Publication Date: 2016-03-08
Approval Date: 2016-12-07
Posted Date: 2016-10-27
Reference number of this document: OGC Doc 16-063
Reference URL for this document:
Category: Public Engineering Report
Editors: Stefano Cavazzi, Roger Brackin
Title: OGC® Testbed-12 Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure Engineering Report
Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium. To obtain additional rights of use, visit
This document is an OGC Public Engineering Report created as a deliverable of an initiative from the OGC Innovation Program (formerly OGC Interoperability Program). It is not an OGC standard and not an official position of the OGC membership. It is distributed for review and comment. It is subject to change without notice and may not be referred to as an OGC Standard. Further, any OGC Engineering Report should not be referenced as required or mandatory technology in procurements. However, the discussions in this document could very well lead to the definition of an OGC Standard.
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- 1. Introduction
- 2. References
- 3. Terms and definitions
- 4. Conventions
- 5. Overview
- 6. Status Quo & New Requirements Statement
- 7. Solutions
- 7.1. Targeted Solutions
- 7.1.1. Provision of Arctic data using WCS
- 7.1.2. Implementation of a client application that can demonstrate the usage of ArcticSDI data
- 7.1.3. Analysis of the current Earth Observation profile for serving ArcticSDI data needs
- 7.1.4. Analysis of how data served as OPeNDAP can be integrated
- 7.1.5. Analysis of how netCDF data can be served efficiently
- 7.1.6. Discussion on interoperability issues that are specific to the ArcticSDI
- 7.1. Targeted Solutions
- 8. Recommendations
- Appendix A: Appendix A - Use Cases
- Appendix B: Appendix B - Arctic Datasets and Services
- Appendix C: Appendix C - Change Requests
- Appendix D: Revision History
This engineering report captures use cases representative of the vision of the Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (ArcticSDI). The ArcticSDI is a cooperative initiative established between the eight National Mapping Agencies of Canada, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, USA and Denmark, with the aim of providing governments, policy makers, scientists, private enterprises and citizens in the Arctic with access to geographically related Arctic data, digital maps, and tools to facilitate monitoring and decision-making. The initiative will achieve this aim by providing a framework of spatial information resources, organizational structures, technologies of creation, processing and exchange of spatial data, that provides broad access and efficient use of spatial data for the Arctic. The engineering report provides a review of the policy drivers supporting the establishment of spatial data infrastructure (SDI) in each Arctic nation in order to improve understanding of the use cases, user groups and the impact an ArcticSDI may have on their day-to-day business. The engineering report presents lessons learnt along each of the components of SDI, for example, users, data, technology, standards, policy and others. A discussion is presented on how the technologies and standards already in use by the national mapping agencies relate to the technologies and standards implemented by the testbed, as well as how emerging geospatial standards could benefit the ArcticSDI.
The establishment of the ArcticSDI is expected to offer the following benefits when the SDI is fully operational:
users would have easy access to relevant and updated geographic and thematic information covering the entire region of interest;
information management practices will be improved through the adoption of commonly accepted policies and technical standards;
accessibility of spatial data infrastructure will be improved across borders, thereby allowing for cross-border solutions to be established to shared regional problems; and
creation of a distributed infrastructure consisting of interlinked servers offering high quality geospatial data.
To realize these benefits, it is necessary to maintain an understanding of the users, their needs and their roles in the overall picture of relevant stakeholders. This engineering report is important because it advances understanding of the use cases from which the aforementioned benefits will be derived.
This engineering report is important to the OGC Architecture Working Group because the ArcticSDI is one of the few initiatives that has attempted to build a multi-national SDI. The engineering report therefore presents a rare opportunity for the Architecture Domain Working Group to gain insight into the challenges and solutions encountered in establishing such an SDI.
ogcdocs, testbed-12, spatial data infrastructure, SDI, web services, architecture, use cases, Arctic.
1. Introduction
The Arctic region is of increasing interest to the whole world as a result of its linkage to the global climate system, opportunities for economic development, geo-political strategic importance, sensitive ecosystems and social significance as home to Indigenous populations and other residents.
Arctic data are required by the scientific community to support research on topics such as climate, atmosphere, land, oceans, ecosystems, ice, snow, permafrost, and social systems; and by the local community to support impact assessments, engineering design, safe navigation and operations, risk management, emergency response, weather forecasting, and climate change adaptation. Over the past decade, advances in data collection and publication technologies have led to an unparalleled increase in the amount of geospatial data that are available on the World Wide Web.
An Arctic data infrastructure is evolving from a system where data are discovered in data catalogues and downloaded to the local machines of users, to a system of distributed data made interoperable using standards and providing users with storage and computational capacity close to large repositories of data. Interoperability and open standards are core to any spatial data infrastructure for the Arctic, as they enable the most efficient exchange of data, and the use of processing, visualization, and representation services in distributed systems.
1.1. Scope
The Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (ArcticSDI) is a cooperative initiative established between the eight National Mapping Agencies of Canada, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, USA and Denmark (including the administrations of the Faroe Islands Home Rule and the Greenland Self-Government). The initiative was established through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which expressed the intention of the signatories to collaborate in implementing a framework of spatial information resources, organizational structures, technologies of creation, processing and exchange of spatial data, that provides broad access and efficient use of spatial data for the Arctic.
This OGC® document captures use cases representative of the vision of the ArcticSDI. The report presents a review of the policy drivers supporting the establishment of spatial data infrastructure (SDI) in each Arctic nation and discusses the impact an ArcticSDI may have on their day-to-day business. The engineering report also presents lessons learnt along each of the components of SDI: users, data, technology, standards, policy and others. A discussion is presented on how the technologies and standards already in use by the national mapping agencies relate to the technologies and standards implemented by the testbed, as well as how emerging geospatial standards could benefit the ArcticSDI.
1.2. Document contributor contact points
All questions regarding this document should be directed to the editor or the contributors:
Name | Organization |
Stefano Cavazzi PhD. |
Envitia |
Gobe Hobona PhD. |
Envitia |
James Turner PhD. |
Envitia |
Roger Brackin |
Envitia |
Marten Hogeweg |
Ingo Simonis PhD. |
Perry Peterson |
Pyxis Innovation |
1.3. Future Work
No future work is planned to this document.
1.4. Foreword
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The Open Geospatial Consortium shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document, and to provide supporting documentation.
2. References
The following documents are referenced in this report.
Arctic SDI: Arctic SDI Framework document (2015)
Arctic SDI: Arctic SDI – Geoportal (2016), [online] [Accessed 11 Jul. 2016]
GSDI: SDI Cookbook (2009)
Whiteside, A., Greenwood, J.: OGC 06-121r9, OGC® Web Services Common Standard (2010)
OGC: Phase 1 Report: Spatial Data Sharing for the Arctic (2016), [online] [Accessed 11 Jul. 2016]
3. Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this report, the definitions specified in Clause 4 of the OWS Common Implementation Standard [OGC 06-121r9] shall apply. In addition, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1. metadata
data about data
3.2. model
abstraction of some aspects of a universe of discourse [ISO 19109]
3.3. interoperability
capability to communicate, execute programs, or transfer data among various functional units in a manner that requires the user to have little or no knowledge of the unique characteristics of those units [ISO 19119]
3.4. syntactic interoperability
the aspect of interoperability that assures that there is a technical connection, i.e., that the data can be transferred between systems
3.5. semantic interoperability
the aspect of interoperability that assures that the content is understood in the same way in both systems, including by those humans interacting with the systems in a given context
4. Conventions
4.1. Abbreviated terms
The abbreviated terms clause gives a list of the abbreviated terms and the symbols necessary for understanding this document.
eb-RIM electronic business Registry Information Model
CSW Catalogue Service for the Web
OGC Open Geospatial Consortium
OWS OGC Web Services
SDI Spatial Data Infrastructure
UML Unified Modeling Language
WFS Web Feature Service
WMS Web Map Service
5. Overview
The rest of this engineering report is organized into sections for the Status Quo & New Requirements Statement, Solutions and Recommendations.
The Status Quo & New Requirements Statement section describes the status quo of the ArcticSDI. The section describes what capabilities currently exist within the ArcticSDI and how the ArcticSDI relates to associated initiatives such as the US NSDI, EU INSPIRE and GEOSS. The section also describes the issues and problems that are known to affect the ArcticSDI and have been addressed in this engineering report. The section also presents the requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to address the issues and problems identified.
The Solutions section describes the solutions that were designed at the beginning of the testbed, experimented with during the testbed and lessons learnt during the implementation and testing of the solutions.
The Recommendations section summarizes the solution recommended as a result of the experimentation carried out during the testbed.
5.1. Spatial Data Infrastructure
The fundamental aim of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is to efficiently support decision making from the local to the global level for all involved stakeholders through the publication and dissemination of geographic data and geographic services. This is accomplished by the definition of a wide range of agreements, standards, protocols, technologies and procedures, and perhaps most importantly by the active involvement of the interested parties. The SDI Cookbook (GSDI, 2015) denotes an SDI as "the relevant base collection of technologies, policies and institutional arrangements that facilitate the availability of and access to spatial data".
The principle components of an SDI are as follows:
Technology The technologies required for the SDI to exist enable not only the simple visualization of geospatial information (typically as a web map) but provide all necessary functionality such as metadata management, data warehousing, mobile apps, data dashboards, advanced analytic processes and so on.
