i. Abstract
The “Multi-Spectral Imagery” extension defines how to encode and store reflected electromagnetic radiation from the infrared wavelengths into a CDB. The portion of the spectrum targeted is between the visible spectrum (current imagery and texture in CDB), and longer wavelength infrared that is primarily emissive and can be simulated based on the material temperature.
ii. Keywords
The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.
ogcdoc, OGC document, CDB, simulation, synthetic environment, data store, infrared, NIR, near-infrared, SWIR, short-wave infrared, imagery
iii. Preface
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The Open Geospatial Consortium shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document, and to provide supporting documentation.
iv. Submitting organizations
The following organizations submitted this Document to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC):
The OGC CDB Standards Working Group:
v. Submitters
All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editor or the submitters:
Name |
Affiliation |
William (Ryan) Franz |
FlightSafety International |
Holly Black |
CACI International Inc. |
Carl Reed |
Carl Reed and Associates |
1. Scope
The scope of this optional extension is to add non-visible reflected light energy that falls between red visible light and mid-wave infrared light energy that is primarily emissive. This extension is limited to only adding this new data type and does not change any existing requirements or structure of the CDB. This standard also attempts to harmonize with the existing component selectors of CDB in visual spectrum.
2. Conformance
This standard defines requirements for a Multi-Spectral extension of CDB.
Conformance with this standard shall be checked using all the relevant tests specified in Annex A (normative) of this document. The framework, concepts, and methodology for testing, and the criteria to be achieved to claim conformance are specified in the OGC Compliance Testing Policies and Procedures and the OGC Compliance Testing web site[1].
3. References
The following normative documents contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
OGC: OGC 15-115r3 Volume 1 CDB Core Standard: Model and Physical Data Store Structure version 1.0, 2016. https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=72712
OGC: OGC 07-011, Abstract Specification Topic 6: The Coverage Type and its Subtypes, version 7.0 (identical to ISO 19123:2005), 2007.
OGC: OGC 09-146r6, OGC Coverage Implementation Schema (CIS), 2015.
4. Terms and Definitions
This document uses the terms defined in Sub-clause 5.3 of [OGC 06-121r8], which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular, the word “shall” (not “must”) is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this standard.
For the purposes of this document, the following additional terms and definitions apply.
Coordinate Reference Systems
Coordinate system that is related to the real world by a datum
[ISO 19111:2007]
Direct Position
Position described by a single set of coordinates within a coordinate reference system. [ISO 19123:2005]
The entire range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, and their respective wavelengths
Infrared (IR)
Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than those of visible light, approximately between 700 nm to 1.0 mm. The sub-divisions within the infrared spectrum are not fixed and vary between industries. The subdivisions used here are based on typical remote sensing usage, but are not fixed by a standard.
Near-Infrared (NIR)
The portion of the Infrared spectrum immediately longer than red visible light. In remote sensing applications, this is typically defined by the wavelengths detected by silicon sensors, and is usually defined as light in the 0.750 µm to 1.0 or 1.1 µm (400THz to 272 THz or 300THz) range. This light energy is reflected by most objects.
Short-Wavelength Infrared (SWIR)
The portion of the Infrared spectrum longer than Near Infrared. In remote sensing applications, this is typically defined as light in the 1.0 µm to 3.0 µm (100 – 300 THz) range. In these wavelengths, silicon is transparent and detectors are typically manufactured with gallium arsenide (GaA). These wavelengths are reflected by most objects, although a very hot object might emit energy in this range.
Mid-Wavelength Infrared (MWIR)
The portion of the Infrared spectrum consisting of wavelengths usually defined as 3.0 µm to 8.0 µm (37 – 100 THz). These wavelengths are typically emissive and from very hot objects, such as jet engines.
Long-Wavelength Infrared (LWIR)
The portion of the Infrared spectrum consisting of wavelengths usually defined as 8.0 µm to 15.0 µm (20 – 37 THz). These wavelengths are typically emissive and are generated from objects slightly higher than room temperature.
Far-Infrared (FIR)
The portion of the Infrared spectrum consisting of wavelengths between 15 µm and 1000 µm (0.3 – 20 THz)
5. Conventions
This section provides details and examples for any conventions used in the document. Examples of conventions are symbols, abbreviations, use of XML schema, or special notes regarding how to read the document.
