I. Abstract
This OGC Testbed 17 Engineering Report (ER) documents the outcomes of a review and implementation of the Sensor Integration Framework Standards Profile (SIF-SP) v1.0.1, published by the National Center for Geospatial Intelligence Standards (NCGIS).
The Sensor Integration Framework Standard Profiles (SIF-SP) authors rightly acknowledge that sensing systems and the environments they operate in (e.g. hardware platform, computing resources, connectivity, ease of deployment, etc.) are very heterogeneous and that there will never be a single suite of technology or standards that can support the goal of providing unified access to sensor deployments employed in complex applications.
Instead, rather than trying to impose a single standard or suite of standards, the SIF-SP approach defines common conceptual models that can be mapped to existing and future standards, thus allowing integration of all these standards in a single framework.
This approach is fully compatible with the OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) suite of standards that were designed for this type of integration. Thus, existing and upcoming SWE standards defined in the OGC can be used as the central pillar of a SIF implementation. The test implementation developed in this testbed, and based on OpenSensorHub, focused on demonstrating this aspect.
In addition to a thorough review of the SIF material — including standards documents, UML models and ontologies — a prototype implementation of the SIF standards was created during the Testbed using OpenSensorHub. This allowed the testbed participants to check the practical feasibility of fulfilling the SIF requirements using the OGC SWE suite of standards. Details and feedback regarding this implementation are also provided in this ER.
Suggestions to improve SIF-SP and make it an integral part of the OGC standard baseline are also provided.
NOTE Please note that although SIF-SP was developed by military organizations, the approach and concepts are fully applicable to other domains and should thus be considered by a wider audience.
II. Executive Summary
The OGC Testbed-17 Sensor Integration Thread focused on demonstrating the feasibility of implementing concepts described in the Sensor Integration Framework (SIF) standard developed by National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG) and United States MASINT System (USMS). A secondary objective was to demonstrate the possibility of integrating an OGC SensorThings API server with an existing SIF implementation called MASBUS.
The SIF provides a standards framework for the integration of sensor systems regardless of their technical constraints and deployment environment. The SIF thus targets systems that could be deployed on enterprise networks as well as in Denied, Degraded, Intermittent, or Limited Bandwidth (DDIL) environments. During the Testbed, a thorough assessment of the SIF standard documents and data models was first completed. The details of this analysis are provided in this report and the recommendations from the project are as follows:
OGC should continue to promote the SIF vision of integrated sensor systems as it is fully inline with the vision behind the OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) standards.
The SIF can be refined/developed further at OGC by defining Best Practices based on existing OGC SWE standards, not by developing new data models.
OGC standards provide conceptual models and encodings to solve the interoperability issue at the syntactic level, but more work is needed to improve interoperability at the semantic level.
A fully harmonized conceptual model that encompasses, not only sensor observations but also command and control aspects, needs to be developed at OGC.
The second part of this ER describes the implementation of a mediation server based on OpenSensorHub that was used to demonstrate the feasibility of heterogeneous sensor integration as envisioned by SIF. The following data sources were integrated to demonstrate the cross-domain applicability of this study:
Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) video and telemetry data extracted from video conforming to Motion Imagery Standards Board (MISB) standards
UAS processed data for image and target georeferencing
Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) sensor data obtained from a MASBUS Sensor Observation Service
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) sensor data using the US Army ISA protocol
Entire water database from the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
The mediation server is able to ingest all data listed previously and make it available via various standard interfaces, including OGC Sensor Observation Service, SensorThings API and SensorWeb API. Experiments were successfully run with both live and historical data.
There is enormous business value in solving the interoperability problem between heterogeneous sensor systems (i.e. systems of different kinds or of the same kind but from different vendors and using different proprietary interfaces). Interoperability is, as of today, the main challenge preventing the original vision of an Internet of Things (IoT) to be full realized. Indeed, the lack of standardization and interoperability between sensor vendors, system integrators and data integration/processing platforms makes it difficult for organizations dealing with large numbers of sensors systems to efficiently process data and control their assets. Although standard protocols enable communications between all kind of devices and systems at low level, large amounts of code are still required to integrate heterogeneous systems so that they can be operated with common tools (e.g. common operating picture). Many domains such as smart cities, smart manufacturing or military operations would greatly benefit from such standardization efforts.
III. Keywords
The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.
ogcdoc, OGC document, SIF, sensor, sensor integration, SWE, MISB, ISA, API, moving features
IV. Preface
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The Open Geospatial Consortium shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document, and to provide supporting documentation.
V. Security considerations
No security considerations have been made for this document.
VI. Submitting Organizations
The following organizations submitted this Document to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC):
- Botts Innovative Research Inc.
- Sensiasoft LLC
- HeazelTech LLC
- University of Calgary
VII. Submitters
All questions regarding this document should be directed to the editor or the contributors:
Name | Organization | Role |
Alex Robin | Botts Innovative Research / Sensiasoft | Editor |
Chuck Heazel | HeazelTech / NGA | Contributor |
Mahnoush Mohammadi Jahromi | University of Calgary | Contributor |
Sara Saeedi | University of Calgary | Contributor |
OGC Testbed-17: Sensor Integration Framework Assessment ER
1. Scope
This OGC Testbed 17 (TB-17) Engineering Report (ER) represents deliverable D030 of the Sensor Integration task.
The ER presents an analysis of the Sensor Integration Framework (SIF) developed for the NSG/MASINT community and suggests a path forward for integrating the SIF vision as part of OGC’s Sensor Web Enablement efforts.
The ER also contains information regarding the SIF implementation that was created during Testbed 17.
2. Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
This document uses the terms defined in OGC Policy Directive 49, which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular, the word “shall” (not “must”) is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this document and OGC documents do not use the equivalent phrases in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
This document also uses terms defined in the OGC Standard for Modular specifications (OGC 08-131r3), also known as the ‘ModSpec’. The definitions of terms such as standard, specification, requirement, and conformance test are provided in the ModSpec.
For the purposes of this document, the following additional terms and definitions apply.
2.1. Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this report, the definitions specified in Clause 4 of the OWS Common Implementation Standard OGC 06-121r9 shall apply. In addition, the following terms and definitions apply.
2.1.1. Sensor
An entity capable of observing a phenomenon and returning an observed value. Type of observation procedure that provides the estimated value of an observed property at its output. [OGC 12-000]
2.1.2. Actuator
A type of transducer that converts a signal to some real-world action or phenomenon. [OGC 12-000]
2.1.3. System
Something of interest as a whole or as comprised of parts. Therefore a system may be referred to as an entity. A component of a system may itself be a system, in which case it may be called a subsystem. NOTE — For modelling purposes, the concept of system is understood in its general, system-theoretic sense. The term “system” can refer to an information processing system but can also be applied more generally. [ISO/IEC 10746-2:2009]
2.1.4. Location
A point or extent in space relative to a coordinate system. For point-based systems, this is typical expressed as a set of n-dimensional coordinates within the coordinate system. For bodies, this is typically expressed by relating the translation of the origin of an object’s local coordinate system with respect to the origin of an external reference coordinate system. [OGC 12-000]
2.1.5. Orientation
The rotational relationship of an object relative to a reference frame. Typically expressed by relating the rotation of an object’s local coordinate axes relative to those axes of an external reference coordinate system. [OGC 12-000]
2.1.6. Position
The location and orientation of an object relative to an external reference frame. For body-based systems (in lieu of point-based systems) is typically expressed by relating the object’s local coordinate system to an external reference coordinate system. This definition is in contrast to some definitions (e.g. ISO 19107) which equate position to location. [OGC 12-000]
2.1.7. Reference Frame (or Frame of Reference)
parameter or set of parameters that realize the position of the origin, the scale, and the orientation of a coordinate system [ISO 19111:2019]
2.2. Abbreviated terms
Denied, Degraded, Intermittent, or Limited Bandwidth
Full Motion Video
Feature of Interest
Field of View
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Integrated Sensor Architecture
MASINT Enterprise Service Bus
Measurement and Signature Intelligence
Motion Imagery Standards Board
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
Observations & Measurements
Observations, Measurements and Samples
Sensor Modeling Language
Sensor Integration Framework
Sensor Integration Framework Standards Profile
Sensor Observation Service
Sensor, Observation, Sample, and Actuator (Ontology)
Sensor Planning Service
Semantic Sensor Network (Ontology)
SensorThings API
SensorWeb API
Sensor Web Enablement
Unmanned Aircraft System
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
3. Introduction
Clause 6 introduces the current SIF-SP models and architecture, as well as their mapping to OGC SWE standards.
Clause 7 presents suggested improvements to the existing SIF-SWE mappings. This includes improvements to mappings already defined in SIF as well as mappings to other OGC standards or candidate standards.
Clause 8 presents the SIF implementation developed in Testbed 17, as well as draft conceptual models to bring together the observation viewpoint provided by O&M/OMS, the system viewpoint provided by SensorML and the tasking viewpoint, and also leveraging semantics used in W3C SOSA/SSN.
Annex A provides links to JSON Schemas for SWE encodings as well as code snippets of JSON examples built using the schemas.
Annex B provides the full OpenAPI definition document and query examples for the experimental Sensor Web API that is based on the unified conceptual models discussed in Clause 8.
4. Key findings
4.1. Applicability of existing OGC Data Models
The first key outcome of this task is the demonstration that existing OGC SWE data models (O&M, SensorML and SWE Common) go a long way to fulfil the requirements expressed in the SIF standards. For this reason, it is recommended to build on these data models and map them directly to other community standards (by defining best practices) rather than creating new data models as it was done in the original SIF documentation.
