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operation against a test publication and record the returned subscription identifier, wait for test messages to be received for that subscription, then execute an Unsubscribe operation with the subscription identifier and after a reasonable delay ensure that no further messages are received |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe-exception-state
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe-exception-state |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall leave subscription state unchanged when an Exception occurs during the Unsubscribe operation |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operation against a test publication and record the returned test subscription identifier, wait for test messages to be received for that subscription, then execute an Unsubscribe operation with the subscription identifier “urn:pubsub:ats:invalidSubscriptionId” and ensure that messages continue to be received for the test subscription |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe-exceptions
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/unsubscribe-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 11 when executing the Unsubscribe operation |
Test Method |
Execute an Unsubscribe operation with the following cases: 1. The subscriptionIdentifier parameter is set to “urn:pubsub:ats:invalidSubscriptionId” and ensure that the response is an InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier Exception with a locator value of “subscriptionIdentifier” 2. The body of the Unsubscribe request is empty (missing), and ensure that the response is a NoApplicableCode Exception with a missing locator value |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/renew
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/renew |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall offer the Renew operation |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operation against a test publication with an terminationTime parameter set to one minute after now, record the returned subscription identifier, execute a Renew operation with the subscription identifier with an terminationTime parameter set to two minutes after now, and ensure that the response is a valid RenewResponse |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/renew-update-termination-time
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/renew-update-termination-time |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall update the terminationTime on the identified subscription to be the value of newTerminationTime provided as part of a successful Renew operation |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operation against a test publication with an trminationTime parameter set to one minute after now, record the returned subscription identifier, execute a Renew operation with the subscription identifier and a newTerminationTime parameter set to two minutes after now, ensure that the response is a valid RenewResponse, and ensure that messages continue to arrive for approximately two minutes |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/renew-exception-state
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/renew-exception-state |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall leave subscription state unchanged when an Exception occurs during the Renew operation |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operation against a test publication with an terminationTime parameter set to one minute after now, record the returned subscription identifier, execute a Renew operation with the subscription identifier and a newTerminationTime parameter set to two days before now, ensure that the response is a PastTermination Exception, and ensure that messages cease being delivered after approximately one minute from the initial Subscribe operation call |
Test: /conf/core/basic-publisher/renew-exceptions
Requirement | /req/core/basic-publisher/renew-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 13 when executing the Renew operation |
Test Method |
Execute a Subscribe operation against a test publication with an terminationTime parameter set to one minute after now, record the returned subscription identifier, execute a Renew operation with the following scenarios: 1. The subscriptionIdentifier parameter is set to “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier”, and ensure that the response is an InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier Exception with a locator value set to “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier” 2. The newTerminationTime parameter set to 100 years after now, and ensure that the response is an TerminationUnacceptable Exception with a locator value set to the newTerminationTime parameter value passed in the request 3. The newTerminationTime parameter set to 1 day before now, and ensure that the response is a PastTermination Exception with a locator value set to the newTerminationTime parameter value passed in the request 4. A missing newTerminationTime parameter (not present in the request), and ensure that the response is an MissingParameterValue Exception with a locator value set to the value “newTerminationTime” 5. The newTerminationTime parameter set to the literal value “a day or two”, and ensure that the response is a MissingParameterValue Exception with a locator value set to the value “newTerminationTime” 6. An empty request (request sent to the Renew endpoint with no content), and ensure that the response is a NoApplicableCode Exception with an empty locator value |
