i. Abstract
This document specifies the HTTP profile of the CSW General Model part (see OGC 12-168r6). The General Model specifies the abstract interfaces between clients and catalogue services. This standard specifies the mapping of the Catalogue abstract model interface into the HTTP protocol binding.
In this HTTP protocol binding, operation requests and responses are sent between clients and servers using the HTTP GET and/or HTTP POST methods. Two equivalent request encodings are defined in this standard. The first using keyword-value pairs (KVP) which is suitable for use with the HTTP GET method. The second using XML which is suitable for use with the HTTP POST method.
This standard defines operations that allow a client to get a service description document for the catalogue (i.e. GetCapabilities); operations that allow a client to, at runtime, interrogate the service about the kinds of data available (i.e. GetDomain); operations that allow a client to retrieve records from the catalogue (i.e. GetRecordById and GetRecords); operations that allow a client to add, modify and remove records from the catalogue service (i.e. Transaction, Harvest, UnHarvest).
ii. Keywords
The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.
ogcdoc, OGC document,asynchronous, ATOM, catalogue, CQL, client, CSW, csw:Record, distributed, Dublin Core, federated, filter, GetCapabilities, GetDomain, GetRecords, GetRecordById, Harvest, http, https, KVP, metadata, periodic, record, request, resource, response, search, server, schema, spatial, temporal, Transaction, UnHarvest, XML, XML-Schema
iii. Preface
This document is part of the Catalogue Services Implementation Standard. Unlike previous versions of this standard, Catalogue 3.0 is now divided into two parts: A general model and the specification of the HTTP protocol binding, building on the general model (see OGC 12-168r6).
This document, through its implementation profiles, references several external standards and specifications as dependencies. These documents are listed in Clause 3, Normative references.
Annex A refers to OGC document 14-014r3 – HTTP Protocol Binding – Abstract Test Suite. This Abstract Conformance Test Suite is normative to this standard and shall be implemented when the catalogue services HTTP protocol binding is implemented. Annex C is also normative. All other annexes are informative.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The Open Geospatial Consortium shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document, and to provide supporting documentation.
iv. Document terms and definitions
This document uses the specification terms defined in Subclause 5.3 of OGC 06-121r9, which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular, the word “shall” (not “must”) is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this specification.
iv. Submitting organizations
The organizations that submitted the Catalogue Services document to the Open Geospatial Consortium are listed in Clause iv of the general model (OGC 12-168).
v. Submitters
All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editor or the submitters.
Name | Representing | OGC Member |
Doug Nebert |
U.S. Federal Geographic Data Committee |
Uwe Voges |
con terra GmbH |
Panagiotis (Peter) Vretanos |
CubeWerx, Inc. |
Lorenzo Bigagli |
National Research Council of Italy (CNR) |
Bruce A. Westcott |
Intergraph Corporation |
1 Scope
OGC Catalogue Services support the ability to publish and search collections of descriptive information (metadata records) for geospatial data, services, and related resources. Metadata in catalogues represent resource characteristics that can be queried and presented for evaluation and further processing by both humans and software. Catalogue services are required to support the discovery and binding to registered information resources within an information community.
This part of the OGC®Catalogue Services standard specifies the HTTP (or Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW)) protocol binding that builds on the general model as specified in OGC 12-168r6. The CSW General model abstractly specifies the interfaces between clients and catalogue services. This profile specifies the conversion of that abstract interface into the HTTP protocol binding. In the HTTP protocol binding, operation requests and responses are sent between clients and servers using the HTTP GET and/or POST methods.
This standard specified three classes of service operations: OGC_Service, Discovery and Manager.OGC_Service class operations are the standard set of operations that every OGC service must implemement in order to work with OGC Catalogue Services. The operations allow the service to provide metadata about itself via a standard service description document and also a means of retrieving catalogues records based on their unique identifier.
The Discovery class operations allow the service to be interrogated to retrieve run time information about the data offered by the service as well as providing means of retrieving records from the catalogue using a general predicate language to define constraints the define the subset of records to be retrieved.
The Manager class operations allow records to be added, modified and removed from the catalogue service.
This International Standard defines seven operations:
- GetCapabilities (OGC_Service)
- GetRecordById (OGC_Service)
- GetDomain (Discovery)
- GetRecords (Discovery)
- Transaction (Manager)
- Harvest (Manager)
- UnHarvest (Manager)
There are two equivalent encodings defined in this standard for most operations. A keyword-value (KVP) pair encoding suitable for use with the HTTP GET method and an XML encoding suitable for use with the HTTP POST method. Furthermore, the specification contains discussions about how to use the XML-encoded operations with SOAP (see SOAP) with this standard.
The target audience for this standard is the community of software developers who are implementers of OGC compliant Catalogue servers and clients using HTTP.
2 Conformance
Few usage scenarios require the full implementation of this standard. Therefore, service providers may want to specify requirements for only the subset needed to fulfil their service; or system developers may want to document which subset of this standard it is that that they have implemented and conform to. These named conformance classes defined in this clause help in specifying such subsets.
Tables 1 shows the conformance classes defined in this document. Table 2 shows the relative identifiers for each corresponding requirements class, requirement and abstract test. Table 3 shows how to form the complete URI for each of these components.
Table 1 defines conformance classes based on the operations and behavior that a catalogue service claims to implement. The behaviors that shall be implemented for each of the conformance classes are described. All implementations of this standard shall implement the Basic-Catalogue conformance class which additionally requires the Filter-KVP conformance class, the CSW-response and the ATOM-response classes to be implemented. All other conformance classes are optional.
Conformance Class Name |
Description |
Basic-Catalogue |
OpenSearch |
GetCapabilities-XML |
GetRecordById-XML |
GetRecords-Basic-XML |
GetRecords-Distributed-KVP |
GetRecords-Async-XML |
GetRecords-Async-KVP |
GetDomain-XML |
GetDomain-KVP |
Transaction |
Harvest-Basic-XML |
Harvest-Basic-KVP |
Harvest-Async-XML |
Harvest-Async-KVP |
Harvest-Periodic-XML |
Harvest-Periodic-KVP |
Filter-CQL |
Filter-FES-XML |
Filter-FES-KVP |
Filter-FES-KVP-Advanced |
CSW-Response |
ATOM-response |
For each conformance class listed in Table 1 there is a corresponding requirement class with the same name. Table 2 lists each requirement class and the set of requirements that correspond to each class. Furthermore, each requirement in Table 2 has a corresponding test in the abstract test suite (see OGC 14014r3) with the same numerical sequence number (i.e. Request-013 has a corresponding test in the abstract test suite named Test-013).
Requirement Class |
Requirements |
Basic-Catalogue |
OpenSearch |
GetCapabilities-XML |
GetRecordById-XML |
GetRecords-Basic-XML |
GetRecords-Distributed-XML |
GetRecords-Distributed-KVP |
GetRecords-Async-XML |
GetRecords-Async-KVP |
GetDomain-XML |
GetDomain-KVP |
Transaction |
Harvest-Basic-XML |
Harvest-Basic-KVP |
Harvest-Async-XML |
Harvest-Async-KVP |
Harvest-Periodic-XML |
Harvest-Periodic-KVP |
Filter-CQL |
Filter-FES-XML |
Filter-FES-KVP |
Filter-FES-KVP-Advanced |
CSW-response |
ATOM-response |
Table 3 below shows how to form the complete URI that identifies each requirements class, requirement and abstract test. The values for the “<req. class name>”, “<req. identifier>” and “<abstract test identifier>” parameters corresponds to each of the columns from Table 2 respectively.
Requirement Class URIs |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/csw/3.0/req/<req. class name> |
Requirement URIs |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/csw/3.0/req/<req. class name>/<req. identifier1> |
Abstract test URIs |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/csw/3.0/req/<req. class name>/<abstract test identifier2> |
1. The lexical pattern for requirement identifiers is Requirement-NNN. 2. The lexical pattern for abstract test identifiers is Test-NNN. where NNN is a 3-digit integer. |
Example URIs: |
Requirement Class from GM | Satisfying HTTP Binding Requirement Class(es) |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cat/3.0/req/base/query-language |
Filter-CQL, Filter-FES-XML, Filter-KVP, |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cat/3.0/req/common-query language |
Filter-CQL, Filter-FES-XML, Filter-KVP, |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cat/3.0/req/classified-as |
Filter-CQL, Filter-FES-XML, Filter-FES-KVP-Advanced |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cat/3.0/req/base/common-queryables |
CSW-Response, ATOM-Response |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cat/3.0/req/base/common-returnables |
CSW-Response, ATOM-Response |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cat/3.0/req/base/get-capabilities |
Basic-Catalogue, GetCapabilities-XML |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cat/3.0/req/base/getresourcebyid |
Basic-Catalogue, GetRecordById-XML |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cat/3.0/req/base/query |
Basic-Catalogue, GetRecords-Basic-XML, GetRecords-Distributed-XML,
GetRecords-Distributed-KVP, GetRecords-Async-XML, |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cat/3.0/req/base/describe-records |
CSW-Response, ATOM-Response |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cat/3.0/req/getdomain |
GetDomain-XML, GetDomain-KVP |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cat/3.0/req/transaction |
Transaction |
http://www.opengis.net/spec/cat/3.0/req/harvest |
Harvest-Basic-XML, Harvest-Basic-KVP, Harvest-Async-XML, Harvest-Async-KVP, Harvest-Periodic-XML, Harvest-Periodic-KVP |
3 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this specification. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
IETF RFC 2045 (November 1996), Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies, Freed, N. and Borenstein N., eds., http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt
IETF RFC 2141 (May 1997), URN Syntax, R. Moats, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2141.txt
IETF RFC 2616 (June 1999), Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP/1.1, Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., Masinter, L., Leach, P., Berners-Lee, T., http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt
IETF RFC 2396 (August 1998), Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax, Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, N., and Masinter, L., eds., http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt
IETF RFC 4287 (December 2005), The Atom Syndication Format, M. Nottingham, R. Sayre, eds., http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4287.txt
IETF RFC 4646 (September 2006), Tags for Identifying Languages, Phillips, A., Davis, M., eds., http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4646.txt
IANA, Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, MIME Media Types, available at http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/
OGC 10-032r8, OGC® OpenSearch GeoSpatial and Temporal Extensions
OGC 06-121r9 , OGC Web Services Common Standard, 2010-04-07.
OGC 09-026r1 (ISO/DIS 19143) , OpenGIS Filter Encoding Standard, 2010-11-22.
OGC 12-168, OGC® Catalogue Services Specification Version 3.0 – Part 1 – General model
NOTE This abstract part of this Catalogue Services Implementation Specification contains a list of normative references that also apply to this part of this HTTP binding part.
OGC 14-014r3, OpenGIS Catalogue Services Specification – HTTP Protocol Binding – Abstract Test Suite
W3C Recommendation January 1999, NamespacesIn XML, http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-names
W3C Recommendation 6 October 2000, Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition), http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml
W3C Recommendation 2 May 2001: XML Schema Part 0: Primer, http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-0-20010502/
W3C Recommendation 2 May 2001: XML Schema Part 1: Structures, http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-1-20010502/
W3C Recommendation 2 May 2001: XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-2-20010502/
W3C Recommendation (24 June 2003): SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework, http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/
W3C Recommendation (16 November 1999): XML Path Language (XPath)Version 1.0, http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath.html
X.667 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities: Generation and registration of Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) and their use as ASN.1 object identifier components, http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.667-200808-I/en
In addition to this document, this standard includes several normative XML Schema files. These are posted online at http://schemas.opengis.net/csw/3.0. These XML Schema files are also bundled with this document. In the event of a discrepancy between the bundled and online versions of the XML Schema files, the online files shall be considered normative.
4 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this specification, the definitions specified in Clauses 4 of the general model (see OGC 12-168) and the OWS Common Implementation Specification (see OGC 06-121r9, Subclause 5.3) shall apply. In addition, the following terms and definitions apply.
4.1 attribute
name-value pair contained in an element
4.2 base URL
URL prefix to which parameters are appended to form a valid request
4.3 client
software component that can invoke an operation from a server
4.4 coordinate
one of a sequence of n numbers designating the position of a point in n-dimensional space
4.5 coordinate reference system
coordinate system that is related to an object by a datum
4.6 coordinate system
set of mathematical rules for specifying how coordinates are to be assigned to points
4.7 element
basic information item of an XML document containing child elements, attributes and character data
4.8 filter expression
predicate expression encoded using XML
4.9 interface
named set of operations that characterize the behavior of an entity
4.10 local resource
resource that is under the direct control of a system
4.11 locator attribute
attribute whose values is a reference to a local or remote resource
4.12 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) type
media type and subtype of data in the body of a message that designates the native representation (canonical form) of such data
4.13 namespace
collection of names, identified by a URI reference which are used in XML documents as element names and attribute names
4.14 operation
specification of a transformation or query that an object may be called to execute
4.15 property
facet or attribute of an object, referenced by a name
4.16 resource
asset or means that fulfils a requirement
4.17 remote resource
a resource that is not under the direct control of a system
4.18 request
invocation of an operation by a client
4.19 resolve
retrieval of a referenced resource and its insertion into a server-generated response document
4.20 response
result of an operation returned from a server to a client
4.21 response model
schema defining the properties of each feature type that can appear in the response to a query operation
4.22 schema
formal description of a model
4.23 schema
<XML Schema>
collection of schema components within the same target namespace
4.24 server
particular instance of a service
4.25 service
distinct part of the functionality that is provided by an entity through interfaces
4.26 service metadata
metadata describing the operations and geographic information available at a server
4.27 traversal
using or following an XLink link for any purpose
4.28 Uniform Resource Identifier
unique identifier for a resource, structured in conformance with IETF RFC 2396
5 Symbols (and abbreviated terms)
Some frequently used abbreviated terms:
CSW Catalogue Services for the Web
DCP Distributed Computing Platform
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
ISO International Organization for Standardization
KVP Keyword Value Pair
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
OGC Open Geospatial Consortium, also referred to as OGC®
TBD To Be Determined
TBR To Be Reviewed
XML Extensible Markup Language
6 Common service elements
6.1 Introduction
This HTTP protocol binding maps each of the abstract model operations, specified in the general model (see OGC 12-168), to a corresponding Catalogue Services for the Web (CSW) operation. This clause describes the request and response messages that are common to all web-based catalogue services. The basic message exchange pattern is illustrated in Figure 1.
The interaction between a client and a server is accomplished using a standard HTTP request-response model. Specifically, a client sends a request to a server using HTTP, and expects to receive a response to the request or an exception message.
Request and response messages are encoded as keyword-value pairs either within a request URI or using an XML entity-body. Requests may also be embedded in a messaging frame-work such as SOAP.
6.2 HTTP methods
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a generic, stateless, application-level protocol that is widely used to exchange information on the web. The general rules for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) based request and response encoding which have to be considered by all implementations of OGC Web Services (and so for all CSW implementations) are described in detail in chapter 11 of OWS Common (OGC 06-121r9).
The OGC Catalogue standard uses the following HTTP/1.1 methods.:
Method name | Semantics |
Used to retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI |
Used to request that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as data to be processed by the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line |
Requirement-001 |
CSW HTTP/1.1 messages containing an entity-body shall include a Content-Type header field defining the media type of that body (RFC 2616, 7.2.1) |
Implementers should be mindful that the function of some request parameters (e.g. outputFormat) overlap the functionality of some of the HTTP message headers (e.g., Accept).
Requirement-002 |
If a CSW request includes a parameter (e.g. outputFormat) that performs a function that is similar to an HTTP message header (e.g. Accept), the server shall use the value of the request parameter to process the request. |
Requirement-003 |
If a CSW request includes an HTTP messages header (e.g. Accept) that performs a function that is similar to a CSW request parameter (e.g. outputFormat), the server shall use the value of HTTP header if the corresponding CSW request parameter is not included in the request. |
Requirement-004 |
If a CSW request includes a parameter (e.g. outputFormat) that performs a function that is similar to an HTTP message header (e.g. Accept) and both are included in a request then their values must agree otherwise an InvalidParameterValue exception shall be raised as specified in Subclause 6.7. |
Requirement-005 |
If a CSW request defines an optional parameter (e.g. outputFormat) that performs a function that is similar to an HTTP message header (e.g. Accept) and neither is specified, then the default value of the CSW request parameter shall apply if one is defined for that parameter. |
6.3 Namespaces
Namespaces (see W3C Recommendation January 1999) are used to discriminate XML vocabularies from one another. For this standard, the following normative namespaces are used:
(http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/3.0) – for CSW interface and message vocabulary
(http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/) – for Dublin Core elements
(http://purl.org/dc/terms/) – for Dublin Core terms
(http://www.opengis.net/fes/2.0) – for OGC Filter vocabulary
(http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2) – for OGC GML 3.2 vocabulary
(http://www.opengis.net/ows/2.0) – for OGC Web Service Common vocabulary
(http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom) – for the ATOM vocabulary (as per RFC 4287)
In addition, a CSW implementation may make use of additional namespaces depending on which additional information models and/or CSW profiles the server implements. For example, a server that also support the ebRIM v3.0 information model would make use of the urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:3.0 namespace.
NOTE: These XML Schema Documents use a new namespace identifier URI instead of the previous namespace identifier URI, namely http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/3.0 instead of http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2. This change was made based on the TC decision described in Clause 11 in OGC Best Practices Paper 06-135r1. That decision was based on the discussion in document 05-065r3 “Change Request for Namespaces for versions and profiles of XML Schemas”. A new namespace identifier URI is used for this Catalogue version 3.0.0 because these reasons apply to this version 3.0.0.
6.4 Obtaining service metadata
Service metadata can be explicitly requested from a conforming catalogue using the GetCapabilities request (see 7.1).
Service metadata can also be implicitly requested from a conforming catalogue by accessing the base URL of a conforming catalogue using the HTTP GET method.
How a service responds to an implicit request for service metadata depends on the value of the “Accept” HTTP headers (see HTTP/1.1).