Small improvements to these existing standards, combined with the development of domain specific profiles/ontologies seem sufficient to accomplish the goal. Read the Future Work section for more detailed recommendations regarding this aspect.
4.2. Implications to OGC API Standardization
In addition to the review of SIF, a comparative review of the Sensor Observation Service (SOS), Sensor Planning Service (SPS) and SensorThings API standards was also conducted during the Testbed, leading to the following observations:
SOS and SPS provide good cross-domain functionality, allowing access and tasking of many different sensor types, but these standards are based on older XML web services, are hard to understand and implement, and lack discovery capabilities needed for larger deployments.
SensorThings follows a more modern REST/JSON approach that is easier to understand, but is limited to simple sensor systems as it does not have adequate support for more complex data types such as orientation and other vector quantities, imagery, video or observation profiles for example.
It seems that there is a place for a new REST/JSON OGC API (perhaps “OGC API: Sensor Systems”) that can fulfill all SIF requirements (which correspond to original SWE requirements), including support for any kind of sensor systems.
5. Future Work
This section suggests a path for continuing the work initiated on SIF within the OGC Standards program. What is envisioned is a set of Best Practice documents that would provide guidelines as to how OGC web services, APIs and encodings standards (and SWE standards in particular) can be used jointly to fulfill the requirements described in the SIF reference view. Recommendations are also provided to move SIF-SP forward in the OGC standardization process so that it becomes useful for a broader community.
Some concepts in SIF and the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) are interesting as they help connect the dots between the Observations and Measurements (O&M) model that focuses on sensing activities and the tasking/command side of things that OGC does not have a comprehensive conceptual model for (only services and API). For example, the Performer concept as a generalization of OMS Observer is useful as many operational deployments need to deal both with observation data and command to control various assets.
In addition, the computational requirements expressed in the SIF Reference View are a good base to guide the OGC community for any further work on this topic. They are a good overview of the functionality required by organizations that need to deploy a large number of observing systems and orchestrate their use in a coherent manner.
However, the OGC, ISO and W3C have already developed conceptual models for many aspects of the problem. Therefore, defining new conceptual models as was done as part of the existing SIF work does not seem necessary. From the OGC perspective, it seems more appropriate to refine/extend these OGC conceptual models rather than defining new ones based on DoDAF concepts and mapping them to OGC models.
The following approach is thus recommended to continue this work at OGC:
Use SIF requirements as a guide for the overall architecture (refine and extend them as required). Maintain clear mappings from requirements to solutions proposed in the models and APIs. Produce an overall architecture document explaining how OGC standards fit together to implement the requirements documented in SIF.
Rather than DoDAF concepts, use SWE conceptual models as the core models for SIF (O&M/OMS, SensorML, SWE Common, SOSA/SSN, and see unified model presented in this ER).
From both observation and command & control sides, work on a better conceptual model that unifies the system view and the data view (see proposal in this ER). Existing OGC conceptual models (O&M/OMS, SensorML and SWE Common) fit into this larger model.
Map OGC SWE services to these core models in technical view 1 (SOS/SPS, SensorThings API, or a future OGC Sensors API).
Map specialized OGC services and APIs to these core models when appropriate (e.g. EDR).
Map any other standards to these core models through technical views (e.g. ISA, MISB, NITF, AIXM, WXXM, OPC-UA, etc.).
Focus on defining semantics, based on W3C SSN ontology in order to provide more specific concept definitions (such as mathematical objects used to represent mechanical state, generic qualifiers for observables like spectral bands, etc.).
6. Review of SIF-SP Documentation
The Sensor Integration Framework (SIF) provides a standards framework for the integration of sensor systems regardless of their technical constraints. The SIF includes a Reference View that defines high level concepts and requirements and a set of Technical Views (TV). Each TV is representative of a typical deployment environment and its associated constraints. A TV defines the standards and provides guidance for the development of sensor systems within the constraints of that deployment environment.
The following three documents of the Sensor Integration Framework Standard Profiles (SIF-SP) were reviewed as part of this Testbed:
This section provides a summary of the concepts and mappings described in these documents.
6.1. Reference View
The SIF-SP reference view is based on a subset of the DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) and is organized according to the principles of the Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP).
RM-ODP formalism allows specifying requirements by taking different viewpoints, each of which allowing to address a particular set of concerns. The reference view provides information in the first 3 RM-ODP viewpoints whose definition is recalled in the following table:
Enterprise Viewpoint | Concerned with the purpose, scope and policies governing the activities of the specified system within the organization of which it is a part |
Information Viewpoint | Concerned with the kinds of information handled by the system and constraints on the use and interpretation of that information |
Computational Viewpoint | Concerned with the functional decomposition of the system into a set of objects that interact at interfaces |
SIF also leverages some of the DoDAF concepts for which it aims at capturing information needed for the exploitation of measurement systems and their observations. These concepts are:
Concept | Description |
Resource | Data, Information, Performers, Materiel, or Personnel Types that are produced or consumed. |
Activity | Work, not specific to a single organization, system or individual that transforms inputs into outputs or changes their state. |
Capability | The ability to achieve a Desired Effect under specified performance standards and conditions through combinations of ways and means [activities and resources] to perform a set of activities. |
Information | Information is the state of a something of interest that is materialized — in any medium or form — and communicated or received. |
Performer | Any entity — human, automated, or any aggregation of human and/or automated — that performs an activity and provides a capability. |
6.1.1. Enterprise Viewpoint Use Cases
The SIF reference view defines the following use cases:
Use Case 1 | Discover Sensor |
Use Case 2 | Describe Sensor |
Use Case 3 | Discover Observations |
Use Case 4 | Describe Observations |
Use Case 5 | Deliver Discrete Measures |
Use Case 6 | Deliver Streaming Measures |
Use Case 7 | Deliver Interactive Streaming Measures |
Use Case 8 | Set Sensor (or Actuator) Properties | Components
SIF also defines the following enterprise level components:
Component | Capability |
Service Catalog | Discovery |
Observation Catalog | Discovery |
Sensor Manager | Command and Control |
Observation Server | Delivery |
Full Motion Video Server | Streaming Delivery |
Imagery Server | Interactive Delivery |
6.1.2. Information Viewpoint (Conceptual Models) Resource Descriptions
SIF defines different types of resources for which robust metadata should be provided. General Resource Descriptions provide a general description suitable for any resource that can be referenced by its URI. In addition, specific resource types are defined to provide more details, an overview of which is provided in the following UML diagram and table:
Figure 1 — SIF Resource Descriptions
Table 1 — SIF Descriptions
Description Type | Definition |
Performer | A Performer is an entity that performs tasks, independent of whether the entity is hardware, software, firmware or wetware. Most SIF Performers are platforms, sensors, actuators, or sensor systems. |
Activity | A Performer by itself does not perform sensing. It is the Activities that are executed by the Performer that generate Observations. The SIF identifies two forms of Activities. Atomic Activities are Activities which follow a request-response pattern. Processing Activities are Activities which will execute for a period (in some cases unbounded) of time. Metadata describing the Atomic Activities are provided through the Command Descriptions. Metadata describing Processing Activities are provided through the Activity Description. |
Observable | A parameter or a characteristic of a phenomenon subject to observation. |
Observation | The result of measuring/observing (Activity) an observed property of a specific real-world object. |
Command | Description of a command supported by a Performer |
Process | An operation that takes one or more inputs and, based on a set of parameters and a methodology, generates one or more outputs. |
6.1.3. Computational Viewpoint
The computational viewpoint refines SIF requirements in terms of capabilities and activities available from the various components of the architecture. The following table summarizes requirements listed for each group of capability:
Table 2 — SIF Messaging Capabilities
Capability | Description |
Direct | Entity sends a message to a specified recipient or group of recipients. |
Pub/Sub | Entity broadcasts a message which can be received by any number of recipients who subscribes to it. |
Message Oriented Middleware | Messaging system where the routing decisions are made by the messaging infrastructure, not the sender or recipient. |
Table 3 — SIF Discovery Capabilities
Capability | Description |
Resource Discovery | Discover resources regardless of their type. |
Content Discovery | Discover information resources, including data sets, files, and entries in relational databases. |
Process Discovery | Discover activities that are available for execution. |
Performer Discovery | Discover performers available to the user as well as their full description. |
Table 4 — SIF Delivery Capabilities
Capability | Description |
Discrete Delivery | Discrete delivery is the delivery of an information resource, either by providing the entire resource itself or a reference to it. |
Streaming Delivery | With streaming delivery, the client is provided a service access point from which the resource is available as a continuous stream of data (e.g. full motion video, audio, other real-time data feeds). |
Interactive Delivery | Interactive delivery allows the user to select which parts of a (large) resource to deliver at a time (e.g. large satellite imagery products). |
Register | Submit a resource to a delivery service so that it will be available for access. |
Table 5 — SIF Command Capabilities
Capability | Description |
Command | Issue a command that is used to start, modify, or stop the execution of a process/activity. |
Actuation | Issue a command that is used to start, modify, or stop the execution of a process/activity. |
Table 6 — SIF Sensing Capabilities
Capability | Description |
Command and Control | Covers all of the control and status activities needed to place the sensor where it needs to be, establish the parameters for a successful collection, start and stop the collection. |
Sensor Collection | Covers the activities performed by emitters, collectors, and all of the support processing required to produce a usable information resource. |
Table 7 — SIF Human-Computer Interface (HCI) Capabilities
Capability | Description |
Query Builder | An interface to help building complex queries that are used to filter query results and pub/sub data. |
Content Presentation | Tools to transform and display the raw data in a way that a human can comprehend. |
User Input | A way to convert a human input to a machine readable format understood by other components. |
Response Handler | A piece of software to receive and handle messages from pub/sub data sources asynchronously. |
Table 8 — SIF Information Assurance Capabilities
Capability | Description |
Identification | The process of discovering the true identity (i.e., origin, initial history) of a person or item from the entire collection of similar persons or items. |
Authentication | The act of verifying the identity of a user, process, or device, often as a prerequisite to allowing access to resources in an information system. |
Authorization | The process of defining and maintaining the allowed actions. |
Access Control | The ability to allow or deny access to applications and resources at a granular level, such as per-user, per-group, and per-resources. |
Confidentiality | The ability to protect data so that unauthorized parties cannot view the data. |
Integrity | The ability to assure that data has not been altered in an unauthorized manner. Data integrity covers data in storage, during processing, and while in transit. |
Non-Repudiation | The ability to provide protection against an individual falsely denying having performed a particular action. |
6.2. Technical View 1
The SIF-SP Technical View 1 provides mapping rules between the SIF Reference View and the following OGC Sensor Web Enablement standards:
Observations & Measurement
Sensor Observation Service
Sensor Planning Service
Please read the Clause 7 section for more details and discussion about these mappings.