A.3 Conformance class: Standalone Publisher
/conf/core/standalone-publisher | |
Dependency |
/conf/core/basic-publisher |
Dependency |
http://www.opengis.net/doc/IS/OWS/1.1/clause/7 |
Requirements Class |
/req/core/standalone-publisher |
Test: /conf/core/standalone-publisher/getcapabilities
Requirement | /req/core/standalone-publisher/getcapabilities |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall offer the GetCapabilities operation |
Test Method |
Execute the GetCapabilities operation with an AcceptVersions section with a single Version parameter set to “1.0.0” and the service parameter set to “PubSub”, and ensure that the response is a valid PublisherCapabilities document |
Test: /conf/core/standalone-publisher/getsubscription
Requirement | /req/core/standalone-publisher/getsubscription |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall offer the GetSubscription operation |
Test Method |
Execute the GetSubscription operation without any subscriptionIdentifier parameters, and ensure that the response is a valid GetSubscriptionResponse document. For every subscription in the GetSubscriptionResponse, execute the GetSubscription operation with the corresponding subscriptionIdentifier parameter, and ensure that the response is a valid GetSubscriptionResponse document related to that subscription |
Test: /conf/core/standalone-publisher/getsubscription-all-subscriptions
Requirement | /req/core/standalone-publisher/getsubscription-all-subscriptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall return a GetSubscriptionResponse with all the active subscriptions when no subscription identifiers are provided as part of the GetSubscription request |
Test Method |
Execute the Subscribe operation on a test publication, record the returned subscription identifier, execute the GetSubscription operation with no subscriptionIdentifier parameters, ensure that the response is a valid GetSubscriptionResponse, and ensure that exactly one subscription with the recorded subscription identifier is present in the response |
Test: /conf/core/standalone-publisher/getsubscription-exceptions
Requirement | /req/core/standalone-publisher/getsubscription-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 17 when executing the GetSubscription operation |
Test Method |
Execute the GetSubscription operation with the following scenarios: 1. A subscriptionIdentifier parameter set to the value “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier”, and ensure that the response is an InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier Exception with the locator value set to “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier” 2. An empty request (request sent to the GetSubscription endpoint with no content), and ensure that the response is a NoApplicableCode Exception with an empty locator value |
A.4 Conformance class: Pausable Publisher
/conf/core/basic-publisher | |
Dependency |
/conf/core/basic-publisher |
Requirements Class |
/req/core/pausable-publisher |
Test: /conf/core/pausable-publisher/pause
Requirement | /req/core/pausable-publisher/pause |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall offer the Pause operation |
Test Method |
Execute the Subscribe operation on a test publication, record the returned subscription identifier, wait for messages to be received for the subscription, then execute the Pause operation with the subscriptionIdentifier parameter set to the recorded subscription identifier, and ensure that the response is a valid PauseResponse document |
Test: /conf/core/pausable-publisher/pause-halt-delivery
Requirement | /req/core/pausable-publisher/pause-halt-delivery |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall cease the initiation of message delivery processes for the subscription when the Pause operation is successfully completed. Message delivery processes already underway continue unchanged |
Test Method |
Create a test subscription on the service via the Subscribe operation, wait for a message to be delivered, execute the Pause operation to pause the test subscription, and verify that no message is delivered for that subscription within a reasonable period to account for normal delays with delivery processes |
Test: /conf/core/pausable-publisher/pause-unchanged-paused-subscription
Requirement | /req/core/pausable-publisher/pause-unchanged-paused-subscription |
Test Purpose |
When a Publisher executes the Pause operation on a subscription that is already paused, no change in subscription matching or subscription state will be made |
Test Method |
Create a test subscription on the service via the Subscribe operation, wait for a message to be delivered, execute the Pause operation to pause the test subscription, execute the Pause operation again on the test subscription, and ensure that no messages are delivered |
Test: /conf/core/pausable-publisher/pause-exceptions
Requirement | /req/core/pausable-publisher/pause-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 19 when executing the Pause operation |
Test Method |
Create a test subscription on the service via the Subscribe operation, wait for a message to be delivered, execute the Pause operation with the following scenarios: 1. A subscriptionIdentifier set to the value “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier”, and ensure that the response is a InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier Exception with a locator value of “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier” 2. An empty request (request sent to the Pause endpoint with no content), and ensure that the response is a NoApplicableCode Exception with an empty locator value |