People The stakeholders of an SDI are broad in range and function; they may be in the form of international bodies or in the form of individual citizens or somewhere between. The stakeholders will be the entities which not only provide and process data but most importantly will consume data with a view to enhancing decision making. People are the key to setting the goals of the SDI, the policies of the SDI, and guiding future development.
Policies Organizational policies dictate the management of spatial data vis-à-vis managing the legal and administrative requirements: for example defining data security, licensing, liability, intellectual property and privacy. Economic policy will drive funding and therefore define the requirements for data capture, focusing aims on how data is to be processed and presented.
Standards The harmonization of standards is essential for a coherent SDI. An SDI will catalogue data and services from disparate sources and outwardly present one or more interfaces potentially using disparate technologies; in order to achieve this, rigorous standards must be followed to ensure seamless interoperability. If rigorous standards are followed then users may efficiently interrogate disparate data catalogues to extract the data of pertinence to the project in hand. If standards are followed, then the SDI essentially tends toward platform agnosticism thus increasing robustness and futureproofing levels.
The advantages of an SDI are manifold: reduction of data duplication, preservation of data, ease of access to multiple data sources, integration of data for use in disparate tools, facilitates database maintenance, promotes institutional cooperation and general promotion of awareness of spatial data.
5.2. The Arctic Spatial Data Pilot
The OGC Arctic Spatial Data Pilot (SDP), supported by the US Geological Survey and Natural Resources Canada, has the stated purpose of how to best support the development of an SDI for the Arctic (OGC, 2016). This is not in competition with the existing Arctic SDI (Arctic SDI, 2016), but rather is to support and demonstrate its value to stakeholders, thus increasing involvement and ultimately usefulness by further integration and availability of data and services.
Stakeholders for the Arctic SDI include, but are not limited to, indigenous communities, national and local government, commercial interests such as shipping and resources, emergency services, scientific institutions and the geospatial services sector. The role of each stakeholder may fall into one or more category; for example, an organization may be both a data producer and a data consumer.
The Arctic SDP features several challenges, some of which are perhaps unique; in particular, the requirements of a dynamic SDI environment due to the changing availability of data has the potential for conflicts with the requirement to be operable in zero bandwidth locations. At minimum it may be expected that lagging may occur.
Concluded by the Arctic SDP Phase 1 report is that value may be demonstrated to stakeholders by the development of a number of use cases. By the demonstration of such value, critical momentum may be built such that involvement is maximized and the impact of the Arctic SDI is assured. The Phase 1 report recommends a number of such use case scenarios to be further investigated for the following second phase of the pilot. The goal of this document therefore is to formalize the testbed scenarios by the definition of business use cases. Each scenario is defined by the following:
Identifier (identification code for current use case)
Description (overall description of the scope)
Actors (stakeholders involved in the use case)
PreConditions (actions and statuses assumed as existent at start of the process)
Basic Path (step by step description of the expected process)
PostConditions (existent statuses at the end of the process)
Use case scenarios initially proposed in the Phase 1 report featured a broad range: including such domains as indigenous naming to flora and fauna tracking and climate change scenarios. The proposals herewith are based therefore on these use cases; it is noted however that the use cases are considered as a first stage and from a practical viewpoint it is necessary to assess against the set of available data.
5.3. Scenarios
The goal of the Arctic SDI is to demonstrate the value of an SDI to the Arctic. Representative scenarios and use cases have been identified, supported by a large number of datasets available online and provided by organizations, research centers, government agencies and other data providers. In order to be able to exploit these datasets, users must be able to discover them in the Arctic SDI and visualize them by Arctic SDI client component software. Both static maps served via WMS and coverage data provided via WCS will be exportable by users. Climate change is one of the most prominent scientific fields of research in the Arctic. A typical scenario would include aspects such as the monitoring of sea ice change including evaluation of areas that are suffering the worst impacts, and the estimation of damage to infrastructure; or the status and condition of the permafrost layer including the evaluation of impact to existing infrastructure with projections of future conditions (Simonis, 2016).
5.3.1. Scenario 1 – Melting Sea Ice
Arctic sea ice cover reached the second lowest point on record in September 2016 according to the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Sea Ice Data Index (NSIDC, 2016). The reported ice covered 1.6 million square miles of the Arctic, the lowest point of 2016. The low sea ice has an adverse impact on global climate, Arctic infrastructure, vessel routes, ecosystems and wildlife. Supported types of research activities include: - Research on the nature of changes in sea ice distribution and mass balance in response to climate change and variability - Improving understanding of the impacts of a changing sea ice regime on coastal stability and communities - Improving understanding of how a thinner and weaker ice cover responds to wind and precipitation
![Pyxis 1](includes/16-063/Pyxis_1.png)
Figure 1. Screenshot of sea ice data viewed using Pyxis WorldView client
5.3.2. Scenario 2 - Thawing Permafrost
Permafrost is permanently frozen soil, sediment or rock. Its classification is solely based on temperature which must remain below 0°C for at least two years (Permafrost Subcommittee, 1988). Due to climate change and rising temperature, permafrost could thaw, impacting the immediate land above. This changing shape of the land may damage buildings and infrastructure such as roads, airports, and water as well as affecting ecosystems. Another reason for concern is that permafrost is a large storage of carbon, which may be released to the atmosphere in the form of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. This process leads to more climate change and is an example of a cycle which happens when warming causes changes that lead to even more warming. Supported types of research activities include: - Research on the impact of rising temperatures on the extent and depth of permafrost - Understanding the impact of the loss of permafrost on infrastructure, ecosystems, climate and people
![Pyxis 2](includes/16-063/Pyxis_2.png)
Figure 2. Screenshot of permafrost data viewed using Pyxis WorldView client
5.4. Use Case Summary
The following table provides a summary of the identified use cases, their feasibility and priority. A detailed description of each individual use case is provided in Annex A.
Category | Group | ID | Arctic SDI - Use Cases | FCode |
General |
General |
1 |
Provide resource |
1 |
2 |
Publish metadata |
1 |
3 |
Search and find |
1 |
4 |
Bind to service |
1 |
5 |
Consume resource |
1 |
Detailed (Arctic SDP) |
Indigenous Knowledge |
1S |
Crowdsourcing of indigenous knowledge |
2 |
2S |
Gazetteer of indigenous names |
2 |
Geohazards and Weather |
3S |
Offshore geohazards |
3 |
4S |
Geohazards risk assessment |
4 |
5S |
Underground utilities |
5 |
Marine Use Cases |
6S |
Arctic disaster management (marine) |
3 |
7S |
Iceberg tracking |
3 |
8S |
Iceberg warning |
3 |
9S |
Iceberg path prediction |
5 |
10S |
Arctic resource exploitation monitoring |
4 |
11S |
Arctic sanctuaries intrusions |
3 |
Terrestrial Use Cases |
12S |
Mammal migration |
3 |
13S |
Arctic disaster management (terrestrial) |
3 |
14S |
Water management at the catchment scale |
4 |
15S |
Ecosystem changes |
4 |
Climate Change |
16S |
Sea level rise |
4 |
17S |
Glacier movements |
3 |
18S |
Permafrost monitoring |
4 |
Other |
19S |
Pan-arctic ice charts |
3 |
FCodes are informed estimates of the feasibility and priority of each scenario from 1 (high priority/simple to achieve) to 5 (low priority/difficult to achieve).
6. Status Quo & New Requirements Statement
6.1. Status Quo
The current implementation of the ArcticSDI includes a web-deployed portal and a variety of services based on OGC standards.
The portal allows for searching and publishing data and services. The search facility offered by the portal allows for the specification of search criteria by resource type, resource name, responsible party, keyword, topic category, metadata language, resource language and geographic extent. A screenshot of the current portal is shown in Figure 3.
![arcticsdi geoportal](includes/16-063/arcticsdi_geoportal.png)
Figure 3. A screenshot of the current ArcticSDI portal.
The portal serves ISO 19139 XML-encoded metadata retrieved from a web service based on version 2.0.2 of the Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW). The CSW is implemented using an instance of the GeoNetwork.
The mapping presented on the portal is provided through a Web Map Tiling Service (WMTS) and several of the services advertised in the metadata are WMS.
6.2. Requirements Statement
Testbed-12 was tasked with addressing the following work items in relation to the ArcticSDI.
Provision of Arctic data that is currently served at WMS interfaces as images only. The data shall be made available using WCS.
Implementation of a client application that can demonstrate the usage of ArcticSDI data, including data that is served at WMS and WCS interfaces.
Analysis of whether the current Earth Observation profile serves all needs to access ArcticSDI data.
Analysis of how data served as OPeNDAP can be integrated.
Analysis of how netCDF data can be served efficiently.
Discussion of interoperability issues that are specific to the ArcticSDI.
7. Solutions
7.1. Targeted Solutions
This section presents all of the solutions that the testbed targeted for investigation.
7.1.1. Provision of Arctic data using WCS
The testbed implemented several different geospatial web services providing Arctic data, including WFS, WMS and WCS. In addition to implementing services offering Arctic data, the testbed also identified third party services offering data covering parts of or the entire Arctic. All of the services are presented in Annex B. This section describes how the requirement to provide Arctic data using WCS was addressed.