6.3. Technical View 3
The SIF-SP Technical View 3 provide general mapping rules with Tactical Denied, Degraded, Intermittent, or Limited Bandwidth (DDIL) environments, including a specific test suite for implementations based on the Integrated Sensor Architecture (ISA) DoD standard.
Please read the Clause 8 section to learn more about how the ISA and MISB DoD standards were mapped to SWE conceptual models.
7. Mappings to SWE Standards
This section discusses suggested improvements to the SIF mappings to better take into account existing and future OGC standards.
For existing mappings, suggested changes are highlighted in blue in the following tables.
7.1. SensorML
SensorML is a robust language that is well suited for describing the following types of resources and concepts:
SIF / DoDAF | Performer, Activity, Platform, Process |
O&M / OMS | Procedure, ObservingProcedure, Observer, Host |
SSN | System, Platform, Sensor, Actuator |
7.1.1. Mappings with SIF Descriptions
Table 9 — Mapping between SIF and SensorML Classes
SIF Class | SensorML Class | Comments |
Observation | - | |
Observation Description | DataStream | |
Observable | ObservableProperty | |
Performer, Performer Description | PhysicalComponent, PhysicalSystem | Both type level (i.e. description of a sensor model) and instance level (i.e. description of a particular instance/deployment of a sensor model) descriptions can be implemented with SensorML. The link between the two is done using the typeOf property |
Activity, Activity Description | SimpleProcess, AggregateProcess, | |
Real-World Object | PhysicalComponent, PhysicalSystem | When the feature of interest is the system itself (e.g. the aircraft/platform that we measure location of), a SensorML class can be used to model it. In this case the system can be both a Performer and a Real-World Object |
Table 10 — Mapping between Activity and SensorML Process
SIF Activity Description | SensorML AbstractProcess | |||
Property Name | Cardinality | Section Name | Cardinality | Comments |
input | 1..n | inputs | 0..n | |
output | 1..n | outputs | 0..n | |
method | 0..1 | method | 0..1 | |
parameters | 0..n | parameters | 0..n | |
executedBy | 0..n | contacts, classification | 0..n | Performer can be referenced using a specific contact role or classifier |
processingInformation | 0..n | characteristics, capabilities, documentation | 0..n | |
hasProcessStep | 0..n | components, connections, method | 0..n | Depending on the desired level of granularity, a SimpleProcess or an AggregateProcess can be used. When an AggregateProcess is used, components and connections are used to define the steps. When a SimpleProcess (atomic process) is used, the steps/algorithms can be described in the method section, either textually or using a more formal language such as MathML. |
Table 11 — Mapping between Performer and SensorML Process
SIF Performer Description | SensorML PhysicalComponent | |||
Property Name | Cardinality | Section Name | Cardinality | Comments |
identifier | 1 | gml:id, identifier | 1 | Recommend using gml:id for local identification only, not to store any representation of the unique identifer which should aim at being globally unique |
name | 0..n | name, identifiers | 0..n | Main name is provided by the name property; Further application specific identifiers can also be provided |
definition | 0..1 | definition, classifiers | 0..n | The main definition specifies what this physical component is through a URI which resolves to an element in the SIF-SP ontology. More (domain) specific classifiers can also be provided (e.g. sensor or platform type). |
extent | 0..1 | boundedBy | 0..1 | The boundedBy property could be used although in this case it is meant to be the extent within the performer operates, not the extent of the feature itself |
observables | 0..n | outputs, featuresOfInterest | ||
pointOfContact | 0..n | contacts | 0..n | Modeled as ISO 19115 CI_ResponsibleParty |
position | 0..1 | position | 0..n | In SensorML, position can be specified inside the component or system itself, or in the description of the system that encapsulates it (hence the 0..n cardinality). |
properties | 0..n | characteristics, capabilities, parameters | 0..n | |
commands | 0..n | parameters | 0..n | Commands are modeled using parameters marked as ‘updatable’ |
state | ||||
hasComponent | 0..n | components | 0..n | When a PhysicalSystem is used, components can be described individually |
isPartOf | 0..1 | attachedTo | 0..1 | Used to navigate up the hierarchy of components |
executes | 0..n | typeOf | 1..1 | Performer is associated with Activity/Process though inheritance |
7.2. SWE Common Data Model
SWE Common is a robust low-level data model that is useful for providing detailed metadata about the structure and semantics of data records as well as the data record values themselves in different possible encodings (CSV, XML, JSON, binary).
In particular, SWE Common can be used to implement both schema and instance level information for the following concepts:
SIF / DoDAF | Observation properties, Performer parameters, Performer capability, Command inputs/outputs/parameters, Activity inputs/outputs/parameters |
O&M / OMS | Observation result, Observation parameters |
SSN / SOSA | Result, SystemCapability, SystemProperty, ObservableProperty, ActuatableProperty, Condition |
Work has been done on the JSON encoding for both SWE Common Data Model v2.0 and SensorML v2.0/2.1 standards.
See JSON schemas provided in Annex A.
7.2.1. Supported Encodings
Various encodings are supported by the SWE Common standard. Compression methods are also supported via the BinaryEncoding (See Clause 8.13 in the implementation section).
7.3. Observations & Measurements (O&M & OMS)
“Observations and Measurements” (O&M) version 2.0 has been published both as an OGC and as an ISO Standard. Version 3.0 is under development and is now called “Observations, Measurements and Samples” (OMS). OMS will also be released as a joint OGC/ISO standard.
The OMS v3 conceptual models introduce important refinements to the O&M models, including among others:
The new ObservationCollection class;
A clear distinction between an Observer and the ObservingProcedure it performs;
The proxy feature of interest and ultimate feature of interest concepts that generalize O&M’s concepts of sampling feature vs. sampled feature.
Although the O&M/OMS design seems to be driven mostly by communities using in-situ sensors, the more flexible design of OMS v3 will help solve many problems related to encoding inefficiencies encountered with O&M v2.
A UML diagram of the core OMS v3 conceptual models is provided below:
Figure 2 — OMS Conceptual Observation Model
7.3.1. Definitions
Before presenting a mapping between O&M/OMS and SIF, the key concepts of O&M/OMS are summarized below: Observation
An Observation is an act associated with a discrete time instant or period through which a number, term, or other symbol is assigned to a phenomenon. An observation involves application of a specified Procedure, such as a sensor, instrument, algorithm, or process chain. The procedure may be applied in-situ, remotely, or ex-situ with respect to the sampling location. The result of an observation is an estimate of the value of a property of some feature. ObservableProperty
An observable quality (property, characteristic) of the feature of interest that may be observed. FeatureOfInterest
The Feature that is the subject of the Observation. More discussion on modeling features of interest is provided in section Clause 8.10. Procedure
A description of steps performed. More specifically, an ObservingProcedure describes the steps performed by an Observer to generate an Observation. Likewise, a SamplingProcedure describes the steps performed by a Sampler in order to extract a Sample from a sampled feature. Observer (OMS v3 only)
An identifiable entity that may generate Observations by performing a certain Procedure. Host (OMS v3 only)
A grouping of Observers for a specific reason. Deployment (OMS v3 only)
Information on the assignment of an Observer to a Host. Observation Result
The result of an Observation. The O&M conceptual models are agnostic of the result type and different result types can be modeled to accommodate the needs of different domains.
However, one thing to note is that OGC SWE Common Data Model (see Clause 7.2) provides a generic model for describing result types across communities. It allows defining both simple and more complex result types by providing a semantically robust schema and encoded values for the observation result.
7.3.2. Mappings with SIF Concepts
The following table provides recommended mappings between O&M v2 classes and SIF / DoDAF concepts:
Table 12 — Mapping between SIF and O&M v2 Concepts
SIF Class | O&M Class | Comments |
Observation | Observation | |
Observation Description | - | |
Observable | ObservableProperty | |
Performer | Procedure | Both Performer and Activity are mapped to Procedure which caused confusion in many applications of O&M in the past. These two concepts have been separated in OMS v3 for this reason (see below). |
Activity | Procedure | |
Real-World Object | Feature, SamplingFeature, as featureOfInterest, as samplingFeature, as sampledFeature |
The following table provide recommended mappings between OMS v3 classes and SIF / DoDAF concepts:
Table 13 — Mapping between SIF and OMS v3 Concepts
SIF Class | OMS Class | Comments |
Observation | Observation | |
Observation Description | Observation Collection | |
Observable | ObservableProperty | |
Performer | Observer, Host | |
Activity | Procedure, ObservingProcedure, SamplingProcedure | |
Real-World Object | Feature, as featureOfInterest, as proxyFeatureOfInterest, as ultimateFeatureOfInterest | |
NOTE SIF defines a “realizes” relationship between Observation and Observable. We think that may not be the best way to model this relationship as the Observation result is an “estimate” of the value of the Observable at a given point it time. |
7.3.3. Encodings
XML encodings for O&M 2.0 have been released as part of OGC O&M [10-025r1]. They are used by the Sensor Observation Service in particular.