Test: /conf/core/pausable-publisher/resume
Requirement | /req/core/pausable-publisher/resume |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall offer the Resume operation |
Test Method |
Execute the Subscribe operation on a test publication, record the returned subscription identifier, wait for messages to be received for the subscription, execute the Pause operation with the subscriptionIdentifier parameter set to the recorded subscription identifier, execute the Resume operation with the subscriptionIdentifier parameter set to the recorded subscription identifier, and ensure that the response is a valid ResumeResponse document |
Test: /conf/core/pausable-publisher/resume-resume-delivery
Requirement | /req/core/pausable-publisher/resume-resume-delivery |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall re-start all message delivery processes for the appropriate subscription when the Resume operation is successfully completed |
Test Method |
Execute the Subscribe operation on a test publication that publishes messages at a fixed rate (e.g., 1 message per second), record the returned subscription identifier, wait for a message to be received for the subscription, execute the Pause operation on the test subscription, wait until 5 messages will have been produced for the test subscription, execute the Resume operation on the test subscription, ensure that the response is a valid ResumeResponse document, and ensure that the expected 5 messages are received |
Test: /conf/core/pausable-publisher/resume-unchanged-active-subscription
Requirement | /req/core/pausable-publisher/resume-unchanged-active-subscription |
Test Purpose |
When a Publisher executes the Resume operation on a subscription that is already active, no change in subscription matching or subscription state will be made |
Test Method |
Execute the Subscribe operation on a test publication, wait for messages to be received for the subscription, execute the Resume operation on the test subscription, ensure that the response is a valid ResumeResponse document, and ensure that messages continue to be received on the subscription |
Test: /conf/core/pausable-publisher/resume-exceptions
Requirement | /req/core/pausable-publisher/resume-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 21 when executing the Resume operation |
Test Method |
Create a test subscription on the service via the Subscribe operation, wait for a message to be delivered, execute the Pause operation on the test subscription, execute the Resume operation with the following scenarios: 1. A subscriptionIdentifier set to the value “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier”, and ensure that the response is a InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier Exception with a locator value of “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidSubscriptionIdentifier” 2. An empty request (request sent to the Resume endpoint with no content), and ensure that the response is a NoApplicableCode Exception with an empty locator value |
A.5 Conformance class: Message Batching Publisher
/conf/core/message-batching-publisher | |
Dependency |
/conf/core/basic-publisher |
Requirements Class |
/req/core/message-batching-publisher |
Test: /conf/core/message-batching-publisher/subscribe-message-batching
Requirement | /req/core/message-batching-publisher/subscribe-message-batching |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall accept MessageBatchingCriteria with other subscription criteria on the Subscribe operation |
Test Method |
Execute the Subscribe operation to create a test subscription with message batching criteria with the parameter maxMessageCount set to “1”, ensure that the response is a valid SubscribeResponse |
Test: /conf/core/message-batching-publisher/withheld-delivery
Requirement | /req/core/message-batching-publisher/withheld-delivery |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall withhold delivery of messages until any of the subscription message batching criteria are met, at which time all withheld messages will be delivered together as a batch |
Test Method |
Create a test publication that starting the first second of every minute (11:00, 11:01…): produces 10 messages, waits 15 seconds, produces 3 more messages, and produces no further messages for the remainder of each minute. Execute the Subscribe operation to create a test subscription against the test publication, with message batching criteria with the parameter maxMessageCount set to “5” and the maxDelay parameter set to 30 seconds, ensure that the response is a valid SubscribeResponse, wait 1 minute, ensure that messages were delivered in 3 batches in the following order: 1. First batch with the first 5 of 10 messages (messages 1-5) 2. Second batch with the second 5 of 10 messages (messages 6-10) 3. Third batch with the final 3 messages (messages 11-13) |
Test: /conf/core/message-batching-publisher/reset-batching
Requirement | /req/core/message-batching-publisher/reset-batching |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall reset tracking information (e.g., last batch delivery time and number of withheld messages) for subscription message batching criteria whenever a message batch is delivered |
Test Method |
Create a test publication that starting the first second of every minute (11:00, 11:01…): produces 10 messages, waits 15 seconds, produces 3 more messages, and produces no further messages for the remainder of each minute. Execute the Subscribe operation to create a test subscription against the test publication, with message batching criteria with the parameter maxMessageCount set to “5” and the maxDelay parameter set to 30 seconds, ensure that the response is a valid SubscribeResponse, wait 1 minute, ensure that messages were delivered in 3 batches in the following order: 1. First batch with the first 5 of 10 messages (messages 1-5) 2. Second batch with the second 5 of 10 messages (messages 6-10) Third batch with the final 3 messages (messages 11-13) |
