Publication Date: 2020-10-22
Approval Date: 2020-09-23
Submission Date: 2020-08-26
Reference number of this document: OGC 20-043
Reference URL for this document:
Category: OGC Public Engineering Report
Editors: Stefan Achtsnit, Joachim Ungar, and Stephan Meißl (EOX), Anja Vrecko and Grega Milčinski (Sinergise), Torsten Heinen, Julian Zeidler, and Jonas Eberle (DLR), Marian Neagul (UVT), Adrian Stoica and Vasile Craciunescu (Terrasigna)
Title: OGC Earth Observation Applications Pilot: EOX-Sinergise-DLR-UVT-Terrasigna Engineering Report
Copyright © 2020 Open Geospatial Consortium. To obtain additional rights of use, visit
This document is not an OGC Standard. This document is an OGC Public Engineering Report created as a deliverable in an OGC Interoperability Initiative and is not an official position of the OGC membership. It is distributed for review and comment. It is subject to change without notice and may not be referred to as an OGC Standard. Further, any OGC Public Engineering Report should not be referenced as required or mandatory technology in procurements. However, the discussions in this document could very well lead to the definition of an OGC Standard.
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1. Subject
This Engineering Report documents findings, achievements, and learnings gained through activities during the OGC Earth Observation (EO) Applications Pilot by the EOX team (EOX, DLR, UVT, Sinergise, and Terrasigna). Both perspectives, from application developer’s as well as from platform provider’s view, are represented here.
2. Executive Summary
Running algorithms on a cloud platform close to the source data and trying to abstract platform specifics for interoperability are common paradigms in the world of large-scale processing. They are explicitly relevant for the Earth Observation space with the huge EO data archives and the manifold application scenarios in different domains.
OGC EO Applications Packages declare a contract between
the application developer and
the platform provider
to get a specific application deployed and executed on a target platform, with the platform not just being responsible for providing the compute resources and the execution runtime but also for managing all data handling.
From an application developer’s perspective the main goal was to package EO applications in the most interoperable way to get the applications running on different platforms. Focus was put to test different kinds of application packages and to document needed modifications and possible solution paths.
On the platform side the necessary functionality was established to support these different execution scenarios. The various implementation changes and challenges were highlighted and put also in context to generally needed platform capabilities, like multi-tenancy or the tracking of resource consumption.
2.1. Document contributor contact points
All questions regarding this document should be directed to the editor or the contributors:
Name | Organization | Role |
Stefan Achtsnit |
Editor |
Joachim Ungar |
Editor |
Stephan Meißl |
Editor |
Anja Vrecko |
Editor |
Grega Milčinski |
Editor |
Torsten Heinen |
Editor |
Julian Zeidler |
Editor |
Jonas Eberle |
Editor |
Marian Neagul |
Editor |
Adrian Stoica |
Editor |
Vasile Craciunescu |
Editor |
2.2. Foreword
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The Open Geospatial Consortium shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document, and to provide supporting documentation.
3. Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this report, the definitions specified in Clause 4 of the OWS Common Implementation Standard OGC 06-121r9 shall apply. In addition, the following terms and definitions apply.
- ● Coherence
The coherence refers to the amplitude of the complex correlation coefficient between two Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. It is a measure of the similarity of two SAR images.
- ● Container
A standardized unit of software (Docker).
- ● SNAP Graph
A set of operators that define a processing chain in SNAP. SNAP, the Sentinel Application Platform, is a common architecture for all Sentinel Toolboxes.
3.1. Abbreviated terms
ADES Application Deployment and Execution Service
AI Artificial Intelligence
AOI Area Of Interest
AP Application Package
AWS Amazon Web Services
BPEL Business Process Execution Language
CFP Call For Participation
CWL Common Workflow Language
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DWG Domain Working Group
EMS Execution Management Service
EO Earth Observation
EP Exploitation Platform
ER Engineering Report
ESA European Space Agency
FUSE Filesystem in Userspace
GCP Google Cloud Platform
GDAL Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
GUI Graphical User Interface
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
MEP Mission Exploitation Platform
OGC Open Geospatial Consortium
OWC OWS Context
REST REpresentational State Transfer
S1 Sentinel-1
S2 Sentinel-2
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
SLC Single Look Complex
SNAP SeNtinel Application Platform
STAC Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog
TEP Thematic Exploitation Platform
TIE Technology Integration Experiments
TOI Time Of Interest
UI User Interface
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
URL Uniform Resource Locator
VM Virtual Machine
WKT Well-Known Text
WCS Web Coverage Service
WFS Web Feature Service
WPS Web Processing Service
WPST Web Processing Service Transactional
XML eXtensible Markup Language
4. Overview
Section 5 introduces the implemented Application Packages and their deployments tested in the pilot.
Section 6 presents the solution for the exploitation layer developed in this pilot.
Section 7 provides a summary of the main findings from the view of a platform provider.
Section 8 provides a summary of the main findings from the view of a application developer.
Section 9 draws some conclusions and recommendations from the work performed in the pilot.
5. Earth Observation Application Packages
The team developed and demonstrated two Application Packages, an agriculture app (Agri App) as well as an urban app (Urban App). The two Application Packages are described in detail in the following sections.
5.1. Agri App
The Agri App aims to support decision making on eligibility of subsidies paid to farmers in European Union (EU) Member States. National Paying Agencies (PAs) in these states perform such eligibility checks according to the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Currently, the implementation of this policy undergoes significant changes leading towards intensified utilization of Earth Observation data and cloud infrastructures for management and information extraction.