Requirement-006 |
If the GET method is used to access the base URL of a conforming catalogue and the Accept header is not set then the service shall respond with an OGC capabilities document, encoded in XML, as described in 6.8.3. |
Requirement-007 |
If the HTTP GET method is used to access the base URL of a conforming catalogue and the Accept header is set to include the MIME types “text/xml” or “application/xml” as the most desirable response then the server shall response with an OGC capabilities document encoded in XML as described in 7.1.3. |
Requirement-008 |
If the HTTP GET method is used to access the base URL of a catalogue conforming to the OpenSearch conformance class (see Table 1) and the Accept header is set to include the MIME type “application/opensearchdescription+xml” as the most desirable response the server shall respond with an OpenSearch description document (see http://www.opensearch.org/Specifications/OpenSearch/1.1 and OGC 10-032r8). |
NOTE: Obtaining service metadata in the form of an OGC capabilities document explicitly, using the GetCapabilities request (see 7.1) affords a client some degree of control over the content of the response. For example, using the GetCapabilities request, a client may request that only certain sections of an OGC capabilities document appear in the response. Obtaining service metadata implicitly, whether is in the form of an OGC capabilities document or some other format, only allows for retrieval of a complete service metadata document. There is no provision for the client to control the content of an implicitly request for service metadata.
6.5 Request encoding
6.5.1 Introduction
This standard defines up to two encodings for each CSW request. A keyword-value (KVP) pair encoding and an XML encoding. The XML-encoding may, additionally, be embedded within a SOAP envelope.
6.5.2 General model message mapping
Table 6 maps the general model operations (see OGC 12-168), to the Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW) operations. This table does not list the general model operations that are not mapped to CSW operations.
General Model Operation | CSW Operation |
OGC_Service.getCapabilities |
GetCapabilities |
OGC_Service.GetResourceById |
GetRecordById |
Discovery.query |
GetRecords |
Discovery.getDomain |
GetDomain |
Manager.transaction |
Transaction |
Manager.hervestRecords |
Harvest |
6.5.3 HTTP methods
Only interactions using the HTTP GET and HTTP POST methods are described in this standard (see 6.2).
KVP-encoded requests are suitable for use with the HTTP GET method.
The HTTP POST method may be used to accept requests encoding using any of the KVP, XML or SOAP encodings defined in this standard.
Requirement-009 |
Servers shall, in their capabilities document, indicate the specific request encodings that can be processed using the HTTP POST method (see Table 17). |
The general rules for the use of SOAP 1.2 messages (for communication between a catalogue client and a CSW) are described in chapter 11.8 of OGC 06-121r9.
6.5.4 KVP encoding rules
KVP operation parameter values shall be encoded as described in OGC 06-121r9, Clause 11.5.Common request parameters
Requirement-010 |
All CSW operation requests except for GetCapabilities shall include the parameters service, request and version specified in Table 29 of OGC 06-121r9. |
Only one of these parameters is included in the general catalogue model, the others are specific to the HTTP protocol binding.
In KVP encoding, these common parameters in CSW operation requests are encoded as shown in Table 7.
Requirement-011 |
For KVP encoding, parameter names shall be treated as being case insensitive. |
Requirement-012 |
For KVP encoding, parameter values shall be treated as being case sensitive. |
Keyword | Datatype and value | Optionality | Parameter in general model |
service |
Character String type Default value of “CSW” |
One (mandatory) |
serviceId |
request |
Character String type Value is operation name (e.g., “GetRecordById”) |
One (Mandatory) |
(none) |
version |
Character String type Default value of “3.0.0” |
One (Mandatory) |
(none) |
In XML encoding, all operation request elements, except for GetCapabilities, are extended from the following XML Schema fragment:
<xsd:complexType name="RequestBaseType" id="RequestBaseType" abstract="true">
<xsd:attribute name="service" type="ows:ServiceType"
use="optional" default="CSW"/>
<xsd:attribute name="version" type="ows:VersionType"
use="optional" default="3.0.0"/>
The “service” parameter is used to indicate that the request is a CSW request.
Requirement-013 |
The “service” parameter shall be specified for all CSW requests. |
The “version”parameter is used to indicate that the associated CSW request conforms to this standard.
Requirement-014 |
Servers that implement this standard shall set the value of the version parameter to 3.0.0. |
XML-encoded requests do not include a “request” parameter because the name of the requested operation is encoded as the name of the root XML element encoding the request.
6.5.5 Query predicate encoding Introduction
The general model allows catalogue clients to specify the predicate language used to constrain operations. The HTTP protocol binding schemas define two predicate languages, based on the BNF defined in the general model (see OGC 12-168, clause 6.2.4), which may be used. The two predicate languages are:
- CQL_TEXT is a text encoding of the BNF.
- FILTER is an XML encoding of the BNF grammar and is normatively defined in the Filter Encoding Implementation Specification, version 2.0 (see OGC 09-026r1).
Requirement-015 |
All CSW implementations that implement the XML filter encoding syntax as defined in the Filter Encoding Implementation Specification, version 2.0 (see OGC 09-026r1) shall support at least the following filter operators:
TOverlaps | XML encoding
The following XML schema fragments define how the predicate language may be XML encoded in CSW operations that allow constraints to be defined (Query, Update and Delete):
<xsd:element name="Constraint"
type="csw30:QueryConstraintType" id="Constraint"/>
<xsd:complexType name="QueryConstraintType" id="QueryConstraintType">
<xsd:element ref="fes:Filter"/>
<xsd:element name="CqlText" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="version" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
Requirement-016 |
The version parameter on the Constraint element shall be used to specify a version number indicating to which version of a specification the constraint conforms. |
For example, in the XML encoding, if the fes:Filter element is being used, the version parameter could be set to “2.0.0” indicating that the filter conforms to version 2.0.0 of the OGC Filter Encoding 2.0 Encoding Standard (see OGC 09-026r1). KVP encoding
Table 8 describes the KVP-encoding for query constraints. The parameters are grouped according to the kind of searching they enable as denoted in Table 8 by the column labeled “Query class”.
- “Text search” enables full text queries based on a list of specified search terms.
- “Record search” allow one or more records to be retrieved from the catalogue based on the record identifier.
- “Spatial search” enables spatial searching based on a bounding box, a center-point-radius or using an arbitrary geometry.
- “Temporal search” supports temporal searching based on a time instant or period.
Spatial search parameters are further grouped according to the kinds of spatial searching they enable denoted in Table 8 by the column labeled “Query subclass”.
- “Bounding box search” enable spatial searching using a bounding box with the implied spatial operator of Intersects.
- “Arbitrary geometry search” parameters enable spatial searching using an arbitrary geometry and an arbitrary spatial operator specified using the “relation” parameter.
- “Proximity search” enable spatial queries using a center-point and radius with the implied spatial operator of Intersects.
In general a catalogue query can include parameters from any query class specified in Table 8. If parameters from more than one class are specified in a request then the implied logical operator is “AND”. For “Spatial search” parameters, only parameters from one subclass may be used in a single request. This means that a KVP-encoded catalogue query cannot, for example, include the bbox and geometry parameters.
Requirement-017 |
A server implementation shall advertise which of the KVP parameters specified in Table 6 it implements using the Filter Capabilities section (see 7.1.3) of the server’s capabilities document. Note: the parameters q, recordIds and bbox must be implemented to satisfy the Basic-Catalogue conformance class (see Clause 2 for the conformance class) |
The server’s capabilities document must advertise support for the KVP parameters defined in Table 8, as follows:
- Advertising support for any of the spatial operators – Equals, Disjoint, Touches, Within, Overlaps, Crosses, Intersects, Contains, DWithin and/or Beyond – in the server’s Filter Capabilities section (see 7.1.3) implies that the server supports the geometry, geometry_crs and relation KVP parameters (see Table 8);
- Advertising support for the DWithin and Beyond operators in the server’s Filter Capabilities section (see 7.1.3) further implies support for the distance and distance_uomKVP parameters (see Table 8);
- Support for the lat, lon and radius KVP parameters can be specified in the SpatialCapabilities subsection of the server’s Filter Capabilities section (see 7.1.3) using the extension mechanism (i.e. extension:operation_name) defined in the filter specification (see OGC 09-026r1, clause 7.14); and
- Advertising support for any of the temporal operators – After, Before, Begins, BegunBy, TContains, During, EndedBy, Ends, TEquals,Meets, MetBy, TOverlaps, OverlappedBy and/or AnyInteracts–in the server’s Filter Capabilities sectionimplies support for the time and TRelation KVP parameters (see Table 8).
Query class |
Query subclass |
Keyword |
OpenSearch Parameter(s) |
Description |
Data type and value |
Text search3 |
N/A |
q |
searchTerms |
A space separated list of search terms that are used to search all text fields in a catalogue record. |
Character String |
Record search |
N/A |
recordIds |
Uid |
Comma separated list of record identifiers to retrieve. |
Character String |
Spatial search |
Bounding box search. |
bbox |
Box |
Identifies a bounding box to be used as a spatial predicate |
See clause 10.2, 06-121r9 |
Arbitrary geometry search |
geometry |
Geometry |
Identifies a geometry to be used as a spatial predicate. |
WKT String (see OGC 06-103r4) |
geometry_crs |
N/A |
The CRS used to express the value of geometry parameter. |
relation |
Relation |
The spatial operator to apply using the value of the geometry parameter. |
Character String. One of: Equals Disjoint Touches Within Overlaps Crosses Intersects (default) Contains DWithin Beyond |
distance |
N/A |
If the value of relation is DWithin or Beyond, contains the distance value. |
Number |
distance_uom |
N/A |
The units of measure used to express the value of the distance parameter |
Character String. (see http://unitsofmeasure.org/ucum.html) |
Proximity search |
lat |
lat |
Latitude expressed in WGS84. |
Number |
lon |
lon |
Longitude expression in WGS84. |
Number |
radius |
radius |
Search radius expressed in meters along the surface of the Earth. |
Number |
Temporal search |
N/A |
time |
start/end |
A time instance or time period |
Character String: (see http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime) |
TRelation |
N/A |
The temporal operator to apply using the value of the time parameter. |
Character String. One of: After Before Begins BegunBy TContains During EndedBy Ends TEquals1 Meets MetBy TOverlaps OverlappedBy AnyInteracts2 |
Text search
…&q=AVHRR+"Meteosat 9"&…
- If at least the dc:title, dc:description or dc:subject text fields of a
record contain the term AVHRR, the record shall appear in the result set
- If at least the dc:title, dc:description or dc:subject text fields of a
record contain the term "Meteosat 9", the record shall appear in the
result set
- If at least the dc:title, dc:description or dc:subject text fields of a
record contain both the terms AVHRR and "Meteosat 9", the record shall
appear in the result set
Spatial search using a bounding box
Spatial search using an arbitrary geometry and spatial operator
Spatial search using a centre point and radius
Temporal search using a time period
Temporal search using a time period and a temporal operator
Temporal search for a specific time instance
Query combining a text search and a spatial search using a bounding box
…&q="Canadian National Exhibition"&bbox=43.6050,-79.4271,
Opensearch (see 10-032r8) template fragment using the substitution variables
start and end to denote the start and end of a time period
Table 7 describes additional KVP parameters that may be used to express complex filters encoded using CQL and OGC Filter.
Requirement-018 |
Servers that implement the CONSTRAINT, CONSTRAINTLANGAUGE and CONSTRAINTLANGUAGEVERSION parameters shall advertise this in their capabilities document by advertising support for the Filter-FES-KVP-Advanced conformance class (see Table 1) |
Keyword |
Description |
Data type and value |
Optionality |
Identifies the predicate language used for the value of the Constraint |
anyURI |
Zero or one (Optional) Must be specified with the Constraint |
Identifies the version of the predicate language used. |
Character String
Zero or one There is no default as the parameter is specified if required to indicate which version of a specification the value of the constraint parameter conforms to. |
Constraint |
Text of query constraint in the predicate language identified by the CONSTRAINTLANGUAGE |
Character String |
Zero or one (Optional) Must be specified with the CONSTRAINTLANGUAGE |
Servers may implement the parameters listed in Table 7 in order to support other, non-OGC query languages (e.g. Apache Lucene). All supported non-OGC query languages shall be advertised in the server’s capabilities document using the ConstraintLanguages constraint (see Table 19). Support of OGC query languages (i.e. Filter-CQL, Filter-FES-XML and Filter-FES-KVP) shall be advertised in the server’s capabilities document by declaring support for the corresponding conformance classes (see Table 1 & Table 19).
6.5.6 Enabling OpenSearch Introduction
The OpenSearch standard defines a simple API that acts as a common façade on top of catalogue (and other) services that implement different query APIs thus requiring that client software only understand the OpenSearch API rather than having to understand each individual API implemented by each catalogue a client might want to access.
The component that allows OpenSearch clients to access servers that implement this standard is the OpenSearch description document. This clause describes the relationship between the GetRecords operation (see 7.3), the OpenSearch description document and the templates parameters defined in the OpenSearch (see http://www.opensearch.org) and OpenSearch GeoSpatial and Temporal Extensions (see OGC 10-032r8) standards.
Servers that want to enable OpenSearch clients must implement the Basic-Catalogue and OpenSearch conformance classes (see Table 1). Description document autodiscovery
Interaction with an OpenSearch compatible server commences with the discovery, by an OpenSearch client, of an OpenSearch Description document. The OpenSearch standard defines several methods of autodiscovery of description documents (see http://www.opensearch.org/Specifications/OpenSearch/1.1#Autodiscovery)
This standard defines an operation constraint named “OpenSearchDescriptionDocument” (see Table 19) that enables autodiscovery of an OpenSearch description document from within an OGC capabilities documents. The following XML fragment is an example of the use of the OpenSearchDescriptionDocument constraint:
<ows20:Operation name="GetRecords">
<ows20:Get xlink:href="http://www.cswserver.com/csw?"/>
<ows20:Constraint name="OpenSearchDescriptionDocument">
This standard further defines a method for implicitly obtaining service metadata, including an OpenSearch description document, by accessing the base URL of a conforming catalogue with the HTTP GET methods (see 6.4). Description document
The function of an OpenSearch Description document is similar to that of an OGC Capabilities document in that it provides metadata about a service. Specifically an OpenSearch Description document provides metadata about the service provider and, unlike an OGC capabilities document, provides parameterized templates describing the kinds of queries that a client can ask the service to perform (see OGC 10-032r8, clause 8).
Table 8 shows the mapping between GetRecords parameters used for expressing query predicates and the substitution variables defined in the OpenSearch standard (see http://www.opensearch.org) and in OGC’s OpenSearch GeoSpatial and Temporal Extensions (see OGC 10-032r8). This mapping can be used to create OpenSearch description documents allowing OpenSearch clients to access catalogues that implement this standard.
The following example illustrates the how the two sets of parameters may be used in an OpenSearch description document:
<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/"
xmlns:time=" http://a9.com/-/opensearch/extensions/time/1.0/">
<ShortName>CSW Web Search</ShortName>
<Description>OpenSearch enabled CSW catalogue.</Description>
<Tags>web CSW opengeospatial consortium OGC</Tags>
<!– Search by bbox returning csw:Record (i.e. GetRecordsResponse) –>
<Url type="application/xml"
<!– Search by bbox returning ATOM –>
<Url type="application/atom+xml"
<!– Search by bbox returning HTML –>
<Url type="text/html"
<!– Search by bbox and time returning ATOM –>
<Url type="application/atom+xml"
<LongName>Opengeospatial Catalogue Service Web Search</LongName>
<Query role="example"
searchTerms="library" geo:box="43.46,-79.63,43.87,-79.17"/>
<Attribution>Copyright 2012, cswservice.com, Inc.</Attribution>
Attention is drawn to the “Url” elements that use standard CSW GetRecords requests with appropriate OpenSearch substitution variables. Response
The canonical response to an OpenSearch query is an XML-encoded ATOM document as described in clause 9.3 of OGC 10-032r8. Table 10 maps the CSW request/response parameters (see Table 23) to the OpenSearch response parameters.
CSW response parameter |
OpenSearch response parameter |
numberOfRecordsMatched |
totalResults |
startPosition |
startIndex |
numberOfRecordsReturned |
itemsPerPage | Requirements for an OpenSearch enabled CSW
This clause outlines the requirements for an OpenSearch enabled catalogue. An OpenSearch enabled catalogue is one that provides all the necessary metadata and parameter support to allow it to be accessed by an OpenSearch client.
Requirement-019 |
An OpenSearch enabled catalogue shall conform to the Basic-Catalogue conformance class (see Table 1). |
Requirement-020 |
An OpenSearch enabled catalogue shall conform to the OpenSearch conformance class (see Table 1). |
Requirement-021 |
An OpenSearch enabled catalogue shall be capable of providing an OpenSearch description document when the base URL of the service is accessed using the GET method (see 6.4) and the value of “Accept” HTTP header (see HTTP/1.1) shall be set to “application/opensearchdescription+xml” |
Requirement-022 |
An OpenSearch enabled catalogue shall, in its OpenSearch description document, include at least one URL template with:
and shall include the OpenSearch parameters {startIndex?}, {count?}, {searchTerms?} and {geo:box?} in the URL template. |
Requirement-023 |
An OpenSearch enabled catalogue shall, in its OpenSearch description document, include at least one URL template with
the value of the CSW parameter outputSchema is not set and including the OpenSearch parameters {startIndex?}, {count?}, {searchTerms?} and {geo:box?} in the URL template. |
6.6 Response encoding
6.6.1 Introduction
The message payload described in this subclause is an XML realization of the core metadata properties described in the general model (see OGC 12-168).
Requirement-024 |
All implementations of the HTTP protocol binding, and application profiles derived from the HTTP protocol binding, shall support the response schema described in this subclause and realized using the csw:AbstractRecord elements. |
An application profile may specify other allowable payloads that constitute the body of a response message (if applicable).
Requirement-025 |
Entities shall conform to a registered Internet media type, but there is otherwise no restriction on the content; the actual payload is dependent upon the information model supported by the profile. |
Requirement-026 |
In all cases, elements of the underlying information model shall be mapped to the core metadata properties described in the general model (see OGC 12-168) which are concretely expressed in the HTTP protocol binding using the schema described in this subclause. |
6.6.2 Abstract Record
An abstract element, called csw:AbstractRecord, is declared which is the head of a substitution group representing all the views (i.e. brief, summary and full) of the core metadata properties.
The following XML-Schema fragment declares the csw:AbstractRecord element:
<xsd:element name="AbstractRecord"
type="csw:AbstractRecordType" abstract="true"/>
<xsd:complexType name="AbstractRecordType" abstract="true">
<xsd:attribute name="deleted" type="xsd:boolean"
use="optional" default="false"/>
The attribute ”deleted“ defines if the metadata item was deleted (time of deletion can be expressed e.g. by including an element like dct:modified in the record.
6.6.3 Core queryable and returnable realization Introduction
The common CSW record syntax is an XML-based encoding of Dublin Core metadata terms; it represents a concrete realization of the core metadata properties abstractly specified in Clause 6 of the general model (see OGC 12-168).