The following WCS were implemented to show usage of WCS for delivering Arctic data: * ESRI WCS (Arctic Digital Elevation Model); and * Compusult WCS (Canadian Ice Edge and Iceberg Observations).
The following additional WCS were identified as offering data relating to the Arctic:
National Sea Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) Northern Hemisphere WCS; and
National Sea Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) Southern Hemisphere WCS.
7.1.2. Implementation of a client application that can demonstrate the usage of ArcticSDI data
Typically global maps use cylindrical or pseudo-cylindrical projections that are aligned with the Equator. Whereas this works well for most parts of the Earth, such projections are well known for exhibiting extreme distortion in or near the polar regions.
Two of the approaches for addressing this are:
Use of a polar-oriented projection such as the North Pole Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area (LAEA; e.g. EPSG:3571-3576); or
Use of an interactive 3D globe.
Testbed-12 focused on the second of the above listed approaches. Within the testbed the Pyxis WorldView browser, which supports WMS and WCS interfaces, was deployed. The browser was configured to access a series of WMS, WCS and other services offering Arctic data as shown in Figure 4.
![arcticsdi client solution](includes/16-063/arcticsdi_client_solution.png)
Figure 4. Pyxis WorldView client solution.
The ArcticSDP Phase 1 report states that "Important projections and corresponding datums for the North American part of the Arctic include Yukon Albers using NAD83, UTM Zone 7N to 10N using NAD83, GCS CSRS using NAD83. An earlier study by FGDC identified that most Web mapping services for the Arctic countries support EPSG:4326, with EPSG:4269 and EPSG:4267 being also popular projections and EPSG:32633 being well supported by services from Norway and Sweden. The use of Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) WGS84, though often used in Web applications, has some serious precision implications and should be avoided." The approach adopted in Testbed-12 was therefore consistent with recommendations from the ArcticSDP Phase 1 report.
7.1.3. Analysis of the current Earth Observation profile for serving ArcticSDI data needs
The OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) Application Profile – Earth Observation, defines a profile of WCS 2.0 for use on Earth Observation (EO) data. The profile provides the following:
Definition of specific EO coverages with spatial and temporal extent options;
Definition of a hierarchichal approach for grouping coverages such that they can be retrieved efficiently;
Datasets as plain two-dimensional (2-D) EO Coverages;
Mosaics of spatially non-overlapping subsets of datasets, accessible themselves as coverages;
Dataset series as collections of stitched mosaics, datasets, and/or series of datasets; and
Bundling of several mandatory and optional WCS extensions for EO-WCS implementations.
The ArcticSDP Phase 1 report identified data requirements for the Arctic. The following table identifies example data that is publishable through services conforming to the EO WCS profile.
ID |
Data required |
Example data publishable through the EO WCS profile |
1 |
Hydrographic data |
Bathymetry, geology, sea ice presence, sea ice thickness, sea ice velocity, water temperature, salinity, fluorescence, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, suspended material, chromophoric and dissolved organic matter |
2 |
Land and coast data |
Land cover, flood hazards, optical imagery, radar imagery, high resolution map of Arctic permafrost |
3 |
Cryosphere |
Snow, ice and frozen ground |
4 |
Vessel tracking |
Typically presented as vector data therefore not appropriate for WCS. However, where this uncertainty about the location of a vessel, a coverage can be used to present a continuous representation of the likelihood of a vessel being in a certain spatial extent. |
5 |
Terrestrial ecosystems data |
Collections of all other coverage data |
6 |
Wildlife |
Wildlife population density |
7 |
Communities |
Human population density |
At the core of the data model of the EO WCS profile is the data structure of an Earth Observation coverage (EO Coverage), which is a location-bound coverage that is extended with EO metadata as described in OGC document 10-157r3. This characteristic of the EO WCS profile makes it suitable for the Arctic as it allows coverages to be centered around the Arctic.
Dataset series as defined by the EO WCS profile allow for multiple datasets to be grouped together and delivered as a single artifact. This capability is particularly suitable for the ArcticSDI because it allows for the creation of virtual datasets that are composed of datasets, dataset series and stitched mosaics. So a dataset series could be created from datasets provided by two or more Arctic nations.
7.1.4. Analysis of how data served as OPeNDAP can be integrated
OPeNDAP provides software that allows access to data over the internet through the Data Access protocol (DAP) - a NASA community standard. This section describes key OPeNDAP operations and relates them to WCS operations for comparison. The starting point for an OPeNDAP service is the dataset URL, for example.
A description of a published dataset can be obtained by appending .dss to the OPeNDAP URL. This returns the data’s Dataset Descriptor Structure (DDS). This provides a description of the data, including a high level schema. An example URL for retrieving a DDS is shown below.
A more detailed description of the data can be obtained from the Data Attribute Structure (DAS) which contains metadata such as units and the name of the variables. The metadata provided by the DAS is specified at an implementor’s discretion and thus is less consistent across different implementations than the metadata provided by the DDS. An example URL for retrieving a DAS is shown below.
All of the information from the DAS and the DDS can be obtained from the info service by appending .info to the OPeNDAP URL. An example URL for accessing the info service is shown below.
Having determined the structure of the data from the DAS and DDS. It is then possible to retrieve data by appending query parameters to the URL. An example URL for retrieving data is shown below.
The OPeNDAP group has developed a server called Hyrax. The server supports access to geo-referenced data using geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).
The following table associates OPeNDAP operations to those of WCS to indicate how the two types of services could be integrated. Within an ArcticSDI context, WCS would act as a proxy to OPeNDAP (meaning that OPeNDAP would act as a data source to WCS).
OPeNDAP operation |
WCS operatiion |
DescribeCoverage |
DescribeCoverage |
Info |
GetCapabilities |
dataset URL |
GetCoverage |
dataset URL and query parameters |
GetCoverage with request parameters |
7.1.5. Analysis of how netCDF data can be served efficiently
NetCDF is a data model for array-oriented scientific data. NetCDF datasets are self-describing as they provide descriptive information about the data they contain. The format allows computers with different ways of storing integers, characters, and floating point numbers to access such data in netCDF files consistently. For large raster coverage datasets, netCDF offers a means of efficiently accessing small subsets of such datasets without needing to read the complete dataset first. This capability aligns well with the subsetting and slicing capability offered by WCS.
NetCDF has two data models. The classic model is used by netCDF-1, netCDF-2, and netCDF-3. The enhanced model is used by netCDF-4.
A netCDF classic dataset is stored as a single file comprising of the following parts:
A header that provides information about dimensions, attributes, and variables; and
A data part that provides variable data.
The netCDF-4 format is based on HDF5. It therefore offers elements such as groups, dimensions, variables and attributes. The enhanced model adopted by netCDF-4 supports user defined types, in addition to primitive data types.
Amongst netCDF utilities available is the nccopy tool, which allows for creating copies of netCDF files. The nccopy tool offers an option for compressing netCDF files with different levels of compression. The options supported by nccopy are shown below.
nccopy [-k output_kind] [-d level] [-s] [-c chunkspec]
[-u] [-m n] [-h n] [-e n] input output
[-k output_kind] kind of output netCDF file
omitted => same as input
'1' or 'classic' => classic file format
'2' or '64-bit-offset' => 64-bit offset format
'3' or 'netCDF-4' => netcdf-4 format
'4' or 'netCDF-4 classic model' => netCDF-4 classic model
[-d level] deflation level, from 1 (faster but lower compression)
to 9 (slower but more compression)
[-s] shuffling option, sometimes improves compression
[-c chunkspec] specify chunking for dimensions, e.g. "dim1/N1,dim2/N2,..."
[-u] convert unlimited dimensions to fixed size in output
[-m n] memory buffer size (default 5 Mbytes)
[-h n] set size in bytes of chunk_cache for chunked variables
[-e n] set number of elements that chunk_cache can hold
input name of input file or OPeNDAP URL
output name of output file
Note that the higher the compression level, the longer it takes to compress a netCDF file.[1]. In a web environment, this suggests the need to consider timeout limits for generating responses.
To allow WCS to efficiently transmit netCDF files, future versions of the EO WCS should provide client applications with the option of compressing netCDF files on retrieval, supported for example by the nccopy tool or an equivalent facility. Such a capability could also be useful for other WCS profiles.
The testbed found that a number of WCS are able to support netCDF. The Rasdaman WCS which was deployed within the testbed allowed for retrieval of netCDF data. Another example is GeoServer, which offers a netCDF plugin extension for enable coverages published through the web service to be retrievable encoded in netCDF.
An example request to obtain a netCDF data from the Rasdaman WCS is
Reviewing the literature for both Rasdaman and GeoServer, the testbed found that netCDF has different MIME types for different versions and data models, for example application/x-netcdf, application/netcdf, and application/x-netcdf4. The EO WCS profile and the OGC netCDF do not explicitly state which netCDF version is recommended and what MIME type is to be specified in requests. To improve interoperability, future versions of the EO WCS profile and the OGC netCDF standard should explicitly state which MIME types are to be used with which versions.