Test: /conf/core/message-batching-publisher/subscription-termination
Requirement | /req/core/message-batching-publisher/subscription-termination |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall deliver withheld messages in a batch when a subscription is terminated |
Test Method |
Create a test publication that produces 10 messages starting the first second of every minute (11:00, 11:01…). Execute the Subscribe operation to create a test subscription against the test publication with message batching criteria with the parameter maxDelay set to 60 seconds, ensure that the response is a valid SubscribeResponse, wait 30 seconds, ensure no messages were received for the test subscription, execute the Unsubscribe operation on the test subscription, and ensure that 10 messages are received for the subscription |
Test: /conf/core/message-batching-publisher/pausing
Requirement | /req/core/message-batching-publisher/pausing |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall deliver withheld messages in a batch when a subscription is paused as described in the Pausable Publisher Requirements Class (see Clause 10) |
Precondition |
The Pausable Publisher conformance class is supported |
Test Method |
Create a test publication that produces 10 messages starting the first second of every minute (11:00, 11:01…). Execute the Subscribe operation to create a test subscription against the test publication with message batching criteria with the parameter maxDelay set to 60 seconds, ensure that the response is a valid SubscribeResponse, wait 30 seconds, ensure no messages were received for the test subscription, execute the Pause operation on the test subscription, and ensure that 10 messages are received for the subscription |
Test: /conf/core/message-batching-publisher/subscribe-exceptions
Requirement | /req/core/message-batching-publisher/subscribe-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 23 when executing the Subscribe operation, in addition to those specified in Section 8.3.4 |
Test Method |
Execute the Subscribe operation with the following scenarios: 1. MessageBatchingCriteria present with missing maxDelay and maxMessageCount parameters, ensure that the response is a MissingParameterValue Exception with a locator value of either “maxDelay” or “maxMessageCount” 2. MessageBatchingCriteria present with the maxDelay parameter set to the value “some period”, ensure that the response is a InvalidParameterValue Exception with a locator value of “maxDelay” 3. MessageBatchingCriteria present with the maxMessageCount parameter set to the value “-999”, ensure that the response is a InvalidParameterValue Exception with a locator value of “maxMessageCount” |
A.6 Conformance class: Heartbeat Publisher
/conf/core/heartbeat-publisher | |
Dependency |
/conf/core/basic-publisher |
Requirements Class |
/req/core/heartbeat-publisher |
Test: /conf/core/heartbeat-publisher/subscribe-heartbeat
Requirement | /req/core/heartbeat-publisher/subscribe-heartbeat |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall accept HeartbeatCriteria with other subscription criteria on the Subscribe operation |
Test Method |
Execute the Subscribe operation to create a test subscription with heartbeat criteria with the parameter heartbeatRate set to “1 minute”, ensure that the response is a valid SubscribeResponse |
Test: /conf/core/heartbeat-publisher/publish-heartbeat
Requirement | /req/core/heartbeat-publisher/publish-heartbeat |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall send regular HeartbeatMessages for each subscription as specified by each subscription’s HeartbeatCriteria |
Test Method |
Execute the Subscribe operation to create a test subscription with heartbeat criteria with the parameter heartbeatRate set to “10 seconds”, ensure that the response is a valid SubscribeResponse, wait 35 seconds, ensure that 3 heartbeat messages were received |
Test: /conf/core/heartbeat-publisher/pausing
Requirement | /req/core/heartbeat-publisher/pausing |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall cease sending HeartbeatMessages for a subscription when it is paused as described in the Pausable Publisher Requirements Class (see Clause 10) |
Precondition |
The Pausable Publisher conformance class is supported |
Test Method |
Execute the Subscribe operation to create a test subscription against the test publication with heartbeat criteria with the parameter heartbeatDelay set to 10 seconds, ensure that the response is a valid SubscribeResponse, wait 30 seconds, ensure that 3 heartbeat messages were received for the test subscription, execute the Pause operation on the test subscription, wait 30 seconds, ensure that no further messages were received for the subscription |
Test: /conf/core/heartbeat-publisher/subscribe-exceptions
Requirement | /req/core/heartbeat-publisher/subscribe-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 26 when executing the Subscribe operation, in addition to those specified in Section 8.3.4 |
Test Method |
Execute the Subscribe operation with the following scenarios: 1. HeartbeatCriteria present with missing heartbeatRate, ensure that the response is a MissingParameterValue Exception with a locator value of “heartbeatRate” 2. HeartbeatCriteria present with the heartbeatRate parameter set to the value “42”, ensure that the response is a InvalidParameterValue Exception with a locator value of “heartbeatRate” |