The full set of core properties is concretely materialized by the csw:Recordelement. Two addition elements, csw:BriefRecordand csw:SummaryRecord materialize the brief and summary views of the full set of core properties.
Table 11 maps the Dublin Core element names of the OGC query and response elements specified in general model (see OGC 12-168) to the concrete XML elements specified in this standard.
Dublin Core element name | OGC queryable2 term (abstract) | XML element name1 (to be used in query and response) | Datatype |
title |
Title |
dc:title |
character string |
creator |
dc:creator |
character string |
subject |
Subject |
dc:subject |
character string |
description |
Abstract |
dct:abstract |
character string |
publisher |
dc:publisher |
character string |
contributor |
dc:contributor |
character string |
date |
Modified |
dct:modified |
date |
type |
Type |
dc:type |
character string, from a predefined set |
format |
Format |
dc:format |
character string |
identifier |
Identifier |
dc:identifier |
character string, an identifier |
source |
Source |
dc:source |
character string |
language |
dc:language |
character string, from a predefined set (see IETF RFC 4646) |
relation |
Association |
dc:relation |
rights |
dc:rights |
coverage |
BoundingBox |
ows:BoundingBox |
gml:Envelope |
coverage |
TemporalExtent |
csw: TemporalExtent |
gml:TimePeriod |
AnyText |
csw:AnyText |
character string |
1. These XML elements are contained as children of the csw:Record element. 2. A blank value indicates that there is no corresponding OGC queryable term. |
Other XML elements names may be substitutable for the XML elements listed in Table 11. The schema rec-dcterms.xsd contains a complete list of substitutable XML elements. Full record
The XML encoding of the element representing the full catalogue record, csw:Record, is defined by the following XML-Schema fragment:
<xsd:element name="Record" type="csw30:RecordType"
<xsd:complexType name="RecordType" final="#all">
<xsd:extension base="csw30:DCMIRecordType">
<xsd:element name="AnyText" type="csw30:EmptyType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="ows:BoundingBox"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="TemporalExtent" type="csw30:TemporalExtentType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
The full record is based on the XML schemas developed for the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative with the addition of the csw:AnyText, ows:BoundingBox and csw:TemporalExtent elements.
Requirement-027 |
All elements contained in the csw:Record element that correspond to the abstract OGC queryable terms listed in Table 11 shall be available as queryables. |
Requirement-028 |
In the event that a catalogue implementation does not have a value to map from its internal model to an OGC queryable term listed in Table 11 (and its XML realization as an element contained in csw:Record), its value shall be considered to be NULL for the purpose of querying. |
Requirement-029 |
In the Dublin Core schema, the elements “identifier” and “title” (see Table 11) or any element that can substitute for them, are optional. However for the purposes of this specification, these elements shall be considered mandatory presentables. Thus the OGC abstract queryable terms “Identifier” and “Title” and their XML realization, dc:identifier and dc:title, are mandatory presentables. |
Requirement-030 |
The csw:AnyText element shall only be available as a queryable, and is intended as a query target for a full text query of the catalogue's records. This element is not a presentable and shall never appear in a response message. Even though the content model for the csw:AnyText element is empty, the catalogue shall interpret its value to be the full text of all text fields in the catalogue record. |
Requirement-031 |
The ows:BoundingBox element shall be used to express the spatial extent of a csw:Record record. |
Requirement-032 |
The csw:TemporalExtent element shall be used to express the temporal extent of a csw:Record record. |
It is anticipated that the number of optional presentables will vary from one record instance to another inside the catalogue; and so the remaining elements, or any element that can substitute for them, may appear as presentables if the catalogue has a corresponding value to present. Otherwise, elements for which no value is available may be omitted from the response.
Example csw30.Record:
<dc:creator>U.S. Geological Survey</dc:creator>
<dc:contributor>State of Texas</dc:contributor>
<dc:publisher>U.S. Geological Survey</dc:publisher>
<dc:subject>Elevation, Hypsography, and Contours</dc:subject>
<dct:abstract>Elevation data collected for the National Elevation Dataset
(NED) based on 30m horizontal and 15m vertical accuracy.</dct:abstract>
<dc:rights>Copyright (c) 2004, State of Texas</dc:rights>
<dc:title>National Elevation Mapping Service for Texas</dc:title>
<ows:LowerCorner>-108.44 28.229</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>-96.223 34.353</ows:UpperCorner>
The following example query shows the usage of the csw30:Record elements as queryables within a filter statement (default namespace here is http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/3.0):
<fes:PropertyIsLike escapeChar="\" singleChar="?" wildCard="*">
<gml:lowerCorner>14.05 46.46</gml:lowerCorner>
<gml:upperCorner>17.24 48.42</gml:upperCorner>
<gml:lowerCorner>14.05 46.46</gml:lowerCorner>
<gml:upperCorner>17.24 48.42</gml:upperCorner>
<gml:TimePeriod gml:id="TP1">
<gml:TimeInstant gml:id="TI1">
<gml:TimeInstant gml:id="TI2">
</fes:Filter> Summary record
The XML encoding of the element representing the summary view, csw:SummaryRecord, is defined by the following XML-Schema fragment:
<xsd:element name="SummaryRecord" type="csw30:SummaryRecordType"
<xsd:complexType name="SummaryRecordType" final="#all">
<xsd:extension base="csw30:AbstractRecordType">
<xsd:element ref="dc:identifier" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="dc:title" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="dc:type" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element ref="dc:subject" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="dc:format" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="dc:relation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="dct:modified" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="dct:abstract" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="dct:spatial" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="ows:BoundingBox"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="TemporalExtent" type="csw30:TemporalExtentType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Requirement-033 |
For a csw:SummaryRecord, the dc:identifier and dc:title elements, or any element that can be substituted for them, are mandatory presentables and shall always appear in the response. |
The remaining elements, or any element that can substitute for them, can appear as a presentable if the catalogue has a corresponding value to present.
EXAMPLE csw30.SummaryRecord:
<dc:title>Image2000 Product 1 (at1) Multispectral</dc:title>
<dct:modified>2012-10-04 00:00:00</dct:modified>
<dct:abstract>IMAGE2000 product 1 individual orthorectified scenes.
IMAGE2000 was produced from ETM+ Landsat 7 satellite data and provides a
consistent European coverage of individual orthorectified scenes in national
map projection systems.</dct:abstract>
<ows:LowerCorner>-108.44 28.229</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>-96.223 34.353</ows:UpperCorner>
</SummaryRecord> Brief record
The XML encoding of the element representing the brief view, csw:BriefRecord, is defined by the following XML-Schema fragment:
<xsd:element name="BriefRecord" type="csw30:BriefRecordType"
<xsd:complexType name="BriefRecordType" final="#all">
<xsd:extension base="csw30:AbstractRecordType">
<xsd:element ref="dc:identifier" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="dc:title" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="dc:type" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element ref="ows:BoundingBox"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Requirement-034 |
For the csw:BriefRecord, the dc:identifier and dc:title elements, or any element that can be substituted for them, are mandatory presentables and shall always appear in the response. |
The remaining elements, or any element that can be substituted for them, can appear as a presentable if the catalogue has a corresponding value to present.
Example csw30.BriefRecord:
<dc:title>Image2000 Product 1 (at1) Multispectral</dc:title>
6.7 Exception encoding
6.7.1 XML encoding
Requirement-035 |
In the event that a catalogue service encounters an error while processing a request or receives an unrecognized request, it shall generate an XML document indicating that an error has occurred. |
Requirement-036 |
The format of the XML error response is specified by, and shall validate against, the exception response schema defined in clause 8 of the OWS Common Implementation Specification (see OGC 06-121r9). |
Requirement-037 |
Servers shall implement the generic exception codes in Table 27 of OGC 06-121r9 for all conformance classes defined in this International Standard. |
Requirement-038 |
In addition to the exception codes defined in OGC 06-121r9, server that implement this standard shall also implement the exceptions defined in Table 12. |
An ows:ExceptionReport element may contain one or more catalogue processing exceptions specified using the ows:Exception element. The mandatory version attribute is used to indicate the version of the service exception report schema. For this version of the specification, this value is fixed at 3.0.0.
Individual exception messages are contained within the ows:ExceptionText element.
Requirement-039 |
The mandatory exceptionCode attribute shall be used to associate an exception code with the accompanying message. |
The optional locator attribute may be used to indicate where an exception was encountered in the request that generated the error. Table 12 indicates what value the locator parameter should have for each exception code.
exceptionCode values |
Meaning of code |
“locator” value |
Conformance class |
InvalidValue |
A Transaction (see 7.6) has attempted to insert or change the value of a data component in a way that violated the schema of the information model. |
The “locator” parameter contains the name of the information model component being incorrectly modified. |
Transaction |
OperationParsingFailed |
The request is badly formed and failed to be parsed by the server. |
The “locator” parameter contains the value of the “handle” or “requestId” parameter if one is available. Otherwise the server may use some other means to locate the error (e.g Operation name) |
All (see Table 1) |
OperationProcessingFailed |
An error was encountered while processing the operation. |
The “locator” parameter contains the value of the “handle” parameter if one is available. Otherwise the server may use some other means to locate the error (e.g. Operation name) |
All (see Table 1) |
Multiple exceptions may be reported in a single exception report so server implementations should endeavor to report as many exceptions as necessary to clearly describe a problem.
EXAMPLE If parsing an operation failed because the value of a parameter is invalid, the server should report an OperationParsingFailed exception and an InvalidParameterValue exception.
A number of elements defined in this document include a handle attribute and/or a requestId attribute that may be used to associate a mnemonic name with the element. If such a handleorrequestIdattributeexists, its value may be reported using the locator attribute of the ows:ExceptionText element in order to correlate the element with the exception text. If the handle or requestId attribute is not specified, then a catalogue is not required to specify a value for the locator attribute or may, optionally, attempt to locate the error using other means such as line numbers.
EXAMPLE The following is an example of an exception message
<Exception exceptionCode="ParsingError" locator="INSERT STMT 01">
<ExceptionText>parse error: missing closing tag for element</ExceptionText>
NOTE This example uses the exceptionCode value "ParsingError”, which has not yet been specified, meaning that an error was detected in validating a XML encoded operation request.
6.7.2 HTTP status codes
Requirement-040 |
Servers shall set the HTTP status code (see IETF RFC 2616:1999, 6.1.1) in their responses. |
Requirement-041 |
Upon successful processing of a CSW operation, the server shall set the HTTP status code to “200” with the response phrase being set to “OK”. The body of the response shall be encoded as defined in this international standard for the corresponding CSW operation. |
Requirement-042 |
A server that generates an exception, in response to a CSW request, shall generate a response body as described in clause 6.7 and shall include an appropriate HTTP status code as defined in Table 13. |
Table 13 correlates OWS (see OGC 10-121r9) and CSW (see Table 12) exception codes with HTTP status codes (see IETF RFC 2616:1999, 6.1.1)
OGC exception code |
HTTP status code |
HTTP reason phrase1 |
InvalidValue |
400 |
Invalid property value |
OperationParsingFailed |
400 |
Bad request |
OperationProcessingFailed |
403 |
Server processing failed |
OWS Common exception codes |
OperationNotSupported |
400 |
Not implemented |
MissingParameterValue |
400 |
Bad request |
InvalidParameterValue |
400 |
Bad request |
VersionNegotiationFailed |
400 |
Bad request |
InvalidUpdateSequence |
400 |
Bad request |
OptionNotSupported |
400 |
Not implemented |
NoApplicableCode |
400 |
Internal server error |
The HTTP reason phrases are informational only (as per the HTTP specification); that is, a client should NOT be expected to parse and understand the reason phrases. |
7 Operations overview
Figure 2 shows the request/response message pairs for all the operations defined for the web catalogue service (CSW). There are three classes of operations: service operationswhich are operations a client may use to interrogate the service to determine its capabilities; discovery operationswhich a client may use to determine the information model of the catalogue and query catalogue records; and management operationswhich are used to create or change records in the catalogue.
Figure 3 depicts a conceptual architecture to illustrate the relationship of these interfaces to service consumers and producers. The arrows represent the CSW requests that producers and consumers of metadata may generate. For example, to create metadata, a metadata producer may invoke the Transaction request or the Harvest request. Similarly, a consumer of metadata may invoke the GetRecords request to query the catalogue.
7.1 GetCapabilities operation
7.1.1 Introduction
The mandatory GetCapabilities operation allows CSW clients to retrieve service metadata from a server. The response to a GetCapabilities request is an XML document containing service metadata about the server.
7.1.2 Operation request
The GetCapabilities request is defined in Subclause 7 of the OGC Web Services Common Specification 2.0 (see OGC 06-121r9).
Requirement-043 |
All CSW servers shall implement the HTTP GET transfer using the KVP-encoding of the GetCapabilities operation. |
Requirement-174 |
Servers that support the GetCapabilities-XML class shall implement the HTTP POST transfer using XML-encoding of the GetCapabilities operation. |
In addition to the common service metadata elements defined in Subclause 7.4 of the OGC Web Service Common Specification 2.0 (see OGC 06-121r9), the GetCapabilities request may be used to request the sections listed in Table 14.
Section name |
Meaning |
Filter_Capabilities |
A Filter_Capabilities section shall be included in the service metadata to describe which elements of the predicate language are supported. |
An application profile may introduce additional service information items as needed by extending the csw:CapabilitiesType definition.
7.1.3 Operation response
The response to a GetCapabilities request is an XML document. Table 15 lists the sections that may appear in the response to a GetCapabilities request.
Section name |
Contents |
ServiceIdentification |
Metadata about a specified CSW implementation. The contents and schema of this section shall be as specified in Subclause 7.4.4 and owsServiceIdentification.xsd of OGC 06-121r9. |
ServiceProvider |
Metadata about the organization offering the CSW service. The contents and schema of this section shall be as specified in Subclause 7.4.5 and owsServiceProvider.xsd of OGC 06-121r9. |
OperationsMetadata |
Metadata about the CSW operations offered by a specific CSW implementation, including the URLs for operation requests. The contents and schema of this section shall be as specified in Subclauses 7.4.6 and owsOperationsMetadata.xsd of OGC 06-121r9. The specific operations that may be listed in the OperationsMetadata section are specified in Subclause 7.1.4 of this document. |
Filter_Capabilities |
Metadata about the filter capabilities of the server if the server implements the Filter predicate encoding as defined in OGC 09-026r1. |
Requirement-044 |
The capabilities document of a CSW service shall, depending on the value of Sections parameter of the GetCapabilities request, contain one or more of the ServiceIdentification, ServiceProvider, OperationsMetadata or Filter_Capabilities sections. |
Requirement-045 |
If the Sections parameter of the GetCapabilities request is not specified, then all sections of a capabilities document listed in Table 14 shall be presented in the response. |
7.1.4 OperationsMetadata section standard contents
Requirement-046 |
The OperationsMetadata section of the capabilities document shall list all operations implemented by a CSW service, as described in Subclause 7.4.6 of OGC 06-121r9. |
Table 16 and Table 17 list the set of operations that may appear in the OperationsMetadata section of a CSW capabilities document. In both tables, the “Attributename” column uses XPath notation to identify the attribute whose value is being specified. The “Attributevalue” column indicates an allowable value for the specified attribute name, and the last column indicates what the value means.
An application profile may restrict the ExtendedCapabilities element to provide additional computational metadata (e.g., WSDL service descriptions, OWL-S resource definitions) compliant with this specification.
Table 16 lists the minimum set of operations that must appear in the OperationsMetadata section of a CSW capabilities document.
Attribute name |
Attribute value |
Meaning of attribute value |
OperationsMetadata/Operation/@name |
GetCapabilities |
The GetCapabilities operation is implemented by this server. |
OperationsMetadata/Operation/@name |
GetRecordById |
The GetRecordById operation is implemented by this server. |
OperationsMetadata/Operation/@name |
GetRecords |
The GetRecords operation is implemented by this server. |
Table 17 lists the remaining CSW operations that may be listed in the OperationsMetadata sections of a capabilities document.
Attribute name |
Attribute value |
Meaning of attribute value |
OperationsMetadata/Operation/@name |
GetDomain |
The GetDomain operation is implemented by this server. |
OperationsMetadata/Operation/@name |
Harvest |
The Harvest operation is implemented by this server. |
OperationsMetadata/Operation/@name |
UnHarvest |
The UnHarvest operation is implemented by this server. |
OperationsMetadata.Operation.name |
Transaction |
The Transaction operation is implemented by this server. |
As described in clause 7.4.6 of OGC 06-121r9, the OperationsMetadata section allows a server to advertise endpoints for each HTTP method that may be used to invoke an operation. However, because this standard allows servers to support both a plain XML encoding and a SOAP encoding for operations, an issue arises concerning how a server should advertise the POST endpoint for plain XML and/or SOAP encoded requests. This is accomplished using the PostEncoding constraint (see and the fact that the multiplicity of the ows:Post element is unbounded. If a server supports both XML and SOAP encoding then it may specify multiple ows:Post elements each containing a PostEncoding constraint describing which XML encoding is supported at the corresponding endpoint. The endpoint URLs may be different or the same. If they are the same this simply means that the server can detect, from the input stream, whether the request is plain XML-encoded or SOAP-encoded. The following XML fragment from a sample capabilities document illustrates how both SOAP and plain XML encodings can be advertised:
<ows20:Operation name=“GetRecords”>
<ows20:Post xlink:href=“http://www.someserver.example.com/postEndpoint”>
<ows20:Constraint name=“PostEncoding”>
<ows20:Post xlink:href=“http://www.someserver.example.com/postEndpoint”>
<ows20:Constraint name=“PostEncoding”>
In this example, the POST encoding endpoint URL is the same in both cases indicating that the server can detect the request encoding from the stream.
7.1.5 Parameter and Constraint element
The Parameter and Constraint elements, defined in Subclause 7.4.6 of OGC 06-121r9, allow additional metadata to be specified for each operation or for the service in its entirety.
The Parameter element is typically used to convey the value domain of a parameter. For example, the domain of the exceptionCode parameter could record all the codes implemented for each operation by a server. Similarly, each of the GetCapabilities operation request parameters might have its domain recorded. For example, the domain of the Sections parameter could record all the sections implemented by a server.
The Constraint element is typically used to convey some capacity limit that the server enforces. For example the Constraint element could be used to convey the default values of the maxRecords query parameter (see OGC 06-121r9, subclause 7.4.6).