JSON encodings for O&M 2.0 have been released as an OGC Discussion Paper (OGC 15-100r1) and can be used as a basis for OGC APIs serving observation resources.
7.4. Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) Services (SOS & SPS)
In this section, mappings between SIF and both Sensor Observation Service (SOS) and Sensor Planning Service (SPS) are considered. Both of these services are XML based web services and have been OGC standards since 2007 and 2010 respectively.
SOS and SPS information models are almost entirely based on O&M and SensorML/SWECommon, so the mappings defined above are still valid in the context of these services.
7.4.1. Mappings with SIF Information Model
SIF Class | SWE Class | Comments |
Performer | SensorML process or system description in SOS/SPS DescribeSensor and SOS InsertSensor | |
Activity | - | |
Observation | O&M Observation in SOS GetObservation and InsertObservation | |
Observation Description | ObservationOffering in SOS Capabilities | |
Observable | via reference to external ontologies only | |
Command Description | SWE Common parameters within SPS DescribeTaskingResponse | |
Command | SWE Common encoded message | |
Real-World Object | GML Feature in GetFeatureOfInterest |
7.4.2. Mappings with SIF Enterprise Viewpoint
SIF Use Case | SWE Service Operation | Comments |
Discover Sensor | SOS/SPS GetCapabilities | Need to browse through offerings |
Describe Sensor | SOS/SPS DescribeSensor | |
Discover Observations | SOS GetCapabilities | Need to browse through observation offerings |
Describe Observations | SOS GetResultTemplate | Does not include all static observation metadata, just the result structure and observables |
Deliver Discrete Measures (Server to Client) | SOS GetObservation or GetResult | Filtering can be used |
Deliver Discrete Measures (Sensor to Server) | SOS InsertObservation or InsertResult | |
Deliver Streaming Measures | Non-standard websocket extension available in OSH SOS implementation | Filtering can be used |
Set Sensor (or Actuator) Properties | SPS Submit | |
Deliver Interactive Streaming Measures | Out of Scope |
7.4.3. Mappings with SIF Computational Viewpoint
SIF Capability | SOS/SPS Operation/Protocol | Comments |
Direct Messaging | SOS-SPS Get operations via HTTP GET. | |
Post Message | SOS Insert operations via HTTP POST. SPS Submit via HTTP POST. | |
Deliver Message | SOS-SPS Get operations via HTTP GET. | |
Publish-Subscribe Messaging | Possible for SPS task status updates using WS-Notification | |
Publish | - | |
Subscribe | WS-Notification Subscribe operation | |
Notify | WS-Notification Notify operation | |
Route Message | - |
7.5. SensorThings API
SensorThings API (STA) v1.1 is an API based on REST principles and OData. It provides access to both observations and tasking capabilities. The UML diagram of the core SensorThings classes/entities is provided below:
Figure 3 — SensorThings Core Entities
The additional classes/entities used for tasking are illustrated below:
Figure 4 — SensorThings Tasking Entities
7.5.1. Mappings with SIF Information Model
SIF Class | SensorThings Class | Comments |
Performer | System, Sensor, Actuator | Aggregate performers such as systems composed of several sensors can be modeled as Things. Only very limited metadata (corresponding to SIF Resource Description) is defined by the standard. More could be added via profiles. |
Activity | Datastream | |
Observation | Observation | |
Observation Description | Datastream | Limited metadata defined by the standard. More could be added via profiles. |
Observable | ObservedProperty | |
Command Description | TaskingCapability | |
Command | Task |
7.5.2. Mappings with SIF Enterprise Viewpoint
SIF Use Case | SensorThings Capability | Comments |
Discover Sensor | Browse/search through Thing and Sensor entities | |
Describe Sensor | Fetch details of a particular Sensor | Not much metadata provided on Sensor entities |
Discover Observations | Browse/search through ObservedProperty and Datastream entities | |
Describe Observations | Fetch details of a particular Datastream | |
Deliver Discrete Measures | Fetch Observations from Observation collections (HTTP GET) | Filtering can be used |
Deliver Streaming Measures | Subscribe to Observations from one-or-more Datastreams (MQTT) | Filtering can be used |
Set Sensor (or Actuator) Properties | Post Task to a TaskingCapability (HTTP POST), Publish Task to a TaskingCapability (MQTT) | |
Deliver Interactive Streaming Measures | - |
7.5.3. Mappings with SIF Computational Viewpoint
SIF Capability | SensorThings Operation/Protocol | Comments |
Direct Messaging | HTTP & MQTT | |
Post Message | HTTP POST/PUT | |
Deliver Message | HTTP GET | |
Publish-Subscribe Messaging | via MQTT extension | |
Publish | MQTT publish from client to server | |
Subscribe | MQTT subscribe | |
Notify | MQTT publish between server and client | |
Route Message | - |
7.6. SensorWeb API (Draft)
The SensorWeb API is a REST API under development by the OpenSensorHub team. This API targets a full implementation of the SWE vision (i.e. observation access, streaming, tasking, processing and discovery using O&M, SWE Common and SensorML) using a REST approach.
The SensorWeb API uses the HTTP/REST protocol for discovery and historical data access, as well as Websocket and MQTT bindings providing streaming and publish/subscribe capabilities for both observation and command data feeds.
7.6.1. Mappings with SIF Information Model
SIF Class | SensorWeb API Class | Comments |
Performer | System | Additional semantic allows specifying the type of performer (e.g. system, sensor, actuator, platform, etc.). |
Activity | Procedure | Modeled as a SensorML SimpleProcess or AggregateProcess |
Observation Description | DataStream | Modeled from OMS v3 ObservationCollection. The schema sub-resource provides the detailed data structure of the observation results using SWE Common. |
Observation | Observation | |
Observable Description | Property | Properties can be used both as “observable properties” and “actuatable/changeable properties” |
Observable | observedProperty by URI | |
Command Description | CommandStream | Similarly to Datastream, this includes the command schema defined as SWE Common. |
Command | Command | |
Real-World Object | System, Feature |
7.6.2. Mappings with SIF Enterprise Viewpoint
SIF Use Case | SensorWeb API Capability | Comments |
Discover Sensor | Browse/search through System and Procedure resources | |
Describe Sensor | Fetch details of a particular System (SensorML) | |
Discover Observations | Browse/search through ObservableProperty and Datastream resources | |
Describe Observations | Fetch details of a particular Datastream and its schema sub-resource | |
Deliver Discrete Measures | Fetch observations from Observation collections (HTTP GET) | Filtering can be used |
Deliver Streaming Measures | Stream real-time Observations from a Datastream (Websocket), Subscribe to Observations from one-or-more Datastreams (MQTT) | Filtering can be used |
Set Sensor (or Actuator) Properties | Post Command to a CommandStream (HTTP POST), Stream Command to a CommandStream (Websocket), Publish Command to a CommandStream (MQTT) | |
Deliver Interactive Streaming Measures | - |
7.6.3. Mappings with SIF Computational Viewpoint
SIF Capability | SensorWeb API Operation/Protocol | Comments |
Direct Messaging | HTTP & MQTT | |
Post Message | HTTP POST/PUT, Websocket | |
Deliver Message | HTTP GET, Websocket | |
Publish-Subscribe Messaging | via MQTT extension | |
Publish | MQTT publish from client to server | |
Subscribe | MQTT subscribe | |
Notify | MQTT publish between server and client | |
Route Message | - |
8. Test Implementation
This section presents the implementation based on OpenSensorHub (OSH) that was developed during Testbed-17 to demonstrate the feasibility of SIF concepts.
8.1. Scope
The scope of the test implementation is to demonstrate the feasibility of integrating various standard interfaces as well as legacy systems into a common framework by following principles of the SIF-SP. The implementation focuses on the use of existing and upcoming OGC standards to implement the SIF/SWE vision. That is, to allow interaction with heterogeneous sensor systems in a unified manner, including access to system metadata, observation data and ability to send commands.
The implementation focuses on demonstrating the following aspects in particular:
The extent of the metadata that is possible to transmit using OGC standards;
The integration with existing legacy systems without requiring changes or duplication of existing datastores;
The ability to transmit a wide range of data types, from simple in-situ measurement to high data-rate video feeds.
The following diagram illustrates the data sources that were successfully integrated during the Testbed:
Figure 5 — OSH Based SIF Implementation
8.2. OpenSensorHub
OpenSensorHub (OSH) is a Java framework that can enable any sensor, actuator, process, forecast model, robot, or system to be discovered, accessed, and controlled through OGC/SWE standard services and APIs.
OSH can also act as a bridge between protocols, either between SWE protocols themselves (e.g. SensorThings-SOS bridge) or between SWE and other proprietary protocols or community standards (e.g. OnVIF video cams to SWE bridge). OSH achieves this goal by defining Java APIs based on the SWE conceptual models, towards which sensor drivers, web services/APIs, and datastore connectors can be developed.
A simplified view of OSH architecture is shown on the diagram below:
Figure 6 — OSH Architecture
8.3. Core Models
OpenSensorHub is built on conceptual models defined in O&M/OMS, SensorML and SWE Common. Additional semantics are provided by the OGC/W3C SSN ontology as well as the SensorML ontology from Botts Innovative Research that is browsable at http://sensorml.com/ont.