5.1 Identifiers
The normative provisions in this standard are denoted by the URI
All requirements and conformance tests that appear in this document are denoted by partial URIs which are relative to this base. The three letter acronym “Req” is equivalent to the above URI.
6. Introduction
CDB defines datasets that represent the visual appearance of objects, from the terrain to buildings and trees, in the visible spectrum that humans can detect. CDB also contains material datasets that can help create representations of other wavelengths that can be detected, such as, passively emitted heat in the Mid- or Long-Wavelength Infrared (MWIR or LWIR) or reflected Radar (radio wavelengths). Image sensors that can detect wavelengths between the visible spectrum and Mid-Wavelength Infrared are becoming more prevalent, as is data on these wavelengths. In addition, this portion of the spectrum is primarily reflective, so the material information is insufficient to accurately replicate these wavelengths. This portion of the spectrum contains Near Infrared (NIR) and Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) energy.
The need for data that comprise these wavelengths comes from the increasing number of sensors and data collections in this portion of the spectrum, as well as the commercial and military uses of this data. Several current commercial satellites collect NIR imagery, and several government satellites collect multiple bands of both NIR and SWIR imagery. In addition, available sensors of this data include night-vision that detect light energy primarily in the NIR bands, and newer SWIR sensors that work well in low light and can “see” through haze and smoke in the atmosphere. One characteristic of these wavelengths is that most vegetation is highly reflective of this energy, and water is highly absorptive, which can aid in better feature recognition during poor visibility conditions by pilots and flight crews.
This extension defines three large wavelength bands within the near and short wavelength infrared wavelengths to store in CDB. The selection of these bands is influenced by the capabilities of remote sensors and the atmospheric transmission characteristics. Several commercial and governmental satellites collect data in these ranges, while avoiding wavelengths that water vapor in the atmosphere absorbs.
6.1 Relationship to ISO 19123 and OGC Coverage Implementation Schema (Informative)
Please note: This clause is informative. For this version of CDB, all extensions and related best practices shall remain 100% backwards compatible with existing CDB implementations and CDB Versions 1.0 and 1.1. While there has been considerable effort to align CDB 1.0 and CDB 1.1 with various elements, terms and definitions, and models documented in the OGC standards baseline, more harmonization work is needed. As such, CDB Version 2.0 will incorporate normative requirements from the OGC standards baseline, including specific requirements as specified in CIS.
SWIR data can be represented by a set of regular pixels (grid cells). A SWIR data set is of type grid regular and continuous coverage. This is a coverage that returns different values for the same feature attribute at different direct positions within a single spatial object, temporal object or spatiotemporal object in its domain. [ISO 19123].
Therefore, this CDB SWIR extension is conceptually grounded in the OGC Coverage Implementation Schema (CIS). CIS specifies the OGC coverage model by establishing a concrete, interoperable, conformance-testable coverage structure. CIS is based on the abstract concepts of OGC Abstract Topic 6 (which is identical to ISO 19123). ISO 19123 specifies an abstract model for coverages which is not per se interoperable. In other words, many different and incompatible implementations of the abstract model are possible. CIS, on the other hand, is interoperable in the sense that coverages can be conformance tested, regardless of their data format encoding, down to the level of single grid cell.
Coverages can be encoded in any suitable format (such as GML, JSON, GeoTIFF, TIFF, PNG, JPEG2000, GMLJP2, or NetCDF) and can be partitioned, e.g., for a time-interleaved representation. Coverages are independent from service definitions and, therefore, can be accessed through a variety of OGC services types, such as the Web Coverage Service (WCS) Standard. The coverage structure can serve a wide range of coverage application domains, thereby contributing to harmonization and interoperability between and across these domains. The SWIR extension uses JPEG2000 as the encoding format. JPEG2000 is used for compatibility with the current CDB standards baseline. Future version may include requirements for other encoding mechanisms that provide better performance, compression, and streaming capabilities.
More specifically, within the CDB SWIR extension, a grid of SWIR values is a type of a regular gridded coverage that has a grid as their domain set describing the direct positions in multi-dimensional coordinate space, depending on the type of grid. In the class grid-regular, simple equidistant grids are established.