Besides the Parameter and Constraint elements defined in this standard, servers may include additional – perhaps vendor specific – Parameter and Constraint element in the capabilities document. The meaning of such Parameter and Constraint elements is not defined in this standard.
Requirement-047 |
Any additional Parameter and Constraint elements, not defined in this standard, that a server introduces in its capabilities shall be safely ignored by clients which are solely targeted at this specification. | Parameter domains for CSW operations
Table 18 lists the set of parameter domains that may be specified in the OperationsMetadata section of a CSW capabilities document for CSW operations.
Operation Name |
Parameter Name |
Expected Value Type |
Description/Possible Values |
All operations (except GetCapabilities) |
Version |
string |
Include the value “3.0.0”. May include the values “2.0.2” or other vendor specific version number. |
GetCapabilities |
AcceptVersions |
string |
Include the value “3.0.0”. May include the values “2.0.2” or other vendor specific version number. |
GetCapabilities |
AcceptFormats |
MIME type |
Includes the value "text/xml". May include other MIME types such as "text/html" or "text/plain" or any other vendor supported MIME type the server is capable of generating.
GetCapabilities |
Sections |
string |
Zero or more of the following list of values: "ServiceIdentification", "ServiceProvider", "OperationsMetadata", "Filter_Capabilities"
GetRecords |
typeName |
Qualified xml element |
Includes the value csw:Record. May include other qualified xml elements that the server of a CSW profile supports (e.g. gmd:MD_Metadata). |
GetRecords GetRecordById |
outputFormat |
string or MIME type |
Includes the value application/xml (or “application/soap+xml” for SOAP). May include any other string MIME type that the server supports. |
GetRecords GetRecordById |
outputSchema |
GetRecords GetRecordById |
ElementSetName |
string |
Includes the values “brief”, “summary” and “full”. May include any other value that the server recognizes as a named set of information model elements. |
GetRecords |
geometry_crs |
A list of coordinate references system identifiers that the server supports.1,2 |
Harvest |
ResourceType |
string |
Lists the token identifying the resources types that the server is able to harvest (see Table 25). |
Harvest |
ResourceFormat |
string |
Includes the value “application/xml”. May include any other values indicating the resource formats that the server supports. |
UnHarvest |
outputFormat |
string or MIME type |
Indicates the format of the response. Includes the value “text/xml”. May include any other response format that the server supports (e.g. text/html). |
| Constraints for CSW operations
Table 19 lists the set of parameter domains that may be specified in the OperationsMetadata section of a CSW capabilities document for CSW operations.
Operation Name |
Constraint Name |
Expected value type |
Description |
GetRecords |
MaxRecordDefault |
Integer value |
Specifies the default value of the maxRecords parameter. |
GetRecords |
SortLevelLimit |
Integer value |
Defines the maximum number of properties that may be simultaneously sorted. In the event that a request contains too many properties, the server shall respond with an exception as specified in clause 6.7. If the constraint is not specified then there is no limit to the number of sort properties that may be specified. |
GetRecords |
FederatedCatalogues |
anyURI |
One or more base URL’s of federated catalogues. |
GetRecords |
OpenSearchDescriptionDocument |
anyURI |
Provides a URI reference to an open search description document that the service offers. |
Transaction |
TransactionSchemas |
anyURI |
A list of URI’s identifying that schemas upon which the Transaction operation may be applied. For XML encoded information model the URI’s should be the namespace URI of each supported schema. |
Harvest |
HarvestHandlesAttachements |
Boolean |
A value of “true” indicated that the Harvest operation can handle multi-part MIME document attachments. A value of “false” indicates that attachments are not supported. |
All operations |
PostEncoding |
String value; one or more of “SOAP”, “XML”, “KVP” |
Indicates the request encoding that can be accepted via the HTTP POST method. The scope of this constraint depends on where it is encoded within the Operation element. If no PostEncoding constraint is specified then XML shall be assumed unless there is a service-level PostEncoding constraint specified that overrides this default (see Table 20). | Service constraints
Table 20 lists the set of service-level constraints that may be specified in the OperationsMetadata section of a CSW capabilities document.
Requirement-048 |
All the service constraints listed in Table 20 – that correspond to conformance classes defined in Table 1 -- shall be specified in the capabilities document of a server with the appropriate value set to indicate whether the server conforms to the corresponding class or not. |
Constraint Name |
Possible values and/or value types |
Description |
OpenSearch |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the OpenSearch conformance class. |
GetCapabilities-XML |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the GetCapabilities-XML conformance class. |
GetRecordById-XML |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the GetRecordsById-XML conformance class. |
GetRecords-Basic-XML |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the GetRecords-Basic-XML conformance class. |
GetRecords-Distributed-XML |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the GetRecords-Destributed-XML conformance class. |
GetRecords-Distributed-KVP |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the GetRecords-Distributed-XML conformance class. |
GetRecords-Async-XML |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the GetRecords-Async-XML conformance class. |
GetRecords-Async-KVP |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the GetRecords-Async-KVP conformance class. |
GetDomain-XML |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the GetDomain-XML conformance class. |
GetDomain-KVP |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the GetDomain-KVP conformance class. |
Transaction |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the Transaction conformance class. |
Harvest-Basic-XML |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the Harvest-Basic-XML conformance class. |
Harvest-Basic-KVP |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the Harvest-Basic-KVP conformance class. |
Harvest-Async-XML |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the Harvest-Async-XML conformance class. |
Harvest-Async-KVP |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the Harvest-Async-KVP conformance class. |
Harvest-Periodic-XML |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the Harvest-Periodic-XML conformance class. |
Harvest-Periodic-KVP |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the Harvest-Periodic-KVP conformance class. |
Filter-CQL |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the Filter-CQL conformance class. |
Filter-FES-XML |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE”. |
Indicates that the server implements the Filter-FES-XML conformance class. |
Filter-FES-KVP-Advanced |
boolean value; either “TRUE” or “FALSE” |
Indicates that the server implements the Filter-FES-KVP-Advanced conformance class |
SupportedGMLVersions |
character string |
List of GML versions that the server supports. |
PostEncoding |
character string; one or more of “SOAP”, “XML”, “KVP” |
Indicates, at the service-level, the request encodings that can be accepted via the HTTP POST method unless otherwise indicated by a locally scoped constraint (See Table 19). |
DefaultSortingAlgorithm |
anyURI |
A reference to a description of the default sort which is the sort that the server applies if no SortBy clause (see is specified in a request. Absence of this constraint implies that the default sort is alphabetical by Title (see 6.6.3) in ascending order. |
ConstraintLanguages |
anyURI |
The list of supported values for the CONSTRAINTLANGUAGE parameter (see Table 7). |
CoreQueryables |
character string; one or more of the OGC queryable terms (see Table 11, column 2) |
The list of OGC queryable terms (see Table 11) which the server can map to its internal model for the purpose of query. Absence of this constraint implies that the server can map all the OGC core queryable terms to its internal model. |
CoreSortables |
character string |
A list of core properties (see 6.6.3) that the server can accept in a SortBy clause (see Absence of this constraint implies that the server can sort by any of the core properties. |
EXAMPLE The following XML fragment shows how the SupportedGMLVersions constraint can be used to list the namespaces of the supported GML versions.
<ows20:Constraint name="SupportedGMLVersions">
EXAMPLE The following XML fragment shows how the ConstraintLanguages constraint can be used to list the supported constraint languages.
<ows20:Constraint name=“ConstraintLanguages”>
<ows20:Value> http://lucene.apache.org/</ows20:Value>
In this example the server supports OGC’s Filter (see OGC 09-926r2) and the Apache Lucene query language. Thus the following query could be presented to the server:
…&CONSTRAINT_LANGUAGE=http://lucene.apache.org&CONSTRAINT=<Apache Lucene query>&…
7.1.6 Examples[1]
KVP Encoding:
XML Encoding:
Annex B includes a sample capabilities document for a CSW server that supports only the default message payload.
7.2 GetDomain operation
7.2.1 Introduction
The optional GetDomain operation can be used to obtain information about the values of components of the information model(s) that a catalogue offers or about parameters of the API defined in this standard. The information returned by the GetDomain operation can represent the set of possible values or the set of available values for the specified component. The set of possible values represents all the values that the component can have. The set of available values represents the subset of possible values that the component actually has at the time the GetDomain operation is invoked.
For example, an information model component or request parameter defined as a 16bit positive integer has 65535 possible values but the number of distinct values actually stored in the catalogue may be much smaller.
This type of runtime information about the values of an information model component or request parameter is useful for generating user interfaces with meaningful pick lists or for generating query predicates that have a higher chance of actually identifying a result set.
It should be noted that the GetDomain operation is a “best-effort” operation. That is to say that a catalogue tries to generate useful information about the requested information model component or request parameter. However, clients should be prepared to handle the case where the GetDomain operation returns no information.
7.2.2 KVP encoding
Table 21 specifies the keyword-value pair encoding for the GetDomain operation request.
Keyword b |
Data type and value |
Optionality and use |
Parameter in general model |
Character String Fixed value of "GetDomain", case insensitive |
One (Mandatory) a |
(none) |
Service |
Character String Fixed value of “CSW” |
One (Mandatory) |
serviceId |
Version |
Character String Fixed value of “3.0.0” |
One (Mandatory) |
(none) |
ParameterName |
List of Character String, comma separated Unordered list of names of requested parameters, of the form OperationName.ParameterName |
Zero or one (Conditional)
parameterName |
ValueReference |
List of Character String, comma separated Unordered list of references to components of the information model that the catalogue is using |
Zero or one (Conditional)
parameterName |
resultType |
Enumerated Character String Valid values are “possible” and “available” |
Zero or one Default value is “available” |
(none) |
Filter |
Character String |
Zero or one |
(none) |
a The REQUEST parameter contains the same information as the name of the GetDomain element in XML encoding. b Parameter keywords are case insensitive for KVP encoding. Parameters values are case sensitive.. |
NOTE To reduce the need for readers to refer to other parts of this document, the first three parameters listed below are copied from Table 7 . |
7.2.3 XML encoding
The following XML-Schema fragment defines that XML encoding for the GetDomain operation request:
<xsd:element name="GetDomain" type="csw30:GetDomainType" id="GetDomain"/>
<xsd:complexType name="GetDomainType" id="GetDomainType">
<xsd:extension base="csw30:RequestBaseType">
<xsd:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="ValueReference">
<xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
<xsd:attribute name="resultType"
use="optional" default="available"/>
<xsd:element ref="fes:Filter" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="ParameterName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:simpleType name="ResultTypeType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="possible"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="available"/>
7.2.4 Parameter descriptions ValueReference parameter
Requirement-049 |
The ValueReference parameter shall be used to identify a property or other nested component of the information model(s) that a catalogue offers to be interrogated by the GetDomain operation. |
Requirement-050 |
The value of the ValueReference parameter shall be a path expression identifying the specific component to be interrogated. |
Requirement-051 |
For XML-encoded information, an XPath expression shall be used to indicate the information model component to be interrogated |
Other encodings of the information model(s) offered by a catalogue may be supported (e.g. JSON) but this standard does not describe the meaning of the ValueReference parameter in such situations.
The optional resultType parameter may be used to indicate whether the response should contain the set of possible or available values for the specified component of the information model.
Valid values for that resultType parameter are “possible” and “available” with the latter being the default value.
An optional filter expression, specified using fes:Filter (see OGC 09-026r1), may be applied to the set of returned values to further refine the response. The use of fes:Filter allows, for example, a CSW to implement a suggestion capability such as that found in most search engines these days. ParameterName parameter
Requirement-052 |
The ParameterName parameter shall be used to identify an interface parameter to be interrogated by the GetDomain operation. |
Requirement-053 |
The value of the ParameterName parameter shall be a dot-path expression, starting with the operation name, that identifies the API components to be integrated. |
For example, “GetRecords.outputFormat” identifies that the value domain for the outputFormat parameter of the GetDomain operation is being requested.
A single GetDomain request can include both ValueReference (see and ParameterName parameters.
7.2.5 Response Encoding
The following XML-Schema fragment defines the response to a GetDomain operation.
<xsd:element name="GetDomainResponse"
type="csw30:GetDomainResponseType" id="GetDomainResponse"/>
<xsd:complexType name="GetDomainResponseType" id="GetDomainResponseType">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
Returns the actual values for some property. In general this is
a subset of the value domain (that is, set of permissible values),
although in some cases these may be the same.
<xsd:element name="DomainValues"
type="csw30:DomainValuesType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:complexType name="DomainValuesType" id="DomainValuesType">
<xsd:element name="ValueReference" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="ParameterName" type="xsd:anyURI"/>
<xsd:choice minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="ListOfValues"
<xsd:element name="ConceptualScheme"
type="csw30:ConceptualSchemeType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="RangeOfValues"
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:QName" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="resultType"
type="csw30:ResultTypeType" use="required"/>
<xsd:complexType name="ListOfValuesType" id="ListOfValuesType">
<xsd:element name="Value" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:extension base="xsd:anyType">
<xsd:attribute name="isDefault" type="xsd:boolean"
use="optional" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="count"
<xsd:attribute name="uom"
<xsd:complexType name="ConceptualSchemeType" id="ConceptualSchemeType">
<xsd:element name="Name" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="Document" type="xsd:anyURI"/>
<xsd:element name="Authority" type="xsd:anyURI"/>
<xsd:complexType name="RangeOfValuesType" id="RangeOfValuesType">
<xsd:element name="MinValue" type="xsd:anyType" minOccurs=”0”/>
<xsd:element name="MaxValue" type="xsd:anyType" minOccurs=”0”/>
</xsd:complexType> Parameter descriptions Echoed request parameters
Requirement-054 |
The response to a GetDomain operation shall echo the ValueReference or ParameterName used to invoke the operation. | List of values
Requirement-055 |
If the response to a GetDomain request is an enumerated list of values, then the ListOfValue element shall be employed to encode that information. |
One value in the response list may be identified as the default value by using the isDefault parameter and setting its value to “true”.
Requirement-056 |
In the event that a default value is indicated only one value in the response shall be identified as such. |
In the event that the value of the resultType parameter in the GetDomain request is set to “available” (see, each value in the response list may include a count of the number of instances of that value.
Requirement-057 |
If a value in the response is a measurement, its units of measure shall be indicated using the uom parameter. | Conceptual Schema
Requirement-058 |
If the response to a GetDomain request is a controlled vocabulary or authoritative list of values, then the ConceptualSchema element shall be employed to encode that information. |
Requirement-059 |
The reference to a controlled vocabulary shall include its name, a link to document describing the controlled vocabulary and a link to an authority responsible for maintaining that controlled vocabulary. | Range of values
Requirement-060 |
If the response to a GetDomain request is a range of values, then the RangeOfValues element shall be employed to encode that information. |
Requirement-061 |
The boundaries of the range shall be identified using the MinValue and MaxValue parameters. |
The absence of one or both of MinValue or MaxValue indicates an unbounded range in that direction. Empty response
Requirement-062 |
An empty response from the server shall be taken to mean that the catalogue was unable to determine anything about the specified value reference or parameter. |
7.2.6 Examples
KVP encoded example:
XML encoded example:
7.3 GetRecords operation
7.3.1 Introduction
The primary means of resource discovery in the general model is the Discovery.query operation. In the HTTP protocol binding this operation is implemented as the mandatory GetRecords operation, which does a search operation.
7.3.2 KVP encoding
Table 22 specifies the keyword-value pair encoding for the GetRecords operation request. Additional keyword-value pair parameters, defined in Table 8 and in Table 9, may also be used with the GetRecords operation to encode query predicates.
This KVP encoding of the GetRecords operation is suitable for use with the HTTP GET method.
To reduce the need for readers to refer to other parts of this document, the first three parameters listed below are copied from Table 7.
