i. Abstract
This document presents the requirements for defining the Symbology Conceptual Core Model (SymCore), the conceptual basis to define symbology rules for the portrayal of geographical data. It is modular and extensible (one core model, many extensions), also encoding agnostic (one symbology model, many encodings). It contains a minimal set of abstract classes representing explicit extension points of the model.
Note, that this document does not define any extensions.
The SWG work that led to this proposal has been done in the continuation of the Symbology Encoding standard (SE 1.1). While portrayal concerns the complete picture of what can be called a “cartographic ecosystem,” the description of symbology rules rather concerns the subpart of it about the instructions to be applied by a rendering engine to symbolize geodata. That’s why this proposal has a focus on symbology versus concerns close to WMS Style Layer Descriptor profile (SLD) considerations. In other words, while a set of “layer styles” describe the links between some geodata and some styles to build a map, each of these styles are built of a set of symbology rules in accordance with SymCore.
The overall motivation that lead to this proposal is related to the issue “how to make richer the symbology abilities.” The first answer is modularity which comes with extensibility. SE 1.1 is not modular per se, while this proposal is designed to be so with a core model extensible to host the diversity of such abilities in relation to various data models. It means that the core model is somewhat abstract and does not define concrete visualizations (e.g., red dashed line of wide thickness to draw features of type cable car).
The second answer that follows from the first is about extensions. As soon as the conceptual basis is set out in a specification document (this document), then extensions have to document the concrete symbology concepts to portray geodata structured according to a given data model. It is worth to notice that conceptually, the core model is not related to any specific underlying data model to be represented. It is up to an extension to define styling abilities in relation to a specific data model (e.g., FeatureTypeStyle).
The third answer is about encodings. As soon as the conceptual basis is established and extensions packaged, then the task is to define encodings to formalize the concrete conceptual symbology abilities.
In summary, SymCore concerns the first answer with a consistent approach to:
provide the flexibility required to achieve adequate symbology rules for a variety of information communities; e.g., aviation symbols, weather symbols, thematic maps, etc,; and
achieve high-level styling interoperability without encoding dependencies.
As a consequence, this document follows the same motivation that split up SLD 1.0 (SLD 1.1 and SE 1.1). This document puts together parts that are not specific to any service (e.g., Web Map Service), are independent, and allow the concepts to be reused by other standards willing to address aspects related to cartography. So a more general and portable symbology model is defined for use across the broad OGC standards baseline, to be applied to geospatial datasets as well as online geospatial data and mapping services.
Potential implementations of SymCore are expected to enhance OGC standards such as the Web Map Service, Web Feature Service, GeoPackage, and others. By sharing a common core, and using an extension mechanism, integration of these standards for the purposes of cartographic representation could be greatly simplified.
ii. Keywords
The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.
ogcdoc, OGC document, style, symbology, conceptual, core, modular, neutral, portrayal
iii. Submitting Organizations
The following organizations submitted this Document to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC):
- HEIG-VD (School of Management and Engineering Vaud)
- CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research)
- Strategic ACI
iv. Submitters
All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editor or the submitters:
Name | Affiliation |
Olivier Ertz | HEIG-VD (School of Management and Engineering Vaud) https://heig-vd.ch |
Erwan Bocher | CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) http://www.cnrs.fr |
Matt Sorenson | Strategic ACI https://www.strategicaci.com/ |
Dimitri Sarafinof | IGN http://www.ign.fr/ |
v. Other contributors
Comments on the content of this standard were given both informally and formally by members of the OGC. The OGC OAB (OGC Architecture Board) reviewed this document and provided comments. Written comments were submitted by the following individual members during the public review.
Name | Affiliation |
Carl Reed | Carl Reed and Associates |
Jeff Yutzler | Image Matters LLC |
Chris Little | Met Office |
Antony Cooper | University of Pretoria |
Sean Eagles | Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation |
Patty Zhao | Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation |
Jan Hjelmager | Specialist consultant |
Davis, Ethan | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) |
vi. Security considerations
No security considerations have been made for this standard.