In addition to leveraging concepts defined in the above standards, OSH is based on a unified implementation model that connects together classes from O&M/OMS, SensorML, SWE Common, and SSN. The model is presented here as it could be used as the base for further work on SIF.
Below is a simplified UML diagram showing the main classes of the model. The diagram also illustrates how the model “realizes” classes of the main standard conceptual models it is based on (shown with a dashed outline):
The om prefix denotes classes from the O&M and OMS model.
The ssn prefix denotes classes from the SOSA/SSN ontology.
The sml prefix denotes classes from the SensorML model.
The iso prefix denotes classes from the ISO feature model.
The role of many OSH extensions (e.g. sensor drivers, datastore connectors, etc.) is to adapt legacy data models and formats to this internal unified model.
Figure 7 — Unified SWE Model
In this model, the following definitions hold:
As in SSN, a System represents an instance of an observing system that implements a particular Procedure. A System can be a physical piece of hardware, a logical process executed in a processing unit or even a human performing predefined steps in a lab or in the field. The difference between these types of systems is made by semantic tagging rather than creating different classes.
As in SSN, a System can have members (i.e. subsystems) that are themselves Systems. This allows describing more complex hierarchical systems with the desired level of granularity.
Contrary to SSN, an OSH System can also be used to model a Platform, which can then have its own Datastreams and command channels.
Any System can have any number of Datastreams. Therefore describing the complete hierarchy of System components is not necessary, even when providing all data generated by these components. If desired, the System can be modeled as “black box” (i.e. without sub components) with multiple datastreams (although technically the data comes from individual system components). The same is true for commands.
Both Observation results and Command parameters are described and encoded using the SWE Common standard, which allows efficient binary encoding. See Clause 8.13 for details about the supported encoding and codecs.
8.4. Multi-protocol Bridge
OSH implements the idea of a protocol bridge envisioned by SIF. Thus ingesting data using one protocol and expose it with another is possible. OSH takes care of the proper transformation and tries to minimize the loss of information in the process.
For example, the following transformations have been demonstrated in the Testbed:
Ingest data from a standard SOS server and expose through SensorThings API and SensorWeb API.
Ingest data using SOS-T and expose through SensorThings API and SensorWeb API.
Ingest data using SensorThings API and expose via SOS and SensorWeb API.
Ingest MISB data/metadata and expose via SOS, SensorThings API and SensorWeb API.
Ingest ISA protocol buffer data and expose via SOS, SensorThings API and SensorWeb API.
Ingest data from legacy United States Geological Survey (USGS) webservice and expose via SOS, SensorThings API and SensorWeb API.
Internally, all OSH components are interconnected using the datastore and event bus APIs that make this data interchange possible. Thanks to this architecture, interoperability between protocols is possible for both real-time and historical cases, and for both observation and command data flows.
8.5. Integration Points
OpenSensorHub can integrate with a legacy system in different ways:
By developing a “Sensor Driver” (or System Driver) in a JVM programming language (Java, Groovy, Scala, Kotlin, etc.) that implements the OSH sensor API. Such a driver supports direct access to any locally connected device (e.g. via serial, USB, Bluetooth) or digital data feed (e.g. a datastream flowing from a remote server such as a message queue). A driver is designed to capture real-time data coming to/from a system and convert between legacy formats and OGC SWE data models. The driver can handle both observation and command flows and is also responsible for collecting metadata about the system it connects to.
Another way of integrating an external device or other real-time data feed is by developing a piece of software that runs separately from OSH and exchanges data with OSH using one of the available transactional APIs (SOS-T, SensorThings API and SensorWeb API). Note that since this extension will run outside of the OSH node itself, it can be developed in any programming language. This method can also be used to ingest large volumes of historical data in batch mode.
Finally, integrating directly with an existing datastore containing historical observations and/or metadata is also possible using the Datastore API. In this case, OSH acts as a proxy to an underlying datastore with or without maintaining its own cache (e.g. LRU cache of most commonly accessed data). This type of integration is especially of interest for large data collections that are difficult or costly to duplicate.
The following integrations have been implemented or improved during Testbed 17:
8.6. Sensor Drivers/Adapters
Sensor drivers (or System drivers) provide translators from/to lower level protocols such as the ones described in SIF-SP Technical View 3 (e.g. ISA). In this Testbed, the following drivers have been developed and showcased:
8.6.1. ISA Protocol Driver
This driver is used to connect systems that implement the ISA protocol, and has two modes of operation:
Connection to real-time ISA sensor feed supporting the protobuf encoding;
Generation of metadata and observation data for a simulated ISA sensor network.
In both cases, the driver exposes system level metadata as well as descriptions for its datastreams and command channels. A single instance of the driver is able to decode data for a large number of ISA compliant systems, each of which is able to generate observations and receive commands.
Figure 8 — ISA Driver Diagram
In addition to observable properties and observation values, sensor identifiers, classifiers, characteristics and capabilities are obtained from ISA encoded data and converted to SensorML. The following sensor properties are supported:
Manufacturer name
Model number
Software version
Sensor type
Operating Range / Voltage
Operating Range / Current
Operating Range / Battery capacity
Measurement resolution
Measurement accuracy
Integration time
Sampling frequency
A snippet of the generated SensorML metadata in the JSON encoding is provided in Annex A.2.1. Note that properties are semantically tagged using concept URIs that are resolvable to external ontologies.
The following sensors & datastreams are available through this driver:
System Type | Datastreams | Comments |
Radiation Sensor | Radiological Reading, Radio Link Status (Link State), Sensor Location | RADIO001 to RADIO004 in the demonstration, with simulated triggers when radioactive source is nearby |
Biological Sensor | Biological Reading, Radio Link Status (Link State), Sensor Location | BIO001 to BIO004 in the demonstration, with simulated random measurements |
Chemical Sensor | Chemical Reading, Radio Link Status (Link State), Sensor Location | CHEM001 to CHEM002 in the demonstration, with simulated random measurements |
Weather Sensor | Atmospheric Humidity, Atmospheric Precipitation, Atmospheric Pressure, Atmospheric Temperature, Atmospheric Wind, Electrical Status, Radio Link Status (Link State), Sensor Location | ATM001 to ATM002 in the demonstration, with simulated random measurements |
8.6.2. MISB UAS Driver
This driver is used for ingesting a live or pre-recorded MPEG-TS video data stream with embedded MISB.0601 KLV tags (UAS Metadata Set). This type of datastream is typically generated by STANAG compliant Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS).
Figure 9 — MISB Driver Diagram
The following datastreams are made available by this driver:
Datastream | Feature of Interest | Comments |
Platform Orientation | UAV Platform | Relative to local NED reference frame |
Sensor Location | UAV Imaging Sensor | Geographic location (EPSG 9705) |
Sensor Orientation | UAV Imaging Sensor | Relative to UAV platform |
Sensor Parameters | UAV Imaging Sensor | Variable Field of View (FOV) |
Georeferenced Image Frame | Imaged Area | Geographic coordinates (EPSG 4979) |
Video Stream | Imaged Area | H264 frames wrapped in SWE Common binary stream |
Video Moving Targets (VMTI) | Moving Targets | Target locations in both image and geographic reference frames |
This driver showcases important capabilities provided by OGC SWE standards:
Be able to identify and describe the feature of interest for each datastream.
Be able to describe the relative positioning of various components of a remote sensing system.
Point 1 is of utmost importance in this UAS use case because a single MISB system generates datastreams that provide observations about different real-world objects, including:
The drone platform
The imaging sensor
The remotely sensed area
The moving targets detected and tracked in the video
Clearly identifying these real-world features is essential for a correct interpretation of the data (e.g. the location of the sensor or the location of the remote target on the ground are two very different things). The “feature of interest” (FoI) concept of O&M is used here to provide metadata about these objects and correctly associate them with datastreams and individual observations.
Point 2 is equally important for proper use of the positioning information provided by the system. The SWE Common Vector construct is used to unambiguously describe the frames of reference with respect to which location and orientation parameters are expressed (see Clause 8.11 for details). There are at least four main frames of reference in this use case:
3D geodetic coordinate reference systems. Note here the difference between EPSG 4979 corresponding to WGS84 lat/lon coordinates + height above ellipsoid and EPSG 9705 corresponding to WGS84 lat/lon coordinates + height above mean see level (MSL).
The local horizontal North-East-Down (NED) reference frame.
The platform reference frame that is rigidly attached to the aircraft/UAV.
The sensor reference frame that is rigidly attached to the camera sensor (the sensor is typically mounted on a gimbal and can thus be rotated with respect to the platform).
The full SWE Common descriptions for MISB datastreams are provided in Annex A.2.2. Note that properties are semantically tagged using concept URIs that are resolvable to external ontologies.
8.7. Datastore Connectors
Another way data was integrated during Testbed 17 is by proxying existing data stores using OSH datastore API. Two datastores were integrated:
The MASBUS SOS server, using the standard OGC SOS protocol.
The USGS Water Database, using the legacy webservice protocol and RDF text format.
8.7.1. MASBUS SOS Server
This connector is used to connect to a MASBUS DSOSRI service hosted by Riverside Research using the standard OGC SOS protocol. The connector connects regularly to the MASBUS SOS server in order to retrieve all new sensors’ metadata records and observations, and updates/publishes the info to the OSH integration hub.