Keyword d |
Data type and value |
Optionality and use |
Parameter in general model |
Character String Fixed value of GetRecords, case insensitive |
Mandatory a |
(none) |
Service |
Character String Default value of “CSW” |
Mandatory |
serviceId |
Version |
Character String Default value of 3.0.0 |
Mandatory |
(none) |
List of Character String, comma separated Used to specify a namespace and its prefix Format is xmlns([prefix=]namespace-url). If the prefix is not specified then this is the default namespace. |
Optional b If qualified names are used in a request all prefixes must be declared by a namespace specification. Only if no qualified name is used the NAMESPACE parameter can be omitted. In this case all elements are in the default namespacef. |
(none) |
requestId |
Optional Include when client chooses to assign requestId. This parameter is mandatory in the case of a distributed search. |
requestId |
outputFormat |
Character String Value is Mime type
Optional Default value is application/xml. For SOAP application/soap+xml is mandatory. |
returnFormat |
outputSchema |
Any URI. |
Optional Default value is http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/3.0. |
responseSchema |
startPosition |
Positive Integer |
Optional Default value is 1 |
cursorPosition |
maxRecords |
Union: Non-negative Integer |
Optional Default value is 10 |
iteratorSize |
typeNames |
List of Character String, comma separated Unordered List of object types implicated in the query |
Mandatory |
collectionID |
ElementSetName |
Character String |
Conditional One (but not both) of ElementSetName or ElementName must be specified. |
responseElements |
ElementSetName_TypeName |
Character String |
Conditional May only be specified if the ElementSetName parameters is specified. |
responseElements |
ElementName |
List of Character String |
Conditional One (but not both) of ElementSetName or ElementName must be specified. |
responseElements |
SortBy |
List of Character String, comma separated Ordered list of names of metadata elements to use for sorting the response Format of each list item is metadata_element_name:A indicating an ascending sort or metadata_ element_name:D indicating descending sort |
Optional Default action is to sort the result according to its default sort which must be declared in the capabilities document (see DefaultSortAlgorithm, Table 19). If no default sort is specified in the capabilities document then it is assumed that the server will sort responses alphabetically by Title (see 6.6.3) in ascending order. If names of one or more metadata elements are provided ordering is done as follows: first order is based on first metadata-element (order: A or D), if records exist with the same value for the first meta-data element ordering of those records is done based on second metadata-element (order: A or D), and so on... |
sortField and sortOrder |
DistributedSearch |
Boolean |
Optional Default value is FALSE |
queryScope |
HopCount |
Integer |
Optional Include only if DistributedSearch parameter is included Default value is 2 |
hopCount |
ClientId |
Any URI |
Conditional Mandatory if DistributedSearch set to TRUE |
clientId |
DistributedSearchId |
Any URI |
Conditional Mandatory if DistributedSearch set to TRUE |
distributedSearchId |
DistributedSearchIdTimout |
This timeout parameter defines (in sec) how long the distributedSearchId should be valid, meaning how long a server involved in distributed search should minimally store information related to the distributedSearchId |
Optional Default value is 600. Makes only sense in case that DistributedSearch set to TRUE |
distributedSearchIdTimout |
FederatedCatalogues |
List of comma separated structures of the format: FederatedCatalogues ( fC(URL1, [timeout1]), fC(URL2, [timeout1]),…fC(URLn, [timeoutn])). The URLs have to be escaped. [] means optional.e
Conditional Optional if DistributedSearch set to TRUE. Don´t include when DistributedSearch set to FALSE |
federatedCatalogues |
ResponseHandler |
Comma separated list of anyURI |
Optional If not included, process request synchronously |
responseHandler |
7.3.3 XML encoding
The following XML-Schema fragment defines the XML encoding of the GetRecords operation request:
<xsd:element name="GetRecords" type="csw30:GetRecordsType" id="GetRecords"/>
<xsd:complexType name="GetRecordsType" id="GetRecordsType">
<xsd:extension base="csw30:RequestBaseType">
<xsd:element name="DistributedSearch"
type="csw30:DistributedSearchType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="ResponseHandler" type="xsd:anyURI"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="csw30:AbstractQuery"/>
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="strict"/>
<xsd:attribute name="requestId" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="csw30:BasicRetrievalOptions"/>
<xsd:attributeGroup name="BasicRetrievalOptions" id="BasicRetrievalOptions">
<xsd:attribute name="outputFormat" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" default="application/xml"/>
<xsd:attribute name="outputSchema" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional"
<xsd:attribute name="startPosition" type="xsd:positiveInteger"
use="optional" default="1"/>
<xsd:attribute name="maxRecords" type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger"
use="optional" default="10"/>
<xsd:complexType name="DistributedSearchType" id="DistributedSearchType">
<xsd:element name="federatedCatalogues"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attribute name="hopCount" type="xsd:positiveInteger"
use="optional" default="2"/>
<xsd:attribute name="clientId" type="xsd:anyURI" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="distributedSearchId"
type="xsd:anyURI" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="distributedSearchIdTimout" type="xsd:unsignedLong"
use="optional" default="600"/>
<xsd:complexType name="FederatedCatalogueType" id="FederatedCatalogueType">
<xsd:attribute name="catalogueURL" type="xsd:anyURI" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="timeout" type="xsd:unsignedLong" use="optional"/>
<xsd:element name="AbstractQuery" type="csw30:AbstractQueryType"
abstract="true" id="AbstractQuery"/>
<xsd:complexType name="AbstractQueryType"
abstract="true" id="AbstractQueryType"/>
<xsd:element name="Query" type="csw30:QueryType"
substitutionGroup="csw30:AbstractQuery" id="Query"/>
<xsd:complexType name="QueryType" id="QueryType">
<xsd:extension base="csw30:AbstractQueryType">
<xsd:element ref="csw30:ElementSetName"/>
<xsd:element name="ElementName" type="xsd:string"
<xsd:element ref="csw30:Constraint" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element ref="fes:SortBy" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="typeNames"
type="csw30:TypeNameListType" use="required"/>
<xsd:simpleType name="TypeNameListType" id="TypeNameListType">
<xsd:list itemType="xsd:QName"/>
<xsd:element name="Constraint"
type="csw30:QueryConstraintType" id="Constraint"/>
<xsd:complexType name="QueryConstraintType" id="QueryConstraintType">
<xsd:element ref="fes:Filter"/>
<xsd:element name="CqlText" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="version" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
<xsd:element name="ElementSetName"
type="csw30:ElementSetNameType" id="ElementSetName"/>
<xsd:complexType name="ElementSetNameType" id="ElementSetNameType">
<xsd:extension base="csw30:ElementSetType">
<xsd:attribute name="typeNames"
type="csw30:TypeNameListType" use="optional"/>
<xsd:simpleType name="RequiredElementSetNamesType"
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="brief"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="summary"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="full"/>
<xsd:simpleType name=“ElementSetType”>
<xsd:union memberTypes=“xsd:string csw30:RequiredElementSetNamesType”/>
7.3.4 Parameter descriptions NAMESPACE parameter
Requirement-063 |
The NAMESPACE parameter shall be used in KVP-encoded requests to bind namespace prefixes to namespace URLs for qualified names specified in other parameters. |
For example, the typeNamesparameter may include qualified names of the form namespace prefix:name.
Requirement-064 |
The value of the NAMESPACE parameter shall be a comma-separated list of lists delimited by parentheses. |
NAMESPACE=(namespace prefix, namespace_url),(namespace_prefix,namespace_url),…
Requirement-065 |
For the value of the NAMESPACE parameter, literal commas shall be used as list-item separators. Commas not being used as list separators shall be encoded as %2C (see OGC 06-121r9, clause 11.5.3). |
Requirement-066 |
For the value of the NAMESPACE parameter, literal parentheses shall be used to enclose sub-lists consisting of pairs of values each binding a namespace prefix to a namespace url. Parentheses not being used to enclose namespace declarations shall be encoded as %28 for an open parenthesis and %29 for a closing parenthesis. |
Requirement-067 |
An empty namespace prefix string shall be used to bind the default namespace and as in XML, only one default namespace may be bound. |
Requirement-068 |
As per OWS common (see OGC 06-121r9, clause 11.5.3), raw commas shall be used to encode list separators. Embedded commas shall be encoded as %2C. |
This parameter is not required for the XML-encoded requests since XML includes another mechanism for binding namespace prefixes. requestId parameter
The requestId parameter may be included to uniquely identify a request message.
Requirement-069 |
Servers that support the GetRecords-Distributed-XML and/or GetRecords-Distributed-KVP conformance class shall implement support for the requestId parameter. |
Requirement-070 |
The value of the requestId parameter shall be a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) generated using the mechanism described in the X.667 standard. |
Requirement-071 |
If the client specifies a value for the requestId parameter in a request, the server shall include that value in its response to the request. |
Requirement-072 |
In the event that a server supports the GetRecords-Async-XML and/or GetRecords-Async-KVP conformance classes and a request is received that includes a ResponseHandler parameter but no requestId parameter, the server shall generate a requestId and include it in the Acknowledgement message (see and in the eventual response. | outputFormat parameter
The outputFormat parameter is used to control the format of the output that is generated in response to a GetRecords request.
Requirement-073 |
The value of the outputFormat parameter shall be a MIME type. The default value, “application/xml”, means that the output shall be an XML document. For SOAP application/soap+xml is mandatory. |
Requirement-074 |
All catalogues that conform to this standard shall support XML as an output format indicated by the value application/xml. |
Other output formats may be supported and may include output formats such as TEXT (MIME type text/plain), JSON (MIME type application/json), HTML (MIME type text/html) or XML without an associated schema (MIME type text/xml). This standard does not provide any description of meaning for output formats other than “application/xml” and “application/soap+xml” in the case SOAP is being used.
Requirement-075 |
The list of output formats that a CSW instance provides shall be advertised in the Capabilities document. |
Requirement-076 |
In the case where the output format is application/xml, the CSW shall generate an XML document that validates against a schema document that is specified in the output document via the xsi:schemaLocation attribute defined in XML. | outputSchema parameter
Requirement-077 |
The outputSchema parameter shall be used to indicate the schema of the output that is generated in response to a GetRecords request. |
Requirement-078 |
Servers that conform to this standard shall support the outputSchema parameter value “http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/3.0. |
Requirement-079 |
The default value for the outputSchema parameter shall be “http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/3.0” indicating that response document shall conform to the schema of the core properties (see 6.6.3). |
Requirement-080 |
The outputFormat value “application/atom+xml” shall be used to indicate that the schema of the response document shall conform to the ATOM schema as described in OGC 10-032r8. |
Implementation of this standard and/or application profiles may define additional values for the outputSchema parameter but this standard does not describe how a service will operate upon such schemas.
It is recommended that any additional values defined for the outputSchema parameter should be the target namespace of the additionally supported output schemas and should include a version number. For example, the value urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:rim:xsd:2.5 might be used to indicate an ebRIM v2.5 output schema, while the value urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:rim:xsd:3.0might be used to indicate an ebRIM v3.0 output schema.
Requirement-081 |
The list of supported outputSchema values shall be advertised in the capabilities document of the service using the Parameter element as outlined in OGC 06-121r3. | startPosition parameter
Requirement-082 |
The optional startPosition parameter shall be used to indicate at which record position the catalogue should start generating output. |
Requirement-083 |
The default value of the startPosition parameter shall be 1. |
The default value of 1 means that the catalogue should starts presenting results at the first record in the result set. maxRecords attribute
Requirement-084 |
The optional maxRecords parameter shall be used to define the maximum number of records that should be presented from the result set of a query. |
Requirement-085 |
The default value for the maxRecords parameter shall be 10. |
Requirement-086 |
If the value of the maxRecords parameter is set to zero, the server shall return a GetRecordsResponse element containing an empty SearchResults element that indicates the estimated size of the result set. | typeNames parameter
Requirement-088 |
The mandatory typeNames parameter shall be used to list one or more names of queryable entities in the catalogue's information model that may be constrained in the predicate of the query. |
In the case of XML realization of the OGC core metadata properties (see 6.6), the element csw:Record is the only queryable entity.
Other information models may include more than one queryable component. For example, queryable components for the XML realization of the ebRIM include rim:Service, rim:ExtrinsicObject and rim:Association.
Requirement-089 |
In such cases the application profile shall describe how multiple typeNames values should be processed. |
In addition, all or some of these queryable entity names may be specified in the query to define which metadata record elements the query should present in the response to the GetRecords operation.
The typeNames parameter is different from the Type core queryable metadata property defined in Subclause 6.6.3. The typeNames parameter is composed of one or more names of queryable entities in the information model of the catalogue. The core queryable Type is used to indicate the type or class of a resource being described by the catalogue. Typically the value of the Type property is taken from some controlled vocabulary. ElementName or ElementSetName parameter
Requirement-090 |
The optional ElementName parameter shall be used to specify one or more metadata record elements, from the output schema specified using the outputSchema parameter, that the query shall present in the response to the GetRecords operation. |
Since Subclause 6.6.3 realizes the core metadata properties using XML schema, the value of the ElementName parameter would be an XPath expression perhaps using qualified names. In the general case, a complete XPath expression may be required to correctly reference an element in the information model of the catalogue.
EXAMPLE 1 Using an XPath expression to reference a property in the information model of a catalogue.
… <csw:Query typeNames="rim:ExtrinsicObject rim:Association">
</csw:Query> …
However, in the case where the typeNames attribute on the Query element contains a single value, the catalogue can infer the first step in the path expression and it can be omitted. This is usually the case when querying the core metadata properties since the only queryable target is csw:Record.
EXAMPLE 2 A query example where the first step of the path expression is inferred.
<csw:Query typeNames="csw:Record">
Requirement-091 |
If the metadata record element names are not from the schema specified using the outputSchema parameter, then the service shall raise an InvalidParameterValue exception as described in Subclause 6.7. |
Requirement-092 |
As mentioned in Subclause7.3.4.3, if the outputFormat parameter is set to application/xml, then the response to the GetRecords operation shall validate against a schema document that is referenced in the response using the xmlns:schemaLocation attribute. |
Requirement-093 |
If the set of metadata record elements that the client specifies in the query is insufficient to generate a valid XML response document, a CSW shall augment the list of elements presented to the client in order to be able to generate a valid XML document. |
Thus a client application should expect to receive more than the requested elements if the output format is set to generate an XML document.
Requirement-095 |
Well known sets of elements may be named, in which case the ElementSetName parameter can be used (e.g., brief, summary or full) to indicate which named set the service shall present to the client. |
In the case where the query includes more than one entity name as the value of the typeNames attribute on the Query element, the typeNames attribute on the ElementSetName element can be used to discriminate which element set or sets should be presented.
Requirement-096 |
The names specified for the typeNames attribute on the ElementSetName element shall be a proper subset of the names specified as the value of the typeNames attribute on the Query element. |
Requirement-097 |
If the typeNames attribute is not included on the ElementSetName element, then the named element sets for all entities specified as the value of the typeNames attribute on the Query element shall be presented. |
Requirement-098 |
If any entity name specified as a value of the typeNames attribute on the ElementSetName element does not match a name specified as a value of the typeNames attribute on the Query element, then the server shall raise an InvalidParameterValue exception as described in Subclause 6.7. |
EXAMPLE 3 The following XML fragment shows how the typeNames attribute on the ElementSet element can be used to indicate which element set should be presented when more than one entity in the information model of the catalogue is being queried. In this case, the query is performing a join between the rim:Service, rim:Classification and rim:Association entities but presenting the Brief element set of the rim:Service entity.
<Query typeNames="rim:Service rim:Classification rim:Association">
<ElementSetName typeNames="rim:Service">brief</ElementSetName>
<!– … –>
The ElementName and ElementSetName parameters are mutually exclusive.
Requirement-099 |
Either an ElementSetName parameter OR one or more ElementName parameters shall be specified in a query. |
The predefined set names of brief, summary and full are meant to represent different level of detail of the source record with brief representing the least amount of detail and full representing all the metadata record elements.
Requirement-100 |
The sets of metadata record element names that correspond to brief, summary and full shall be defined in an Application Profile. |
Requirement-102 |
Servers shall advertise in their capabilities documents, via the ows:Parameter element (see 7.1.5, Table 17), the list of element set names that the server understands. That list shall also include the set names “brief”, “summary” and “full”. | Predicate languages
Each request encoding (XML and KVP) has a specific mechanism for specifying the predicate language that will be used to constrain a query.
In the XML encoding, the element csw:Constraint (see is used to define the query predicate. The root element of the content of the csw:Constraint (see element defines the predicate language that is being used. Two possible root elements are fes:Filter (see OGC 09-026r1) for the OGC XML filter encoding, and csw:CqlText (see for a common query language string. An example predicate specification in the XML encoding is:
or, using the a Filter expression:
In the KVP encoding, the parameter CONSTRAINTLANGUAGE is used to specify the predicate language being used while the ConstraintVersion is used to specify the version number of the predicate language.
The Constraint parameter is used to specify the actual predicate. For example, to specify a CQL predicate, the following parameters would be set in the KVP encoding:
The value of the CONSTRAINT parameter in the KVP encoding may also include an XML encoded Filter expression although some clients may impose length limitations. OGC filter syntax Introduction
The XML implementation of the query language BNF from the general model (see OGC 12-168) may be found in OGC document 09-026r1. The intent of the XML encoding of the OGC common query language is that it be easily parsable using readily available XML parsers and be easily translatable into a target predicate language such as a SQL where clause or an XQuery predicate. Provide functional extensibility
One feature of the OGC common query language and the XML implementation is that the predicate language is functionally extensible. This means that functions may be added to the filter predicate language without having to change the underlying schema. The relevant schema fragment from OGC 09-026r1 is:
<xsd:element name="Function"
<xsd:complexType name="FunctionType">
<xsd:element ref="fes:expression"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
According to the schema fragment, any function may be added to the filter predicate language simply by specifying its name and including zero or more ogc expressions as content of the Function element which represent the arguments of the function. The following example shows how a function may be called using the filter syntax:
<Function name=”MAX”>
In this example, the MAX() function is invoked to find the maximum value of the property DEPTH.
Any function may be called using the filter syntax as long as the function is advertised in the filter capabilities section (see 7.1.3, OGC 09-026r1) of an OGC capabilities document. Precedence
The XML notation does not provide parentheses to indicate operator precedence as specified in the BNF. The Filter Specification uses the nested structure of the XML notation to indicate this relationship.
In this example, a more complex scalar predicate is encoded using the logical operators AND and OR. The example is equivalent to the expression ((FIELD1=10 OR FIELD1=20) AND (STATUS=“VALID”)):
<Filter xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/fes/2.0"
</Filter> Tight and loose queries
The following examples show the implementation of tight and loose queries using the Filter grammar.[2] In both cases the query is directed to a federation of image catalogues that are compliant to an application profile where an optional searchable attribute “cloudcover” is defined as the percentage of the target obscured by clouds.
In Case 1 the investigator wants to get only images he is sure he can use so he requests only images where the cloud cover is less than 5%. This is the normal case for querying known schema.
<fes:Filter xmlns:fes="http://www.opengis.net/fes/2.0">
In Case 2 the investigator is aware that 5% cloud cover is very rare over the target area but he requires only images with less than 5% cloud cover. In this case he wants any images he might be able to use so he requests images which meets his criteria and images where cloud cover in unknown because the catalogue has chosen not to include cloudcover in its searchable attribute set.
<fes:Filter xmlns:fes="http://www.opengis.net/fes/2.0">
</fes:Filter> Property references
The fes:ValueReference element is used in Filter expressions to reference properties from the information model of a catalogue.
Requirement-103 |
If the catalogue's information model is being realized as an XML document with an accompanying XML Schema, then XPath expressions shall be used to reference the various metadata properties. |
This is the case when the core metadata properties that are realized as an XML document, using XML Schema, as described in Subclause 6.6.3.
Requirement-104 |
This implies the XPath expressions shall be used to reference the various core metadata properties in Filter expressions. This is also the case for predicates encoded using CQL text if the predicates reference the XML realization of the core metadata properties. |
EXAMPLE 1 The following examples shows an XPath expression being used in a Filter to reference one of the core queryable properties described in Subclause 6.6.3.
<csw:Query typeNames="csw:Record">
<gml:TimePeriod gml:id="TP1">
<gml:TimeInstant gml:id="TI1">
<gml:TimeInstant gml:id="TI2">
This following is the same expression represented using CQL text but referencing the XML realization of the core metadata properties.
<csw:Query typeNames="csw:Record">
<CqlText>/csw:Record/dct:modified BETWEEN 2006-01-01 AND 2006-05-30</CqlText>
In certain cases, such as when the typeNames attribute on the Query element only contains the name of a single entity, the root path step may be omitted since the catalogue is able to infer what the first step in the path would be.
EXAMPLE 2 This is same example as above but using an inferred initial path step.