A.7 Conformance class: Brokering Publisher
/conf/core/brokering-publisher | |
Dependency |
/conf/core/standalone-publisher |
Requirements Class |
/req/core/brokering-publisher |
Test: /conf/core/brokering-publisher/registerpublisher
Requirement | /req/core/brokering-publisher/registerpublisher |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall offer the RegisterPublisher operation |
Test Method |
Execute the RegisterPublisher operation and ensure that the response is a valid RegisterPublisherResponse |
Test: /conf/core/brokering-publisher/registerpublisher-connect
Requirement | /req/core/brokering-publisher/registerpublisher-connect |
Test Purpose |
When the RegisterPublisher operation is executed a Publisher shall retrieve the capabilities document of the registered Publisher and verify that it contains integrates FilterCapabilities, DeliveryCapabilities, and Publications sections before returning the RegisterPublisherResponse |
Test Method |
Execute the RegisterPublisher operation with a capabilitiesReference parameter that is resolvable to a valid capabilities document with FilterCapabilities, DeliveryCapabilities, and Publications sections, and ensure that the response is a valid RegisterPublisherResponse |
Test: /conf/core/brokering-publisher/registerpublisher-exceptions
Requirement | /req/core/brokering-publisher/registerpublisher-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 28 when executing the RegisterPublisher operation |
Test Method |
Execute the RegisterPublisher operation with the following scenarios: 1. A capabilitiesReference parameter containing a URL that is not resolvable, and ensure that the response is an PublisherRegistrationFailed Exception 2. An empty request (request sent to the RegisterPublisher endpoint with no content), and ensure that the response is a NoApplicableCode Exception with an empty locator value |
Test: /conf/core/brokering-publisher/removepublisher
Requirement | /req/core/brokering-publisher/removepublisher |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall offer the RemovePublisher operation |
Test Method |
Execute the RegisterPublisher operation and ensure that the response is a valid RegisterPublisherResponse, execute the RemovePublisher operation against the same capabilitiesReference parameter and ensure that the response is a valid RemovePublisherResponse |
Test: /conf/core/brokering-publisher/removepublisher-exceptions
Requirement | /req/core/brokering-publisher/removepublisher-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 30 when executing the RemovePublisher operation |
Test Method |
Execute the RemovePublisher operation with the following scenarios: 1. A capabilitiesReference parameter containing a “http://ats.opengeospatial.org/invalid-capabilities-reference”, and ensure that the response is an UnknownPublisher Exception 2. An empty request (request sent to the RemovePublisher endpoint with no content), and ensure that the response is a NoApplicableCode Exception with an empty locator value |
Test: /conf/core/brokering-publisher/getcapabilities-registered-publishers
Requirement | /req/core/brokering-publisher/getcapabilities-registered-publishers |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall return a RegisteredPublishers as part of the PublisherCapabilities type as a result of the GetCapabilities operation |
Test Method |
Execute the GetCapabilities operation and ensure that the response is a valid Capabilities document with a PublisherCapabilities section with a RegisteredPublishers section. |
A.8 Conformance class: Publication Manager
/conf/core/publication-manager | |
Dependency |
/conf/core/basic-publisher |
Requirements Class |
/req/core/publication-manager |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/getcapabilities-processingcapabilities
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/getcapabilities-processingcapabilities |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall return a ProcessingCapabilities structure within its GetCapabilities response |
Test Method |
Execute a GetCapabilities operation against the service and verify that the service returns a Capabilities document with a ProcessingCapabilities section |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/getcapabilities-unique-processinglanguage
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/getcapabilities-unique-processinglanguage |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall uniquely identify each offered ProcessingLanguage included in the PublisherCapabilities |
Test Method |
Execute a GetCapabilities operation on the service, ensure that every ProcessingLanguage identifier property in the PublisherCapabilities section is unique among all ProcessingLanguage identifiers |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/publication-valid-processinglanguage
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/publication-valid-processing-language |
Test Purpose |
Each supportedProcessingLanguage of a Publication shall correspond to one of the ProcessingLanguage identifiers advertised in the ProcessingCapabilities |
Test Method |
Execute a GetCapabilities operation against the service and verify that each supportedProcessingLanguage identifier in each Publication section exactly matches a ProcessingLanguage identifier |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/createpublication
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall offer the CreatePublication operation |
Test Method |
