Open Geospatial Consortium |
Submission Date: 2017-01-17 |
Approval Date: 2017-03-24 |
Publication Date: 2017-06-15 |
External identifier of this OGC® document: |
Internal reference number of this OGC® document: OGC 16-140r1 |
Version: 1.0 |
Category: OGC® Best Practice |
Editor: Kyoung-Sook KIM, Hirotaka OGAWA |
OGC Moving Features Encoding Extension - JSON |
Copyright notice |
Copyright © 2017 Open Geospatial Consortium |
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Warning |
This document defines an OGC Best Practice on a particular technology or approach related to an OGC standard. This document is not an OGC Standard and may not be referred to as an OGC Standard. This document is subject to change without notice. However, this document is an official position of the OGC membership on this particular technology topic.
Document type: OGC® Best Practice |
Document subtype: Not applicable |
Document stage: Approved for public release |
Document language: English |
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- 1. Scope
- 2. Conformance
- 3. References
- 4. Terms and definitions
- 4.1. API
- 4.2. client
- 4.3. dynamic attributes
- 4.4. feature
- 4.5. foliation
- 4.6. geometric object
- 4.7. geometric primitive
- 4.8. interface
- 4.9. leaf
- 4.10. moving feature
- 4.11. one parameter set of geometries
- 4.12. period
- 4.13. prism
- 4.14. request
- 4.15. resource
- 4.16. response
- 4.17. server
- 4.18. service
- 4.19. temporal geometry
- 4.20. trajectory
- 5. Conventions
- 6. JSON Encoding
- 7. RESTful API
- Bibliography
- Appendix A: Revision History
i. Abstract
This document proposes a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) encoding representation of movement of geographic features as an encoding extension of OGC Moving Features ([OGC 14-083r2] and [OGC 14-084r2]). A moving feature, typically a vehicle and pedestrian, can be expressed as a temporal geometry whose location continuously changes over time and contains dynamic non-spatial attributes whose values vary with time. This Best Practice describes how to share moving feature data based on JSON and GeoJSON (a JSON format for encoding geographic data structures). In addition, this document provides an example of RESTful approaches as a Feature Service Interface that has the potential for simplicity, scalability, and resilience with respect to exchange of moving feature data across the Web.
ii. Keywords
The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.
ogcdoc, OGC document, moving features, encoding, JSON, REST
iii. Preface
This Best p\Practice document follows the abstract data model defined in ISO 19141:2008 [ISO 19141:2008] with the encoding method referring to the IETF GeoJSON Format [IETF RFC 7946]. OGC Moving Features Encoding standards XML Core [OGC 14 083r2] and Simple CSV [OGC 14 084r2] have focused on the movement of 0-dimensional geometric primitives (Points), called trajectories. However, this document covers the movements of 0-dimensional Points, 1-dimensional curve LineStrings, and 2-dimensional surface Polygons to support application requirements such as disaster risk management, traffic information services, and geo-fencing services.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The Open Geospatial Consortium shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document, and to provide supporting documentation.
iv. Submitting organizations
The following organization has submitted this Document to the Open GeoSpatial Consortium, Inc.:
Artificial Intelligence Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
v. Submitters
All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editor or the submitters:
Name |
Organization |
Kyoung-Sook KIM |
Artificial Intelligence Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology |
Hirotaka OGAWA |
Artificial Intelligence Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology |
vi. Future Work
Among the topics for future development are the following items:
Testing RESTful API implementation;
Moving features in an indoor space; and
Representation of three-dimensional moving features.
1. Scope
This Best Practice provides a format for encoding moving features using JSON [IETF RFC7159] and an example of interfaces for the RESTful service of moving features. The Moving Feature JSON encoding defined in this document is an alternative to the OGC® Moving Features Encodings XML [OGC 14 083r2] and Simple Comma Separated Values (CSV) [OGC 14 084r2] standards. The data format of Moving Feature JSON is correspondingly designed to implement the abstract model of moving features as defined in ISO 19141:2008 [ISO 19141:2008] as shown in the Figure 1 with the concepts of foliation, prism, trajectory, and leaf.
In the illustration above, a 2D rectangle moves and rotates. Each representation of the rectangle at a given time is a leaf. The path traced by each corner point of the rectangle (and by each of its other points) is a trajectory. The set of points contained in all of the leaves, and in all of the trajectories, forms a prism. The set of leaves also forms a foliation, meaning that there is a complete and separate representation of the geometry of the feature for each specific time. The prism of the moving feature can be viewed as a bundle of trajectories of points on the local engineering representation of the feature’s geometry.