OGC Symbology Conceptual Model: Core Part
1. Scope
This document presents the requirements that define the Symbology Conceptual Core Model (SymCore). The SymCore is a conceptual, modular, neutral model for the portrayal of geographical data. The model contains a minimal set of abstract classes representing explicit extension points of the model. Note: this document does not define any extensions.
Even though the SymCore could be extended in many places (such as Color or ParameterValue), the abstract Style class must be considered as the root element for portraying a geographic data model and for defining a concrete style model, e.g., specific style dedicated to render 2D vector data or a style for 3D, Virtual Reality, or Augmented Reality topics (Figure 1).
The SymCore is a new approach (Bocher E., Ertz O., 2018, see Annex B):
to provide the flexibility required to achieve adequate cartographic styling and fill the needs of a variety of information communities; e.g., aviation symbols, weather symbols, thematic maps, etc.; and
to achieve high level styling interoperability without encoding dependencies.
Figure 1 — The core model and its potential extensions
Figure 2 explains the relation between the core, the potential extensions, and their encodings. A community style extension must be based on a core element and will be encoding-independent. An extension should have a concrete encoding. As the figure shows encoding could be implemented in various formats.
Figure 2 — From core and extensions to encodings: principles of implementation
2. Conformance
This document defines a standardization target for encodings that implement the OGC Symbology Conceptual Core Model. The goal is to allow different encodings to have equivalent content and semantics so that they can be interoperable. This document establishes a core requirements class with a URI of http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core.
Requirements and conformance test URIs defined in this document are relative to http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0. All requirements in this standard are part of the core requirement class stated above.
Conformance with this standard shall be checked using all the relevant tests specified in Annex A (normative) of this document. The framework, concepts, and methodology for testing, and the criteria to be achieved to claim conformance are specified in the OGC Compliance Testing Policies and Procedures and the OGC Compliance Testing web site1.
All requirements-classes and conformance-classes described in this document are owned by the standard(s) identified.
3. Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Jeff de La Beaujardiere: OGC 06-042, OpenGIS Web Map Service (WMS) Implementation Specification. Open Geospatial Consortium (2006). https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=14416
Markus Lupp: OGC 05-078r4, OpenGIS Styled Layer Descriptor Profile of the Web Map Service Implementation Specification. Open Geospatial Consortium (2007). https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=22364
Dr. Markus Mueller: OGC 05-077r4, OpenGIS Symbology Encoding Implementation Specification. Open Geospatial Consortium (2007). https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=16700
Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos: OGC 09-026r2, OGC Filter Encoding 2.0 Encoding Standard — With Corrigendum . Open Geospatial Consortium (2014). http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/09-026r2/09-026r2.html
Policy SWG: OGC 08-131r3, The Specification Model — Standard for Modular specifications. Open Geospatial Consortium (2009). https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=34762&version=2
A. Phillips, M. Davis: IETF RFC 4646, Tags for Identifying Languages. Internet Engineering Task Force, Fremont, CA (2006-09). https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4646.xml
ISO: ISO 19117:2012, Geographic information — Portrayal. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva (2012). https://www.iso.org/standard/46226.html
The Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM), 2017 http://unitsofmeasure.org/ucum.html
W3C CSS Fonts chapter, 2016 https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/fonts.html#font-styling
4. Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
This document used the terms defined in Policy Directive 492, which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular, the word “shall” (not “must”) is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this standard and OGC documents do not use the equivalent phrases in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
This document also uses terms defined in the OGC Standard for Modular specifications (OGC 08-131r3), also known as the ‘ModSpec’. The definitions of terms such as standard, specification, requirement, and conformance test are provided in the ModSpec.
For the purposes of this document, the following additional terms and definitions apply.
Presentation of information to humans (Note 1 to entry: Within the scope of this International Standard, portrayal is restricted to the portrayal of geographic information). [SOURCE: ISO 19117:2012, 4.20]
Abstraction of reality specified by a geographic data model (feature, coverage…). A layer may be represented using a set of symbols (Style). A layer contributes to a single geographic subject and may be a theme.
Set of rules of symbolizing instructions to be applied by a rendering engine on a layer of geographic features (e.g., feature, coverage…).