Create a test publication with a publication identifier of “urn:pubsub:ats:BasePub”. Execute the CreatePublication operation with the basePublicationIdentifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:BasePub” and the identifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:DerivedPub” and the description parameter set to “Test description”, ensure that the response is a valid CreatePublicationResponse document |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/createpublication-publication-id
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-publication-id |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall raise an Exception if the basePublicationIdentifier specified in the CreatePublication request is not a member of the list of offered publications at the time the derived publication is created |
Test Method |
Execute the CreatePublication operation with the basePublicationIdentifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidBasePub” ensure that the response is a InvalidPublicationIdentifier Exception with a locator value of “basePublicationIdentifier” |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/createpublication-assign-properties
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-assign-properties |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall assign publication properties (contentType, supportedFilterLanguage, supportedDeliveryMethod, boundingBox, formalContentDefinitionLanguage, and formalContentDefinition) from the base publication to the created DerivedPublication when a derived publication is created, excepting the identifier and description properties |
Test Method |
Create a test publication with a publication identifier of “urn:pubsub:ats:BasePub”. Execute the GetCapabilities operation, ensure a publication with an identifier of “urn:pubsub:ats:BasePub” exists in the Publications section, record the contentType, supportedFilterLanguage, supportedDeliveryMethod, boundingBox, formalContentDefinitionLanguage, and formalContentDefinition sections of the test publication. Execute the CreatePublication operation with the basePublicationIdentifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:BasePub” and the identifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:DerivedPub” and the description parameter set to “Test description”, ensure that the response is a valid CreatePublicationResponse document, ensure that the contentType, supportedFilterLanguage, supportedDeliveryMethod, boundingBox, formalContentDefinitionLanguage, and formalContentDefinition sections exactly match those recorded from the “urn:pubsub:ats:BasePub” publication |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/createpublication-assign-identifier
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-assign-identifier |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall assign a unique identifier to the created DerivedPublication, when not specified in the CreatePublication request |
Test Method |
Execute a valid CreatePublication operation with a request missing the identifier parameter. Verify that the response includes a Publication whose identifier is unique among the publications of this Publisher |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/createpublication-filter-id
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-filter-id |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the CreatePublication request includes a filter, but does not include a filterLanguageId |
Test Method |
Execute a CreatePublication operation including in the request a filter, but not a filterLanguageId. Ensure that the response is a MissingParameterValue Exception with a locator value set to “filterLanguageId” |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/createpublication-valid-filter-id
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-valid-filter-id |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the CreatePublication request includes a filterLanguageId that does not correspond to a supportedFilterLanguage for the base publication |
Test Method |
Execute a CreatePublication operation including in the request a filterLanguageId that does not correspond to any supportedFilterLanguage for the publication. Ensure that the response is an InvalidParameterValue Exception with a locator value set to “filterLanguageId” |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/createpublication-processinglanguage-id
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-processinglanguage-id |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the CreatePublication request includes a processingExpression, but does not include a processingLanguageId |
Test Method |
Execute a CreatePublication operation including in the request a processingExpression, but not a processingLanguageId. Ensure that the response is a MissingParameterValue Exception with a locator value set to “processingLanguageId” |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/createpublication-valid-processinglanguage-id
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-valid-processinglanguage-id |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise an Exception if the CreatePublication request includes a processingLanguageId that does not correspond to a supportedProcessingLanguage for the publication |
Test Method |
Execute a CreatePublication operation including in the request a processingLanguageId that does not correspond to any supportedProcessingLanguage for the publication. Ensure that the response is an InvalidParameterValue Exception with a locator value set to “processingLanguageId” |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/createpublication-exceptions