7. CDB Multi-Spectral Extension Requirement Clauses
Clause 7 defines the requirements for encoding and storing multi-spectral imagery and texture in a CDB. These dataset extensions follow the existing CDB requirements for the dataset type they occur within, as defined in the core CDB standard.
7.1 Extension Definition
Requirements Class Table Definitions | |
/req/multi-spectral/filetypes | |
Target type |
Operations |
Dependency |
Various XML schema |
Requirement 1 |
Req/core/wavelength-ranges |
Requirement 2 |
Req/core/channel-count |
7.2 Wavelength Ranges
The CDB Multi-Spectral Extension supports three spectral ranges. The first covers Near Infrared. The other two ranges cover the two portions of the Short-Wave Infrared band that the atmosphere is transparent to. Roughly in the middle of the SWIR bands is a large range of wavelengths that the atmosphere (water vapor) absorbs, which is not included in these ranges.
Requirement 1 |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cdb-multi-spectral/1.0/core/wavelength-ranges |
There SHALL be a maximum of three new infrared wavelength datasets. Multi-spectral data SHALL fall into one of the defined wavelength bands, defined by the following table: |
Spectral Band Label | Nominal Wavelength Range | Nominal Frequencies | New CS1 values |
0.74 – 1.0 micrometers |
405 – 300 THz |
1xx |
1.5 – 1.8 micrometers |
200 – 165 THz |
2xx |
2.0 – 2.5 micrometers |
150 – 120 THz |
3xx |
Requirement 2 |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cdb-multi-spectral/1.0/core/channel-count |
There SHALL be only one channel of data in any multi-spectral data file. The file format SHALL be consistent with the existing dataset file types. |
7.3 Terrain Imagery Extension
In a CDB data store, the Visible Spectrum Terrain Imagery (VSTI) is stored in the Tiled Imagery Dataset (CDB 1.0 Volume 1, Section 5.6.2). The new multi-spectral data files that represents the terrain imagery in the three defined wavelength bands will be stored alongside the existing VSTI using new component selector codes. This approach also uses the existing time of year alternate representations, due to vegetation being highly reflective.
In addition, this extension defines a subordinate light map representation that is appropriate for the wavelength range. This would represent any night-time light sources that transmit in these wavelengths, which might be different than the visual terrain light map.
7.3.1 File Type
This extension also conforms to CDB Volume 1, Section, where the file types in this dataset are JPEG2000. These files should also adhere to CDB Volume 1 Requirements 99 & 100. Specifically, these two requirements detail:
· The rules for metadata about the origin of data defined SHALL be implemented with a JPEG2000 image in the CDB data store; and
· The rules for metadata about the security of data defined SHALL be implemented with a JPEG2000 image in the CDB data store.
7.3.2 Updated Terrain Imagery Table
The extended Table 5-15 is below, with the new rows and CS1 and CS2 values highlighted.
CS1 | CS2 |
File Extension |
Component Name |
Component Description |
Dataset 004, Imagery |
001 |
001 |
*.jp2 |
Yearly VSTI Representation |
Corresponds to the terrain imagery draped (orthographically) over the terrain skin derived from the Primary Terrain Elevation Dataset. This is the preferred Dataset Component for year-round representative terrain imagery. It may be single-channel monochrome or 3-channel color image. This Dataset Component follows the center grid conventions. Can be used interchangeably with all other Alternate VSTI representations. |
002 |
001..004 |
*.jp2 |
Seasonal VSTI Representations |
Deprecated – Replaced with Quarterly VSTI Representations below |
003 |
001..012 |
*.jp2 |
Monthly VSTI Representations |
Monthly equivalent of Yearly VSTI representation, i.e., this is the preferred Dataset Component for month-based representative terrain imagery. Can be used interchangeably with all other Alternate VSTI representations. |
004 |
001..004 |
*.jp2 |
Quarterly VSTI Representations |
Equivalent to Yearly VSTI representation but for the selected quarter of the year. Can be used interchangeably with all other Alternate VSTI representations. |