Rendering engine
Automated process that produces graphics using a pipeline of layers and styles as inputs.
Conversion of digital graphics data into visual form (EXAMPLE Generation of an image on a video display) [SOURCE: ISO 19117:2012, 4.27]
5. Conventions
This section provides details and examples for any conventions used in the document. Examples of conventions are symbols, abbreviations, use of XML schema, or special notes regarding how to read the document.
5.1. Abbreviated terms
The abbreviated terms clause gives a list of the abbreviated terms necessary for understanding this document.
Table 1 — Abbreviations
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force, https://ietf.org/ |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization, https://www.iso.org |
OGC | Open Geospatial Consortium, www.opengeospatial.org |
UML | Unified Modeling Language, http://www.uml.org/ |
6. Core Conceptual Model
6.1. Overview
The requirements described in this section define the symbology core requirement class. The UML diagram (Figure 3) shows the fundamental concepts of the Symbology Conceptual Core Model.
Figure 3 — UML Class Diagram of the Symbology core
Table 2 — Requirements Class
Requirements Class Core | |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core | |
Target type | Token |
Dependencies | none |
Req 1 | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/StyleClass Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the StyleClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes. |
Req 2 | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/RuleClass Implementations shall support the encoding of all RuleClass properties and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes. |
Req 3 | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/SymbolizerClass Implementations shall support the encoding of all SymbolizerClass properties and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes. |
Req 4 | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/ParameterValueClassI Implementations shall support the encoding of all ParameterValue parameters class and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes. |
Req 5 | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/LiteralClass Implementations shall support the encoding of all parameters of the LiteralClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes. |
Req 6 | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/UOMClass Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the UOMClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes. |
Req 7 | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/ColorClass Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the ColorClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes. |
Req 8 | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/FillClass Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the FillClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes. |
Req 9 | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/StrokeClass Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the StrokeClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes. |
Req 10 | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/GraphicClass Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the GraphicClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and note. |
Req 11 | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/GraphicSizeClass Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the GraphicSizeClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes. |
Req 12 | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/LabelClass Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the LabelClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes. |
Req 13 | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/FontClass Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the FontClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes. |
Each concept in the model can be extended according to two main extension principles:
either globally related to an abstract class (in yellow); and
or locally related to the extension property defined within each class of the model.
The role of each class and property in the model above is described in the tables below.
6.2. Class Style
Req 1 Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the StyleClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes.
This class is the root concept of the Symbology Conceptual Core Model. This class organizes the rules of symbolizing instructions to be applied by a rendering engine on a layer of geographic features (e.g., vector based spatial data or raster data). As an abstract class, it is designed to be extended (e.g., the FeatureTypeStyle extension for vector data).
Please note that the graphic pipeline of the rendering engine must be expressed unambiguously for each concrete implementation of a Style in order to enable cartographic portrayal interoperability.
The StyleClass properties are documented in the following table.
Table 3 — StyleClass
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
name | A string value to reference the Style | ParameterValue data type | Zero or one |
title | Human readable title | ParameterValue data type | One |
abstract | Human readable description | ParameterValue data type | Zero or one |
rule | Rule(s) that drive(s) the rendering engine | Rule | One or more |
extension | Any encoding should allow the user to extend the class to include custom items | Any | Zero or more |
6.3. Class Rule
Req 2 Implementations shall support the encoding of all RuleClass properties and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes.
This core class describes the concept of a rule in the Symbology model. Rules are used to organize symbolizing instructions and potentially to define conditions of application of these associated symbolizers (e.g., feature-property conditions or map scales).
The RuleClass properties are documented in the following table.
Table 4 — RuleClass
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
name | A string value to reference the Rule | ParameterValue data type | Zero or one |
title | Human readable title | ParameterValue data type | One |
abstract | Human readable description | ParameterValue data type | Zero or one |
symbolizer | Symbolize(s) to apply by the rendering engine | Symbolizer | One or more |
extension | Any encoding should allow the user to extend the class to include custom properties | Any | Zero or more |
6.4. Class Symbolizer
Req 3 Implementations shall support the encoding of all SymbolizerClass properties and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes.