Figure 10 — MASBUS Connector Diagram
The following sensors & datastreams are made available by this connector:
System Type | Datastreams | Comments |
Omnisense Detector | Passive Infrared, RGB Radiance, Vibration | Omnisense-10712, Omnisense-10721, Omnisense-10728, |
TRSS Sensor | TARACT Reading = Detection of objects of interest | Sensors with IDs TRSS:MM*` |
8.7.2. Legacy USGS Datastore
This connector is used to proxy the entire USGS water database made available through USGS Instantaneous Values Web Service. This database contains historical data for millions of observation sites and hundreds of observed properties. Information about monitoring sites is fetched using the USGS Site Web Service.
Figure 11 — USGS Water Database Connector Diagram
The following sensors & datastreams are made available by this connector:
System Type | Datastreams | Comments |
Water Monitoring Site | Discharge, Gage Height, Water Temperature, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Ocean Surface Elevation, … | See the complete list of parameters. Note that sites typically don’t report values for all parameters. |
This connector demonstrates the feasibility of integrating large sensor networks and expose the corresponding metadata and observation data efficiently via OGC APIs. The connector was instantiated as a direct pass-through proxy (i.e. without caching) for the Testbed.
Individual stations provide in-situ measurements at fixed locations so they are modeled as features of interest using O&M SF_SamplingPoint. A different datastream is created for each site/parameter combination.
Future work on this connector is to better model the different site types (atmosphere, glacier, ocean/costal/estuary, lake, stream, spring, well, etc.) and expose metadata of each site using SensorML (for now, sites are only described using simple features of interest).
8.8. Processing
Processing chains are also a point of focus of this implementation. OSH natively supports real-time and batch processing and uses SensorML to provide a complete description of the processing chains.
The processing chains presented below take raw observations as input (data extracted from MISB video stream in this case) and produce new observations as their output. These new “derived” or “processed” observations are modeled and made available by OSH through the same APIs as the raw observations.
8.8.1. Image Frame Georeferencing
This process chain computes the ground coordinates of the area imaged by the sensor. The process outputs the geographic coordinates of each image corner as projected on the ground, taking into account the location and orientation of the image sensor, the platform attitude, and the sensor field of view.
Figure 12 — Image Corners Georerefencing Process Chain
For reference, the full SensorML description of this processing chain is available from the demo server in both XML and JSON formats.
8.8.2. Video Object Tracking and Geolocation
This processing chain computes the ground location of one or more targets detected and tracked in the video. The process outputs the geographic coordinates of the targets for each video frame where they are detected. This processing chain takes the video frames as input and must also take into account all positioning parameters provided as part of the MISB stream.
Figure 13 — Target Geolocation Process Chain
The processing chain description (in SensorML) is a good example of why concepts defined in the SIF semantic framework (such as different kinds of reference systems, orientation, and location data) and robustly provided by OGC SWE encoding standards are important to unambiguously define relationships between various system components.
For reference, the full SensorML description of this processing chain is available from the demo server in both XML and JSON formats.
8.9. Web Services and APIs
Several web services and APIs are part of the OSH based test implementation, exposing system metadata and observation data in various ways, and allowing the sensor hub to act as a bridge between various standard protocols (see Clause 8.4). This section provides some implementation details as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each of these interfaces.
8.9.1. Sensor Observation Service v2.0
OSH can expose observation data, system metadata (i.e. sensor system, models, etc.) and features of interest via the SOS 2.0 protocol. OSH also supports inserting system metadata and observations via the transactional SOS-T protocol. Implementation Details
OSH implements SOS by exposing all or a subset of the systems, datastreams, and observations registered on a given sensor hub. A filter is used to select which resources are exposed via the SOS interface.
The following mappings are applied between OSH internal unified model (see Clause 8.3) and SOS requests:
SOS Read Operation | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GetCapabilities | 1. List all System resources selected to be exposed via SOS. 2. For each System, create an ObservationOffering with the list of all ObservableProperties available through the System’s Datastreams. |
DescribeSensor | Retrieve SensorML System details. |
GetFeatureOfInterest | 1. Find Datastreams matching the selected procedures, offerings and observed properties. 2. Retrieve features of interest that are the target of observations in these Datastreams. |
GetObservation | 1. Find Datastreams matching the selected procedures, offerings and observed properties. 2. Retrieve full observations from these Datastreams, applying the temporal and spatial filters. |
GetResultTemplate | Find the Datastream matching the selected offering and observable property and return its SWE Common schema. |
GetResult | Same as GetObservation except only observation results are returned as SWE Common encoded records. |
SOS Transactional Operation | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
InsertSensor | 1. Create a new System. 2. Create a new FeaturesOfInterest if included in the observation template. |
DeleteSensor | Delete the System referenced by ID, as well as all associated resources (subsystems, Datastreams, Observations, etc.) |
UpdateSensor | Update the SensorML description of the System referenced by ID. |
InsertResultTemplate | Create a Datastream attached to the previously created System. |
InsertObservation | 1. Find the Datastream matching the selected offering and observable property combination. 2. Create an Observation associated to this Datastream and the specified FoI. 3. Create a new FeatureOfInterest if provided inline with the Observation and it doesn’t exist yet. |
DeleteObservation | Delete the observation referenced by ID. |
InsertResult | Same as InsertObservation with the assumption that the FoI stays the same. | Strengths & Weaknesses
Standard support for binary encoded observations via GetResult (e.g. video frames).
Fully aligned with O&M and SensorML since they are the default formats for observations and procedure descriptions respectively.
Older XML web service, harder to understand than REST.
No support for streaming or pub/sub in the standard, although a websocket extension has been added by several implementations (OSH, MASBUS).
SOS is not well suited for discovery if a large number of offerings/layers are provided in the capabilities document (i.e. there is no means to filter offerings/layers listed on a capabilities document).
8.9.2. Sensor Planning Service v2.0
OpenSensorHub can receive commands through the SPS 2.0 protocol. Commands are then forwarded to system drivers that in turn convert the commands to the system’s own (legacy) protocol. Implementation Details
OSH implements SPS by exposing commands supported by all or a subset of the systems registered on a given sensor hub. A filter is used to select which resources are exposed via the SPS interface.
The following mappings are applied between OSH internal unified model (see Clause 8.3) and SPS requests:
SPS Request | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GetCapabilities | 1. List all System resources selected to be exposed via SPS. 2. For each System, create a SensorOffering with a choice of all CommandStreams. |
DescribeSensor | Retrieve SensorML System details. |
DescribeTasking | Find the CommandStream matching the selected offering and return its SWE Common schema. |
GetFeasibilty | Not implemented. |
Submit | 1. Find the CommandStream matching the selected offering/procedure. 2. Create a Command associated to this CommandStream and return its taskID. |
GetStatus | Retrieve the current status of the Command corresponding to the provided taskID. |
GetTask | Retrieve the complete Command corresponding to the provided taskID. |
Update | Update the parameters of the Command corresponding to the provided taskID. | Strengths & Weaknesses
Standard support for binary encoded commands, which allows to send larger data blocks in-band as command inputs (e.g. an image).
Fully aligned with SensorML since it is the default formats for procedure descriptions.
Older XML web service, harder to understand than REST.
No support for streaming or pub/sub in the standard, although a websocket extension has been implemented as part of OSH.
SPS is not well suited for discovery if a large number of offerings/layers are provided in the capabilities document (i.e. there is no means to filter offerings/layers listed on a capabilities document).
8.9.3. SensorThings API v1.0
OSH can expose observation data as well as sensor & actuator metadata via an implementation of the SensorThings API 1.0 standard (both HTTP/REST and MQTT are supported). An OSH based implementation of the SensorThings API Tasking Extension is under development. Implementation Details
OSH implements SensorThings by exposing all or a subset of the systems, datastreams and command streams registered on a given sensor hub. A filter is used to select which resources are exposed via the SensorThings API.
The OSH SensorThing implementation is based on OSH internal unified model, with the following design decisions:
STA Things are modeled as OSH Systems.
STA Sensors and Actuators are modeled as OSH Systems and are members (i.e. subsystems) of the System representing the Thing.
STA Locations and HistoricalLocations are modeled as observations in a dedicated Datastream attached to the System/Thing.