Overall, 78 PAs in Europe dispose close to 60 billion Euro of subsidies payments annually. Presenting tools “that work” to this stakeholder sphere is thus strongly impacting on Europe’s economy.
Subsidy claims require certain agricultural practices to be monitored and verified: Presence/absence of mowing in grassland; the occurrence of ploughing during a specific seasonal time window; or the rapid growth of vegetative cover during certain time period. Indicators include the detection of fallow periods (i.e., absence of activities) or the burning of stubbles following a harvest. Detection of such indicators is performed by EO data analyses and involves parcel-level averaged time series profiles of vegetation indexes, spectral band values, signal variability metrics, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) backscatter or coherence time series. The high-cadence of Copernicus Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 coverages of every agricultural parcel in Europe is the enabling element of the described CAP area monitoring.
5.1.1. Overview
Based on the field data which are gathered in the national/sub-national Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) farmers submit their Geospatial Aid Application (GSAA). Crucial to accurate eligibility checks are high-quality field boundaries/geometries and consistent farmer’s declarations about applied land management processes, all with respect to their country and crop/claim type specific reference periods. LPIS and GSAA data are to be managed as auxiliary data together with the EO data.
The Agri App is a prototype showcasing using Sentinel-2 data to conduct land usage classification with the help of a pre-trained machine learning model developed by EOX.
5.1.2. Inputs
The Agri App works on individual parcels per job so the parcel geometry has to be provided.
Further, the machine learning model requires a time stack of Sentinel-2 Level 2A data from 2018-04-01 to 2018-10-14 including the bands B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B07, B08, B8A, B11, and B12 in order being able to classify.
The input can either be provided as a spatiotemporal subset of the Sentinel-2 archive limited to the TOI mentioned above as well as the parcel bounding box. This subset has to be described with Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog (STAC).
Alternatively — and solely for debugging purposes — the app will automatically fetch the data from the Sentinel-2 archive available on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
5.1.3. Processing
The Agri App runs a Python script which handles the following processing steps:
data fetching (via STAC or AWS)
data preparation
apply classification model
write output
5.1.4. Outputs
The Agri App writes a GeoJSON file containing the original parcel geometry as well as the model output parameters as properties.
5.1.5. Application Package
The application consists of a docker image which has its ENTRYPOINT set to the classification script inside as well as a CWL file describing the inputs and outputs. The Dockerfile together with the script used in the ENTRYPOINT as well as the CWL file are provided below for reference.
# use builder to build python wheels #
FROM as builder
MAINTAINER Joachim Ungar
ENV BUILD_DIR /usr/local
ENV WHEEL_DIR /usr/local/wheels
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends build-essential gcc git \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# get dependencies before checking out source code to speed up container build
# GDALs python bindings must be built separately with specific options, so lets filter out this one from requirements.txt
RUN sed -n '/gdal/!p' $MASTERCLASSIFICATION_DIR/requirements.txt > $MASTERCLASSIFICATION_DIR/requirements_filtered.txt
RUN cat $MASTERCLASSIFICATION_DIR/requirements_filtered.txt
RUN pip install cython \
&& pip wheel \
psutil \
-r $MASTERCLASSIFICATION_DIR/requirements_filtered.txt \
--wheel-dir $WHEEL_DIR \
--no-deps \
&& pip wheel \
lxml \
pystac \
pytz \
--wheel-dir $WHEEL_DIR \
--no-deps \
&& pip uninstall --yes cython
# build image using pre-built libraries and wheels #
FROM as runner
MAINTAINER Joachim Ungar
ENV CURL_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
ENV BUILD_DIR /usr/local
ENV WHEEL_DIR /usr/local/wheels
RUN mkdir /mnt/input && mkdir /mnt/output
# get and install wheels from builder
COPY --from=builder $WHEEL_DIR $WHEEL_DIR
RUN pip install \
$WHEEL_DIR/godale*.whl \
$WHEEL_DIR/psutil*.whl \
$WHEEL_DIR/mapchete_satellite*.whl \
$WHEEL_DIR/*.whl \
&& rm $WHEEL_DIR/*
# copy masterclassification source code and install
ENTRYPOINT ["python3", "/usr/local/src/masterclassification/scripts/"]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import click
import logging
from mapchete.log import set_log_level
import os
import shapely.wkt
from masterclassification.mapchete.classify import (
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s')
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
DEFAULT_MODEL = os.path.join(
def _set_debug_log_level(ctx, param, debug):
if debug:
return debug
help="STAC catalog with input data."
help="Trained model to use for classification. (default: {})".format(DEFAULT_MODEL)
help="Number of threads to read data in parallel. (default: 4)"
"--debug", "-d",
help="Activate debug logging."
def classify_parcel(
"""Classify parcel using model from 2018."""
geom = shapely.wkt.loads(input_wkt)
except Exception as e:
raise TypeError("invalid WKT geometry given: %s" % e)
if input_stac and os.path.isdir(input_stac):
input_stac = os.path.join(input_stac, "catalog.json")
output = classify(
provider=input_stac or "AWS",
result_to_geojson(result=output, geometry=geom, geojson_path=output_geojson)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
cwlVersion: v1.0
class: CommandLineTool
id: ogc-eo-app-pilot
position: 1
type: string
position: 2
type: string
position: 3
prefix: --input-stac
type: Directory?