This class describes how to portray geographic data given a shape (e.g., area fill, line stroke, point marker, etc.) and graphical properties (e.g., color, opacity, font-family, etc.). As an abstract class, it is designed to be extended.
The SymbolizerClass properties are documented in the following table.
Table 5 — SymbolizerClass
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
name | A string value to reference the Symbolizer | ParameterValue data type | Zero or one |
title | Human readable title | ParameterValue data type | One |
abstract | Human readable description | ParameterValue data type | Zero or one |
uom | Unit of measure to apply to all graphical properties of a Symbolizer | uom code | Zero or one |
extension | Any encoding should allow the user to extend the class to include custom items | Any | Zero or more |
To understand what the symbolizer concept is, consider a “Lake” feature type represented by a Polygon that is to be symbolized as a “blue” filled polygon with its boundary drawn as a “black” line. As symbolizer is an abstract class: a concrete extension called here, for example, AreaSymbolizer, which must be provided to render an interior “fill” and an outlining “stroke.” Consequently, the AreaSymbolizer extension will implement concrete extensions of the abstract Stroke and Fill classes of the conceptual model.
Depending on the type of geographical object, a set of symbolizer extensions can be conceived. For example a LineSymbolizer to draw a river, a PointSymbolizer to represent the “Hospitals,” or a LabelSymbolizer to render the road name along a line.
6.5. Class ParameterValue
Req 4 Implementations shall support the encoding of all ParameterValue parameters class and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes.
The ParameterValue class represents a gateway that provides the value to be used by a parameter in a styling context of use (almost all styling parameters such as width, opacity, displacement, etc. are “parameter-values”). This class has a similar meaning to Expression as defined in the OGC Filter Encoding 2.0 standard. As an abstract class, it is designed to be extended (e.g., Literal).
The ParameterValue properties are documented in the following table.
Table 6 — ParameterValue
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
language | Language identifier for the ParameterValue element. (a) | Character String. This language identifier shall be as specified in IETF RFC 4646. | zero or more |
extension | Any encoding should allow the ability to extend the class to include custom items | Any | zero or more |
(a) The language identifier should offer a way to adapt the ParameterValue to a specified language, e.g., display the title of a Rule element both in English and French.
6.6. Class Literal
Req 5 Implementations shall support the encoding of all parameters of the LiteralClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes.
The Literal class is a concrete implementation of the ParameterValue class. LiteralClass represents a typed atomic literal value as a constant explicitly specified. It was originally defined in the OGC Filter Encoding 2.0 standard section 7.5.1.
LiteralClass properties are documented in the following table.
Table 7 — LiteralClass
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
value | A value for the literal data | Any | one |
6.7. Class UOM Codelist
Req 6 Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the UOMClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes.
For styling parameters that define sizing and positioning of graphical objects (width, displacement, etc.) the unit of measure needs to be provided for the rendering engine. Therefore, for different levels of elements (e.g., Symbolizer, Stroke, Fill, GraphicSize, etc.) the model allows using different uom codes. Consequently, either the unit of measure is determined through the uom code directly associated to each element or it is determined by the innermost parent uom code (e.g., an uom code defined at the Symbolizer level implies that this unit is applied for all sizing and positioning values inside the Symbolizer).
Below is the list of allowed units of measure as per UCUM (except for pixel): * portrayal units: pixel, millimeter, inch, percentage; and * ground units: meter, foot.
The portrayal unit “pixel” is the default unit of measure. If available, the pixel size depends on the viewer client resolution, otherwise it is equal to 0.28mm * 0.28mm (~ 90 DPI).
6.8. Class Color
Req 7 Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the ColorClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes.
The ColorClass allows the definition of color. As an abstract class and part of the base of the core graphical concepts, this class is a global point of extension for specifying concrete definitions of colors (e.g., RGBColor extension).
The ColorClass properties are documented in the following table.
Table 8 — ColorClass
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
extension | Any encoding should allow the extension of ColorClass with custom items | Any type | zero or more |
6.9. Class Fill
Req 8 Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the FillClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes.