<csw:Query typeNames="csw:Record">
<gml:TimePeriod gml:id="TP1">
<gml:TimeInstant gml:id="TI1">
<gml:TimeInstant gml:id="TI2">
The CQL text encoding of the same query would be:
<csw:Query typeNames="csw:Record">
<CqlText>dct:modified BETWEEN 2006-01-01 AND 2006-05-30</CqlText>
Requirement-105 |
All CSW implementations that implement the XML filter encoding syntax as defined in the Filter Encoding Implementation Specification, version 2.0 (see OGC 09-026r1) shall support the minimum XML Path Language (XPath) defined in clause 7.4.4 of OGC 09-026r1. | SortBy parameter
The result set may be sorted by specifying one or more metadata record elements upon which to sort.
Requirement-106 |
In KVP encoding, the SORTBY parameter shall be used to specify the list of sort elements. |
Requirement-107 |
The value for the KVP-encoded SORTBY parameter shall be a comma-separated list of pairs metadata record element names upon which to sort the result set and the letters “A” or “D” indicating the sort order. Literal commas shall be used to delimit list elements. Commas that are not list-element delimiters shall be encoded as %2C. |
Example: The following example specifies a sort on two properties named PROP1 and PROP2. PROP1 is sorted in ascending order. PROP2 is sorted in descending order.
Requirement-108 |
If no sort is specified then the server shall sort the results according to its default sort which shall be declared in the capabilities doc (see Table 20). |
Requirement-109 |
If no sort is specified and if no default sort is specified in the capabilities document then it is assumed that the server will sort responses alphabetically by Title in ascending order. |
Requirement-110 |
For XML encoded requests, the ogc:SortBy element shall be used to specify a list of sort metadata record elements. The attribute sortOrder is used to specify the sort order for each element. Valid values for the sortOrder attribute are ASC indicating an ascending sort and DESC indicating a descending sort. | DistributedSearch parameter
Distributed search is explained in detail in Annex B within the Catalogue general model document.
The DistributedSearch parameter may be used to indicate that the query should be distributed. The default query behavior, if the DistributedSearch parameter is set to FALSE (or is not specified at all), is to execute the query on the local server. In the XML encoding, if the DistributedSearch element is not specified then the query is executed on the local server.
The hopCount parameter controls the distributed query behavior by limiting the maximum number of message hops before the search is terminated. Each catalogue decrements this value by one when the request is received and does not propagate the request if hopCount=0.
The clientId parameter is an Id which uniquely identifies the requestor.
The distributedSearchId is an Id which uniquely identifies a complete client initiated distributed search sequence/session.
The distributedSearchIdTimout defines how long the distributedSearchId should be valid, meaning how long a server involved in distributed search should minimally store information related to the distributedSearchId.
Catalogues may advertise, in its capabilities document, the URL-prefix[3] of the getCapabilities HTTP-GET operation of those catalogues to which a query will be distributed in the case of a distributed search. This is done by using an operation constraint called “FederatedCatalogues” within the capabilities document (see
EXAMPLE The following XML fragment shows how the FederatedCatalogues constraint can be used to list the catalogues on which distributed queries are executed.
<ows:Constraint name="FederatedCatalogues">
For a specific catalogue server these are at a maximum all catalogues to which a query will be distributed if no restriction to specific federated catalogues is defined by the client.
To restrict the number of catalogues of a federation which should be searched upon in a distributed query an optional list of those catalogues can be provided within the federatedCatatalogues parameter. ResponseHandler parameter
The ResponseHandler parameter is a flag that indicates how a GetRecords operation is processed by a CSW.
Requirement-111 |
If the ResponseHandler parameter is not present, then the GetRecords operation shall be processed synchronously meaning that the client sends the GetRecords request to the server and waits to receive a valid response or exception message (see 6.7). |
The problem with this mode of operation is that the client may timeout waiting for the server to process the GetRecords request.
Requirement-112 |
If the ResponseHandler parameter is present, the GetRecords operation shall be processed asynchronously. In this case, the server shall respond immediately to a client's request with an Acknowledgment message (see that indicates that the request has been received and validated. |
The GetRecords request may then be processed taking as much time are required to complete the operation.
Requirement-113 |
When the asynchronous request is completed the server shall send a GetRecordsResponse message or an exception message (see 6.7) to the URI(s) specified as the value of the ResponseHanlder parameter. |
This standard does not define operations or method to check on the intermediate status of an asynchronous request.
Requirement-114 |
The presence of multiple response handlers indicates that the server should sent the GetRecords response to multiple URIs. This is analogous to sending an email to multiple recipients or copying the response to multiple ftp targets. | Acknowledgement message
The following XML Schema fragment defines a generic response acknowledgement message used for asynchronous operations:
<xsd:element name="Acknowledgement" id="Acknowledgement"
<xsd:complexType name="AcknowledgementType" id="AcknowledgementType">
<xsd:element name="EchoedRequest" type="csw30:EchoedRequestType"/>
<xsd:element name="RequestId" type="xsd:anyURI" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="timeStamp" type="xsd:dateTime" use="required"/>
<xsd:complexType name="EchoedRequestType" id="EchoedRequestType">
<xsd:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>
Requirement-115 |
The acknowledgment message shall echo the exact text of the client's request, using the EchoedRequest element, and may include an optionally generated request identifier using the RequestId element. |
The echoed request may be the XML text of the request message for XML-encoded requests or, for KVP-encoded requests, the URL for the request.
The echoed request is used to correlate the acknowledgement message with the originating request.
7.3.5 Response Response handling
A server can respond in one of two ways to a successfully processed GetRecords operation depending on the presence or absence of the ResponseHandler parameter.
Requirement-116 |
If the ResponseHandler parameter is specified for a GetRecords request, the server shall verify the request syntax and immediately respond to the client with an Acknowledgment message (see |
Requirement-117 |
If the ResponseHandler parameter is not present, the server shall process the GetRecords request immediately and respond to the waiting client with a valid GetRecordsResponse message (see, if the operation succeeded, or an exception message (see 6.7) if the operation failed. | Response messages
This clause describes the mandatory responses to a GetRecords request that all compliance servers must support.
Requirement-118 |
In response to a GetRecord request where the value of the outputFormat parameter is “application/xml” (or “application/soap+xml”) and the value of the outputSchema parameter is “http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/3.0” a server shall respond with a csw30:GetRecordsResponse XML document as described in this clause. |
Requirement-119 |
In response to a GetRecords request where the value of the outputFormat parameter is “application/atom+xml” and the value of the outputSchema parameter is not set, a server shall respond with an XML document that conforms to the ATOM schema as described in OGC 10-032r8. |
A CSW service may support other combinations of values for the outputFormat and outputSchema parameters but the meaning of such combinations is not described in this standard. XML encoding
The following XML-schema fragment defines the schema of the response to a GetRecords operation where the value of the outputFormat parameter is set to “application/xml” and the value of the outputSchema parameter is set to “http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/3.0”.
<xsd:element name="GetRecordsResponse" id="GetRecordsResponse"
<xsd:complexType name="GetRecordsResponseType">
<xsd:element name="RequestId" type="xsd:anyURI" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="SearchStatus" type="csw30:RequestStatusType"/>
<xsd:element name="SearchResults" type="csw30:SearchResultsType"/>
<xsd:attribute name="version" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:complexType name="RequestStatusType" id="RequestStatusType">
<xsd:attribute name="timestamp" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional"/>
<xsd:simpleType name="ResultsStatusType" id="ResultsStatusType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="subset"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="complete"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="processing"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="none"/>
<xsd:complexType name="SearchResultsType" id="SearchResultsType">
<xsd:element ref="csw30:AbstractRecord"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="strict"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="csw30:FederatedSearchResultBase"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attribute name="resultSetId" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="elementSet"
type="csw30:ElementSetType" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="recordSchema" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="numberOfRecordsMatched"
type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="numberOfRecordsReturned"
type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="nextRecord"
type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="expires" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="elapsedTime" type="xsd:unsignedLong"
<xsd:attribute name="status" type="csw30:ResultsStatusType"
use="optional" default="subset"/>
<xsd:element name="FederatedSearchResultBase"
abstract="true" id="FederatedSearchResultBase"/>
<xsd:complexType name="FederatedSearchResultBaseType"
abstract="true" id="FederatedSearchResultBaseType">
<xsd:attribute name="catalogueURL" type="xsd:anyURI" use="required"/>
<xsd:element name="FederatedSearchResult"
<xsd:complexType name="FederatedSearchResultType"
<xsd:extension base="csw30:FederatedSearchResultBaseType">
<xsd:element name="searchResult"
<xsd:element name="FederatedException"
<xsd:complexType name="FederatedExceptionType" id="FederatedExceptionType">
<xsd:extension base="csw30:FederatedSearchResultBaseType">
<xsd:element ref="ows:ExceptionReport" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Three levels of detail may be contained within a csw:GetRecordsResponse element.
First, the RequestId element may be used to correlate the response to a GetRecords request for which a value was defined for the requestId attribute.
Requirement-120 |
The SearchStatus element shall be present and indicates the status of the response. |
The search status consists of a timestamp attribute indicating when the result set was created.
Requirement-121 |
The content of the SearchResults element shall be the set of records returned by the GetRecords operation. |
Table 23 describes the attributes that can appear on the SearchResults element.
Parameters |
Description |
resultSetId |
A server-generated identifier for the result set. May be used in subsequent GetRecords operations to further refine the result set. If the server does not implement this capability then the attribute should be omitted. |
elementSet |
The element set returned (e.g. brief, summary or full). |
recordSchema |
A reference to the type or schema of the records returned. |
rumberOfRecordsMatched |
Number of records found by the GetRecords operation. |
numberOfRecordsReturned |
Number of records actually returned to client. This may not be the entire result set since some servers may limit the number of records returned to limit the size of the response package transmitted to the client. Subsequent queries may be executed to see more of the result set. The nextRecord attribute will indicate to the client where to begin the next query. |
nextRecord |
Start position of next record. A value of 0 means all records have been returned. |
expires |
An ISO 8601 format date indicating when the result set will expire. If this value is not specified then the result set expires immediately. |
elapsedTime |
runtime information (msec) of the search within the federated catalogue |
federatedSearchResult |
The results of every catalogue involved in a distributed search result are grouped within the federatedSearchResult element (which is of type FederatedSearchResultType) of the searchResults. Every federatedSearchResult element includes the catalogueURL (the URL-prefix[4] of the getCapabilities HTTP-GET operation of the catalogue). This URL is also required for a subsequent getRecordByID request to be sent by the client. Further the federatedSearchResult element again includes an element of the type SearchResultsType so that trees of results can be described. If a federated catalogue has thrown an exception an entry of type FederatedExceptionType is included instead of type FederatedSearchResultType. FederatedExceptionType includes the URL- prefix of the getCapabilities HTTP-GET operation of the catalogue (catalogueURL) as well as one or more elements of type ows:ExceptionReport. |
7.3.6 ATOM response
Requirement-122 |
When the value of the outputFormat parameter is set to “application/atom+xml” and the value of the outputScherma parameter is not set, a CSW shall generate an XML document conforming to the ATOM schema as described in OGC document 10-032r8. |
Because of limitations in how operations can be described using WSDL, the WSDL files that accompany this standard (see 7.9) show the csw:GetRecordsResponse element as the only valid response to a GetRecords (see 7.3) request. Implementers wishing to use the accompanying WSDL files should be aware of this limitation.
A CSW service may also support other values for the outputFormat parameter, with respect to ATOM, but this standard does not describe their meaning. An example of such a value might be “text/html” which could mean that the server should generate an HTML representation of an ATOM feed or “application/json” which could mean that the server should generate a JSON representation of an ATOM feed.
7.3.7 Examples
KVP encoded example
&constraint=“csw:AnyText Like ‘%pollution%’”
XML encoded request
<Query typeNames="Record">
<Constraint version="1.1.0">
<fes:PropertyIsLike wildCard="%" singleChar="_" escapeChar="\">
Distributed Search example request:
<GetRecords service="CSW" version="3.0.0"
maxRecords="5" startPosition="1"
<DistributedSearch distributedSearchId="123"
clientId="Client" hopCount="3">
<federatedCatalogues catalogueURL="http://www.conterra.de/csw?
" timeout="30000"/>
<Query typeNames="Record">
<ElementSetName typeNames="csw:Record">full</ElementSetName>
<Constraint version="1.1.0">
<fes:PropertyIsLike escapeChar="\" singleChar="?" wildCard="*">
<gml:lowerCorner>14.05 46.46</gml:lowerCorner>
<gml:upperCorner>17.24 48.42</gml:upperCorner>
<gml:lowerCorner>14.05 46.46</gml:lowerCorner>
<gml:upperCorner>17.24 48.42</gml:upperCorner>
<gml:TimePeriod gml:id="TP1">
<gml:TimeInstant gml:id="TI1">
<gml:TimeInstant gml:id="TI2">
Distributed Search example response (no items in resultset):
<SearchStatus timestamp="2006-12-17T09:30:47-05:00"/>
<FederatedSearchResult catalogueURL="http://www.esa.int/csw?">
<ows:ExceptionReport version="3.0.0">
<ows:Exception exceptionCode="someCode">
7.4 GetRecordById operation
7.4.1 Introduction
The mandatory GetRecordById request retrieves the default representation of catalogue records using its identifier. The GetRecordById operation is an implementation of the GetResourceByIdoperation from the general model and of the GetResourceById operation from OGC 06-121r9, defined in Subclause 9.3. This operation presumes that a previous query has been performed in order to obtain the identifiers that may be used with this operation. For example, records returned by a GetRecords operation may contain references to other records in the catalogue that may be retrieved using the GetRecordById operation. This operation is also a subset of the GetRecords operation, and is included as a convenient short form for retrieving and linking to records in a catalogue.
The definition of a distributed search capability for this operation is not required as a previous getRecords response returns sufficient information to access directly the responsible catalogue server.
7.4.2 KVP encoding
Table 24 specifies the keyword value pair encoding for the GetRecordById operation request.
To reduce the need for readers to refer to other parts of this document, the first three parameters listed below are copied from Table 7.
Keyword b |
Data type and value |
Optionality and use |
Parameter in general model |
Character String Fixed value of “GetRecordById”, case insensitive. |
One (Mandatory) a |
(none) |
Service |
Character String Default value of “CSW” |
One (Mandatory) |
serviceId |
version |
Character String Default value of 3.0.0 |
One (Mandatory) |
(none) |
ElementSetName |
CodeList with allowed values: “brief”, “summary” or “full” |
Zero or one (Optional) Default value is “summary” |
responseElements |
outputFormat |
Character String Value is a MIME type The only values that are required to be supported are application/xml (and “application/soap+xml” for SOAP). Other supported values, that may include text/html and text/plain, must be advertised in the capabilities document. |
Zero or one (Optional)
Default value is application/xml |
returnFormat |
outputSchema |
URI Reference to the preferred schema of the response |
Zero or one (Optional) Default value depends on schema of catalogue's information model |
responseSchema |
Id |
anyURI |
One (Mandatory) |
7.4.3 XML encoding
The following XML-Schema fragment defines the XML encoding for the GetRecordById operation request:
<xsd:element name="GetRecordById"
type="csw30:GetRecordByIdType" id="GetRecordById"/>
<xsd:complexType name="GetRecordByIdType" id="GetRecordByIdType">
<xsd:extension base="csw30:RequestBaseType">
<xsd:element name="Id" type="xsd:anyURI"/>
<xsd:element ref="csw30:ElementSetName" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="outputFormat" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" default="application/xml"/>
<xsd:attribute name="outputSchema" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional"/>
7.4.4 Parameter descriptions ElementSetName parameter
The ElementSetName parameter is used to specify a named, predefined set of metadata record elements from each source record that should be presented in the response to the operation. The predefined set names of brief, summary and full are meant to represent different level of detail of the source record with brief representing the least amount of detail and full representing all the metadata record elements.
Requirement-123 |
The sets of metadata record element names that correspond to brief, summary and full shall be defined in an Application Profile. |
Requirement-124 |
If the ElementSetName parameter is not set in a request the service shall respond with one summary record. |
Requirement-125 |
Other set names may also be used but these shall be listed in the server’s capabilities document using the Parameter element. | Id parameter
Requirement-126 |
The value of the Id parameter shall be the identifier of a record that the CSW is to present to the client. |
In the XML encoding, one Id element may be used to specify the record identifier to retrieve.
Requirement-127 |
If the identifier specified in the operation is invalid (not matching, not found), then the operation shall fail and an InvalidParameterValue exception message should be returned as described in Subclause 6.7. |
The GetRecordById operation returns a bare response (see Requirement-139) and as such does not return a response container such as the GetRecordsResponse (see 7.3.5) of the GetRecords operation (see 7.3). As a result, and as stated in Requirement-127, an invalid identifier results in an exception message. The value of the identifier parameter for the GetRecordById operation is considered invalid if it is empty, badly formed as validated by the server or does not match any records. outputFormat parameter
The outputFormat parameter is used to control the format of the output that is generated in response to a GetRecordById request.
Requirement-128 |
The value of the outputFormat parameter shall be a MIME type. |
Requirement-129 |
The default value for the outputFormat parameters shall be “application/xml” (or “application/soap+xml” for SOAP) indicating the output shall be an XML document. |
Other output formats may be supported and may include output formats such as TEXT (MIME type text/plain), or HTML (MIME type text/html).
Requirement-130 |
The list of output formats that a CSW instance provides shall be advertised in the capabilities document. |
Requirement-131 |
In the case where the output format is “application/xml”, the CSW shall generate an XML document that validates against a schema document that is specified in the output document via the xsi:schemaLocation attribute defined in XML. | outputSchema parameter
The outputSchema parameter is included in the GetRecordById operation to allow clients to request a representation of a catalogue record other than the default representation.
By default, the GetRecordById operation generates a response that validates against the schema of the information model that the catalogue implements. This is the default representation of a catalogue record.