005 |
001 |
*.jp2 |
Subordinate VSTLM |
Corresponds to the terrain light maps draped (orthographically) over the terrain skin derived from the Primary Terrain Elevation Dataset. It may be single-channel monochrome or 3-channel color image. This Dataset Component follows the center grid conventions. |
101 |
001 |
*.jp2 |
Yearly NIR Terrain Imagery Representation |
Corresponds to the Yearly VSTI Representation, but storing near infrared reflected light. This dataset is a single channel monochrome image. |
103 |
001..012 |
*.jp2 |
Monthly NIR Terrain Imagery Representations |
Corresponds to the Monthly VSTI Representation, but storing near infrared reflected light. This dataset is a single channel monochrome image. |
104 |
001..004 |
*.jp2 |
Quarterly NIR Terrain Imagery Representation |
Corresponds to the Quarterly VSTI Representation, but storing near infrared reflected light. This dataset is a single channel monochrome image. |
105 |
001 |
*.jp2 |
Subordinate NIR Terrain Light Map |
Corresponds to the VSTLM, but storing near infrared produced light. This dataset is a single channel monochrome image. |
201 |
001 |
*.jp2 |
Yearly SWIR1 Terrain Imagery Representation |
Corresponds to the Yearly VSTI Representation, but storing short-wave infrared reflected light. This dataset is a single channel monochrome image. |
203 |
001..012 |
*.jp2 |
Monthly SWIR1 Terrain Imagery Representations |
Corresponds to the Monthly VSTI Representation, but storing short-wave infrared reflected light. This dataset is a single channel monochrome image. |
204 |
001..004 |
*.jp2 |
Quarterly SWIR1 Terrain Imagery Representation |
Corresponds to the Quarterly VSTI Representation, but storing short-wave infrared reflected light. This dataset is a single channel monochrome image. |
205 |
001 |
*.jp2 |
Subordinate SWIR1 Terrain Light Map |
Corresponds to the VSTLM, but storing short-wave infrared produced light. This dataset is a single channel monochrome image. |
301 |
001 |
*.jp2 |
Yearly SWIR2 Terrain Imagery Representation |
Corresponds to the Yearly VSTI Representation, but storing short-wave infrared reflected light. This dataset is a single channel monochrome image. |
303 |
001..012 |
*.jp2 |
Monthly SWIR2 Terrain Imagery Representations |
Corresponds to the Monthly VSTI Representation, but storing short-wave infrared reflected light. This dataset is a single channel monochrome image. |
304 |
001..004 |
*.jp2 |
Quarterly SWIR2 Terrain Imagery Representation |
Corresponds to the Quarterly VSTI Representation, but storing short-wave infrared reflected light. This dataset is a single channel monochrome image. |
305 |
001 |
*.jp2 |
Subordinate SWIR2 Terrain Light Map |
Corresponds to the VSTLM, but storing short-wave infrared produced light. This dataset is a single channel monochrome image. |
7.3.3 Default Read Value
Client-devices should default the NIR and SWIR1/SWIR2 values if the data values are not available (files associated with the appropriate wavelength covered by a tile, at a given LOD or coarser, are either missing or cannot be accessed). The default value can be found in \CDB\Metadata\Defaults.xml and can be provided to the client-devices on demand. In the case where the default value cannot be found, the CDB standard recommends that client-devices use a default value of half-intensity (0.5). Note that the default values are expressed as floating-point numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. This ensures that the default is interpreted in a consistent manner independently of the data representation.
7.4 Model Texture Dataset Extension
This extension extends Table 5-8 of Section 5.3 in adding new CS1 values for all texture types that describe visible light and not physical properties. This table contains model textures that can be found in one of the following CDB datasets:
· 301_GSModelTexture
· 511_GTModelTexture
· 601_MModelTexture
· 306_GSModelInteriorTexture
· 507_GTModelInteriorTexture
7.4.1 File Types
The file types to represent multi-spectral data should be same type as the visual representation version.
7.4.2 Updated Model Texture Table
The highlighted rows are added by this extension.