In general, Moving Feature JSON encoding applies to representations and formats of GeoJSON [IETF RFC 7946]; however, new terms are added to specify dynamic attributes of moving features:
Temporal geometric objects whose location changes over time: movements of 0-dimensional, 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional geometric primitives, and their collections; and
Dynamic non-spatial attributes whose value varies with time: changes of a quantity.
This document also describes interfaces for accessing moving features based on the data format:
RESTful APIs for handling moving feature data over HTTP: Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations.
This Best Practice document has left many issues out of its scope. Design issues with complex interpolation methods and service capabilities were not considered.
3. References
The following normative documents contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
OGC: OGC 06-121r9, OGC Web Services Common Standard, version 2.0.0, 2010.
OGC: OGC 14-083r2, OGC Moving Features Encoding Part I: XML Core, 2015.
OGC: OGC 14-084r2, OGC Moving Features Encoding Extension: Simple Comma Separated Values (CSV), 2015.
OGC: OGC 16-120r3, OGC Moving Features Access, 2017.
OGC: OGC 15-078r6, OGC SensorThings API Part 1: Sensing, 2016.
ISO: ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards
ISO: ISO 8601:2004, Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and time, 2004.
ISO: ISO 19101:2014, Geographic information — Reference model — Part 1: Fundamentals, 2014.
ISO: ISO 19103:2015, Geographic information — Conceptual schema language, 2015.
ISO: ISO 19107:2003 Geographic Information - Spatial schema, 2003.
ISO: ISO 19119:2006, Geographic information - Services, 2006.
ISO: ISO 19141:2008, Geographic information - Schema for moving features, 2008.
IETF: IETF RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, 2005.
IETF: IETF RFC 2616, Hypertext Transfer Protocol — HTTP/1.1, 1999.
IETF: IETF RFC 7159, The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format, 2014.
IETF: IETF RFC 7464, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Text Sequences, 2015.
IETF: IETF RFC 7946, The GeoJSON Format, 2016.
OASIS: OData-Part1, OData Version 4.0. Part 1: Protocol Plus Errata 03. Edited by Michael Pizzo, Ralf Handl, and Martin Zurmuehl. OASIS Standard incorporating Approved Errata 03, 2016.
Additionally the following informative documents are addressed:
OGC: OGC 15-052r1, OGC Testbed 11 REST Interface Engineering Report, 2016.
4. Terms and definitions
This document uses the specification terms defined in Subclause 5.3 of [OGC 06-121r9], which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular:
SHALL is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this specification, from which no deviation is permitted
MAY is the verb form used to indicate an action permissible within the limits of this specification
For the purposes of this document, the following additional terms and definitions apply.
4.1. API
An interface that is defined in terms of a set of functions and procedures, and enables a program to gain access to facilities within an application. (Definition from Dictionary of Computer Science - Oxford Quick Reference, 2016)
4.5. foliation
one parameter set of geometries such that each point in the prism of the set is in one and only one
trajectory and in one and only one leaf
[ ISO 19141:2008 ]
4.7. geometric primitive
geometric object representing a single, connected, homogeneous element of space
[ ISO 19107:2003 ]
4.8. interface
named set of operations that characterize the behaviour of an entity
[ ISO 19119:2006 ]
4.9. leaf
<one parameter set of geometries> geometry at a particular value of the parameter
[ ISO 19141:2008 ]
4.10. moving feature
feature whose location changes over time
[ ISO 19141:2008 ]
NOTE Its base representation uses a local origin and local coordinate vectors of a geometric object at a given reference time.
4.11. one parameter set of geometries
function f from an interval t \(\in \) [a, b] such that f(t) is a geometry and for each point P \(\in \) f(a) there is a one
parameter set of points (called the trajectory of P) P(t):[a,b] → P(t) such that P(t) \(\in \) f(t)
[ ISO 19141:2008 ]
EXAMPLE A curve C with constructive parameter t is a one parameter set of points c(t).
4.13. prism
<one parameter set of geometries> set of points in the union of the geometries (or the union of the
trajectories) of a one parameter set of geometries
[ ISO 19141:2008 ]
5. Conventions
This section provides details and examples for conventions used in the document.
All examples in this document illustrated by gray or orange boxes are informative only.