7.1.6. Discussion on interoperability issues that are specific to the ArcticSDI
As shown in Appendix B, most of the services identified as providing Arctic-related data were either WMS or WFS. Whereas this addresses some of the key issues relating to service interoperability when publishing vector data and rendered maps, there still remains a need for WCS to be used to publish the vast amounts of coverage data available. The EO WCS profile will help address this need. Another emerging WCS profile that could potentially facilitate the publication of Arctic-related coverage data is the MetOcean Application Profile for WCS 2.1 (OGC Document 15-045).
The variety of information published by the services identified in this testbed suggests that there is a need to consider data interoperability. An ArcticSDI domain information model developed through harmonization of member states information models would facilitate data interoperability. Such harmonization could potentially be expanded to include metadata harmonization as well.
8. Recommendations
Having considered the Arctic data needs, potential benefits of netCDF and and those of openDAP, the testbed makes the following recommendations.
Arctic nations should use dataset series on EO WCS to create joint virtual datasets that consist of coverages from their individual products.
Future versions of the EO WCS profile and OGC netCDF standard should recommend MIME types for use with specific versions and data models of netCDF.
Future versions of the EO WCS should provide client applications with the option of compressing netCDF files on retrieval, supported for example by the nccopy tool or an equivalent facility.
Appendix A: Appendix A - Use Cases
This section presents the ArcticSDI use cases and their scenarios in tabular form. The UML diagram of the use cases is presented in Figure A.1
![arcticsdi usecases](includes/16-063/arcticsdi_usecases.png)
Figure A.1. General SDI use cases.
identifier |
1 |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the ability for the publication of resources. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
2 |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the ability for the publication of metadata. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
3 |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the ability for users to search for, and find, resources. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
4 |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the ability for users to invoke and link to a resource service. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
5 |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the ability for users to consume a resource |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
1S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to link Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge by enabling Indigenous communities to provide geotagged items (pictures, animals and plants sights, etc.) which are of interest to them. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
2S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to crowdsource Indigenous Knowledge by enabling Indigenous communities to provide place naming. Place names are extremely important to Indigenous Peoples as a reflection of their culture and heritage, and also as a tool for language preservation. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
3S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to make available marine research cruises data (seismic, core samples, video, multibeam bathymetry and water samples) to support the safe development of infrastructure by improving the understanding of offshore geology and slope stability issues due to permafrost degradation. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
4S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to combine knowledge about geohazards (in this case earthquakes and/or floods) and the built environment and demographics in order to assess the risk and potential losses and consequences that could be generated. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
5S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to assess geohazards risk (in this case earthquakes and/or floods) on domestic utilities combining publicly collected data and privately held data. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
6S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to quickly obtain marine data in support of a disaster situation. This emergency scenario will likely include vessel groundings, oil spills, danger to wildlife and human catastrophe (disease). |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
7S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to track icebergs using available space based imagery. The analysis of imagery data to track ice would allow projection of future ice movement into shipping lanes indicated by regular AIS vessel routes. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
8S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to track icebergs using available space based imagery. The analysis of imagery data to track ice would allow projection of future ice movement into shipping lanes indicated by regular AIS vessel routes. Allowing the system to warn specific vessels. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
9S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to model and predict the path of icebergs. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
10S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to monitor the regional exploitation of natural resources, in particular oil and gas. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
11S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to monitor the intrusion of vessels into environmentally sensitive areas. The ship identification from the AIS MMSI information and location of the intrusion will be provided as a reporting service to the requesting agency. It would also be possible to maintain a database of all intrusions and allow a generation of historic patterns of intrusion that require action. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
12S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to monitor the migration of important terrestrial mammals (Caribou or others) in order to support habitat management activities (e.g. Boreal Caribou Recovery Strategy). |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
13S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to quickly obtain terrestrial data in support of a disaster situation. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
14S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to integrate trans-boundary watersheds data allowing water management at the catchment scale. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
15S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to assess the cumulative impact of human induced and naturally occurring ecosystem changes. In particular, the changes on Arctic biodiversity including the northward movement of more southern species, shrubbing and greening of the land, etc. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