Visual CS1 (Kind) |
NIR CS1 (Kind) | SWIR1 CS1 (Kind) | SWIR2 CS1 (Kind) |
CS2 (Index) |
Component Name |
Component Description |
001 |
101 |
201 |
301 |
001 |
Year-Round Texture |
Base textures for year-round usage on model shells or general base textures for model interiors. |
002 |
102 |
202 |
302 |
001..012 |
Monthly Texture |
Base textures for monthly usage on the shell of models (enumeration values in Annex O, details in section |
003 |
X |
X |
X |
001..004 |
Seasonal Texture |
Deprecated – Replaced with kind 009 |
004 |
104 |
204 |
304 |
001..999 |
Uniform Paint Scheme |
Base textures for Moving Models with Uniform Paint Schemes (enumeration values in Annex O, details in section |
005 |
105 |
205 |
305 |
001..999 |
Camouflage Paint Scheme |
Base textures for Moving Models with Camouflage Paint Schemes (enumeration values in Annex O, details in section |
006 |
106 |
206 |
306 |
001..999 |
Airline Paint Scheme |
Base textures for Moving Models with Airline Paint Schemes (enumeration values in Annex O, details in section |
007 |
107 |
207 |
307 |
001..999 |
Shadow Map |
Base textures of Moving Models Shadows to be projected onto terrain and/or culture (details in section |
008 |
108 |
208 |
308 |
001..999 |
Motion Blur Texture |
Base textures for use with rotating parts (details in section |
009 |
109 |
209 |
309 |
001..004 |
Quarterly Texture |
Base textures for quarterly usage on the shell of models (enumeration values in Annex O, details in section |
051 |
151 |
251 |
351 |
001..999 |
Night Map |
Subordinate textures to simulate the effect of lights inside 3D model shells (details in section |
052 |
X |
X |
X |
001..999 |
Tangent-Space Normal Map |
Subordinate textures used to simulate the effect of irregular surfaces (details in section |
053 |
153 |
253 |
353 |
001..999 |
Light Map |
Subordinate textures to simulate the effect of lights on surrounding surfaces (detail in section |
054 |
154 |
254 |
354 |
001..999 |
Contaminant |
Subordinate textures to represent the presence of particles on runways, taxiways, and roads in general (enumeration values in Annex O, details in section |
055 |
155 |
255 |
355 |
001..999 |
Skid Mark |
Subordinate textures to represent the visible mark left by any solid which moves against another one; especially marks of tires on roads and runways (enumeration values in Annex O, details in section |
056 |
X |
X |
X |
001..999 |
Detail Texture |
Subordinate texture used to add detail to the surface. In most cases, modelers use detail textures to add a finer scaled texture to the base texture (details in section |
057 |
157 |
257 |
357 |
001..999 |
Cubic Reflection Map |
Subordinate textures to simulate reflective surfaces (details in section |
058 |
X |
X |
X |
001..999 |
Gloss Map |
Subordinate textures providing the glossiness of a surface on a per-pixel basis (details in section |
099 |
X |
X |
X |
001 |
Night Map |
Deprecated – Replaced with kind 051 |
002 |
Bump Map |
Deprecated – Replaced with kind 052 |
003 |
Light Map |
Deprecated – Replaced with kind 053 |
Annex A: Conformance Class Abstract Test Suites (Normative)
A.1 Conformance Test Class: OGC CDB Multi-Spectral Standard (Extension)
This section describes conformance tests for the OGC CDB Multi-Spectral Standard extension. These abstract test cases describe the conformance criteria for verifying the structure and content of any database claiming conformance to the CDB standard.
The conformance class id is “http://www.opengis.net/spec/CDB-multi-spectral/1.0/” and all of the other conformance tests URLs are created in this path.
Conformance Class |
/conf/core |
Requirements |
/req/core |
Dependency |
JPEG 2000 format, generic model texture read algorithm |
Test 1 |
/conf/core/wavelength-ranges |
Requirement |
req/core/hierarchy |
Test purpose |
Verify that, if data exists, the files contain one of the new Component Selector 1 values. |
Test method |
Check each new file and verify that they are in an extended dataset, using one of the new Component Selector 1 values. |
Test type |
Conformance |
Test 2 |
/conf/core/channel-count |
Requirement |
Test purpose |
Verify that each new file has a single channel of data. |
Test method |
Open the file and read the number of channels in the file |
Test type |
Conformance |
Annex B: Annex B: Revision history
Date |
Release |
Author |
Paragraph modified |
Description |