FillClass defines the graphical symbolizing parameters required to draw the filling of a two-dimensional shape such as a polygon. As an abstract class and part of the base of the core graphical concepts, FillClass is a global point of extension for specifying concrete definitions for shape fill operations (e.g., the SolidFill and GraphicFill extensions).
The FillClass properties are documented in the following table.
Table 9 — FillClass
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
uom | Unit of measure to apply to all graphical properties within a Fill | uom code | zero or one |
extension | Any encoding should allow the extension of a Fill operation with custom items | Any type | zero or more |
6.10. Class Stroke
Req 9 Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the StrokeClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes.
StrokeClass defines the graphical symbolizing parameters for drawing an outline (e.g., for linear geometries or the exterior of a polygon geometry). As an abstract class and part of the base of the core graphical concepts, StrokeClass is a global point of extension to specify concrete ways to draw outlines (e.g., the PenStroke and GraphicStroke extensions). The StrokeClass properties are documented in the following table.
Table 10 — StrokeClass
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
uom | Unit of measure to apply to all graphical properties inside a Stroke | uom code | zero or one |
extension | Any encoding should allow to extend a Stroke with custom items | Any type | zero or more |
6.11. Class Graphic
Req 10 Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the GraphicClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes.
The Graphic class defines the parameters for drawing a graphic symbol such as shape, color(s), and size. A graphic can be informally defined as “a little picture” and can be either a bitmap or scaled vector (the term “graphic” is used instead of the term “symbol” to avoid confusion with Symbolizer, which is used in a different context in this model). As an abstract class and part of the base of the core graphical concepts, GraphicClass is a global point of extension to specify concrete ways to draw “graphic symbol” (e.g., ExternalGraphic and MarkGraphic extensions).
The GraphicClass properties are documented in the following table.
Table 11 — GraphicClass
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
uom | Unit of measure to apply to all graphical properties within a Graphic | uom code | zero or one |
graphicSize | Rendering size of the graphic | GraphicSize data type | zero or one |
extension | Any encoding should allow to extend a Graphic with custom items | Any type | zero or more |
6.12. Class GraphicSize
Req 11 Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the GraphicSizeClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes.
The GraphicSize class determines the size of the graphic when it is rendered. As an abstract class, it is designed to be extended to support the various ways the size could be specified such as by a single value, a rectangular box, or by a three-dimensional cube. The GraphicSize properties are documented in the following table.
Table 12 — GraphicSize
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
extension | Any encoding should allow to extend a GraphicSize with custom items | Any type | zero or more |
6.13. Class Label
Req 12 Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the LabelClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes.
LabelClass defines the graphical symbolizing properties for drawing a text label. As an abstract class and part of the base of the core graphical concepts, LabelClass is a point of extension to specify concrete ways to draw text label according to placement behaviors (e.g., a PointLabel or LineLabel).
LabelClass properties are documented in the following table.
Table 13 — LabelClass
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
uom | Unit of measure to apply to the affected graphical properties within a Label | uom code | zero or one |
labelText | Text-label content to draw | ParameterValue data type String | one |
font | Font definition to draw the text-label content | Font data type Default value: system-dependent | zero or one |
fill | Filling style to draw the glyphs | Fill data type | zero or one |
extension | Any encoding should allow to extend a Label with custom items | Any type | zero or more |
6.14. Class Font
Req 13 Implementations shall support the encoding of all properties of the FontClass and meet all of the tabulated constraints and notes.
The FontClass describes the font properties to apply for the rendering of a text string. It refers to the W3C CSS Fonts chapter.
FontClass properties are documented in the following table.
Table 14 — FontClass
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
uom | Unit of measure to apply to the affected graphical properties within a Font | uom code | zero or one |
fontFamily | Font family name (a) | ParameterValue data type CharacterString | zero or more |
fontSize | Font size when applying the font to a text string (b) | ParameterValue data type Float | zero or one |
fontWeight | Amount of weight or boldness to use for a font | ParameterValue data type CharacterString | zero or one |
fontStyle | Style to use for a font | ParameterValue data type CharacterString | zero or one |
extension | Any encoding should allow to extend a Font with custom items | Any type | zero or more |
(a) Any number of FontFamily parameters may be given and they are assumed to be in preferred order. (b) The size unit is specified by the uom code if defined or by the innermost parent unit of measure definition otherwise.