Requirement-132 |
The outputSchema parameter shall be used to indicate the schema of the output that is generated in response to a GetRecordById request. |
Requirement-133 |
Servers that conform to this standard shall support the outputSchema parameters value “http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/3.0”. |
Requirement-133a |
Servers that conform to this standard shall support the outputFormat parameter values “application/xml” and “application/atom+xml”. |
Requirement-134 |
The default value for the outputSchema parameter shall be “http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/3.0” indicating that response document shall conform to the schema of the core properties (see 6.6.3). |
Requirement-135 |
The outputFormat value “application/atom+xml” shall be used to indicate that the schema of the response document shall conform to the ATOM XML schema. |
Requirement-136 |
The list of valid values for the outputSchema parameter for the GetRecordById operations shall be advertised in the server’s capabilities document using the Parameter element within the Operation element. |
Requirement-137 |
The list of valid values for the outputSchema parameter advertised in the capabilities document shall include the value “http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/3.0”, representing the schema of the common queryable and returnable elements that all CSW implementation must support. |
Requirement-138 |
The default value of the outputSchema parameter – which is also the default representation of a catalogue record -- shall be the first value listed in the server’s capabilities document as the list of valid values for the outputSchema parameter for the GetRecordById operation. |
EXAMPLE 1 The following XML fragment lists the possible values for the outputSchema parameter for a catalogue that only support the OGC common schema:
<Operation name="GetRecordById>
<Parameter name="outputSchema">
EXAMPLE 2 The following XML fragment lists the possible values for the outputSchema parameter for a catalogue that uses ebRIM v3.0 as its underlying information model:
<Operation name="GetRecordById>
<Parameter name="outputSchema">
7.4.5 Response
Requirement-139 |
The response to a GetRecordById request shall be a bare record from one of the information models supported by the server. A bare record is one without a containing element such as that defined for the response to a GetRecords request (see 6.7). The schema and format of the response is determined by the values of the outputFormat (see and outputSchema (see parameters. Brief- and summary-representations must be (XML-schema) valid subsets of the full bare record. |
Requirement-140 |
If the value of the outputFormat parameter is set to “application/atom+xml” and the value of the outputScherma parameter is not set a CSW shall only generate an ATOM “entry” XML element response. |
Requirement-141 |
If no matching record is found for the Id provided within a GetRecordById request an Exception shall be returned and the HTTP status code set to 400. |
7.4.6 Examples
KVP encoded request:
XML encoded request:
Another example request:
Without the declaration of an Element Set or Output Schema, the server will respond with a default encoding of the result as summary record.
XML encoded response:
<dc:title>Image2000 Product 1 (at1) Multispectral</dc:title>
<dct:modified>2004-10-04 00:00:00</dct:modified>
<dct:abstract>IMAGE2000 product 1 individual orthorectified scenes.
IMAGE2000 was produced from ETM+ Landsat 7 satellite data and
provides a consistent European coverage of individual
orthorectified scenes in national map projection
7.5 Record locking
This standard does not define a locking interface, instead relying on the underlying repository to mediate concurrent access to catalogue records. A profile of this standard may define a locking interface if the implementation community demands this functionality.
7.6 Transaction operation
7.6.1 Introduction
The optional Transaction operation defines an interface for creating, modifying and deleting catalogue records.
Requirement-142 |
The specific information model(s) that can be operated upon by the Transaction operation shall be declared in the capabilities document of a server using the TransactionSchema constraint (see Table 19). |
7.6.2 KVP encoding
There is no KVP encoding for transaction operation request, because there is no convenient way to encode the transaction payloads using keyword-value pairs. In addition, the actual text of a transaction message may be very long, again making it inconvenient to use KVP encoding.
7.6.3 XML encoding Overview
The following XML schema fragment defines the XML encoding of the Transaction operation request:
<xsd:element name="Transaction" type="csw30:TransactionType" id="Transaction"/>
<xsd:complexType name="TransactionType" id="TransactionType">
<xsd:extension base="csw30:RequestBaseType">
<xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="Insert" type="csw30:InsertType"/>
<xsd:element name="Update" type="csw30:UpdateType"/>
<xsd:element name="Delete" type="csw30:DeleteType"/>
<xsd:attribute name="verboseResponse" type="xsd:boolean"
use="optional" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="requestId" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional"/>
The Transaction element defines an atomic unit of work and is a container for one or more insert, update and/or delete actions.
The requestId attribute may be used by a client application to associate a user-defined identifier with the operation.
The verboseResponseattribute is a boolean that may be used by a client to indicate to a server the amount of detail to generate in the response. A value of FALSE means that a CSW should generate a terse or brief transaction response. A value of TRUE, or the absence of the attribute, means that the normal detailed transaction response should be generated. The schema of transaction response is defined in Subclause 7.6.4. Insert action
The following XML-Schema fragment defines an insert action:
<xsd:complexType name="InsertType" id="InsertType">
<xsd:any namespace="##other"
processContents="strict" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attribute name="typeName" type="xsd:QName" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="handle" type="xsd:ID" use="optional"/>
The Insert element is a container for one or more records that are to be inserted into the catalogue.
Requirement-143 |
The schema of the record(s) to be inserted shall conform to one of the schemas for an information model that the catalogue supports as advertised using the TransactionSchema constraint on the Transaction operations (see Table 19). |
The handle attribute is an additional parameter not defined in the general model. It is used in the XML encoding to associate a mnemonic name with each action contained in a Transaction element for the purpose of error handling. If a CSW encounters an error processing a transaction request and the handle attribute is defined, the CSW can localize the source of the problem for the client by specifying the handle in the exception response as described in Subclause 6.7. Update action
The following XML Schema fragment defines an update action:
<xsd:complexType name="UpdateType" id="UpdateType">
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="strict"/>
<xsd:element ref="csw30:RecordProperty" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element ref="csw30:Constraint"/>
<xsd:attribute name="typeName" type="xsd:QName" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="handle" type="xsd:ID" use="optional"/>
<xsd:element name="RecordProperty" type="csw30:RecordPropertyType"/>
<xsd:complexType name="RecordPropertyType">
<xsd:element name="Name" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="Value" type="xsd:anyType" minOccurs="0">
The Update element may be used to replace an entire record in the catalogue with a new instance of that record or it may be used to update specific values in a catalogue record.
Requirement-144 |
If an entire record is being replaced, an instance of that record shall appear as the content of the Update element. The schema of the new record instance shall validate against one of the schemas listed as the value of the TransactionSchema constraint (see Table 19) in the server’s capabilities document. |
Requirement-145 |
If specific record properties are being updated then a sequence of RecordProperty elements shall appear as the content of the Update element. |
The RecordProperty element contains a Name element and a Value element. The Name element is used to reference a value to be updated by name. For XML-encoded records, the value of the Name element may be an XPath expressions (see W3C XML Path Language) identifying a specific value in the record to be changed. The Value element contains the replacement value that will be used to update the record in the catalogue.
The set of records affected or scope of an Update action is determined by the contents of the csw:Constraint element. The csw:Constraint element is defined in Subclause
Requirement-146 |
In order to prevent all records in a catalogue from inadvertently being updated, the csw:Constraint (see element shall be specified. |
The optional typeNames attribute may be used to specify the collection name from which records will be updated.
The handleattribute is described in subclause Delete action
The following XML Schema fragment defines a delete action:
<xsd:complexType name="DeleteType" id="DeleteType">
<xsd:element ref="csw30:Constraint"/>
<xsd:attribute name="typeName" type="xsd:QName" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="handle" type="xsd:ID" use="optional"/>
The Delete element contains a csw:Constraint element (see that identifies a set of records that are to be deleted from the catalogue.
Requirement-147 |
The csw:Constraint (see element shall be specified in order to prevent every record in the catalogue from inadvertently being deleted. |
The typeNames attribute is used to specify the collection name from which records will be deleted.
The handleattribute is described in subclause
7.6.4 Response
The following XML Schema fragment defines the response to a Transaction request:
<xsd:element name="TransactionResponse"
type="csw30:TransactionResponseType" id="TransactionResponse"/>
<xsd:complexType name="TransactionResponseType">
<xsd:element name="TransactionSummary"
<xsd:element name="InsertResult" type="csw30:InsertResultType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attribute name="version" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:complexType name="TransactionSummaryType" id="TransactionSummaryType">
<xsd:element name="totalInserted"
type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="totalUpdated"
type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="totalDeleted"
type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="requestId" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional"/>
<xsd:complexType name="InsertResultType" id="InsertResultType">
<xsd:element ref="csw30:BriefRecord" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attribute name="handleRef" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional"/>
Requirement-148 |
The response to a Transaction operation shall include a summary of the transaction by indicating the number records created, updated or deleted by the transaction. |
Requirement-149 |
The response to a Transaction operation shall include the identifiers of any new records created by the transaction. |
Requirement-150 |
The InsertResult element may appear zero or more times in the transaction response and shall report a brief representation of each new record, including the record identifier, created in the catalogue. |
Requirement-151 |
The records shall be reported in the same order in which the Insert elements appear in a transaction request and shall map 1-to-1. |
Optionally, the handle attribute may be used to correlate a particular Insert element in the Transaction request with an InsertResult element found in the transaction response.
7.7 Harvest operation
7.7.1 Introduction
The general model defines two operations in the Manager class that may be used to create or update records in the catalogue. They are the transaction operation and the harvestResources operation. The transaction operation may be used to “push” data into the catalogue and is defined in Subclause 7.6. This subclause defines the optional Harvest operation, which is an operation that “pulls” data into the catalogue. That is, this operation only references the data to be inserted or updated in the catalogue, and it is the job of the catalogue service to resolve the reference, fetch that data, and process it into the catalogue.
The Harvest operation had two modes of operation, controlled by a flag in the request. The first mode of operation is a synchronous mode in which the CSW receives a Harvest request from the client, processes it immediately, and sends the results to the client while the client waits. The second mode of operation is asynchronous in that the server receives a Harvest request from the client, and sends the client an immediate acknowledgement that the request has been successfully received. The server can then process the Harvest request whenever it likes, taking as much time as is required and then send the results of the processing to a URI specified in the original Harvest request. This latter mode of operation is included to support Harvest requests that could run for a period of time longer than most HTTP timeout’s will allow.
Processing a Harvest request means that the CSW resolves the URI pointing to the metadata resource, parses the resource, and then creates or modifies metadata records in the catalogue in order to register the resource. This operation may be performed only once or periodically depending on how the client invokes the operation.
7.7.2 KVP encoding
Table 25 specifies the keyword-value pair encoding for the Harvest operation request.
To reduce the need for readers to refer to other parts of this document, the first three parameters listed below are copied from Table 7.
Keyword c |
Data type and value |
Optionality and use |
Parameter in general model |
Character String Fixed value of Harvest, case insensitive |
One (Mandatory) a |
(none) |
service |
Character String Default value of “CSW” |
One (Mandatory) |
serviceId |
version |
Character String Default value of 3.0.0 |
One (Mandatory) |
(none) |
List of Character String, comma separated Used to specify a namespace and its prefix Format is xmlns([prefix=]url). If the prefix is not specified then this is the default namespace. |
Zero or one (Optional) b If qualified names are used in a request all prefixes must be declared by a namespace specification. Only if no qualified name is used the NAMESPACE parameter can be omitted. In this case all elements are in the default namespace. |
(none) |
Source |
URI Reference to the source from which the resource is to be harvested |
One (Mandatory) |
Source |
ResourceType |
Character String Reference to the type of resource being harvested, see Subclause7.7.4.2 |
One (Mandatory) |
Type |
ResourceFormat |
Character String MIME type indicating format of the resource being harvested |
Zero or one (Optional) Default value is application/xml |
resourceFormat |
ResponseHandler |
URL A reference to a person or entity that the CSW should respond to when it has completed processing a Harvest request asynchronously |
Zero or one (Optional) If not included, process request synchronously |
responseHandler |
HarvestInterval |
Period Must conform to ISO8601 Period syntax. |
Zero or one (Optional) If not specified, then harvest only once in response to the request. |
harvestInterval |
7.7.3 XML encoding
The following XML-Schema fragment defines the XML encoding for a Harvest operation request:
<xsd:element name="Harvest" type="csw30:HarvestType" id="Harvest"/>
<xsd:complexType name="HarvestType">
<xsd:extension base="csw30:RequestBaseType">
<xsd:element name="Source" type="xsd:anyURI"/>
<xsd:element name="ResourceType" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="ResourceFormat" type="xsd:string"
default="application/xml" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="HarvestInterval" type="xsd:duration"
<xsd:element name="ResponseHandler" type="xsd:anyURI"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
7.7.4 Parameter descriptions Source parameter
The Source parameter is used to specify a URI reference to the metadata resource to be harvested. ResourceType parameter
The ResourceType parameter references a document that defines the structure of the resource being harvested. For high interoperability, this resource should be an XML document, and the ResourceType parameter string value should be a URI that references the structure of that XML document (i.e., its XML Schema namespace identifier URI). If a server can harvest resources in the schema of an information model it supports, the ResourceType URI should be the same as the outputSchema parameter URI defined for the GetRecords operation.
Table 26 defines a set of URIs that may be used to identify well know metadata formats. CSW implementations and CSW application profiles may support other values of the ResourceType parameter for harvesting additional artifact types. If creating new ResourceType URNs is needed, the format of the values may be urn:ogc:def:resourceType:CSW:token, where token is a placeholder for a value that denotes the specific resource type.
Description |
WMS capability document, all current versions |
WFS capability document, all current versions |
WCS capability document, all current versions |
CSW capability document, all current versions |
WMTS capability document, all current versions |
Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM), Vers. 2 (FGDC-STD-001-1998) |
Australian Spatial Data Infrastructure Standard |
ISO19139 document |
Requirement-152 |
A compliant server shall, in its Capabilities document, advertise the resource type URIs it recognizes using the Parameter element within the Operation element. |
EXAMPLE The following XML fragment illustrates how a catalogue server could advertise which resource types it can harvest:
<ows:Operation name="Harvest">
<ows:Parameter name="ResourceType">
</ows:Operation> ResourceFormat parameter
The ResourceFormat parameter is used to indicate the encoding used for the resource being harvested. This parameter is included to support the harvesting of metadata resources available in various formats such as plain text, XML or HTML.
Requirement-153 |
The value of the ResourceFormat parameter shall be a MIME type. |
Requirement-154 |
If the ResourceFormat parameter is not specified for the Harvest request then the default value of application/xml shall be assumed. | ResponseHandler parameter
The ResponseHandler parameter is a flag that indicates how the Harvest operation is processed by a CSW.
Requirement-155 |
If the parameter is not present, then the Harvest operation shall be processed synchronously meaning that the client sends the Harvest request to a CSW and then waits to receive a HarvestResponse or exception message (see 6.7). |
The problem with this mode of operation is that the client may timeout waiting for the server to process the Harvest request.
Requirement-156 |
If the parameter is present, the Harvest operation shall be processed asynchronously. In this case, the server shall respond immediately to the client’s request with an Acknowledgement message (see that indicates that the request has been received and validated |
The Harvest request may then be processed at some later time taking as much time as is required to complete the operation.
Requirement-157 |
When the asynchronous request is completed the server shall send a HarvestResponse message or an exception message (see 6.7) to the URI(s) specified as the value of the ResponseHandler parameter. |
This standard does not define any operations or method to check on the intermediate processing status of an asynchronous request.
Requirement-158 |
The presence of multiple response handlers indicates that the server shall send the response to the Harvest operation to multiple URI(s). This is analogous to sending an email message to multiple recipients or copying the response to multiple ftp servers. | HarvestInterval Parameter
Requirement-175 |
The HarvestInterval parameter shall be used to specify the period of time, in ISO 8601 period format, that should elapse before a CSW attempts to re-harvest the specified resource thus refreshing it copy of a resource. |
Requirement-176 |
If no HarvestInterval parameter is specified then the resource shall be harvested only once in response to the Harvest request. |
7.7.5 Harvest with attachments Introduction
In some cases the resource to be harvested cannot be referenced by a URI and may, optionally, be included with the Harvest request. In such cases the resource may be attached to the Harvest request using a multipart message.
Requirement-159 |
The ability to handle attachments on the Harvest operation is optional and servers that support it shall declare this in their capabilities document using the HarvestHandlesAttachements constraint. | Multipart attachments
Requirement-160 |
When attaching items to a Harvest request, the multipart/related content type (see IETF RFC 2387) shall be used. |
Multipart media types such as this one are intended for compound messages that consist of several interrelated parts; such entities comprise a ‘root’ part plus any number of other parts.
Requirement-161 |
The first part of a multipart MIME attachment shall be the XML-encoded Harvest request. Subsequent parts shall contain the documents referenced by the Harvest operation. |
A repository item is included in a message part, with the Content-Type and Content-ID headers of that part set as shown in the following example:
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=j9a8fd4r; type="application/xml:
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-ID: <id0001>
<?xml version=“1.0”?>
<csw:Harvest …>
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-ID: <id0002>
<?xml version=“1.0”?>
Requirement-162 |
In multipart attachments, the Content-ID header field shall be used to uniquely identify MIME entities in the message part. The csw:Source element shall contain the value which shall be a URL conforming to the ‘cid’ scheme. The URL value shall refer to a specific body part of a message as described in RFC 2392. | Attachment persistence
Requirement-163 |
Servers that support the Harvest operation with attachments shall arrange to store the attached resource in some persistent manner and shall make the attached resource accessible via the dcmes:relation element in a csw:Record response. |
Requirement-164 |
The value of the dcmes:relation element shall be a URL that, when resolved, retrieves the attachment from the servers repository. |
<dc:title>Image2000 Product 1 (at1) Multispectral</dc:title>
<dct:modified>2004-10-04 00:00:00</dct:modified>
<dct:abstract>IMAGE2000 product 1 individual orthorectified scenes.
IMAGE2000 was produced from ETM+ Landsat 7 satellite data and provides
a consistent European coverage of individual orthorectified scenes in
national map projection systems.</dct:abstract>
<dc:creator>Vanda Lima</dc:creator>
<ows:LowerCorner>14.05 46.46</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>17.24 48.42</ows:UpperCorner>
7.7.6 Response
The following XML-Schema fragment defines the HarvestResponse message:
<xsd:element name="HarvestResponse"
type="csw30:HarvestResponseType" id="HarvestResponse"/>
<xsd:complexType name="HarvestResponseType" id="HarvestResponseType">
<xsd:element ref="csw30:Acknowledgement"/>
<xsd:element ref="csw30:TransactionResponse"/>
A server can respond in one of two ways to a successfully processed Harvest operation depending on the presence or absence of the ResponseHandler parameter.
Requirement-165 |
If the ResponseHandler parameter is specified for a Harvest request, the server shall verify the request syntax and immediately respond to the client with an Acknowledgment message (see |
Requirement-166 |
If the ResponseHandler parameter is not present, the CSW server shall process the Harvest request immediately and respond to the waiting client with a valid HarvestResponse message, if the operation succeeded, or an exception message (see 6.7) if the operation failed. |
If the Harvest attempt is successful, the response may include summary representations of the newly created or modified catalogue object(s). This response is the same as the TransactionResponse (see 7.6.4).