glob: $(inputs.output_geojson)
type: File
The Agri App Application Package can be tested locally using the cwl-runner
tool ( using an input YAML file like the one
class: Directory
path: "staged_stac/"
wkt_geometry: "POLYGON ((15.86310262770707 48.66955927947117, 15.86311855755744 48.66970326261455, 15.86312980743018 48.66977823837983, 15.86522000713624 48.66952195190192, 15.86519883338782 48.66919844543806, 15.86436099165035 48.66926323953117, 15.86307025032472 48.66937224210698, 15.86310262770707 48.66955927947117))"
output_geojson: parcel.geojson
The command to test the app looks like:
cwl-runner eo_agri_app.cwl testdata/test_job_stac.yml
5.2. Urban App
5.2.1. Overview
The Urban App provides a multi band intermediate data product (5 temporal statistics per input band (minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation, mean slope) + Nr. inputs + Nr. valid inputs) temporally aggregating different indexes (dependent on the input data and user selection) of all selected individual scenes. This dataset removes any dependency on acquisition dates and provides a worldwide homogeneous basis - without any cloud artifacts or missing data - on which to base further analysis, like the production of the World Settlement footprint, global classifications, or machine learning analysis. Experiments with Landsat have shown that calculating a 3-year time frame results in enough usable data even in cloudy areas.
The application is based on the TimeScan processing framework, which consists of three steps (see Figure 1). To simplify the workflow and the dependencies on external data within this pilot, the first two steps – Data2TimeSeries (Data2TimeS
) and TimeSeries2Stats (TimeS2Stats
) – have been provided as two application packages. The first Data2TimeSeries is a scene-based processing step to calculate different indexes, such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The TimeSeries2Stats afterwards calculates a temporal aggregation from the whole available time-series of index data. The application is split into two parts to allow for platforms to first parallelize the scene-based processing (fan-out
processing pattern) and then run the second aggregation step once all first steps have been completed.
5.2.2. Inputs
Step 1: Index calculation
The input of the index calculation step is a single Sentinel-2 scene. Within the runtime environment of the application the scene needs to be available as a folder. Thus, platform providers need to stage in the input data to be available locally (see input examples below).
Example input of Spacebel platform:
Example input of Terradue platform:
Step 2: Temporal aggregation
The input of this process is a list of scene-based indexes (e.g., NDVI) for the same area (e.g., Sentinel-2 tile), ideally processed with the index calculation step.
Example inputs of Spacebel platform:
nfs:// nfs:// nfs://
5.2.3. Processing
The Urban App is based on the internal TimeScan processing framework, which consists of multiple executables dealing with data download, data preparation, and data processing. Two executables have been used in this pilot for index calculation and temporal aggregation:
1. S2Indicee
This program calculates indexes for Sentinel-2 and Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI Level-2A data, which are selected during runtime - in this example the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (ndvi
Example command line request:
S2Indicee -t $inputFile -i ndvi -o $outputFile -writeSingleOutputImage
2. RasterDerivates
This program calculates the temporal maximum, minimum, mean, standard deviation, and median absolute deviation for every pixel and band of the input images. Moreover, the last two bands contain the number of valid observations for every pixel and the total number of observations per pixel.
Example command line request:
RasterDerivates -ifl inputfilelist.txt -o $outputFile
5.2.4. Outputs
Step 1: Index calculation
The application produces a single GeoTIFF file with one band per selected index, which in this pilot is the NDVI. Additionally, an XML metadata file is provided as second output, which can be used by the platform provider to register the data into a metadata catalogue.
Step 2: Temporal aggregation
The application produces a single GeoTIFF file with multiple bands, which contains statistics of the temporal aggregation (min, max, mean, standard deviation, median absolute deviation, valid observations, total number of observations). Additionally, an XML metadata file is provided as second output, which can be used by the platform provider to register the data into a metadata catalog.
5.2.5. Metadata
For each output file of the application described in the previous chapter, an XML metadata file based on the OGC Earth Observation Metadata profile of Observations & Measurements specification is produced.
A template has been generated (see code block below) for both applications, which contains information specific for the output file, application, and platform:
Output-specific information (generated based on the input file/s)
begin date
end date
bounding box
Platform-specific information (needs to be provided by the platform to the application package)
creation date / processing date
processing center
Application-specific information (provided by the application package):
processor name
processor version
Metadata template:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<eop:EarthObservation xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" ../xsd/ssp.xsd">
<om:observedProperty xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<gml:MultiSurface srsName="$EPSGCode">
<gml:Polygon srsName="$EPSGCode">
5.2.6. Application Package
Two application packages have been developed, one for index calculation and one for temporal aggregation. An application package consists of three parts:
Environment (e.g., Docker container)
CWL description
The executable of the application package parses the arguments, which are passed by the CWL execution, defines the output file, and conducts the further processing (layerstacking, index calculation, metadata creation). For each of the application packages a script has been developed (
# Get arguments
while [ -n "$1" ]; do # while loop starts
case "$1" in
echo "--folder option passed, with value $sentinel2Folder"
# check for subdirectory (relevant for SpaceBel platform)
subFolder=$(ls -d $sentinel2Folder/*.SAFE)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "found .SAFE directory $sentinel2Folder"
# Set output file
outputFile=$(basename ${sentinel2Folder/.SAFE/})"_indizes.tif"
# General processing
echo "Layerstacking and resampling Sentinel2" $sentinel2Folder
inputVrt=$(ls *vrt)
echo "Starting Index Calculation"
S2Indicee -t $inputVrt -i ndvi -o $outputFile -writeSingleOutputImage -oExt ""
echo "Generating Metadata" ${inputVrt/vrt/xml} $inputVrt $sentinel2Folder
# Get arguments
while [ -n "$1" ]; do # while loop starts
case "$1" in
echo ${1#*=} | cut -f 1- -d "," --output-delimiter=$'\n' > inputfilelist.txt
echo "--inputs option passed, with value ${1#*=}"
# Set output file
# General processing
echo "Starting temporal aggregation"
RasterDerivates -naIn -9999 -ifl inputfilelist.txt -o $outputFile
echo "Generating Metadata" ${outputFile/tif/xml} $outputFile
This Dockerfile describes the environment where the executable is available and executed. All dependencies (e.g., GDAL, processing tools) are already resolved within the parent Docker image. The CMD command will be overwritten from the CWL execution with the executable and the arguments described in the CWL.