Annex A
Conformance Class Abstract Test Suite (Normative)
A Symbology Encoding implementation shall satisfy the following characteristics to be conformant with this specification.
The OGC URI identifier of this conformance class is: http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core.
It is the root of the test identifiers described below.
A.1. Implements the Style class.
Table A.1 — A.1 Implements the Style class
Test ID: | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core/StyleClass |
Test purpose: | To test requirement http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/StyleClass |
Test method: | Review all rows of the Style class and confirm that an encoding rule is defined for each element in the encoding specification. Check that at least one concrete class of the Style class has an encoding rule defined. |
A.2. Implements the Rule class.
Table A.2 — A.2 Implements the Rule class
Test ID: | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core/RuleClass |
Test purpose: | To test requirement http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/StyleClass |
Test method: | Review all rows of the Rule class and confirm that an encoding is defined for each element in the encoding specification. |
A.3. Implements the Symbolizer Class.
Table A.3 — A.3 Implements the Symbolizer Class
Test ID: | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core/SymbolizerClass |
Test purpose: | To test requirement http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/SymbolizerClass |
Test method: | Review all rows of the Symbolizer class and confirm that an encoding rule is defined for each element in the encoding specification. Check that at least one concrete class of the Symbolizer class (defined by the symbology conceptual model) has an encoding rule defined. |
A.4. Implements the ParameterValue Class.
Table A.4 — A.4 Implements the ParameterValue Class
Test ID: | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core/ParameterValueClass |
Test purpose: | To test requirement http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/ParameterValueClass |
Test method: | Review all rows of the ParameterValue class and confirm that an encoding rule is defined for each element in the encoding specification. Check that at least one concrete class (defined by the symbology conceptual model) of the ParameterValue abstract class is implemented. |
A.5. Implements the Literal class.
Table A.5 — A-5 Implements the Literal class
Test ID: | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core/LiteralClass |
Test purpose: | To test requirement http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/LiteralClass |
Test method: | Review all rows of the Literal class and confirm that an encoding rule is defined for each element in the encoding specification. |
A.6. Implements the uom codelist.
Table A.6 — A.6 Implements the uom codelist
Test ID: | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core/UOMClass |
Test purpose: | To test requirement http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/UOMClass |
Test method: | Check that at least the pixel portrayal unit of measure is implemented. |
A.7. Implements the Color Class.
Table A.7 — A.7 Implements the Color Class
Test ID: | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core/ColorClass |
Test purpose: | To test requirement http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/req/core/ColorClass |
Test method: | Review all rows of the Color class and confirm that an encoding rule is defined for each element in the encoding specification. Check that at least one concrete class (defined by the symbology conceptual model) of the Color abstract class is implemented. |
A.8. Implements the Fill Class.
Table A.8 — A.8 Implements the Fill Class
Test ID: | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core/FillClass |
Test purpose: | To test requirement http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/req/FillClass |
Test method: | Review all rows of the Fill class and confirm that an encoding rule is defined for each element in the encoding specification. Check that at least one concrete class (defined by the symbology conceptual model) of the Fill abstract class is implemented. |
A.9. Implements the Stroke Class.
Table A.9 — A.9 Implements the Stroke Class
Test ID: | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core/StrokeClass |
Test purpose: | To test requirement http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/req/StrokeClass |
Test method: | Review all rows of the Stroke class and confirm that an encoding rule is defined for each element in the encoding specification. Check that at least one concrete class (defined by the symbology conceptual model) of the Stroke abstract class is implemented. |
A.10. Implements the Graphic Class.
Table A.10 — A.10 Implements the Graphic Class
Test ID: | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core/GraphicClass |
Test purpose: | To test requirement http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/req/GraphicClass |
Test method: | Review all rows of the Graphic class and confirm that an encoding rule is defined for each element in the encoding specification. Check that at least one concrete class (defined by the symbology conceptual model) of the Graphic abstract class is implemented. |
A.11. Implements the GraphicSize Class.