5.1. JSON notation
The notation of JSON in this document is based on the specification of [RFC 7159].
The ordering of the members of any JSON object must be considered irrelevant. Some examples use a JavaScript single line comment (//) and an ellipsis (…) as placeholder notation for a specific JSON instance. Whitespace is used in the examples inside this document to help illustrate the data structures, but is not required. Unquoted whitespace is not significant in JSON.
5.2. UML notation
Unified Modeling Language (UML) static structure diagrams appearing in this document are used as described in Subclause 5.2 of OGC Web Services Common [OGC 06-121r9].
5.3. Abbreviated terms
The following symbols and abbreviated terms are used in this best practice paper:
Application Program Interface |
Coordinate Reference Systems |
Create, Read, Update, Delete |
Comma Separated Values |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
Internet Engineering Task Force |
International Organization for Standardization |
JavaScript Object Notation |
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards |
Open Geospatial Consortium |
Representational State Transfer |
Unified Modeling Language |
Uniform Resource Identifiers |
Uniform Resource Locators |
Well Known Text |
Extensible Markup Language |
1D |
One Dimensional |
2D |
Two Dimensional |
6. JSON Encoding
This clause specifies the data format for encoding moving features by using JSON objects.
6.1. Overview
Moving Features JSON (MF-JSON) defines new fields by extending "foreign members" of GeoJSON [IETF RFC 7946]. MF-JSON provides several types of JSON objects to represent geographical movements, dynamic properties, and spatiotemporal extents of moving features, based on the two reference systems of World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
In IETF GeoJSON format, types are not extensible. GeoJSON allows only the fixed types: FeatureCollection, Feature, Point, LineString, MultiPoint, Polygon, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, and GeometryCollection. Despite compliant GeoJSON not permitting extension of types, this document extends new types for representing moving features with time-varying geometries and properties. |
Figure 2 compares the difference of members between GeoJSON and MF-JSON.
"type": "MovingFeature", //(REQUIRED) Moving Feature Type
"temporalGeometry": { //(REQUIRED) temporal geometric object, extended from 'geometry'
"type": "MovingPoint", // a geometry type to represent a trajectory
"coordinates": [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0] ],
"datetimes": ["2011-07-14T22:01:01Z", "2011-07-14T23:01:01Z", "2011-07-15T00:01:01Z", "2011-07-15T01:01:01Z"],
"interpolations": ["Linear"] // a pre-defined interpolation method between two consecutive instants in the "datetimes" field
"temporalProperties": [ //(OPTIONAL) dynamic non-spatial attributes, extended from 'properties'
{ // a group of temporal properties that are measured at the same times
"datetimes": ["2011-07-14T22:01:01Z", "2011-07-14T23:01:01Z", "2011-07-15T00:01:01Z"],
"length": {
"uom": "", // a URI denoting a unit-of-measure
"values": [1.0, 2.4, 1.0], // the array of values for "length", with the same number of elements as "datetimes"
"interpolations": ["Stepwise"],
"description": "description1" //(OPTIONAL)
"uom": "text", // a predefined unit for a string value
"values": ["A", "B", "C"], // the array of values for "message", with the same number of elements as "datetimes"
"interpolations": ["Discrete"],
"description": "description2" //(OPTIONAL)
"datetimes" : ["2011-07-14T22:02:01Z", "2011-07-15T01:11:22Z"],
"discharge" : {
"uom" : "m^3/s", // a symbol from UCUM
"values" : [3.0, 4.0],
"interpolations": [ // two user-defined interpolations having two sub-time intervals
"coefficients": [1.0, 3.0, 4.1], // v = 1.0t^2 + 3.0t + 4.1
"period": {
"begin": "2011-07-14T22:02:01Z",
"end" : "2011-07-14T23:11:14Z"
"coefficients": [5.0, 8.2], // v = 5.0t + 8.2
"period": {
"begin": "2011-07-14T23:11:14Z",
"end" : "2011-07-15T01:11:22Z"
"description": "it has two user-defined interpolations" //(OPTIONAL)
"stBoundedBy": { //(OPTIONAL) spatiotemporal bounding box to include the moving feature
"bbox": [100.0, 0.0, 101.0, 1.0],
"period": {
"begin": "2011-07-14T22:01:00Z",
"end" : "2011-07-15T21:14:00Z"
"properties": { //(OPTIONAL) static non-spatial attributes regardless of time: the same representation of GeoJSON
"name": "bus1",
6.2. Moving Features
In the MF-JSON format, two moving feature types are added as follows:
MovingFeature: a JSON object to represent a moving feature instance, having two REQUIRED members of
, and three OPTIONAL members of"temporalProperties"
, and"properties"
depending on the application requirements.{ "type": "MovingFeature", //(REQUIRED) "temporalGeometry": {...}, //(REQUIRED) "temporalProperties": [...], //(OPTIONAL) "stBoundedBy": {...}, //(OPTIONAL) "properties": {...} //(OPTIONAL) }
The value of the
member SHALL be the string of"MovingFeature"
. -
The value of the
member SHALL be a JSON object as described in Temporal Geometries. An instance of"MovingFeature"
SHALL only one"temporalGeometry"
member. -
The value of the
member SHALL be a JSON array as described in Temporal Properties. -
The value of the
member SHALL be a JSON object as described in Spatiotemporal Bounding Box, representing the spatiotemporal bounding box of the"temporalGeometry"
instance. -
The value of the
member is an object (any JSON object or a JSON null value).