USER root
COPY scriptsCommon /usr/local/bin
COPY scriptsCWL /usr/local/bin
# Depending on the docker host umask , the following line is optional so please keep it
RUN chmod -R a+x /usr/local/bin/
ARG DLRProcessingCenter="Local"
ARG DLRprocessorName="DLR_Indicee"
ARG DLRProcessorVersion="0.1"
ENV DLRProcessingCenter=$DLRProcessingCenter DLRProcessorName=$DLRProcessorName DLRProcessorVersion=$DLRProcessorVersion
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/"]
The CWL of the application packages consists of the CommandLineTool
class, which can be provided either in the local environment or within a Docker environment (see DockerRequirement
block). The executable described above is linked within the baseCommand
property. The arguments of this executable are described within the inputs
Both, the executable and the inputs lead to the following command, which is executed within the Docker environment:
/usr/local/bin/ --folder /var/lib/cwl/stg9e2e27a2-3b6d-46d3-9032-13840a2c9b01/S2B_MSIL1C_20200406T101559_N0209_R065_T33UUP_20200406T130159.SAFE
As the processing of the Urban App has been split into two steps (index calculation and temporal aggregation), two CWL files have been developed (see IndiceeContainer.cwl and TemporalAggregateContainer.cwl).
baseCommand: /usr/local/bin/
class: CommandLineTool
id: node
position: 1
prefix: --folder
type: Directory
glob: '*.tif'
type: File
glob: '*.xml'
type: File
stderr: std.err
stdout: std.out
cwlVersion: v1.0
baseCommand: /usr/local/bin/
class: CommandLineTool
id: node
position: 1
prefix: --inputs=
itemSeparator: ","
separate: false
- File
type: array
glob: 'stats.tif'
type: File
glob: 'stats.xml'
type: File
stderr: std.err
stdout: std.out
cwlVersion: v1.0
The CWL can be tested locally with the cwl-runner
tool ( Besides the CWL file an input file is necessary to use this tool:
Example IndiceeContainer.yaml
scene: { class: Directory, path: /data/S2B_MSIL1C_20200406T101559_N0209_R065_T33UUP_20200406T130159.SAFE }
Example TemporalAggregateContainer.yaml
indicees: - {class: File, path: /data/S2B_MSIL1C_20200406T101559_N0209_R065_T33UUP_20200406T130159_indizes.tif} - {class: File, path: /data/S2B_MSIL1C_20200416T101549_N0209_R065_T33UUP_20200416T123638_indizes.tif} - {class: File, path: /data/S2B_MSIL1C_20200426T101549_N0209_R065_T33UUP_20200426T131809_indizes.tif}
Example execution with cwl-runner
cwl-runner IndiceeContainer.cwl IndiceeContainer.yaml
The DockerRequirement
leads to an execution of the application within the Docker image provided. A File
or Directory
input type will be automatically staged (mounted) into the Docker environment. In this example, the following docker command is being executed from the cwl-runner
docker \ run \ -i \ --mount=type=bind,source=/tmp/wvtsil8u,target=/kCKIpt \ --mount=type=bind,source=/tmp/771myq2s,target=/tmp \ --mount=type=bind,source=/data/S2B_MSIL1C_20200406T101559_N0209_R065_T33UUP_20200406T130159.SAFE,target=/var/lib/cwl/stg9e2e27a2-3b6d-46d3-9032-13840a2c9b01/S2B_MSIL1C_20200406T101559_N0209_R065_T33UUP_20200406T130159.SAFE,readonly \ --workdir=/kCKIpt \ --read-only=true \ --log-driver=none \ --user=4020409:2222 \ --rm \ --env=TMPDIR=/tmp \ --env=HOME=/kCKIpt \ --cidfile=/tmp/xc7k_yyu/20200708121429-782865.cid \ \ /usr/local/bin/ \ --folder \ /var/lib/cwl/stg9e2e27a2-3b6d-46d3-9032-13840a2c9b01/S2B_MSIL1C_20200406T101559_N0209_R065_T33UUP_20200406T130159.SAFE > /tmp/wvtsil8u/std.out 2> /tmp/wvtsil8u/std.err
5.3. Deployment
The application packages have been deployed in the following platforms:
The application packages described above could be deployed on Spacebel and EOxHub platforms with no further changes. For the Terradue platform, changes to the CWL document were necessary, as the Workflow
base class is needed for the fan-out
design pattern. Furthermore, metadata about the Web Processing Service (WPS) process has been added to the CWL description.
- baseCommand: /usr/local/bin/
class: CommandLineTool
id: node
position: 1
prefix: --folder
glob: .
type: Any
- class: Workflow
doc: DLR Sentinel-2 indexes
id: dlr_s2_indexes
doc: Sentinel-2 L1C acquisitions
label: Sentinel-2 L1C acquisitions
type: Directory
label: DLR Sentinel-2 indexes
- id: wf_outputs
- first/results
items: Directory
type: array
arg1: scene
- results
run: '#node'
cwlVersion: v1.0
6. Exploitation Layer
6.1. Overview
The exploitation platform EOxHub uses the experimental eWPS software implementing a WPS server to provide ADES functionality.