Table A.11 — A.11 Implements the GraphicSize Class
Test ID: | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core/GraphicSizeClass |
Test purpose: | To test requirement http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/req/GraphicSizeClass |
Test method: | Review all rows of the GraphicSize class and confirm that an encoding rule is defined for each element in the encoding specification. |
A.12. Implements the Label Class.
Table A.12 — A.12 Implements the Label Class
Test ID: | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core/LabelClass |
Test purpose: | To test requirement http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/req/LabelClass |
Test method: | Review all rows of the Label class and confirm that an encoding rule is defined for each element in the encoding specification. Check that at least one concrete class (defined by the symbology conceptual model) of the Label abstract class is implemented. |
A.13. Implements the Font Class.
Table A.13 — A.13 Implements the Font Class
Test ID: | http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/core/FontClass |
Test purpose: | To test requirement http://www.opengis.net/spec/symbology/2.0/conf/req/FontClass |
Test method: | Review all rows of the Font class and confirm that an encoding rule is defined for each element in the encoding specification. |
Annex B
Example implementation
The Symbology Conceptual Core Model standard implies that a concrete style extension is implemented to control how the features of a certain data model are rendered. The following example is given for information only. It must be read and understood as a fictitious implementation of an extension.
Let us introduce the AreaFeatureTypeStyle extension which holds a simple and classical symbolizer, call it the AreaSymbolizer extension which describes the graphical parameters for drawing polygonal features with outlined and filled surface areas.
Figure B.1 shows the fundamental concepts of the Symbology Conceptual Core Model that must be implemented to create the AreaFeatureTypeStyle extension.
Note that this extension doesn’t contain any rule mechanisms such as MinScaleDenominator and MaxScaleDenominator or/and filter operators.
Figure B.1 — UML Class Diagram of the AreaFeatureTypeStyle extension
AreaFeatureTypeStyle extension
The AreaFeatureTypeStyle extension defines the styling that is to be applied to a single feature type.
This class extends the abstract Style class described in the core. It defines the ability to portray of a Layer built of N instances of GML AbstractFeatureType3 with the ability to access features according to Simple Feature SF-24.
The rendering engine is driven according to the following execution: all features are applied to each symbolizer in sequence as they appear nested in rule and following the “painter’s model” with the first item in a list being the first item plotted and hence being on the “bottom”.
Table B.1 — AreaFeatureTypeStyle extension — featureTypeName
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
featureTypeName | Identifies the specific feature type that the feature-type style is for | Literal data type | zero or one |
To define the access to the exact feature type geometry to style, the extension adds a geometry property to the AreaSymbolizer with the related behaviours (described below for each requirement).
Table B.2 — AreaFeatureTypeStyle extension — Geometry
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
geometry | Geometry attribute or sub-element of a geometry attribute (a) added to the Symbolizer | ParameterValue data type Geometrya | one |
(a) Add to symbolizer the geometry attribute, (b) Features according GML Simple Feature (SF-2 Level).
AreaSymbolizer extension
An AreaSymbolizer is used to symbolize a geometry into an area including filling its interior and stroking its outline. It is typically used for a 2-dimensional geometry (e.g., Polygon).
Table B.3 — AreaSymbolizer extension
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
fill | Filling style to draw the interior area | Fill data type | Zero or one |
stroke | Stroke style to draw the outline | Stroke data type | Zero or one |
(a) If a geometry has “holes,” then they are not filled, but the borders around the holes are stroked in the usual way if a Stroke parameter is mentioned. “Islands” within holes are filled and stroked, and so on. If a point is used, then a small, square, orthogonal-normal area should be constructed for rendering. If a line is used, then the line (string) is closed for filling (only) by connecting its end point to its start point, any line crossings are corrected in some way, and only the original line is stroked. (b) A missing Fill property means that the geometry will not be filled. A missing Stroke property means that the geometry will not be stroked. When both are used, the filling is rendered first and then the stroking rendered on top of the filling.