This is illustrated on the following diagram comparing instances of the SensorThings resource model and OSH internal model:
Figure 14 — Things vs. Systems
The following mappings are applied between OSH internal unified model (see Clause 8.3) and SensorThings requests:
Operations on Things | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GET | Retrieve the list of systems that have more than one member (i.e. systems with subsystems) or that are not tagged as either SSN Sensor or SSN Actuator + add a Thing representing the SensorHub that all “orphan” sensors will be attached to. |
POST | Create a System with the provided name and description. |
PUT/PATCH | Update the System description. |
DELETE | Remove a System and all associated resources (Datastreams, Observations, CommandStreams, Commands). |
Operations on Locations | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GET | Retrieve the latest observation from the location Datastream of the System representing the STA Thing. |
POST | Add an Observation with the current time to the location Datastream of the System representing the STA Thing. |
PUT/PATCH | Update the Observation whose ID is the same as the Location ID. |
DELETE | Delete the Observation whose ID is the same as the Location ID. |
Operations on HistoricalLocations | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GET | Retrieve all observations from the location Datastream of the System representing the STA Thing. |
POST | Add an Observation with the provided time to the location Datastream of the System representing the STA Thing. |
PUT/PATCH | Update the Observation whose ID is the same as the HistoricalLocation ID. |
DELETE | Delete the Observation whose ID is the same as the HistoricalLocation ID. |
Operations on Sensors | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GET | Retrieve all Systems that have no members and at least one Datastream or that are tagged as SSN Sensor. |
POST | Create a System and semantically tag it with SSN Sensor class. |
PUT/PATCH | Update the description of the System with the given ID. |
DELETE | Remove the System with the given ID and all nested resources (i.e. subsystems, datastreams, command streams). |
Operations on Datastreams | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GET | Retrieve the list of all Datastreams that are part of Systems exposed by the service and whose result type is a scalar data type (i.e. boolean, category, count or quantity). |
POST | Add a Datastream to the System represented by the STA Sensor that the new STA Datastream must refer to. |
PUT/PATCH | Update the Datastream with the given ID. Reject request if the Datastream contained observations and the updated result structure is different from the existing one. |
DELETE | Delete the Datastream with the given ID. |
Operations on MultiDatastreams | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GET | Retrieve the list of all Datastreams that are part of Systems exposed by the service and whose result type is a record (exclude all Datastreams with more complex results such as arrays). |
POST | Add a Datastream to the System represented by the STA Sensor referenced by the STA Datastream. |
PUT/PATCH | Update the Datastream with the given ID. Reject if the Datastream contained observations and the updated result structure is different from the existing one. |
DELETE | Delete the Datastream with the given ID. |
Operations on Observations | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GET | Retrieve Observations from all Datastreams exposed by the service. |
POST | Add an Observation to the Datastream referenced by ID by the STA Observation. |
PUT/PATCH | Update the Observation with the given ID. |
DELETE | Delete the Observation with the given ID. |
Operations on ObservedProperties | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GET | Not implemented |
POST | Not implemented |
PUT/PATCH | Not implemented |
DELETE | Not implemented |
Operations on FeatureOfInterests | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GET | Retrieve the list of all FeaturesOfInterest |
POST | Add a new FeatureOfInterest. |
PUT/PATCH | Update the FeatureOfInterest with the given ID. |
DELETE | Delete the FeatureOfInterest with the given ID. |
Operations on Actuators | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GET | Retrieve all Systems that have no members and at least one CommandStream or that are tagged as SSN Actuator. |
POST | Create a System and semantically tag it with SSN Actuator class. |
PUT/PATCH | Update the System description. |
DELETE | Remove the System and all associated resources. |
Operations on TaskingCapabilities | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GET | Retrieve the list of all CommandStreams that are part of Systems exposed by the service. |
POST | Add a CommandStream to the System represented by the STA Actuator referenced by the STA Datastream. |
PUT/PATCH | Update the CommandStream with the given ID. Reject if the CommandStream has already received commands and the updated parameter structure is different from the existing one. |
DELETE | Delete the CommandStream with the given ID. |
Operations on Tasks | How it is mapped to the Unified Model |
GET | Retrieve Commands from all CommandStreams exposed by the service. |
POST | Add a Command to the CommandStream referenced by ID by the STA Task. |
PUT/PATCH | Update the Command with the given ID. |
DELETE | Delete the Command with the given ID. | Strengths & Weaknesses
A simple API that is easy to understand from the client point of view (although not necessarily easy to implement on the server side).
Suited for discovery even if large collections are used.
Covers both data access and tasking through a single API.
Difficult to model datastreams with vector observed properties (e.g. location, orientation vector or quaternions, etc.).
Lack of support for binary data prevents the use of this interface to handle high bandwidth sensors such as video or point clouds. In this case, linking to out-of-band data or service endpoints is usually necessary.
Modeling more complex systems and relations between their components is difficult. For example, Actuator and Sensor are separate entities, making it hard for sensors to accept commands and vice-versa. Datastreams are attached to both a Sensor and a Thing but there is no concept of system hierarchy where the sensor can be part of a larger system or platform.
Missing a standard way of doing simple keyword or full-text search.
8.9.4. SensorWeb API (Draft)
OpenSensorHub also includes an API under development called the SensorWeb API that could be of interest for the OGC community. This API provides more or less direct access to OSH unified model, with the following features:
Discovery and access to the full hierarchy of Systems and their Subsystems, with full historization (i.e. historical system descriptions and configurations are also accessible so that they can be used to interpret historical observations correctly).
Multi format and encoding support. Each Datastream describes its record structure as well as encoding allowing streaming observations as compressed imagery, video or audio for example (see Clause 8.13 for details).
Full text search in addition to parameter search.
Query DSL for JOIN queries.
In addition to REST, support for Websocket and MQTT for streaming observations and other resource events (i.e. a system is added, deleted, changed, etc.).
Local property ontology enabling the definition of properties specific to a particular system but still relying on higher level ontologies (like W3C SSN, QUDT, SensorML ontology).
The API is designed to be federated (i.e. a hub can aggregate data from other hubs and expose it like its own).
More details about the SensorWeb API are provided in Annex B.
8.10. Modeling of Features of Interest
Features of Interest (FoI) are an essential part of the O&M model because they provide more information about the object that is being observed. Features of Interest are often physical entities (i.e. real-world objects, geographic features, etc.) but can also be more abstract entities. They can also be an intermediary object (proxy feature of interest) that samples or represents a larger entity (ultimate feature of interest).
Below are several examples of possible features of interest:
A natural geographic feature such as a river
A man-made geographic feature such as a building
A monitoring station on a river (i.e. 2D sampling point of a larger river feature)
A well sampling an underground aquifer (i.e. 3D sampling point of a larger aquifer feature)
The volume of space surrounding a radiation sensor (i.e. 3D sampling volume)
A mobile ground vehicle (i.e. mobile sampling point)
An aircraft or UAV
The exact area imaged by a street camera (i.e. sampling of a larger road feature)
The area of the earth surface sampled by a remote sensor (e.g. polygonal sampling surface)
A financial asset (e.g. for which we observe price and transaction volume)
Particular attention should be given to the modeling of features of interest in the case of certain mobile and remote sensors. Difficulties typically arise in these cases because the sampling geometry varies quickly with time, sometimes at the same rate as the observations themselves (think of video cameras providing 30 observations per second or more). Note that geometry can vary, not only because of a change of location, but also because of a change of sensor orientation or other parameters (e.g. the field of view of an imager). In such cases, providing the sampling geometry as part of the feature of interest object at each time instant is not only highly inefficient but also make discovery much more difficult.
Another approach is to separate constant (or rarely updated) feature properties from the ones that are highly variable. Noting that highly variable feature properties are often the ones that are observed continuously and constant ones are often asserted or observed only once (because they are known to be fixed a-priori), it seems only natural to model variable properties as time series of observations. Following such an approach, the OSH model can capture constant properties inside the feature resource itself, while variable property values are captured as separate Datastreams of Observations. In more complex cases, the sampling geometry is not directly measured but rather computed from simpler observations
Note that there are still some use cases whereby creating a different feature of interest for each observation is desirable. This is typically true when each feature is considered to have its own identity. For example, images of the earth taken by a space-borne still imager can be associated with a different feature every time with its own identifier and sampling geometry. However, this typically does not make sense for video cameras that tend to image the same objects multiple times per second. Providing a different feature along with every single video frame would be confusing.
The table below provides several examples of relationships between Sensor Systems, their Datastreams and Features of Interest demonstrated during the testbed:
Sensor System | Obs Datastream | Feature of Interest or Sampling Feature | Sampled Feature | Sampling Geometry Datastream |
Fixed Radiation Sensor | Radiation Reading | Sphere centered at the sensor location and radius equal to the detection range | The feature or general area where the sensor is located (e.g. building, street or geographic area) | - |
Fixed Radiation Sensor | Radio Link Status | Sensor itself | - | - |
Mobile Radiation Sensor | Radiation Reading | Sphere centered at the sensor location and radius equal to the detection range (shape property links to sampling geometry datastream) | The feature or general area where the sensor is being used (e.g. geographic area where the mobile sensor is usually deployed) | Sensor Location |
Mobile Radiation Sensor | Sensor Location | Sensor itself | - | - |
Mobile Radiation Sensor | Radio Link Status | Sensor itself | - | - |
MISB UAS | UAS Video | Dynamic SamplingFeature representing the Imaging Area. Instantaneous sampling geometry provided separately. | General area where mission takes place | Geo-Referenced Image Frame |
MISB UAS | Platform Attitude | Platform itself | - | - |
MISB UAS | Platform Location | Platform itself | - | - |
MISB UAS | Camera Orientation | Sensor itself | - | - |
MISB UAS | Camera Parameters (FOVs) | Sensor itself | - | - |
8.11. Relative Positioning
SWE Common Vector and Matrix constructs are useful to describe any kind of vector and tensor quantities. In particular, they allow the provision of necessary metadata when dealing with relative positioning of remote sensing system components (including both location and orientation).
A SWE Common vector allows specifying both a reference frame (the frame or CRS with respect to which the position is provided) and a local frame (the frame whose position is provided by the vector). This allows providing the relative position between subsystems unambiguously. The following snippets show how reference frames are specified in a SWE Common Vector.
Example 1:
Location of sensor with respect to a geodetic coordinate reference system (here EPSG 9705):
"type": "Vector",
"label": "Sensor Location",
"definition": "http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SensorLocation",
"referenceFrame": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/9705",
"localFrame": "urn:osh:sensor:uas:predator001#SENSOR_FRAME",
"coordinates": [
latitude ...,
longitude ...,
altitude ...
Example 2:
Attitude (orientation) of platform with respect to a local North-East-Down frame:
"type": "Vector",
"label": "Platform Attitude",
"definition": "http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/PlatformOrientation",
"referenceFrame": "http://www.opengis.net/def/cs/OGC/0/NED",
"localFrame": "urn:osh:sensor:uas:predator001#PLATFORM_FRAME",
"coordinates": [
heading ...,
pitch ...,
roll ...
Example 3:
Orientation of sensor with respect to the platform it is mounted on:
"type": "Vector",
"label": "Sensor Orientation",
"definition": "http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SensorOrientation",
"referenceFrame": "urn:osh:sensor:uas:predator001#PLATFORM_FRAME",
"localFrame": "urn:osh:sensor:uas:predator001#SENSOR_FRAME",
"coordinates": [
heading ...,
pitch ...,
roll ...