MovingFeatureCollection: a JSON object to represent a collection of moving feature instances, having two REQUIRED members of
and one OPTIONAL member of"stBoundedBy"
.{ "type": "MovingFeatureCollection", //(REQUIRED) "features": [ //(REQUIRED) { "type": "MovingFeature", "temporalGeometry": {...}, "temporalProperties": [...], ... }, { "type": "MovingFeature", "temporalGeometry": {...}, "temporalProperties": [...], ... } ], "stBoundedBy": {...} //(OPTIONAL) }
The value of the
member SHALL be the string of"MovingFeatureCollection"
. -
The value of the
member SHALL be a JSON array of moving feature instances as described in Temporal Geometries. -
The value of the
member SHALL be a JSON object as described in Spatiotemporal Bounding Box, representing the spatiotemporal bounding box to cover all of the"temporalGeometry"
instances in the"features"
6.3. Temporal Geometries
The value of "temporalGeometry"
member of a moving feature SHALL be a JSON object where the value of the "type"
member is one of the following strings: "MovingPoint"
, "MovingLineString"
, "MovingPolygon"
, "MultiMovingPoint"
, "MultiMovingLineString"
, "MultiMovingPolygon"
, and "MovingGeometryCollection"
A temporal geometry is conceptualized as a prism of the set of points contained in all of the leaves (a foliation) and trajectories, representing the geographical movement of a moving feature.
The temporal geometry is mathematically modeled as a mapping function from time to a geometric object: temporalGeometry: timePosition → Geometry (Point, LineString, Polygon,
MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, or GeometryCollection).
MovingPoint: A temporal geometry represents the trajectory of a time-parameterized 0-dimensional geometric primitive (Point) representing a single geographic position at a time position (instant) within its temporal domain. Intuitively, this type depicts a set of curves in a spatiotemporal domain. A MovingPoint is used to express mf:AbstractTrajectory in the OGC Moving Features standard. For example, the movement information of people, vehicles, or hurricanes can be shared by instances of the
type. -
MovingLineString: A temporal geometry represents the prism of a time-parameterized 1-dimensional (1D) geometric primitive (LineString) whose leaf at a time position is 1-dimensional linear object in a particular time period. Intuitively this type depicts a set of surfaces in a spatiotemporal domain. For example, the movement information of weather fronts or traffic congestion on roads can be shared by instances of the
type. -
MovingPolygon: A temporal geometry represents the prism of a time-parameterized 2-dimensional (2D) geometric primitive (Polygon) whose leaf at a time position is 2-dimensional polygonal object in a particular time period. Intuitively this type depicts a set of polyhedrons that are the convex hulls of two congruent polygons in a spatiotemporal domain. For example, the changes of flooding areas or the movement information of air pollution can be shared by instances of the
type. -
MultiMovingPoint: A temporal geometry represents a set of moving points.
MultiMovingLineString: A temporal geometry represents a set of moving linestrings.
MultiMovingPolygon: A temporal geometry represents a set of moving polygons.
MovingGeometryCollection: Represents a collection of temporal geometries that have time-varing locations. Each element in the collection belongs to one of the above types.
This practice defines two encoding mthods for a temporal geometry instance: simple and collection form.
6.3.1. Simple Temporal Geometries
The simple form of temporal geometry instances is a JSON object with four REQUIRED members: "type"
, "coordinates"
, "datetimes"
, and "interpolations"
The simple form represents the movement of one geometric primitive that comprises non-decomposed objects, i.e., a moving point, moving linestring, and moving polygon.