7.7.7 Examples
KVP encoded example:
XML encoded example:
<ResponseHandler> ftp://ftp.myserver.com/HarvestResponses</ResponseHandler>
7.8 UnHarvest operation
7.8.1 Introduction
This subclause defines the optional UnHarvest operation which deletes resources from the catalogue that had been previously added using the Harvest operation (see 7.7). The UnHarvest operation is an extension of the general model (see OGC 12-168r4) introduced by this standard. The following figure defines the UML for this operation.
The UnHarvest operation had two modes of operation, controlled by a flag in the request. The first mode of operation is a synchronous mode in which the CSW receives an UnHarvest request from the client, processes it immediately, and sends the response to the client. The second mode of operation is asynchronous in that the server receives an UnHarvest request from the client, and sends the client an immediate acknowledgement that the request has been successfully received. The server then processes the UnHarvest request, taking as much time as is required, and when completed sends the results of the processing to the URI specified in the UnHarvest request. This latter mode of operation is included to support UnHarvest requests that may run for a period of time longer than most HTTP timeout’s will allow.
7.8.2 KVP encoding
Table 27 specifies the keyword-value pair encoding for the UnHarvest operation.
To reduce the need for readers to refer to other parts of this document, the first three parameters listed below are copied from Table 7.
Keyword b | Data type and value | Optionality and use | Parameter in general model |
Character String Fixed
value of UnHarvest, |
One (Mandatory) a |
(none) |
service |
Character String Default value of “CSW” |
One (Mandatory) |
serviceId |
version |
Character String Default value of 3.0.0 |
One (Mandatory) |
(none) |
Source |
URI Reference to the source from which the resource is to be harvested |
One (Mandatory) |
Source |
ResourceType |
Character String Reference to the type of resource being harvested, see Subclause7.7.4.2 |
One (Mandatory) |
Type |
ResponseHandler |
URL A reference to a person or entity that the CSW should respond to when it has completed processing Harvest request asynchronously |
Zero or one (Optional) If not included, process request synchronously |
responseHandler |
a The REQUEST parameter contains the same information as the name of the <UnHarvest> element in XML encoding. b Parameter keywords are case insensitive for KVP encoding. Parameters values are case sensitive.. |
7.8.3 XML encoding
The following XML-Schema fragment defines the XML encoding for a UnHarvest operation request:
<xsd:element name="UnHarvest" type="csw30:UnHarvestType" id="UnHarvest"/>
<xsd:complexType name="UnHarvestType">
<xsd:extension base="csw30:RequestBaseType">
<xsd:element ref="csw30:Source" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="ResponseHandler" type="xsd:anyURI"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name=“Source” type="csw30:SourceType" id=“SourceType”/>
<xsd:complexType name=“SourceType”>
<xsd:extension base="xsd:anyURI">
<xsd:attribute name=“resourceType”
type=“xsd:anyURI” use=“required”/>
7.8.4 Parameter descriptions Source parameter
The Source parameter is used to specify the URI reference of a metadata resource that was previously harvested using the Harvest operation (see 7.7).
Requirement-167 |
If the specified resource URI has not been previously harvested then the server shall raise an InvalidParameterValue exception (see Table 12). | ResourceType parameter
The ResourceType parameter is described in clause ResponseHandler parameter
The ResponseHandler parameter is a flag that indicates how the UnHarvest operation should be processed by a CSW server.
Requirement-168 |
If the ResponseHandler parameter is not present, then the UnHarvest operation shall be processed synchronously meaning that the client sends the UnHarvest request to a CSW and then waits to receive a valid UnHarvestResponse or an exception message (see 6.7). |
The problem with this mode of operation is that the client may timeout waiting for the server to process the UnHarvest request.
Requirement-169 |
If the ResponseHandler parameter is present, the UnHarvest operation shall be processed asynchronously. In this case, the server shall respond immediately to a client’s request with an Acknowledgement message (see that indicates that the request has been received and validated. |
The UnHarvest request may then be processed using as much time as is required to complete the operation.
Requirement-170 |
When the asynchronous request has been completed the server shall send an UnHarvestResponse message or an exception message (see 6.7) to the URI(s) specified as the value of the ResponseHandler parameter. |
This standard does not define any operations or methods to check on the intermediate processing status of an asynchronous request.
Requirement-171 |
The presence of multiple response handlers indicates that the server shall send the response to UnHarvest operations to multiple URI(s). This analogous to sending an email message to multiple recipients or copying the response to multiple ftp servers. |
7.8.5 Response
The following XML-Schema fragment defines the UnHarvestResponse message:
<xsd:element name="UnHarvestResponse"
type="csw30:UnHarvestResponseType" id="UnHarvestResponse">
<xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
The response to an UnHarvest request is simply a list of
csw30:Source elements echoing what has been unharvested.
<xsd:complexType name="UnHarvestResponseType" id="UnHarvestResponseType">
<xsd:element ref="csw30:Source" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
The response to an UnHarvest request since echoes the source URI of the un-harvested resource indicating that the operation completed successfully.
A server can respond in one of two ways to an UnHarvest request depending on the presence or absence of the ResponseHandler parameter.
Requirement-172 |
If the ResponseHandler parameter is present, then the CSW server shall verify the request syntax and immediately respond to the client with an Acknowledgment message (see |
Requirement-173 |
If the ResponseHandler parameter is not present, the CSW server shall process the UnHarvest request immediately and respond to the waiting client with a valid UnHarvestResponse message, if the operation succeeded, or an exception message (see 6.7) if the operation failed. |
7.8.6 Examples
KVP encoded example:
XML encoded example:
<Source resourceType="http://www.fgdc.gov/metadata/csdgm">
<ResponseHandler> ftp://ftp.myserver.com/HarvestResponses</ResponseHandler>
7.9 XML Schemas
The CSW abilities specified in this Clause directly and indirectly use several XML Schema Documents, included in schema directory at: http://schemas.opengis.net/cat/csw/3.0/. These XML Schema files are:
- cswAll.xsd
- cswCommon.xsd
- cswGetCapabilities.xsd
- cswGetRecords.xsd
- cswGetRecordById.xsd
- cswGetDomain.xsd
- cswHarvest.xsd
- cswTransaction.xsd
- cswUnHarvest.xsd
- record.xsd
- rec-dcmes.xsd
- rec-dcterms.xsd
In the event of a discrepancy between the attached and online versions of the XML Schema files, the online files are considered normative.
These new XML Schemas build on the XML Schemas defined in the Filter Encoding Implementation Specification (see OGC 09-026r1), and the OWS Common Implementation Specification (see OGC 06-121r9), and described in those documents.
Annex : Abstract conformancei test suite (Normative)
The abstract test suite for this standard can be found in OGC document 14-014r3, “OGC Catalogue Services Specification – HTTP Protocol Binding – Abstract Test Suite.”
Annex : Examples CSW capabilities document (informative)
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<csw:Capabilities version="3.0.0"
<ows20:Title>Catalogue Service for Spatial Information</ows20:Title>
<ows20:Abstract>terraCatalog 3.2 based OGC CSW 3.0 Catalogue
Service for OGC core and ISO metadata (describing geospatial
services, datasets and series)</ows20:Abstract>
<ows20:Keyword>Catalog Service</ows20:Keyword>
<ows20:Type codeSpace="http://www.someGeospatialVocabulary.com"
<ows20:ProviderName>con terra GmbH</ows20:ProviderName>
<ows20:ProviderSite xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="http://www.conterra.de"/>
<ows20:DeliveryPoint>Marting-Luther-King-Weg 24</ows20:DeliveryPoint>
<ows20:OnlineResource xlink:href="mailto:conterra@conterra.de"/>
<ows20:Operation name="GetCapabilities">
<ows20:Parameter name="AcceptVersions">
<ows20:Operation name="GetRecords">
<ows20:Parameter name="typeName">
<ows20:Parameter name="outputFormat">
<ows20:Parameter name="outputSchema">
<ows20:Parameter name="ElementSetName">
<ows20:Constraint name="SupportedGMLVersions">
<ows20:Value> http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2</ows20:Value>
<ows20:Value> http://www.opengis.net/gml</ows20:Value>
<ows20:Constraint name="OpenSearchDescriptionDocument">
<ows20:Operation name="GetRecordById">
<!– This is an example of an operation that has both a
SOAP and XML-with-POST endpoint. In this case the
two endpoints are different, however, they could
as well been the same URL. If the endpoint were the
same it would imply that the service is able to detect
from the XML stream whether the request is a SOAP
request or a plain XML request –>
<ows20:Constraint name="PostEncoding">
<ows20:Constraint name="PostEncoding">
<ows20:Parameter name="ElementSetName">
<ows20:Parameter name="outputSchema">
<ows20:Operation name="GetDomain">
<ows20:Operation name="Transaction">
<ows20:Constraint name="TransactionSchemas">
<ows20:Operation name="Harvest">
<!– OpenSearch support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="OpenSearch">
<!– GetCapabilities-XML support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="GetCapabilities-XML">
<!– GetRecordById-XML support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="GetRecordById-XML">
<!– GetRecords-Basic-XML support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="GetRecords-Basic-XML">
<!– GetRecords-Distributed-XML support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="GetRecords-Distributed-XML">
<!– GetRecords-Distributed-KVP support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="GetRecords-Distributed-KVP">
<!– GetRecords-Async-XML support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="GetRecords-Async-XML">
<!– GetRecords-Async-KVP support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="GetRecords-Async-KVP">
<!– GetDomain-XML support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="GetDomain-XML">
<!– GetDomain-KVP support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="GetDomain-KVP">
<!– Harvest-Basic-XML support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="Harvest-Basic-XML">
<!– Harvest-Basic-KVP support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="Harvest-Basic-KVP">
<!– Harvest-Async-XML support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="Harvest-Async-XML">
<!– Harvest-Async-KVP support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="Harvest-Async-KVP">
<!– Harvest-Periodic-XML support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="Harvest-Periodic-XML">
<!– Harvest-Periodic-KVP support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="Harvest-Periodic-KVP">
<!– Filter-CQL support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="Filter-CQL">
<!– Filter-FES support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="Filter-FES">
<!– Filter-KVP support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="Filter-KVP">
<!– CSW-Response support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="CSW-Response">
<!– ATOM-response support ? –>
<ows20:Constraint name="ATOM-response">
<ows20:Constraint name="CoreQueryables">
<ows20:Constraint name="CoreSortables">
<ows20:Constraint name="DefaultSortingAlgorithm">
<!– enter the supported federated catalogues
for distributed search as values below –>
<ows20:Constraint name="FedeartedCatalogues">
<ows20:Constraint name="WSDL">
<ows20:Constraint name="OpenSearch">
<fes:Filter_Capabilities xmlns:ows11="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1">
<fes:Constraint name=“”>
<fes:GeometryOperand name="gml:Envelope"/>
<fes:GeometryOperand name="gml:Point"/>
<fes:GeometryOperand name="gml:LineString"/>
<fes:GeometryOperand name="gml:Polygon"/>
<fes:SpatialOperator name="BBOX"/>
<fes:SpatialOperator name="Beyond"/>
<fes:SpatialOperator name="Contains"/>
<fes:SpatialOperator name="Crosses"/>
<fes:SpatialOperator name="Disjoint"/>
<fes:SpatialOperator name="DWithin"/>
<fes:SpatialOperator name="Equals"/>
<fes:SpatialOperator name="Intersects"/>
<fes:SpatialOperator name="Overlaps"/>
<fes:SpatialOperator name="Touches"/>
<fes:SpatialOperator name="Within"/>
<fes:Operator name="Between"/>
<fes:Operator name="EqualTo"/>
<fes:Operator name="GreaterThan"/>
<fes:Operator name="GreaterThanEqualTo"/>
<fes:Operator name="LessThan"/>
<fes:Operator name="LessThanEqualTo"/>
<fes:Operator name="Like"/>
<fes:Operator name="NotEqualTo"/>
<fes:Operator name="NullCheck"/>
Annex : Revision history
The revision history for 2.0 and earlier versions of the OGC Catalogue Services specification is provided in Annex B of the general model (see OGC 12-168). The revision history for this HTTP protocol part of the OGC Catalogue Services specification is:
Date |
Release |
Author |
Paragraph(s) modified |
Description |
2007-05-25 |
3.0.0 |
Whiteside |
All |
First draft, majority copied from 2.0.2 |
2008-10-28 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
6.8.2, 6.8.3,, 6.8.5, 6.8.6, 6.9.1, table 17,18 |
Improvement of distributed search: Functional extensions to the discovery request and response messages (which define elements that allow for the retrieval and comprehension of a distributed result set). |
2008-11-12 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
6.8.2 |
To have a consistent API, both the KVP and XML encodings MUST support the equivalent parameters for the same operation. “constraint version” was REQUIRED by the GetRecords request’s XML schema, but in the KVP encoding it was not mentioned. (see CR-06-112). |
2008-11-14 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
6.8.2, |
Made maxRecords a union to number and the string 'unlimited' indicating that all records shall be returned. |
2008-12-05 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
6.8.2, 6.12.2 |
Clarification on usage of qualified names in KVP requests |
2008-12-11 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
6.8.2, |
Some clarifications for constraint, constraintlanguage and sortBy parameters. |
2009-01-06 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |, 6.9.2 |
Some clarifications on the usage of the requestId parameter in getRecords requests and inclusion of the service and version parameters within the KVP encoding of the GetRecordById |
2010-05.11 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
6.8.3, 6.11.3 |
Elementname now of type xsd:string instead of xsd:Qname (see CR 08-177, Harmonized UpdateType, InsertType, DeleteType concerning the typeName attribute, AbstractRecordType has now optional attribute “deleted”, getRecordByID response shall be the raw response in its original format, conformant with the outputFormat and outputSchema. GetRecordByIdResponse deleted. Changed different dc:Record schema snippets and examples |
2010-05-31 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
various |
Actualized all lots of XML(-schema) snippets |
2010-08-25 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
Table 3, |
Some clarifications on the usage of core queryables, including example |
2010-08-31 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
6.5.4 |
Added a section how to reference the supported GML versions |
2010-10-06 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
6.5.4, 6.3.2 6.3.7
Section 6.5.4 defines now that no GML version is mandatory. Aligned Exception reporting and SOAP Exception handling with OWS Common 2.0. |
2011-04-07 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
6.9 |
As we switched getRecordById to return the "raw" metadata xml (instead getRecordyById response) on a getRecordById request -> it becomes impossible to request more than one metadata-object by id: otherwise a list of metadata elements without a common root node would be returned which is not XML conformant. |
2012-02-22 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
all |
Starting defining Requirement Classes, checked alignment with OWS Common 2.0 |
2012-11-02 |
3.0.0 |
Vretanos |
all |
GetDomain operation was made more general being allowing it to be used to interrogate any request parameter and information model component. Clarifications in the standard about supporting other output formats. his was always possible but not as clearly explained as it should have been. The CONSTRAINTLANGUAGE parameter is now of type anyURI and the following identifiers have been defined: FILTER -> http://www.opengis.net/fes/2.0 CQL -> http://www.opengis.net/csw/3.0/cql Added a set of conformance classes with requirements - this includes conformance classes for handle async requests Remove resultType parameter since there are other means for performing resultType=hits (i.e. maxRecords=0), etc. Refactor schemas so to follow common file naming practices. Synchronized schema fragments in the document with the refactored schemas. Fixed a number of inconsistencies between the XML and KVP encodings of operations. Support added for HTTP/POST with attachments for Harvesting of resources that cannot be referenced via URL. Support added for an UnHarvest operation. - this is complimentary operation for Harvest |
2015-04-21 |
3.0.0 |
Reed |
Numerous |
Edits and comments related to preparing the document for publication, |
2012-12-14 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
all |
- now possible to advertise the valid query and sortable terms in the Capabilities, - updated sample Capabilities: defined, if there is a specific sorting algorithm for GetRecords responses, how to express this in the Capabilities - updated and reformatted all xml-samples in the document - Added queryable TemporalExtent (Type gml:TimePeriod - must support minimally operator TVOverlaps) and TemporalExtent in csw:Record response (newly defined type Type csw30:TemporalExtentType) - should be discussed. - WSDL updates - Reviewed the whole document (without specific focus on transaction interface) |
2013-01-02 |
3.0.0 |
Vretanos |
Clause 6 |
- update KVP encoding for filter to allow better allignement with OpenSearch - move the CONSTRAINT, CONSTRAINT_LANGAUGE and CONSTRAINT_VERSION parameters into their own conformance class called Filter-FES-KVP-Advanced - add a discussion about the requirements for OpenSearch - split clause 6 into two clauses - reorder clause 6 to better present the material - renumber Tables - cross check references - update terms and definitions |
2013-01-08 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
7.9, Annex B |
Updated sections on xml schemata, updated capabilities example, some reformattings, updated xml schemata. |
2013-04-24 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
Diverse |
Dropped „Implements the Filter-CQL conformance class“ for OpenSearch ConformanceClass, added MimeType “application/soap+xml” for SOAP bindings, some clarifications on the usage of Atom for GetRecordById |
2014-09-02 |
3.0.0 |
Vretanos |
Diverse |
Did updates regarding solutions to RFC Comments (see separate comments document on public comment period) |
2014-10-01 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
Diverse |
Mapping OGC_Service.GetResourceById to GetRecordById, changed OSDD example, replaced operations "present" and "search" by “GetResourceById” and “query”, other minor and editorial changes |
2014-10-20 |
3.0.0 |
Vretanos |
Diverse |
Different fixes |
2014-11-25 |
3.0.0 |
Carl Reed |
Diverse |
Some minor edits |
2014-12-02 |
3.0.0 |
Bigagli |
Diverse |
URI check, minor editorial |
2015-01-09 |
3.0.0 |
Voges |
Updated Reference to ATS |
2015-07-09 |
3.0.0 |
Bigagli |
Diverse |
Revision comments from TB11 |
2016-02-09 |
3.0.0 |
Simmons |
All |
Edits and prep for publication |
[1] All examples in this clause are informative. In addition, the examples do not include all the XML syntax required to validate. This is done intentionally so as not to obfuscate the examples with XML syntax.
[2] This capability is included in version 2.0 of the OGC Filter Encoding Specification (see OGC 09-026r1).
[3] As defined in OWS Common a URL prefix is defined as a string including, in order, the scheme (“http” or “https”), Internet Protocol hostname or numeric address, optional port number, path, mandatory question mark ‘?’
[4] As defined in OWS Common a URL prefix is defined as a string including, in order, the scheme (“http” or “https”), Internet Protocol hostname or numeric address, optional port number, path, mandatory question mark ‘?’