16S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to gather geospatial information about sea level rise including the evaluation of areas that might suffer the worst impacts and the estimation of damage to infrastructure. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
17S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to gather geospatial information about glacier movements including the evaluation and estimation of potential impact to shipping lanes or costal infrastructure and the projection of future conditions. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
18S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to gather geospatial information about the status and condition of the Arctic permafrost layer, including the evaluation of impact to existing infrastructure with projections of future conditions. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
identifier |
19S |
Description |
The Arctic SDI Pilot will provide the capability to obtain ice charts from multiple agencies. Currently ice charts need to be gathered from different agencies depending on the study area. The various ice charts cover different areas and can have widely different data formats, file formats, and accuracies. |
Actors: |
PreConditions: |
Basic Path: |
PostConditions: |
Appendix B: Appendix B - Arctic Datasets and Services
The following are datasets and services, relating to the Arctic, that have been identified by participants during the testbed.
ID | Description | URL |
685 |
Environmentally Significant Areas of Alberta (WMS) |
1 |
Arctic Biodiversity Data Service |
2 |
National Sea Ice Data Centre (data only) |
3 |
Compusult WMS 1 (Includes Latest Ice-Free Open water, Latest Ice Concentrations, Iceberg Individual Observations) |
4 |
Compusult WMS 2 (Includes Aviation Routine Weather Reports (METAR)) |
5 |
Compusult WCS (Canadian Ice Edge and Iceberg Observations) |
6 |
ESRI WCS (Arctic Digital Elevation Model) |
7 |
ESRI WMS (Arctic Digital Elevation Model) |
8 |
PYXIS WCS Arctic Data Access | for downloadable client for web client |
9 |
Flood Hazard Mapping (WMS) |
10 |
Flood Hazard Mapping (WMS) |
11 |
National Sea Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) Northern Hemisphere WMS | |
12 |
National Sea Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) Southern Hemisphere WMS | |
13 |
National Sea Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) Northern Hemisphere WFS | |
14 |
National Sea Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) Southern Hemisphere WFS | |
15 |
National Sea Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) Northern Hemisphere WCS | |
16 |
National Sea Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) Southern Hemisphere WCS | |
17 |
Environmentally Significant Areas of Alberta (WMS) |
18 |
Seamless Legal SubDivision Grid (WMS) |
19 |
Seamless Legal SubDivision Grid (WMS) |
20 |
Historic Resources Management Data (WMS) |
21 |
Historic Resources Management Data (WMS) |
22 |
Cadastral and Land Ownership (WMS) |
23 |
Cadastral and Land Ownership (WMS) |
24 |
Benchmarks (WMS) |
25 |
Benchmarks (WMS) |
26 |
Base Water Feature (WMS) |
27 |
Base Water Feature (WMS) |
28 |
AWWID/BWWT Map Application Operational Layers (WMS) |
29 |
AWWID/BWWT Map Application Operational Layers (WMS) |
30 |
AWWID/BWWT Map Application Operational Layers (WMS) |
31 |
AWWID/BWWT Map Application Operational Layers (WMS) |
32 |
AWWID/BWWT Map Application Operational Layers (WMS) |
33 |
AWWID/BWWT Map Application Operational Layers (WMS) |
34 |
ASRD Administrative Area (WMS) |
35 |
ASRD Administrative Area (WMS) |
36 |
Air Quality Health Index Base Map With Layers (WMS) |
37 |
Air Quality Health Index Base Map With Layers (WMS) |
38 |
Alberta Watersheds 2011 (GoA) (WMS) |
39 |
Alberta Watersheds 2011 (GoA) (WMS) |
40 |
Alberta Township system (WMS) |
41 |
Alberta Township system (WMS) |
42 |
Alberta Township system (WMS) |
43 |
Alberta Township system (WMS) |
44 |
Air (WMS) |
45 |
Air (WMS) |
46 |
AESRD Administrative Area (WMS) |
47 |
AESRD Administrative Area (WMS) |
48 |
AER Administrative Area (WMS) |
49 |
imagery/Orthos2013_30cm (WMS) |
50 |
AER Administrative Area (WMS) |
51 |
Access (WMS) |
52 |
imagery/Hartland2016_20cm (WMS) |
53 |
Access (WMS) |
54 |
imagery/Hartland2016_10cm (WMS) |
55 |
ABWRET - Estimate of Relative Wetland Valuer By Section (WMS) |
56 |
ABWRET - Estimate of Relative Wetland Valuer By Section (WMS) |
57 |
WaterSources (WMS) |
58 |
Regional Parks Trail (WMS) |
59 |
Service Areas (WMS) |
60 |
Parks (WMS) |
61 |
Orthophoto Imagery (WMS) |
62 |
Natural Areas Atlas (WMS) |
63 |
Land Management (WMS) |
64 |
Contours (WMS) |
65 |
Capital Regional District Base Map (WMS) |
66 |
Capital Regional District Base Map (WMS) |
67 |
Capital Regional District Base Map (WMS) |
68 |
Orthophoto Imagery (WMS) |
69 |
Public/ReferenceLayers (WMS) |
70 |
Public/GCTourism (WMS) |
71 |
Public/GC_RoadSensorData (WMS) |
72 |
73 |
74 |
Public/AirPhotos2010TilesWEB (WMS) |
75 |
World Cities (WMS) |
76 |
Public_v01 (WMS) |
77 |
Public_v01 (WMS) |
78 |
wms/Uprp (WMS) |
79 |
Uprp LAYER | |
80 |
wms/Uprp | |
81 |
wms/Uarp (WMS) |
82 |
Uarp LAYER | |
83 |
wms/Uarp | |
84 |
wms/Ssrp (WMS) |
85 |
86 |
wms/Ssrp | |
87 |
88 |
Imagery/ap_2013cache (WMS) |
89 |
90 |
91 |
SREM_Restrictions (WMS) |
92 |
93 |
SREM_Restrictions | |
94 |
Imagery/ap_2011cache (WMS) |
95 |
SREM_Coal (WMS) |
96 |
97 |
SREM_Coal | |
98 |
99 |
100 |
Imagery/ap_2008cache (WMS) |
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
SREM_OSArea | |
105 |
Imagery/ap_2004cache (WMS) |
106 |
SREM_Coal (WMS) |
107 |
108 |
SREM_Coal | |
109 |
SREM_Coal (WMS) |
110 |
Imagery/ap_2004 (WMS) |
111 |
112 |
SREM_Coal | |
113 |
SREM_Coal (WMS) |
114 |
115 |
SREM_Coal | |
116 |
wms/Rdrp (WMS) |
117 |
Rdrp LAYER | |
118 |
wms/Rdrp | |
119 |
wms/Nsrp (WMS) |
120 |
Nsrp LAYER | |
121 |
wms/Nsrp | |
122 |
wms/Lprp (WMS) |
123 |
Lprp LAYER | |
124 |
wms/Lprp | |
125 |
wms/Larp (WMS) |
126 |
Larp LAYER | |
127 |
wms/Larp | |
128 |
129 |
TRNS/TRNS_Routing_UT83 (WMS) |
130 |
NSCAF roads simplified (WMS) |
131 |
Polling_is45 (WMS) |
132 |
Calculation_is45 (WMS) |
133 |
PLAN/PLANCrownLandsWM84V1 (WMS) |
134 |
PLAN_CrownHarvestPlans_UT83.mxd (WMS) |
135 |
PLAN_CrownHarvestPlans_UT83.mxd (WMS) |
136 |
NSCRS Stations (WMS) |
137 |
Wet Areas Mapping (WMS) |
138 |
Wet Areas Mapping (WMS) |
139 |
Road Index (WMS) |
140 |
Road Index (WMS) |
141 |
Provincial Landscape Viewer - ELC and Forestry data (WMS) |
142 |
Provincial Landscape Viewer - ELC and Forestry data (WMS) |
143 |
Old Forest Policy (WMS) |
144 |
Old Forest Policy (WMS) |
145 |
Forest Treatment Data (WMS) |
146 |
Forest Treatment Data (WMS) |
147 |
Forest (WMS) |
148 |
Forest (WMS) |
149 |
Ecological Land Classification (ELC) (WMS) |
150 |
Ecological Land Classification (ELC) (WMS) |
151 |
Crown Lands Forest Model (CLFM) Ecological Indicators (WMS) |
152 |
Crown Lands Forest Model (CLFM) Ecological Indicators (WMS) |
153 |
154 |
CLO_GPTools/UploadShapefile (WMS) |
155 |
BND/BND_SIGDemonstration2 (WMS) |
156 |
ENS_Polling_Divisions (WMS) |
157 |
NS Community Boundaries (WMS) |
158 |
BND/BND_ElectoralBoundaries_UT83 (WMS) |
159 |
Wildlife Provincial Landscape Viewer (WMS) |
160 |
Wildlife Provincial Landscape Viewer (WMS) |
161 |
NSTDB Water theme (WMS) |
162 |
NSTDB Structures theme (WMS) |
163 |
NSTDB Structures theme (WMS) |
164 |
NSTDB Roads theme (WMS) |