Some of the important characteristics of the eWPS software are:
Execution of applications as docker containers inside of a Kubernetes cluster (containers are executed asynchronously as Docker jobs)
Support for executing CWL based applications
Support for WPS-T based ADES, both XML and JSON
The platform is aiming to take advantage of as many Kubernetes features as
possible and to expose them. Particularly in the current implementation eWPS
allows only asynchronous execution and reference based data transmission
(applying only for ComplexData
, LiteralValues
are transmitted as expected).
As previously mentioned eWPS aims to support both, the legacy WPS2.0 XML specification and REST Bindings specified in Testbed 13.
6.2. Supported Deployment Profiles
eWPS supports the following deployment profiles
Dockerized Applications:
Workflow Applications:
For both types of deployment profiles eWPS provides staging of input data. This is achieved by means of an init container responsible for retrieving the data and, depending on mime-type, deflating the data.
6.2.1. Dockerized Applications
In the listing dlr_IndiceeCalculator.xml the DLR IndiceeCalculator application is defined as a dockerized application (see wps:DeploymentProfileName
This example uses the XML based representation of the DeployProcess
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wps:DeployProcess xmlns:wps="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../wps.xsd" service="WPS" version="2.0.0">
<wps:ProcessOffering jobControlOptions="async-execute dismiss" outputTransmission="value reference" xmlns:wps="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:owc="" xmlns:eoc="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<ows:Abstract>The Hello World process demonstrate a sample Docker process without any inputs or outputs.</ows:Abstract>
<wps:Input minOccurs="0">
<ows:Title>File to Upload</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Folder of single Sentinel-2 L1C scene</ows:Abstract>
<wps:Format mimeType="application/gep" default="true"/>
<ows:Title>Output text</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Output text</ows:Abstract>
<wps:Format mimeType="application/gep" default="true"/>
<wps:Format mimeType="application/gep" default="true"/>
Internally the DeployProcess
operation does not have any side effect and also, in the current implementation, it does not check for the effective existence of the referenced docker container.
For the dockerized application
deployment profile the effective execution maps all the input arguments as environment variables accessible by the docker container using the naming convention outlined in the standard.
In the case of ComplexData
inputs the data is staged locally (for most mime-types
), with its effective location mapped as an environment variable, following the same conventions as the input arguments.
Data staging is further discussed in the Stage In data - Raw data vs STAC section.
Dockerized applications can also be deployed using the REST binding of eWPS using a JSON based application package
description, as for example in eox_jupyter.json.
"processDescription": {
"ProcessOffering": {
"process": {
"id": "executeNotebook",
"title": "execute-notebook",
"description": "Headless execution of Jupyter notebook",
"metadata": [
"href": "null"
"version": "1.0.0",
"jobControlOptions": [
"outputTransmission": [
"inputs": [
"id": "Notebook",
"title": "Jupyter notebook to execute (path relative to HOME folder)",
"description": "Notebook",
"minOccurs": 1,
"maxOccurs": 1,
"input": {
"formats": [
"mimeType": "text/plain",
"encoding": "raw",
"default": "true"
"id": "Parameters",
"title": "Parameters represented as base64 encoded yaml dictionary (e.g. ZGF5czogMTQK)",
"description": "Parameters",
"minOccurs": 1,
"maxOccurs": "unbounded",
"input": {
"formats": [
"mimeType": "text/plain",
"encoding": "base64",
"default": "true"
"outputs": [
"id": "Result",
"title": "Jupyter notebook after execution",
"description": "Result",
"output": {
"formats": [
"mimeType": "text/plain",
"encoding": "raw",
"default": "true"
"immediateDeployment": false,
"deploymentProfileName": "",
"executionUnit": [{
"Unit": "eurodatacube/jupyter-user-g:0.18.4"
6.2.2. Workflow Applications
Currently the exploitation platform supports the definition and execution of the following types of CWL based workflows:
: This type of CWL applications are aimed to wrap simple command line applications. Usually this results in a single docker container execution. -
: This type of CWL applications is composed out of multiple command line applications or workflows and can be used to parallelize applications.
For both types of applications the exploitation platform uses the deployment profile.
Similarly to the other implementations, eWPS automatically extracts WPS input data based on the CWL defined mapping (as much as possible CWL data types to WPS data types).
It is important to mention that eWPS allows both, embedding the CWL definition as an execution unit and also reference remotely defined CWL workflows.
The CWL support offered by eWPS is based on a modified version of the Calrissian project: The calrissian project provides CWL execution on top of Kubernetes, running command line applications in isolated Kubernetes jobs.
Command Line Applications
A typical CWL based application is depicted in dlr_application_package_command_line_tool.json. This example is based on the DLR Simple Temporal Aggregate application.
The CWL definition is embedded in the application package as an individual executionUnit
. eWPS supports also the retrieval of remote CWL definitions. The referenced CWL definition is retrieved at deployment time and reused in the subsequent execute operations.
Workflow Applications
Full-fledged workflow definitions are also partially supported by the eWPS backend but are limited by the WPS data exchange characteristics in general and the eWPS implementation in particular. The listing dlr_workflow.json provides an example of an application package taking advantage of the CWL functionality offered by the Calrissian backend.