See Annex A.2.2 for full examples.
8.12. Semantics
Metadata provided by OSH typically makes use of SWE Common which separates structure from semantics, allowing referencing semantical concepts in external dictionaries, taxonomies, or ontologies.
For example, the following snippet shows the description of a data field (for example a field that is part of an observation result) that is a quantity expressed in hPa and represents the value of “air pressure at cloud top” as defined by the CF dictionary:
"name": "ctp",
"type": "Quantity",
"label": "Cloud Top Pressure",
"description": "Atmospheric pressure at cloud top",
"definition": "http://mmisw.org/ont/cf/parameter/air_pressure_at_cloud_top",
"uom": {
"code": "hPa"
8.13. Data Encoding
SWE Common defines the data encoding separately from the structure and semantics. This allows the same data to be encoded in different ways while keeping the structure/schema unchanged. The following encoding methods are supported:
DSV / CSV (DSV = delimiter separated value; CSV is a particular case where the separator is a comma)
The SWE Common schema is provided as part of the Datastream description (exposed via SOS GetResultTemplate or via the SensorWeb API Datastream schema resource). Observation results can then be encoded efficiently using just the values.
8.13.1. Binary Encoding and Codecs
The binary encoding supports wrapping well-known codecs via the BinaryBlock construct. This allows describing the structure as if the data were provided in “decoded” form, but still encode the data in efficient ways.
Example: An image is an 2D array of pixels where each pixel has N-channels. The image will be described as so using SWE Common DataArray construct even though it is provided in a compressed form as a binary block in the actual datastream.
In principle, any codecs are supported by specifying a proper mimetype or URI for the codec in the compression attribute of the BinaryBlock. For example, the following compression, video and audio codecs have been implemented in OpenSensorHub:
Generic compression:
Compression Type | Identification String |
GZIP | application/gzip |
BZIP | application/x-bzip2 |
For video and audio codecs, mime types or web media-type codec parameter strings are used. The prefixes for these strings are provided below:
Video Codecs:
Codec Type | Identification String |
H264 | video/h264 or avc1,… |
H265 / HEVC | video/hevc or hevc,… |
VP8 | vp08,… |
VP9 | vp09,… |
VP10 | vp10,… |
JPEG / MJPEG | image/jpeg |
Audio Codecs:
Codec Type | Identification String |
WAV / PCM | audio/pcm |
AAC | aac,… |
OPUS | opus,… |
VORBIS | vorbis,… |
Note that these are codecs and not media container formats such as MP3, MP4, AVI, WebM, MKV, etc. Instead, the SWE Common datastream acts as the container. However, in addition to making video and audio data available via standard SWE interfaces, OpenSensorHub is also capable of acting as a video server by wrapping the coded frames into a container format such as MP4 on the fly.
Annex A
JSON Encoding of SWE Data Models
A.1. JSON Schemas
Draft JSON schemas for SWE Common Data Model v2.0 are available at the following location:
Draft JSON schemas for SensorML v2.1 are currently under development and available at the following location:
A.2. JSON Examples
A.2.1. ISA SensorML Example
"type": "PhysicalSystem",
"id": "mrlxembvu1kj",
"definition": "http://www.w3.org/ns/sosa/Sensor",
"identifier": "urn:osh:sensor:isa:701149:RADIO003",
"names": ["Radiological Sensor RADIO003"],
"identifications": [
"type": "IdentifierList",
"identifiers": [
"type": "Term",
"definition": "http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/Manufacturer",
"label": "Manufacturer Name",
"value": "Radiological Sensors, Inc."
"type": "Term",
"definition": "http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/ModelNumber",
"label": "Model Number",
"value": "RD123"
"type": "Term",
"definition": "http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/SoftwareVersion",
"label": "Software Version",
"value": "FW21.23.89"
"classifications": [
"type": "ClassifierList",
"classifiers": [
"type": "Term",
"definition": "http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/SensorType",
"label": "Sensor Type",
"value": "RadiologicalSensor"
"validTimes": [
"type": "TimePeriod",
"id": "T1",
"beginPosition": "2021-05-20T11:56:43.444Z",
"endPosition": {
"indeterminatePosition": "now"
"characteristics": [
"name": "operating",
"type": "CharacteristicList",
"definition": "http://www.w3.org/ns/ssn/systems/OperatingRange",
"label": "Operating Characteristics",
"characteristics": [
"name": "voltage",
"type": "Quantity",
"definition": "http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Voltage",
"label": "Operating Voltage",
"uom": {
"code": "V"
"value": 12.0
"name": "current",
"type": "Quantity",
"definition": "http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Current",
"label": "Operating Current",
"uom": {
"code": "A"
"value": 1.5
"name": "batt_capacity",
"type": "Quantity",
"definition": "http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/BatteryCapacity",
"label": "Battery Capacity",
"uom": {
"code": "W.h"
"value": 200.0
"capabilities": [
"name": "measurement",
"type": "CapabilityList",
"definition": "http://www.w3.org/ns/ssn/systems/SystemCapability",
"label": "System Capabilities",
"capabilities": [
"name": "resolution",
"type": "Quantity",
"definition": "http://www.w3.org/ns/ssn/systems/Resolution",
"label": "Resolution",
"uom": {
"code": "[ppm]"
"value": 1.0
"name": "accuracy",
"type": "Quantity",
"definition": "http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/AbsoluteAccuracy",
"label": "Absolute Accuracy",
"uom": {
"code": "[ppm]"
"value": 10.0
"name": "integ_time",
"type": "Quantity",
"definition": "http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/IntegrationTime",
"label": "Integration Time",
"uom": {
"code": "s"
"value": 14.0
"name": "sampling_freq",
"type": "Quantity",
"definition": "http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/SamplingFrequency",
"label": "Sampling Frequency",
"uom": {
"code": "Hz"
"value": 0.0
A.2.2. MISB Datastreams Examples
"datastream": "gal7w6j6v7n9",
"name": "Predator UAS (MISB) - Sensor Location",
"resultSchema": {
"type": "DataRecord",
"label": "Sensor Location",
"description": "Geographic location of imaging sensor accounting for lever arm between the platform gps antenna and the sensor",
"fields": [
"name": "time",
"type": "Time",
"definition": "http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SamplingTime",
"referenceFrame": "http://www.opengis.net/def/trs/BIPM/0/UTC",
"label": "Precision Time Stamp",
"uom": {
"href": "http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian"
"name": "location",
"type": "Vector",
"definition": "http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/SensorLocation",
"referenceFrame": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/9705",
"localFrame": "#SENSOR_FRAME",
"coordinates": [
"name": "lat",
"type": "Quantity",
"definition": "http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/GeodeticLatitude",
"axisID": "Lat",
"label": "Geodetic Latitude",
"uom": {
"code": "deg"
"name": "lon",
"type": "Quantity",
"definition": "http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/Longitude",
"axisID": "Lon",
"label": "Longitude",
"uom": {
"code": "deg"
"name": "alt",
"type": "Quantity",
"definition": "http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/HeightAboveMSL",
"axisID": "h",
"label": "MSL Height",
"uom": {
"code": "m"
"resultEncoding": {
"type": "TextEncoding",
"collapseWhiteSpaces": "true",
"decimalSeparator": ".",
"tokenSeparator": ",",
"blockSeparator": "\n"
Annex B
SensorWeb API (Draft)
B.1. OpenAPI Specification
The OpenAPI document for the SensorWeb API (draft) is available at:
There is also a test page available at:
Annex C
Revision History
Date | Release | Author | Primary clauses modified | Description |
June 10, 2021 | 0.1 | A. Robin | all | Initial ER version |
Sep 09, 2021 | 0.2 | A. Robin | all | Draft ER version |
Dec 16, 2021 | 1.0 | A. Robin | all | Final version for public release |
NCGIS Standards
OGC/ISO Standards
OGC 10-004r3, Topic 20: Observations and Measurements, Version 2.0, https://portal.ogc.org/files/?artifact_id=41579
OGC 20-082r2, Topic 20: Observations, Measurements and Samples, Draft, Version 3.0, https://github.com/opengeospatial/om-swg/blob/master/oms-abstract-spec/ogc-as-topic20/20-082r2_OGC_Abstract_Specification_Topic_20_-_Observations_and_measurements.docx?raw=true
OGC 12-000r2, OGC® SensorML: Model and XML Encoding Standard, Version 2.1, http://docs.ogc.org/is/12-000r2/12-000r2.html
OGC 08-094r1, OGC® SWE Common Data Model Encoding Standard, Version 2.0, https://portal.ogc.org/files/?artifact_id=41157
OGC 17-011r2, JSON Encoding Rules SWE Common / SensorML, Best Practice, http://docs.opengeospatial.org/bp/17-011r2/17-011r2.html
OGC 12-006, OGC® Sensor Observation Service Interface Standard, Version 2.0, https://portal.ogc.org/files/?artifact_id=47599
OGC 09-000, OGC® Sensor Planning Service Implementation Standard, Version 2.0, https://portal.ogc.org/files/?artifact_id=38478
OGC 15-078r6, OGC® SensorThings API Part 1: Sensing, Version 1.0, http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/15-078r6/15-078r6.html
OGC 17-079r1, OGC® SensorThings API Part 2: Tasking Core, Version 1.0, http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/17-079r1/17-079r1.html
Semantic Sensor Network Ontology, W3C Recommendation, 19 October 2017, https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-ssn/
Other Specifications
ISA Data Model Specification, Release 6.0, rev 7, 29 March 2019