165 |
NSTDB Landform theme (WMS) |
166 |
NSTDB Land Cover theme (WMS) |
167 |
NSTDB Grey-scale (WMS) |
168 |
NSTDB Grey-scale (WMS) |
169 |
NSTDB Grey-scale (WMS) |
170 |
NSTDB Grey-scale (WMS) |
171 |
NSTDB DTM theme (WMS) |
172 |
NSTDB Designated Areas theme (WMS) |
173 |
NSTDB Delimiter theme (WMS) |
174 |
175 |
NSTDB Delimiter theme (WMS) |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
NSCAF roads simplified (WMS) |
180 |
NSGNDB Geonames (Gazetteer) theme (WMS) |
181 |
NS Community Boundaries (WMS) |
182 |
BASE/Index_NSTDB_10k_WebMercator_WGS84 (WMS) |
183 |
NSODB Index (WMS) |
184 |
NSGNDB Geonames (Gazetteer) theme (WMS) |
185 |
BASE/BASE_NS_CivicAddress_File_WM84 (WMS) |
186 |
BASE/BASE_Index_NSTDB_10k_WM84 (WMS) |
187 |
NSODB Index (WMS) |
188 |
1:50,000 Sheet Index (WMS) |
189 |
Utilities and Communications service (WMS) |
190 |
Yukon Transportation Infrastructure (WMS) |
191 |
GeoYukon - Reference Information (WMS) |
192 |
Yukon Parks and Protected Areas (WMS) |
193 |
Yukon Oil and Gas (WMS) |
194 |
Yukon Mining Tenure (WMS) |
195 |
SaskDIP (WMS) |
196 |
Yukon Land Tenure (WMS) |
197 |
Yukon Land Planning (WMS) |
198 |
Yukon Geological Information (WMS) |
199 |
Yukon Forestry (WMS) |
200 |
Yukon First Nation Land (WMS) |
201 |
Hydrography (WMS) |
202 |
GeoYukon/GY_EnvironmentalMonitoring (WMS) |
203 |
Yukon Elevation (WMS) |
204 |
FireHistory (WMS) |
205 |
GeoYukon/GY_CultureHeritage (WMS) |
206 |
Yukon Biophysical Information (WMS) |
207 |
Yukon Wildlife Key Areas (WMS) |
208 |
AboriginalLands (WMS) |
209 |
Yukon Base Map - dynamic base map (WMS) |
210 |
Yukon Administrative Boundaries (WMS) |
211 |
Public/Ortho_2012_Cache (WMS) |
212 |
2007/2008 Aerial Photography (WMS) |
213 |
2002 Aerial Photography (WMS) |
214 |
Agricultural Extent in Canada (WMS) |
215 |
AAFC Agri-Environmental Indicators - Time Series, Web Optimized (WMS) |
216 |
AAFC Agri-Environmental Indicators - Change Datasets, Web Optimized (WMS) |
217 |
Yukon Base Map (WMS) |
218 |
wms/Uprp (WMS) |
219 |
Uprp LAYER | |
220 |
wms/Uprp | |
221 |
wms/Uarp (WMS) |
222 |
Uarp LAYER | |
223 |
wms/Uarp | |
224 |
wms/Ssrp (WMS) |
225 |
226 |
wms/Ssrp | |
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
SREM_Restrictions (WMS) |
231 |
232 |
SREM_Restrictions | |
233 |
SREM_Coal (WMS) |
234 |
235 |
SREM_Coal | |
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
SREM_OSArea | |
242 |
SREM_Coal (WMS) |
243 |
244 |
SREM_Coal | |
245 |
SREM_Coal (WMS) |
246 |
247 |
SREM_Coal | |
248 |
SREM_Coal (WMS) |
249 |
250 |
SREM_Coal | |
251 |
wms/Rdrp (WMS) |
252 |
Rdrp LAYER | |
253 |
wms/Rdrp | |
254 |
wms/Nsrp (WMS) |
255 |
Nsrp LAYER | |
256 |
wms/Nsrp | |
257 |
wms/Lprp (WMS) |
258 |
Lprp LAYER | |
259 |
wms/Lprp | |
260 |
wms/Larp (WMS) |
261 |
Larp LAYER | |
262 |
wms/Larp | |
263 |
tides_marees/labels (WMS) |
264 |
tides_marees/labels (WMS) |
265 |
tides_marees/central_centre (WMS) |
266 |
tides_marees/central_centre (WMS) |
267 |
Tide and Water Level stations in Canada - Les stations de marées et de niveau d’eau au Canada (WMS) |
268 |
Tide and Water Level stations in Canada - Les stations de marées et de niveau d’eau au Canada (WMS) |
269 |
Aquatic Species at Risk Critical Habitat (FGP) (WMS) |
270 |
Aquatic Species at Risk Critical Habitat (FGP) (WMS) |
271 |
Aquatic Species at Risk Critical Habitat (FGP) (WMS) |
272 |
Aquatic Species at Risk Critical Habitat (FGP) (WMS) |
273 |
FGP2/ARGO_Locations (WMS) |
274 |
FGP/Tides_WaterLevels_EN (WMS) |
275 |
FGP2/ARGO_Locations (WMS) |
276 |
FGP/Tides_WaterLevels_EN (WMS) |
277 |
FGP/StationsMaregraphiques_FR (WMS) |
278 |
FGP/StationsMaregraphiques_FR (WMS) |
279 |
FGP/SHC_Series_de_CD_Cartes_FR (WMS) |
280 |
FGP/SHC_Series_de_CD_Cartes_FR (WMS) |
281 |
FGP/SHC_S57CEN_Cartes_Individuelles_FR (WMS) |
282 |
FGP/SHC_S57CEN_Cartes_Individuelles_FR (WMS) |
283 |
FGP/SHC_CartesPapier_FR (WMS) |
284 |
FGP/NAFO_Zones (WMS) |
285 |
FGP/SHC_CartesPapier_FR (WMS) |
286 |
FGP/NAFO_Zones (WMS) |
287 |
FGP/Marine_Protected_Areas_National (WMS) |
288 |
FGP/Marine_Protected_Areas_National (WMS) |
289 |
FGP/Marine_Bioregions_National (WMS) |
290 |
FGP/Marine_Bioregions_National (WMS) |
291 |
Aquatic Species at Risk Critical Habitat (FGP) (WMS) |
292 |
Aquatic Species at Risk Critical Habitat (FGP) (WMS) |
293 |
FGP/Large_Ocean_Management_Areas_National (WMS) |
294 |
FGP/Large_Ocean_Management_Areas_National (WMS) |
295 |
FGP/Ecologically_Biologically_Significant_Areas_National (WMS) |
296 |
FGP/Ecologically_Biologically_Significant_Areas_National (WMS) |
297 |
Aquatic Species at Risk Critical Habitat (FGP) (WMS) |
298 |
Aquatic Species at Risk Critical Habitat (FGP) (WMS) |
299 |
FGP/CHS_S57ENC_Individual_Charts_EN (WMS) |
300 |
FGP/CHS_S57ENC_Individual_Charts_EN (WMS) |
301 |
FGP/CHS_PaperChartLimits_EN (WMS) |
302 |
FGP/CHS_PaperChartLimits_EN (WMS) |
303 |
FGP/CHS_CD_Collections_ChartLimits_EN (WMS) |
304 |
FGP/CHS_CD_Collections_ChartLimits_EN (WMS) |
305 |
FGP/Areas_of_Interest_National (WMS) |
306 |
FGP/Areas_of_Interest_National (WMS) |
307 |
Communications Utility (WMS) |
308 |
FGP/500m_Gridded_Bathymetry_Index (WMS) |
309 |
FGP/500m_Gridded_Bathymetry_Index (WMS) |
310 |
FGP/500m_Gridded_Bathymetry (WMS) |
311 |
FGP/500m_Gridded_Bathymetry (WMS) |
312 |
Basemap/Reference_Overlay (WMS) |
313 |
Basemap/42304_SIMPLE_BIL (WMS) |
314 |
Basemap/Reference_Overlay (WMS) |
315 |
Tidal_Stations_ENG (WMS) |
316 |
Sportfishing_BC_ENG (WMS) |
317 |
Service hydrographique du Canada - Normes de service (WMS) |
318 |
Basemap/42304_SIMPLE_BIL (WMS) |
319 |
Search_For_Franklin_ENG (WMS) |
320 |
Reported_Observations_Aquatic_Invasive_Species_ENG (WMS) |
321 |
capProj/Capital_Project_Planning (WMS) |
322 |
Tidal_Stations_ENG (WMS) |
323 |
Sportfishing_BC_ENG (WMS) |
324 |
Service hydrographique du Canada - Normes de service (WMS) |
325 |
Search_For_Franklin_ENG (WMS) |
326 |
Peche_sportive_CB_FRA (WMS) |
327 |
Observations_signalees_sur_les_especes_aquatiques_FRA (WMS) |
328 |
Reported_Observations_Aquatic_Invasive_Species_ENG (WMS) |
329 |
NRM_Index (WMS) |
330 |
NAFO_Divisions (WMS) |
331 |
Peche_sportive_CB_FRA (WMS) |
332 |
Marine_Protected_Areas_ENG (WMS) |
333 |
Observations_signalees_sur_les_especes_aquatiques_FRA (WMS) |
334 |
LancasterSound (WMS) |
335 |
Hydrographic_Charts_Outline_ENG (WMS) |
336 |
Hydrographic_Charts_ENG (WMS) |
337 |
Guide_de_planification_de_navigation_en_Arctique_FRA (WMS) |
338 |
NRM_Index (WMS) |
339 |
NAFO_Divisions (WMS) |
340 |
Marine_Protected_Areas_ENG (WMS) |
341 |
LancasterSound (WMS) |
342 |
Canadian Hydrographic Service - Levels of Service (WMS) |
343 |
Hydrographic_Charts_Outline_ENG (WMS) |
344 |
CHS_Charts_Source_Outline (WMS) |
345 |
CHS_Charts_Source_Filled (WMS) |
346 |
CHS_Charts_ENCs_Outline (WMS) |
347 |
Hydrographic_Charts_ENG (WMS) |
348 |
CHS Charts ENCs Filled (WMS) |
349 |
Guide_de_planification_de_navigation_en_Arctique_FRA (WMS) |
350 |
JOSM/Oilsands (WMS) |
351 |
Cartographie_hydrographique_FRA (WMS) |
352 |
data_donnees/f65ccac2-275f-4b5e-913e-c468fec1f203 (WMS) |
353 |
Cartographie_hydrographique_contour_FRA (WMS) |
354 |
data_donnees/d6f2b488-20dd-4551-af8e-51dc76b57b9f (WMS) |
355 |
Canadian Hydrographic Service - Levels of Service (WMS) |
356 |
data_donnees/bf655a50-96c8-4126-9ddf-a49174106c3f (WMS) |
357 |