"class": "Workflow",
"cwlVersion": "v1.0",
"id": "dlrworkflow",
"doc": "This is a mockup of the DLR workflow for Indicee and TemporalAggregate apps.",
"requirements": [
"class": "MultipleInputFeatureRequirement"
"inputs": {
"image1": {
"type": "Directory"
"image2": {
"type": "Directory"
"outputs": {
"output": {
"outputSource": "temporalaggregate/result",
"type": "File"
"steps": {
"indicee-run-1": {
"in": {
"scene": {
"source": "image1"
"out": [
"run": ""
"indicee-run-2": {
"in": {
"scene": {
"source": "image2"
"out": [
"run": ""
"temporalaggregate": {
"in": {
"indicees": {
"source": [
"out": [
"run": ""
The main advantage of this approach is that the CWL Engine Backend can run the independent steps in parallel, supporting multiple types of fan-in/fan-out approaches.
Unfortunately, the implementation in eWPS does not handle all types of data exchange steps that might be involved but should fit most basic applications.
Another aspect lacking in eWPS is the built-in ability of mixing steps running in multiple exploitation platforms.
6.3. Stage In data - Raw data vs STAC
Data staging proved to be one of the more challenging aspects of the pilot as it is handled differently by each platform provider.
From this perspective eWPS provides runtime data staging if needed by applications. Typically, this involves HTTP based data retrieval and storing inside the container.
For particular use cases like STAC based referenced input eWPS provides the ability of fetching data referenced inside the catalog, providing in this way a more complete data staging. Unfortunately the way STAC is organized leads to some issues that are further discussed in the section Findings and Discussed Topics (Platform provider).
6.4. Exploitation Platform
EOxHub is a Kubernetes-based Earth Observation (EO) exploitation and processing platform, which has been extended to support the deployment and execution of processing jobs defined as OGC EO application packages. These additional capabilities have been enabled during the OGC EO Applications Pilot through evolving and integration of the eWPS processing solution, a WPS 2.0 server supporting WPS-T also used in previous OGC Testbeds and described in the previous sections above, which now
supports application descriptions also via CWL, both Single-Step processes via CWL CommandLineTool as well as Multi-Step processes via CWL workflow,
provides a generic data staging mechanism to shift EO data between the platform and the processor,
integrates natively into Kubernetes, bridging between processing jobs and the offered platforms job functionality.
The EOxHub workspace capabilities are deeply integrated with Euro Data Cube managed service offerings for global EO data access, represented as data cubes.
When used in conjunction with EO application packages, EOxHub as an underlying platform handles the aspects and concerns for application package execution described in the following sections.
6.4.1. Domain specific aspect
Discovery and retrieval of EO data
Discovery and retrieval of EO data: direct data access to huge object storage archives (e.g. AWS, Mundi DIAS) as well as specific managed services (e.g. EDC Sentinel Hub for EO raster data).
EO platforms are specifically built for this use-case, they are physically located close to EO data sources, have dedicated data connectors bundled and offer specific managed services for EO data access.
The EOxHub platform supports direct data access to huge object storage archives like on AWS or on the Mundi DIAS and offers various managed services, like the EDC Sentinel Hub Service for global EO raster data access.
Reuse of output results
Reuse of output results: use EDC Sentinel Hub BYOC functionality to register intermediate or final processing results.
All generated processing artifacts should be properly annotated by the application package e.g. by including additional metadata files describing the processing results. The platform can leverage this information and make the outputs discoverable for subsequent processing.
EOxHub offers the so-called EDC Sentinel Hub “Bring your own data” (BYOD) functionality, a specific API for registration of additional EO raster data.
6.4.2. Cross cutting concerns
Multi-tenancy: isolated workspaces to separate user details, processes, configuration, and processing artifacts.
EOxHub offers a hosted JupyterLab environment with persistent storage allowing the user to host own customized application packages to manage processes, configuration settings, and previous processing artifacts.
Resource quotas
Resource quotas: apply resource guarantees and constraints based on individual user resource subscriptions to match the individual processes demands with the available platform resources (like CPU or memory).
The eWPS processing solution was extended so that all processes forward necessary resource constraints as stated in the application package to the EOxHub runtime environment for execution, to establish resource guarantees as well as communicate resource limits to not exhaust the platform.
Operational metrics
Operational metrics: allowing the end-user to understand the runtime behavior of processes and the platform provider to do proper reporting and billing.
Having the required managed service subscriptions and resource needs defined in the application packages allows the platform to infer which operational metrics should be tracked.
EOxHub uses Elasticsearch and Prometheus to collect application information and operational metrics. The Kubernetes native integration of eWPS into Kubernetes allows to leverage these established mechanisms for large-scale processing.
7. Findings and Discussed Topics (Platform provider)
7.1. Application Package (Environment variables, CWL, etc.)
The Application Package specification using CWL represents one positive evolution over the standard approach as it simplifies the developer experience and allows for a portable approach for application execution.
Besides its advantages, the CWL-based approach created some challenges:
The CWL types do not map directly to WPS types: for mitigating this in the eWPS platform we introduced some heuristics for properly translating CWL types to the corresponding WPS types (also the other way around).
The CWL reference toolchain does not directly support Kubernetes.
The CWL reference toolchain has a hard restriction of directly invoking docker. This proves to be challenging due to the fact that some execution platforms (including ours) do not support
docker in docker
Overall, we consider the CWL approach promising and a step forward towards portability and ease of use.
7.2. Execution patterns (fan-in, fan-out)
The fan-in pattern describes a processing pattern where multiple time slices of data are transformed into a single output. Examples for these patterns are merging multiple Sentinel-2 scenes into one large mosaic or using a time stack of Sentinel-2 scenes to apply a classification algorithm as in the Agri App described above.