If viewed in a 4-dimensional spatio-temporal coordinate system, the temporal geometry is a single continuum.
A moving point, linestring, and polygon is a spatio-temporal curve, surface, and solid, respectively.
Their JSON representation is as follows.
"temporalGeometry": {
"type": "MovingPoint | MovingLineString | MovingPolygon", // (REQUIRED) vbar | as a means to select ONE type.
"coordinates": [...], //(REQUIRED)
"datetimes" : [...], //(REQUIRED)
"interpolations": [...] //(REQUIRED)
: A case-sensitive string that is one of"MovingPoint"
, and"MovingPolygon"
. -
: The object SHALL be a list of leaf geometric primitives (points, linestrings, polygons) at times. The number of elements is same as the"datetimes"
ones with a temporal order. There is an one-to-one correspondence between the elements of"coordinates"
as a temporal sequence of pairs \((g,t)\), where \(g\) is a leaf geometry and \(t\) is its sampling time.Types Formats of the "coordinates"
objectComments MovingPoint
[ [x1,y1(,z1)], [x2,y2(,z2)], … ]
a list of points at each leaf, increasing time order
[ [[x11,y11(,z11)], [x12,y12(,z12)], …], [[x21,y21(,z21)], [x22,y22(,z22)], …], … ]
a list of linestrings at each leaf, increasing time order
[ [[[ox11,oy11(,oz11)], [ox12,oy12(,oz12)], …], [[ix11,iy11(,iz11)],[ix12,iy12(,iz12)], …],…], [[[ox21,oy21(,oz21)], [ox22,oy22(,oz22)], …], [[ix21,iy21(,iz21)],[ix22,iy22(,iz22)], …], …], … ]
a list of polygons at each leaf, increasing time order
[IETF GeoJSON format] A position is represented by an array of numbers, which must contain two or more elements. The first two elements are longitude/easting (x) and latitude/northing (y), precisely in that order and using decimal numbers. Altitude/elevation (z) MAY be included as an optional third element. |
: The object SHALL be a list of time instants encoded as a character string of [ISO 8601:2004]( date-time formatter in chronological order, which does not allow duplicates.Types Formats the "datetimes"
objectComments ["yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss’Z'", "yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss’Z'", …]
a list of monotonic increasing instants
: The object SHALL be a JSON array of interpolation methods. Interpolation is a method of finding new values for any function using the given set of values. Here, the interpolation object approximates geographic positions at non sampling time instants for constructing the trajectory or prism of a moving feature in a spatiotemporal domain. The unknown position at a particular time can be found using many interpolation methods. In this practice, there are two expressions for an instance of interpolation methods: Predefined Interpolation Methods and Interpolation Formulas.[Predefined Interpolation Methods]A predefined method SHALL be a case-sensitive string of one of
, and"Spline"
. The new position is differently derived by each method. For the predefined method, there is the restriction of the same number positions of all leaf geometries.Types Descriptions Comments Discrete
There is no interpolation position between two successive positions.
The interpolation position between two successive positions equals to the first position.
The new position is found from the linear interpolation formula with the two successive positions. *Default
An interpolation position is derived from a cubic spline function on each interval between data positions.
{ "type": "MovingPoint", "coordinates": [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0]], "datetimes": ["2011-07-14T22:01:01Z", "2011-07-14T23:01:01Z", "2011-07-15T00:01:01Z"], "interpolations": ["Linear"] // an interpolation method during the period of datetimes }
If a moving feature needs different predefined interpolation methods for several sub-intervals of time during its lifespan, this practice recommends the use of user-defined interpolation formulas corresponding to each sub-interval. |
A temporal geometry MAY have a several interpolation formulas within its temporal domain. An element of interpolation formulas SHALL be represented by two members of "coefficients"
and "period"
The new geographical position at a given time position is derived from a "coefficients"
instance as a multidimensional array of polynomial interpolation formulas of \((x, y, z)\) coordinates during a particular time period.
If a time position does not belong to any time period of the elements of formula, there is no interpolation position at that time.
The order of arrays for the interpolation formula of a temporal position SHALL follow \(x\) (longitude), \(y\) (latitude), \(z\) (altitude) order.
The time periods between any two elements of formulas only allows empty or 0-dimensional intersection.