CHS_Charts_Source_Outline (WMS) |
358 |
Bathymetry_500m_ENG (WMS) |
359 |
data_donnees/be12386d (WMS) |
360 |
CHS_Charts_Source_Filled (WMS) |
361 |
data_donnees/be0a3350-f755-418e-b04b-7ff9fd2ebeac (WMS) |
362 |
Arctic_Voyage_Planning_Guide_ENG (WMS) |
363 |
CHS_Charts_ENCs_Outline (WMS) |
364 |
data_donnees/bd7fd3d4-63d7-4485-9399-a55fdae9e399 (WMS) |
365 |
data_donnees/b84494fe-4843-484c-8c83-1d510d244a4c (WMS) |
366 |
data_donnees/6796dbcb-abab-4a8e-a211-4b49f5b45273 (WMS) |
367 |
CHS Charts ENCs Filled (WMS) |
368 |
data_donnees/56bdd628-5e1d-4759-949b-616ef9bdc3e0 (WMS) |
369 |
data_donnees/4cdeec34-30e7-4070-8362-ae5bac21376b (WMS) |
370 |
data_donnees/4a2929ce-d6b1-49b0-b520-63be0859c552 (WMS) |
371 |
Cartographie_hydrographique_FRA (WMS) |
372 |
data_donnees/47cffe27-1a7a-4fe9-8a89-f33f9a632c71 (WMS) |
373 |
data_donnees/40777390-5f06-4bbb-82a4-53afe5254cd8 (WMS) |
374 |
Cartographie_hydrographique_contour_FRA (WMS) |
375 |
Polling Divisions Boundaries (WMS) |
376 |
data_donnees/2f0d80a1-5085-4639-94af-49e43cf81942 (WMS) |
377 |
FGP/number_of_forest_fires_en (WMS) |
378 |
data_donnees/24d700f2-d351-4893-8c46-dc8602ec4790 (WMS) |
379 |
Bathymetry_500m_ENG (WMS) |
380 |
data_donnees/16074bd5-66ed-45a5-b9c3-a9c33cf58e6c (WMS) |
381 |
Arctic_Voyage_Planning_Guide_ENG (WMS) |
382 |
data_donnees/133994b0-ca21-4ae6-9cbf-57344662f01f (WMS) |
383 |
FGP/forest_industry_hotspots_en (WMS) |
384 |
data/fd3355a7-ae34-4df7-b477-07306182db69 (WMS) |
385 |
FGP/fire_season_length_en (WMS) |
386 |
data/e76205c3 (WMS) |
387 |
Federal Electoral Districts Boundaries (WMS) |
388 |
data/e76205c3-23c2-4ea1-8bf5-df7e43462b94 (WMS) |
389 |
Federal Electoral Districts Boundaries (WMS) |
390 |
data/c9c6c6a1 (WMS) |
391 |
Limites de circonscriptions fédérales (WMS) |
392 |
data/b17d5a29-84cd-4241-9459-36ac273a88ea (WMS) |
393 |
data/a483c2e9 (WMS) |
394 |
FGP/climate_moisture_index_fr (WMS) |
395 |
data/98b6089a-389d-47f0-a461-4dfddfff8122 (WMS) |
396 |
Aéroports Canadiens avec services de navigation aérienne (WMS) |
397 |
Canadian Airports with Air Navigation Services (WMS) |
398 |
FGP/annual_area_burned_en (WMS) |
399 |
data/9729e977-9ac3-4064-aa96-e73c2f2214c6 (WMS) |
400 |
Energy/clean_energy_wind_potential (WMS) |
401 |
data/95d36af7 (WMS) |
402 |
data/94a51051 (WMS) |
403 |
data/94a51051-ad11-499a-b5f1-8c97b29f695c (WMS) |
404 |
Energy/clean_energy_dams_reservoirs (WMS) |
405 |
data/90be49bd-e492-4251-9082-b756434b8c45 (WMS) |
406 |
data/8c4f9a92-dfe7-4c9b-9e6e-10e66af9a769 (WMS) |
407 |
data/88976ac7 (WMS) |
408 |
data/87bf8597-4be4-4ec2-9ee3-797f5eafbd97 (WMS) |
409 |
data/7ae4d24f-f2c8-4efe-bf22-230199a198ff (WMS) |
410 |
Graticule (WMS) |
411 |
data/73865ed2-5063-4df8-803a-8e4204307758 (WMS) |
412 |
Canada Base Map - Transportation: text only, Lambert conformal conic projection | |
413 |
data/6ab784be-1197-4820-8bc2-fd20da32632c (WMS) |
414 |
data/65658050-7a80-4da3-9a09-da137c203a34 (WMS) |
415 |
Carte de Base du Canada - Transportation: texte seulement, projection conique conforme de Lambert | |
416 |
data/651aeb5f-e0f8-4a5f-9f44-4343ed097fa5 (WMS) |
417 |
data/6160669e (WMS) |
418 |
data/56ca16f7-2a72-4b2d-9728-204fc4657381 (WMS) |
419 |
data/49deb8b2-10a6-4b4a-ad7c-9cbc2eda260b (WMS) |
420 |
data/3b7dd693-52dc-4e55-828f-37c8172f009b (WMS) |
421 |
data/32219f6e-5e1b-4aa1-81e8-5cfe4622160b (WMS) |
422 |
data/28cf0e45-2aa2-4015-a5a0-5808a98dfd95 (WMS) |
423 |
data/27cf03c0 (WMS) |
424 |
data/274ede77-27b9-46b8-96c8-4d7d4a706f08 (WMS) |
425 |
data/22abff18 (WMS) |
426 |
D01/e23ce141-996e-4c98-b4a1-3141ce6095dd (WMS) |
427 |
D01/b6aee1d7-638c-4bf3-9d09-8db4243b81da (WMS) |
428 |
D01/49deb8b2-10a6-4b4a-ad7c-9cbc2eda260b (WMS) |
429 |
D01/456ce087-4711-442c-8445-30520f96e98e (WMS) |
430 |
Water_Quality_Monitoring_Surveillance_dela_qualite (WMS) |
431 |
SpeciesProtectRestore_Canada_CanadianWildlifeService (WMS) |
432 |
NPRI_FGP_All_Layers (WMS) |
433 |
CESI_FGP_All_Layers (WMS) |
434 |
BC_CriticalHabitat_CB_HabitatEssentiel (WMS) |
435 |
Mosaics/NTEC_Taltson_Corridor_Mosaic (WMS) |
436 |
Mosaics/NT_Sumps_MackenzieValley_Mosaic (WMS) |
437 |
Mosaics/MVAP_Mosaic_Combined_LCC (WMS) |
438 |
Municipal and Community Affairs OrthoPhotos for NWT Communities (WMS) |
439 |
Mosaics/IRS_Dehcho_5m_Mosaic_Combined (WMS) |
440 |
Mosaics/GNWT_SPOT_Mosaic (WMS) |
441 |
Mosaics/DOT_Combined_Transporation_Mosaic (WMS) |
442 |
Mosaics/CDED_50K (WMS) |
443 |
Mosaics/CDED_250K (WMS) |
444 |
NWT Aster DEM (WMS) |
445 |
GNWT_Operational/HSS_PredictiveContaminants_Operational (WMS) |
446 |
GNWTBasemapLCC (WMS) |
447 |
GNWTBasemapLCC |
448 |
GNWTBasemapLCC (WMS) |
449 |
GNWT_Basemaps/GNWT_Simplified_Basemap (WMS) |
450 |
GNWT_Basemaps/GNWT_Relief_Basemap (WMS) |
451 |
GNWT_Basemaps/GNWT_General_Basemap (WMS) |
452 |
GNWTBasemapLCC (WMS) |
453 |
GNWTBasemapLCC |
454 |
NWT Aster DEM (WMS) |
455 |
GNWT/UtilitiesCommunication_LCC (WMS) |
456 |
Transportation_LCC (WMS) |
457 |
GNWT/Structure_LCC (WMS) |
458 |
GNWT/SearchService (WMS) |
459 |
PlanningCadastre_LCC (WMS) |
460 |
GNWT/LocationReference_LCC (WMS) |
461 |
GNWT/InlandWater_LCC (WMS) |
462 |
ImageryBaseLandCover_LCC (WMS) |
463 |
NWT_MercuryInFishSamples_GNWTBasemapLCC_v2.mxd (WMS) |
464 |
Geoscientific_LCC (WMS) |
465 |
GNWT/Environment_NWTLCC (WMS) |
466 |
Conservation Areas Detailed Anno | |
467 |
Conservation Areas Basic Anno | |
468 |
GNWT/Environment_LCC (WMS) |
469 |
Conservation Areas Detailed Anno | |
470 |
Conservation Areas Basic Anno | |
471 |
Economy_LCC (WMS) |
472 |
Economy_LCC (WMS) |
473 |
Boundaries_LCC (WMS) |
474 |
GNWT/BiologicEcologic_LCC (WMS) |
475 |
Public/GC_RoadSensorData (WFS) |
476 |
wfs/Uprp (WFS) |
477 |
Uprp LAYER | |
478 |
wfs/Uprp | |
479 |
wfs/Uarp (WFS) |
480 |
Uarp LAYER | |
481 |
wfs/Uarp | |
482 |
wfs/Ssrp (WFS) |
483 |
484 |
wfs/Ssrp | |
485 |
486 |
487 |
488 |
SREM_Restrictions (WFS) |
489 |
490 |
SREM_Restrictions | |
491 |
SREM_Coal (WFS) |
492 |
493 |
SREM_Coal | |
494 |
495 |
496 |
497 |
498 |
499 |
SREM_OSArea | |
500 |
SREM_Coal (WFS) |
501 |
502 |
SREM_Coal | |
503 |
SREM_Coal (WFS) |
504 |
505 |
SREM_Coal | |
506 |
SREM_Coal (WFS) |
507 |
508 |
SREM_Coal | |
509 |
wfs/Rdrp (WFS) |
510 |
Rdrp LAYER | |
511 |
wfs/Rdrp | |
512 |
wfs/Nsrp (WFS) |
513 |
Nsrp LAYER | |
514 |
wfs/Nsrp | |
515 |
wfs/Lprp (WFS) |
516 |
Lprp LAYER | |
517 |
wfs/Lprp | |
518 |
wfs/Larp (WFS) |
519 |
Larp LAYER | |
520 |
wfs/Larp | |
521 |
SaskDIP (WFS) |
522 |
GeoYukon/GY_EnvironmentalMonitoring (WFS) |
523 |
AboriginalLands (WFS) |
524 |
wfs/Uprp (WFS) |
525 |
Uprp LAYER | |
526 |
wfs/Uprp | |
527 |
wfs/Uarp (WFS) |
528 |
Uarp LAYER | |
529 |
wfs/Uarp | |
530 |
wfs/Ssrp (WFS) |
531 |
532 |
wfs/Ssrp | |
533 |
534 |
535 |
536 |
SREM_Restrictions (WFS) |
537 |
tides_marees/labels (WFS) |
538 |
539 |
SREM_Restrictions | |
540 |
tides_marees/labels (WFS) |
541 |
SREM_Coal (WFS) |
542 |
543 |
SREM_Coal | |
544 |
545 |
546 |
tides_marees/central_centre (WFS) |
547 |
548 |
549 |
550 |
SREM_OSArea | |
551 |
tides_marees/central_centre (WFS) |
552 |
SREM_Coal (WFS) |
553 |
554 |
SREM_Coal | |
555 |
Tide and Water Level stations in Canada - Les stations de marées et de niveau d’eau au Canada (WFS) |
556 |
SREM_Coal (WFS) |
557 |
558 |
SREM_Coal | |
559 |
SREM_Coal (WFS) |
560 |
561 |
SREM_Coal | |
562 |
wfs/Rdrp (WFS) |
563 |