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/createpublication-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 36 when executing the CreatePublication operation |
Test Method |
Execute the CreatePublication operation with the following scenarios: 1. A basePublicationIdentifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidPublication”, and ensure that an InvalidPublicationIdentifier Exception is returned with a locator value of “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidPublication” 2. A filter parameter containing the text “Invalid filter”, and ensure that the response is an InvalidFilter Exception 3. A identifier parameter set to the value “Not A URI”, ensure that the response is a InvalidParameterValue Exception with a locator value of “publicationIdentifier” 4. An empty request (request sent to the CreatePublication endpoint with no content), and ensure that the response is a NoApplicableCode Exception with an empty locator value |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/removepublication
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/removepublication |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall offer the RemovePublication operation |
Test Method |
Execute the CreatePublication operation with the basePublicationIdentifier parameter set to a test publication identifier, ensure that the response is a valid CreatePublicationResponse document, execute the RemovePublication operation against the newly-created Publication, and ensure that the response is a valid RemovePublicationResponse |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/removepublication-nesting
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/removepublication-nesting |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall raise an Exception if the RemovePublication operation specifies a publication that is an active base publication for one or more derived publications |
Test Method |
Create a test (base) publication with a publication identifier of “urn:pubsub:ats:BasePublication”. Execute the CreatePublication operation with the basePublicationIdentifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:BasePublication” and an identifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:DerivedPublication”. Execute the CreatePublication operation with the basePublicationIdentifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:DerivedPublication” and an identifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:NestedDerivedPublication”. Execute the RemovePublication operation with the publicationIdentifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:DerivedPublication”, and ensure that an InvalidParameterValue Exception is returned with a locator value of “publicationIdentifier” |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/removepublication-base-publication-removal
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/removepublication-base-publication-removal |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall raise an Exception if the publicationIdentifier parameter to the RemovePublication operation specifies a publication that is not a derived publication |
Test Method |
Create a test (base) publication with a publication identifier of “urn:pubsub:ats:BasePublication”. Execute the RemovePublication operation with the publicationIdentifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:BasePublication”, and ensure that an InvalidParameterValue Exception is returned with a locator value of “publicationIdentifier” |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/subscribe-derived-publications
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/subscribe-derived-publications |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall perform DerivedPublication message matching and message delivery on messages that match on the base publication, but filtered by any filters on the DerivedPublication |
Test Method |
Create a test (base) publication with a publication identifier of “urn:pubsub:ats:BasePublication”. Execute the CreatePublication operation with the basePublicationIdentifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:BasePublication” and an identifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:DerivedPublication”. Subscribe to both “urn:pubsub:ats:BasePublication” and “urn:pubsub:ats:DerivedPublication” and ensure that messages delivered on the base publication are also delivered to the derived publication. |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/derived-publication-identifiers
Requirement | /req/core/publication-manager/derived-publication-identifiers |
Test Purpose |
The Publisher shall accept DerivedPublication identifiers as valid publication identifiers to all Publish/Subscribe operations (e.g., the Subscribe operation) and include DerivedPublications among publication results (e.g., the GetCapabilities operation) |
Test Method |
Create a test (base) publication. Execute the CreatePublication operation with the basePublicationIdentifier parameter set to the test publication to create a derived publication. Execute a Subscribe operation against the derived publication and ensure messages are delivered. Execute the GetCapabilities operation and ensure that the Publications section of the response includes both the base publication and derived publication identifiers. |
Test: /conf/core/publication-manager/removepublication-exceptions
Requirement | /conf/core/publication-manager/removepublication-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 38 when executing the RemovePublication operation |