The challenge here is to describe the input data stack (i.e. a collection of Sentinel-2 products for the given AOI and TOI) in a standardized way so that the application developers can develop towards this standard and don’t have to implement one connector for each platform’s data archive.
Further, if a process requires a longer time series the number of input parameters would be quite large if every product maps to one input. The inputs list would even get larger if every single band of every single input would have to be mapped to an input parameter.
The usage of STAC could solve this problem. The application developer would need to handle a STAC catalog containing the required time stack. Within STAC the access to the single products, bands, cloud masks, and other metadata is standardized. This way it is unambiguous for the app developer where to find the required data instead of having to deal with slightly different OpenSearch implementations.
Support for full-fledged CWL Workflow application packages is of particular significance as it allows the implementation of the fan-in
and fan-out
execution patterns.
The support is constrained by the underlaying CWL implementation, in our case by the Calrissian engine.
These patterns have been demonstrated with the DLR application packages and are completely supported by the eWPS platform.
The handling of input/output date is transparently handled by Calrissian using Kubernetes native volumes (typically using NFS volume claims).
7.3. EO Data Inputs
As part of the EO Apps Pilot eWPS was extended with support for STAC, adding the ability of locally staging STAC catalogs.
The primary advantage is that the input specification is abstracted, facilitating application portability: applications do not have to support the multitude of conventions employed by the various execution platforms, they only need to be able to handle STAC catalogs, eventually retrieving remotely stored data.
For further supporting STAC usage eWPS added support for data staging specialized for STAC catalogs, particularly eWPS is able to handle all three catalog types:
Self Contained
Absolute Published
Relative Published
It needs to be noted that staging all these types of catalogs proved itself challenging mostly due to the integration with the PySTAC library.
Another issue related to STAC and impacting operational situations is handling of non self-contained
catalogs, particularly catalogs that reference non HTTP
references, as for example S3
resources. For this situations credential passing needs to be further investigated and potentially standardized.
7.4. Workflows
With the aforementioned eWPS support for both CWL base classes - CommandLineTool
as well as Workflow
- the platform is now able to execute single-step as well as multi-step processes (="workflows"). However, the workflow engine acts as a 'blackbox' without any interaction with the platform during execution. This means that EO Data Discovery only takes place at the start, with the included data staging mechanism as well as the Results registration with the Outputs Metadata handling. This occurs at the end of the workflow, with all the data management between the individual steps being handled internally by the workflow engine.
8. Findings and Discussed Topics (Application developer)
8.1. Application Package
8.1.1. Environment variables + WPS description file vs. CWL
The initial test version of the Urban application package was based on a Docker container, environment variables as inputs and outputs as well as a WPS description file, which was the legacy system supported by the Spacebel platform and allowed us to quickly get started. Within the execution script (e.g.,
) the inputs and outputs are set through environment variables defined in the WPS description file.
<wps:ProcessOffering jobControlOptions="async-execute dismiss" outputTransmission="value reference" xmlns:wps="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:owc="" xmlns:eoc="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<ows:Abstract>The Hello World process demonstrate a sample Docker process without any inputs or outputs.</ows:Abstract>
<wps:Input minOccurs="0">
<ows:Title>File to Upload</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Folder of single Sentinel-2 L1C scene</ows:Abstract>
<wps:Format mimeType="application/gep" default="true"/>
<ows:Title>Output text</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Output text</ows:Abstract>
<wps:Format mimeType="application/gep" default="true"/>
<wps:Format mimeType="application/gep" default="true"/>
However, this approach is only supported by the Spacebel platform, Terradue supports only the CWL execution. To limit the dependencies of multiple platform providers and to simplify the creation of an application package, the approach with environment variables and WPS description was changed to CWL-only as described in Chapter "EO Application Packages". With this, inputs and outputs are described within the CWL and can then be used directly within the application. Environment variables definition in the WPS description as done before are not necessary anymore and parameters can be specified exactly how the application expects them.
8.1.2. CWL definition
Although the concept of the CWL is the same for each platform provider, not all base classes are supported by each platform provider. Whereas the CommandLineTool
class is supported by EOX and Spacebel, Terradue only supports the Workflow
class as the base class (the CommandLineTool
can be used in subsequent steps). EOX supports both Workflow
and CommandLineTool
. Thus, the application packages of the Urban App described in Chapter 5 needed to be adjusted with the Workflow
class for the execution on the Terradue platform (see Deployment section in Chapter 5).
In addition, Terradue makes use of labels to document names and descriptions for the WPS process definition. As this is not supported by other platforms, a clear agreement on supported CWL classes and items is necessary to further standardize the application package.
Conclusion: There need to be a common agreement on the CWL base class, whether this is a CommandLineTool
or a Workflow
, as well as on documentation labels.
8.2. Execution patterns
Different processing design patterns - provided by Terradue - have been discussed within the pilot. Distinguishing between fan-out
and fan-in
pattern was very helpful in terms of designing the CWL. The fan-out
pattern allows scene-based processing, which can automatically be executed in parallel. The fan-in
pattern can be used for temporal aggregation in the case of the Urban App.
Both patterns can be implemented with CWL. For the fan-out
pattern, the Workflow
base class needs to be used in conjunction with ScatterFeatureRequirement
to automatically conduct the processing multiple times. The fan-in
pattern can be implemented using an array
input type. Both have been tested locally for the Urban App. For the Spacebel platform, the fan-out
pattern was realized by platform-specific executions as no support of the Workflow
base class is available.