Tide and Water Level stations in Canada - Les stations de marées et de niveau d’eau au Canada (WFS) |
564 |
Rdrp LAYER | |
565 |
wfs/Rdrp | |
566 |
Aquatic Species at Risk Critical Habiat (FGP) (WFS) |
567 |
wfs/Nsrp (WFS) |
568 |
Nsrp LAYER | |
569 |
wfs/Nsrp | |
570 |
wfs/Lprp (WFS) |
571 |
Lprp LAYER | |
572 |
wfs/Lprp | |
573 |
Aquatic Species at Risk Critical Habiat (FGP) (WFS) |
574 |
wfs/Larp (WFS) |
575 |
Larp LAYER | |
576 |
wfs/Larp | |
577 |
Aquatic Species at Risk Critical Habiat (FGP) (WFS) |
578 |
Aquatic Species at Risk Critical Habiat (FGP) (WFS) |
579 |
Cadastral (WFS) |
580 |
Basemap/Reference_Overlay (WFS) |
581 |
Basemap/Reference_Overlay (WFS) |
582 |
Sportfishing_BC_ENG (WFS) |
583 |
Service hydrographique du Canada - Normes de service (WFS) |
584 |
Search_For_Franklin_ENG (WFS) |
585 |
Reported_Observations_Aquatic_Invasive_Species_ENG (WFS) |
586 |
Sportfishing_BC_ENG (WFS) |
587 |
Service hydrographique du Canada - Normes de service (WFS) |
588 |
Search_For_Franklin_ENG (WFS) |
589 |
Peche_sportive_CB_FRA (WFS) |
590 |
Observations_signalees_sur_les_especes_aquatiques_FRA (WFS) |
591 |
Reported_Observations_Aquatic_Invasive_Species_ENG (WFS) |
592 |
NRM_Index (WFS) |
593 |
NAFO_Divisions (WFS) |
594 |
Peche_sportive_CB_FRA (WFS) |
595 |
Marine_Protected_Areas_ENG (WFS) |
596 |
Observations_signalees_sur_les_especes_aquatiques_FRA (WFS) |
597 |
Hydrographic_Charts_Outline_ENG (WFS) |
598 |
Hydrographic_Charts_ENG (WFS) |
599 |
Guide_de_planification_de_navigation_en_Arctique_FRA (WFS) |
600 |
NRM_Index (WFS) |
601 |
NAFO_Divisions (WFS) |
602 |
Marine_Protected_Areas_ENG (WFS) |
603 |
Canadian Hydrographic Service - Levels of Service (WFS) |
604 |
Hydrographic_Charts_Outline_ENG (WFS) |
605 |
CHS_Charts_Source_Outline (WFS) |
606 |
CHS_Charts_Source_Filled (WFS) |
607 |
CHS_Charts_ENCs_Outline (WFS) |
608 |
Hydrographic_Charts_ENG (WFS) |
609 |
CHS Charts ENCs Filled (WFS) |
610 |
Guide_de_planification_de_navigation_en_Arctique_FRA (WFS) |
611 |
Cartographie_hydrographique_FRA (WFS) |
612 |
data_donnees/f65ccac2-275f-4b5e-913e-c468fec1f203 (WFS) |
613 |
Cartographie_hydrographique_contour_FRA (WFS) |
614 |
data_donnees/d6f2b488-20dd-4551-af8e-51dc76b57b9f (WFS) |
615 |
Canadian Hydrographic Service - Levels of Service (WFS) |
616 |
data_donnees/bf655a50-96c8-4126-9ddf-a49174106c3f (WFS) |
617 |
CHS_Charts_Source_Outline (WFS) |
618 |
Bathymetry_500m_ENG (WFS) |
619 |
data_donnees/be12386d (WFS) |
620 |
CHS_Charts_Source_Filled (WFS) |
621 |
data_donnees/be0a3350-f755-418e-b04b-7ff9fd2ebeac (WFS) |
622 |
Arctic_Voyage_Planning_Guide_ENG (WFS) |
623 |
data_donnees/bd7fd3d4-63d7-4485-9399-a55fdae9e399 (WFS) |
624 |
CHS_Charts_ENCs_Outline (WFS) |
625 |
data_donnees/b84494fe-4843-484c-8c83-1d510d244a4c (WFS) |
626 |
data_donnees/6796dbcb-abab-4a8e-a211-4b49f5b45273 (WFS) |
627 |
CHS Charts ENCs Filled (WFS) |
628 |
data_donnees/56bdd628-5e1d-4759-949b-616ef9bdc3e0 (WFS) |
629 |
data_donnees/4cdeec34-30e7-4070-8362-ae5bac21376b (WFS) |
630 |
data_donnees/4a2929ce-d6b1-49b0-b520-63be0859c552 (WFS) |
631 |
Cartographie_hydrographique_FRA (WFS) |
632 |
data_donnees/47cffe27-1a7a-4fe9-8a89-f33f9a632c71 (WFS) |
633 |
data_donnees/40777390-5f06-4bbb-82a4-53afe5254cd8 (WFS) |
634 |
Cartographie_hydrographique_contour_FRA (WFS) |
635 |
data_donnees/2f0d80a1-5085-4639-94af-49e43cf81942 (WFS) |
636 |
data_donnees/24d700f2-d351-4893-8c46-dc8602ec4790 (WFS) |
637 |
Bathymetry_500m_ENG (WFS) |
638 |
data_donnees/16074bd5-66ed-45a5-b9c3-a9c33cf58e6c (WFS) |
639 |
Arctic_Voyage_Planning_Guide_ENG (WFS) |
640 |
data_donnees/133994b0-ca21-4ae6-9cbf-57344662f01f (WFS) |
641 |
data/fd3355a7-ae34-4df7-b477-07306182db69 (WFS) |
642 |
data/e76205c3 (WFS) |
643 |
data/e76205c3-23c2-4ea1-8bf5-df7e43462b94 (WFS) |
644 |
data/c9c6c6a1 (WFS) |
645 |
data/b17d5a29-84cd-4241-9459-36ac273a88ea (WFS) |
646 |
data/a483c2e9 (WFS) |
647 |
data/98b6089a-389d-47f0-a461-4dfddfff8122 (WFS) |
648 |
data/9729e977-9ac3-4064-aa96-e73c2f2214c6 (WFS) |
649 |
data/95d36af7 (WFS) |
650 |
data/94a51051 (WFS) |
651 |
data/94a51051-ad11-499a-b5f1-8c97b29f695c (WFS) |
652 |
data/90be49bd-e492-4251-9082-b756434b8c45 (WFS) |
653 |
data/8c4f9a92-dfe7-4c9b-9e6e-10e66af9a769 (WFS) |
654 |
data/88976ac7 (WFS) |
655 |
data/87bf8597-4be4-4ec2-9ee3-797f5eafbd97 (WFS) |
656 |
data/7ae4d24f-f2c8-4efe-bf22-230199a198ff (WFS) |
657 |
data/73865ed2-5063-4df8-803a-8e4204307758 (WFS) |
658 |
data/6ab784be-1197-4820-8bc2-fd20da32632c (WFS) |
659 |
data/65658050-7a80-4da3-9a09-da137c203a34 (WFS) |
660 |
data/651aeb5f-e0f8-4a5f-9f44-4343ed097fa5 (WFS) |
661 |
data/6160669e (WFS) |
662 |
data/56ca16f7-2a72-4b2d-9728-204fc4657381 (WFS) |
663 |
data/49deb8b2-10a6-4b4a-ad7c-9cbc2eda260b (WFS) |
664 |
data/3b7dd693-52dc-4e55-828f-37c8172f009b (WFS) |
665 |
data/32219f6e-5e1b-4aa1-81e8-5cfe4622160b (WFS) |
666 |
data/28cf0e45-2aa2-4015-a5a0-5808a98dfd95 (WFS) |
667 |
data/27cf03c0 (WFS) |
668 |
data/274ede77-27b9-46b8-96c8-4d7d4a706f08 (WFS) |
669 |
data/22abff18 (WFS) |
670 |
D01/e23ce141-996e-4c98-b4a1-3141ce6095dd (WFS) |
671 |
D01/b6aee1d7-638c-4bf3-9d09-8db4243b81da (WFS) |
672 |
D01/49deb8b2-10a6-4b4a-ad7c-9cbc2eda260b (WFS) |
673 |
D01/456ce087-4711-442c-8445-30520f96e98e (WFS) |
674 |
Water_Quality_Monitoring_Surveillance_dela_qualite (WFS) |
675 |
SpeciesProtectRestore_Canada_CanadianWildlifeService (WFS) |
676 |
NPRI_FGP_All_Layers (WFS) |
677 |
CESI_FGP_All_Layers (WFS) |
678 |
BC_CriticalHabitat_CB_HabitatEssentiel (WFS) |
679 |
NWT_MercuryInFishSamples_GNWTBasemapLCC_v2.mxd (WFS) |
680 |
Flood Hazard Mapping (WMS) |
681 |
Flood Hazard Mapping (WMS) |
682 |
Federal Land (WMS) |
683 |
Federal Land (WMS) |
684 |
Federal Land (WMS) |
Appendix C: Appendix C - Change Requests
9. CR 402: Explicitly state the supported netCDF MIME types in the EO WCS
Reviewing the literature for both Rasdaman and GeoServer, the testbed found that netCDF has different MIME types for different versions and data models, for example application/x-netcdf, application/netcdf, and application/x-netcdf4. The EO WCS profile and the OGC netCDF do not explicitly state which netCDF version is recommended and what MIME type is to be specified in requests. To improve interoperability, future versions of the EO WCS profile and the OGC netCDF standard should explicitly state which MIME types are to be used with which versions.
The change request can be found at the following location:
10. CR 403: Include options for compressing netCDF files in the EO WCS
To allow WCS to efficiently transmit netCDF files, future versions of the EO WCS should provide client applications with the option of compressing netCDF files on retrieval, supported for example by a facility modeled on the nccopy tool. The nccopy tool offers an option for compressing netCDF files at different levels of compression. Such a capability could also be useful for other WCS profiles.
The change request can be found at the following location:
Appendix D: Revision History
Date | Release | Editor | Primary clauses modified | Descriptions |
2016-09-20 |
S. Cavazzi |
1.1 |
various |
first complete draft |
2016-09-30 |
G. Hobona |
1.2 |
various |
second iteration of the complete draft |
2016-10-31 |
G. Hobona |
1.3 |
various |
final complete draft based on feedback from OGC IP team |
2017-03-07 |
S. Simmons |
1.4 |
various |
prepare for publication |