Test Method |
Execute the RemovePublication operation with the following scenarios: 1. A single publicationIdentifier parameter set to “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidPublication”, and ensure that an InvalidPublicationIdentifier Exception is returned with a locator value of “urn:pubsub:ats:InvalidPublication” 2. A single publicationIdentifier parameter containing the text “Not a URI”, and ensure that the response is an InvalidParameterValue Exception with a locator value of “publicationIdentifier” 3. An empty request (request sent to the CreatePublication endpoint with no content), and ensure that the response is a NoApplicableCode Exception with an empty locator value |
A.9 Conformance class: Capabilities Filtering
/conf/core/capabilities-filtering-publisher | |
Dependency |
/conf/core/standalone-publisher |
Requirements Class |
/req/core/capabilities-filtering-publisher |
Test: /conf/core/capabilities-filtering-publisher/getcapabilities-content-sort
Requirement | /req/core/capabilities-filtering-publisher/getcapabilities-content-sort |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall impose a consistent sort order on the items listed in the Publications section. The sorting methodology is not specified by this Standard, but GetCapabilities responses shall present a consistent order between GetCapabilities requests, regardless of filtering criteria |
Test Method |
Execute the GetCapabilities operation without any capabilities filtering parameters. Execute the GetCapabilities operation with a bbox parameter that returns at least three results. Ensure that the order is the same between the contents of the Publications section is consistent between requests (ignoring filtered contents) |
Test: /conf/core/capabilities-filtering-publisher/getcapabilities-content-filter
Requirement | /req/core/capabilities-filtering-publisher/getcapabilities-content-filter |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall filter the items in the Publications section of the Capabilities response in accordance with Clause 15.2 when the parameters from Table 39 are provided in the request |
Test Method |
Execute the GetCapabilities operation without any capabilities filtering parameters. Record the contents of the Publications section. Execute the GetCapabilities operation with the following scenarios: · A searchTerms parameter with a single term that is contained in a single advertised publication, ensure the response Publications section contains a single Publication · A bbox parameter that encompasses a single advertised publication, ensure the response Publications section contains a single Publication · A count parameter that is set to the value “1”, ensure the response Publications section contains only the first Publication · A count parameter that is set to the value “1” and a startIndex parameter set to the value “1”, ensure the response Publications section contains only the second advertised Publication |
Test: /conf/core/capabilities-filtering-publisher/getcapabilities-search
Requirement | /req/core/capabilities-filtering-publisher/getcapabilities-search |
Test Purpose |
When a Publisher receives a GetCapabilities request that causes the Publications section to be excluded from the response, the Publisher shall ignore any of the parameters defined in Table 39 |
Test Method |
Execute the GetCapabilities operation with a sections parameter set to “ServiceIdentification” and the count parameter set to “1”, ensure that the response is a valid document with a ServiceIdentification section. |
Test: /conf/core/capabilities-filtering-publisher/getcapabilities-exceptions
Requirement | /req/core/capabilities-filtering-publisher/getcapabilities-exceptions |
Test Purpose |
A Publisher shall raise Exceptions in accordance with Table 40 when executing the GetCapabilities operation, in addition to those specified in Clause 9.1.3 |
Test Method |
Execute the GetCapabilities operation with the following scenarios: · A count parameter with the value “-1”, ensure that the response is an InvalidParameterValue Exception with a locator value of “count” |
Annex B Publish/Subscribe Interfaces (Informative)
This standard defines operations that can be combined in interfaces as follows:
Annex C Revision history
Date | Release | Editor | Paragraph(s) modified | Description |
2013-07-25 |
1.0-RC0 |
Aaron Braeckel, Lorenzo Bigagli, Johannes Echterhoff |
All |
First draft for internal SWG review |
2013-12-17 |
1.0-RC1 |
Aaron Braeckel, Lorenzo Bigagli, Johannes Echterhoff |
All |
Incorporated comments from PubSub SWG review Added Basic Receiver |
2015-06-26 |
1.0-RC2 |
Aaron Braeckel, Lorenzo Bigagli |
All |
Incorporated edits resulting from the SOAP Binding draft Second draft for internal SWG review |
2015-07-31 |
1.0-RC3 |
Aaron Braeckel, Lorenzo Bigagli |
All |
Revised URIs, revised figures in BasicPublisher |
2015-09-08 |
1.0-RC4 |
Aaron Braeckel, Lorenzo Bigagli |
All |
Incorporated comments from OAB review in preparation for public comment |
2015-12-07 |
1.0-RC5 |
Aaron Braeckel, Lorenzo Bigagli |
All |
Incorporated changes related to feedback from public comments in preparation for adoption vote |
2016-02-12 |
1.0 |
Aaron Braeckel, Lorenzo Bigagli |
Front page, Abstract |
Incorporated comments received during adoption vote Finalisation |
2016-03-31 |
1.0 |
Scott Simmons |
All |
Minor edits, preparation for publication |
[1] www.opengeospatial.org/cite
[2] OASIS WS-BaseNotification, Web Services Base Notification, OASIS Standard 1.3 (1 October 2006).
[3] OASIS WS-BrokeredNotification, Web Services Brokered Notification, OASIS Standard 1.3 (1 October 2006).