8.3. EO Data Inputs
Depending on the platform, data can be provided with different services as well as in different data formats and data structures (e.g., local path, S3 bucket, OGC Web Coverage Service (OGC WCS), HTTP URL, zipped or unzipped). Both, platform and application package, need to describe which kind of services and structures are supported. Platforms can also provide staged-in
data in a format that is required by the application (e.g., automatically download data from OGC WCS and provide the dataset to be accessed as a local file).
Although the objective of our Urban App pilot proposal was to change from individual file handling to the use of OGC WCS as input, most of the platform providers have their data available as files either mounted into the file system or provided as an S3 bucket. This also enables the platform to discover and provide data as it is requested by the user. The application does not need to handle this, as it might also be handled differently on several platforms.
In addition, there were some discussions on whether it is possible to standardize the input of Earth Observation data, e.g., with the use of the STAC specification. This would allow not only to provide links to the geospatial files, but also to provide additional metadata, which can be used by the application without extracting the metadata on its own.
Finally, the assumption of the Urban application package is currently, that the input data is available as a local folder or file path. Further discussions are necessary for a standardized EO data input service, format, or structure.
8.4. EO Data Discovery
Discussions took place about whether the application or the platform needs to conduct data discovery requests. Although standardized specifications, such as OpenSearch, are available, there are often slight differences in the implementation in regard to providing specific information about Earth Observation data. With this, each application needs to know these differences and needs to comply with different implementations of discovery services when it is deployed on multiple platforms. Thus, data discovery has been kept out of our application packages and left to the cloud platform. Platforms need to provide tools for users to discover data and to use (e.g., stage in) this data for the processing of an application package (see previous EO Data Inputs section).
8.5. Outputs Metadata
Multiple output files of an application package need to be linked with multiple metadata files. Currently, there is no defined approach available to link a metadata file with a specific output file. The approach of using STAC was discussed, which can evolve to a solution (same as the EO data input standardization).
Further, platform-specific metadata values (e.g., name of the processing platform) need to be handed over into the application package, if the metadata needs to be created fully in the application. Environment variables can be used in conjunction with CWL for this, but names of environment variables need to be standardized and supported by platform providers.
8.6. Workflows
The support of workflows seems to be unclear so far and dependent on the platform provider. An automated workflow was set up and tested with Spacebel but only with platform-specific mechanisms. With the EOX platform a workflow based on CWL is supported and has been tested manually. It is also unclear which role the ADES/EMS services play in terms of conducting workflows.
9. Conclusions
9.1. Platform provider
Supporting a well-established declarative format like CWL to define application workflows gives platform providers the possibility to leverage a wide ecosystem of existing tools - available to be used by themselves to invoke and track workflow executions, but which can also be offered to application developers (e.g. to compose workflows visually) or to application consumers (e.g. to monitor workflow execution).
While direct usage of existing tools like cwl-runner
enables the execution of single-step as well as multi-step processes in a straight-forward and conformant way, it only provides these capabilities in a blackbox style manner on top of the platform, conceptionally running on the ADES part. For the true orchestration of standalone processes, with individual data stage-in and stage-out mechanisms, possibly to be invoked on different ADES instances, a natively integrated CWL execution engine, understanding platform specifics, running on EMS and orchestrating calls on one or more ADES instances is needed.
9.2. Application developer
From the application developer’s perspective the main technical outcome of the Urban app is the standardization of the application with CWL. This allows for the standardization of the processing within a Docker container and an executable together with the description of required and optional inputs and outputs. Furthermore, fan-out
patterns and workflows can be described with CWL. Another benefit of CWL is the possibility to test the application package in a local environment with the cwl-runner
Good discussions and exchanges between all participants were made during the pilot (e.g., CWL, output metadata, input data, processing design patterns), but more time is necessary to dive into additional topics more deeply, such as the standardization of input and output files as well as the parallelized execution of an application package.
The use of services for data access, such as the OGC Web Coverage Service, have not been investigated as most platforms provide their data for processing as files staged into the application environment. Thus, it is still open whether application packages should make use of web services for data access or rely on the data provided by each platform.
Another open topic is how the application package can register what kind of inputs/outputs formats and file access it can support (e.g. directly access S3, http(s), GDAL virtual file systems), so that platforms can choose the optimal match between platform and application and potentially skip staging in data or outright reject the package if no compatible format is available.
Finally, we got our application packages running on different platforms with the same Docker container, executable, input data, and output metadata, but slightly different CWL descriptions as the CWL base class supported by the platforms differ.
The following recommendations can be drawn:
CWL demonstrated good capabilities to standardize an application package, but there needs to be a common agreement on the supported CWL items, such as the CWL base class.
It has been shown within the pilot that no explicit process descriptions in XML are necessary as this information can be integrated in the CWL. This is preferable as it lowers the barrier of developing an application package and minimizes the number of files that have to be kept in sync on changes.
Further discussions about the standardization of the format or structure of input and output files (e.g., through STAC as discussed in the pilot) are necessary.
Tutorials are needed to describe in detail what is necessary for an application package and especially what is handled in detail by an ADES/EMS implementation. This is not easy to understand for users, who are not familiar with these specifications.
Appendix A: Revision History
Date | Editor | Release | Primary clauses modified | Descriptions |
July 31, 2020 |
EOX team |
1.0 |
all |
initial version |
August 5, 2020 |
I. Simonis |
1.1 |
all |
Editorial changes, full review |
August 26, 2020 |
S. Meissl |
1.2 |
all |
Final changes based on full review comments |
October 15, 2020 |
G. Hobona |
1.3 |
all |
Final staff review |