SolidFill extension
The SolidFill class is a concrete implementation of the Fill class and allows to formulate a filling of an area (e.g., a polygon geometry or any kind of symbol).
Table B.4 — SolidFill extension
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
color | The color to fill the area | Color data type | zero or one |
opacity | Opacity of the Color | ParameterValue type (Float) Value: [0;1] (1 means 100% opaque) Default value: 0 | zero or one |
Note: Any fill implementation can be imagined as for example a TextureFill extension to add a level of artistic control and realism to a surface. For complex Texture properties, a specific Symbolizer could be proposed.
PenStroke extension
The PenStroke extension is a concrete implementation of the Stroke class. It allows to draw a line (e.g., a 1-dimensional geometry, the outline of a marker, etc.) analogously to how a pen is used with ink, that is to say by filling the area formed by the thickness of the line.
Table B.5 — PenStroke extension
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
width | Thickness of the line which gives form to an area to fill (a) | ParameterValue data type (Float) Value: [0;+∞) Default value: 1px | zero or one |
fill | The filling style to draw the linear area | Fill data type | zero or one |
(a) The Width parameter is in the context of a UnitOfMeasure code (that may be inherited from a parent element).
RGBColor extension
The RGBColor extension is a concrete implementation of the Color class where the color is expressed as three integer properties in conformance with the sRGB standardized color space.
Table B.6 — RGBColor extension
Name | Definition | Data type and value | Multiplicity |
red | The red value of the color | ParameterValue data type (Integer) Value: (0;255) Default value: 0 | one |
green | The green value of the color | ParameterValue data type (Integer) Value: (0;255) Default value: 0 | one |
blue | The blue value of the color | ParameterValue data type (Integer) Value: (0;255) Default value: 0 | one |
Annex C
A redesign of OGC Symbology Encoding standard for sharing cartography
The ins and outs of the SymCore conceptual model are explained through the research article, below. Also, this article helps the reader to understand how the conceptual model can be extended (core and extensions approach).
Bocher E, Ertz O. 2018. A redesign of OGC Symbology Encoding standard for sharing cartography. PeerJ Computer Science 4:e143 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.143
The abstract of the article is imported here.
Despite most Spatial Data Infrastructures offering service-based visualization of geospatial data, requirements are often at a very basic level leading to poor quality of maps. This is a general observation for any geospatial architecture as soon as open standards as those of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) are applied. To improve the situation, this paper does focus on improvements at the portrayal interoperability side by considering standardization aspects. We propose two major redesign recommendations. First to consolidate the cartographic theory at the core of the OGC Symbology Encoding standard. Secondly to build the standard in a modular way so as to be ready to be extended with upcoming future cartographic requirements. Thus, we start by defining portrayal interoperability by means of typical-use cases that frame the concept of sharing cartography. Then we bring to light the strengths and limits of the relevant open standards to consider in this context. Finally we propose a set of recommendations to overcome the limits so as to make these use cases a true reality. Even if the definition of a cartographic-oriented standard is not able to act as a complete cartographic design framework by itself, we argue that pushing forward the standardization work dedicated to cartography is a way to share and disseminate good practices and finally to improve the quality of the visualizations.
Annex D
Revision history
Table D.1 — Revision history
Date | Release | Author | Paragraph modified | Description |
2020-08-27 | E. Bocher (CNRS) O. Ertz (HEIG-VD) | Edits considering received and answered comments from TC vote | ||
2019-09-18 | E. Bocher (CNRS) O. Ertz (HEIG-VD) | Edits considering received and answered comments (18-067r2) | ||
2019-08-21 | E. Bocher (CNRS) O. Ertz (HEIG-VD) | Update abstract to be more comprehensive | ||
2019-03-29 | E. Bocher (CNRS) O. Ertz (HEIG-VD) | Edits considering received and answered comments | ||
2018-09-07 | E. Bocher (CNRS) O. Ertz (HEIG-VD) | Release for early public comment (18-067) | ||
2018-06-05 | E. Bocher (CNRS) O. Ertz (HEIG-VD) | Initial document |