This practice converts the time position to a signed 64-bit integer(long) value that represents milliseconds for computing a value of each axis of coordinates at an arbitrary time position formatted by a character string of [ISO 8601:2004].
"type": "MovingPoint",
"coordinates": ...,
"datetimes": ...,
"interpolations": [
"coefficients": [[1.0, 3.0, 4.1], [2.0, 2.1, 3.0]],
// x = 1.0*t^2 + 3.0*t + 4.1 , y = 2.0*t^2 + 2.1*t + 3.0
"period": {
"begin": "2011-07-14T22:01:01Z",
"end" : "2011-07-14T23:01:01Z"
"coefficients": [[4.0, 2.0], [1.0, 2.0]],
// x = 4.0*t + 2.0 , y = 1.0*t + 2.0
"period": {
"begin": "2011-07-14T23:01:01Z",
"end" : "2011-07-15T00:01:01Z"
"type": "MovingLineString",
"coordinates": ...,
"datetimes": ...,
"interpolations": [
"coefficients": [[[1.0, 3.0, 4.1], [2.0, 2.1, 3.0]], [[2.0, 1.0, 1.2], [1.0, 0.1, 2.0]]],
// x1 = 1.0*t^2 + 3.0*t + 4.1 , y1 = 2.0*t^2 + 2.1*t + 3.0
// x2 = 2.0*t^2 + 1.0*t + 1.2 , y2 = 1.0*t^2 + 0.1*t + 2.0
"period": {
"begin": "2011-07-14T22:01:01Z",
"end" : "2011-07-14T23:01:01Z"
"coefficients": [[[4.0, 2.0], [1.0, 2.0]], [[2.0, 3.0], [2.0, 1.0]]],
// x1 = 4.0*t + 2.0 , y1 = 1.0*t + 2.0
// x2 = 2.0*t + 3.0 , y2 = 2.0*t + 1.0
"period": {
"begin": "2011-07-14T23:01:01Z",
"end" : "2011-07-15T00:01:01Z"
6.3.2. Collection of Temporal Geometries
The collection form of temporal geometry instances is a JSON object with two REQUIRED fields: "type"
and "members"
"temporalGeometry": {
"type": "MultiMovingPoint | MultiMovingLineString | MultiMovingPolygon | MovingGeometryCollection",
"members": [
// Simple temporal geometry instance
"type": "MovingPoint | MovingLineString | MovingPolygon",
"coordinates": [...], // COORDINATES expression
"datetimes" : [...], // DATETIMES expression
"interpolations": [...] // INTERPOLATIONS expression
: A case-sensitive string that is one of"MultiMovingPoint"
, and"MovingGeometryCollection"
. -
: The object is encoded as a JSON array of instances of temporal geometry where each element is encoded in simple form.-
MultiMovingPoint: The elements of the
object SHALL be instances of type"MovingPoint"
. The leaf geometry at a time position is an instance of type "MultiPoint", which is the union of each leaf of moving point members at the same time. -
MultiMovingLineString: The elements of the
object SHALL be instances of type"MovingLineString"
. The leaf geometry at a time position is an instance of type "MultiLineString", which is the union of each leaf of moving linestring members at the same time. -
MultiMovingPolygon: The element of the
object SHALL be instances of type"MovingPolygon"
. The leaf geometry at a time position is an instance of type "MultiPolygon", which is the union of each leaf of moving polygon members at the same time. -
MovingGeometryCollection: Each element of the
object can be an instance of different moving types. The leaf geometry at a time position is an instance of type"GeometryCollection"
, which is the union of each leaf of any temporal geometries at the same time.
6.4. Temporal Properties
A moving feature can have more than zero time-varying properties, such as the velocity of vehicles or the wind speed of hurricanes. A temporal property represents a dynamic measure that the result of ascertaining the value of a characteristic of a moving feature that changes over time and/or location. Even though the value of temporal property depends on the spatiotemporal location, this document only considers the temporal dependencies of their changes of value.
If a property has a static value, it is represented with the "properties" member as same as GeoJSON. |
"temporalProperties": [
{ // a collection of temporal properties which are measured at the same times
"datetimes": [...], //(REQUIRED) JSON Array of time instances in order, which does not allow duplicates.
"_property0_": { // _property0_ whose name is defined by an application
"uom": ..., //(REQUIRED) a predefined string or URI
"values": [...], //(REQUIRED) a JSON Array of values
"interpolations": [...],//(REQUIRED) a JSON Array of interpolation methods
"description": "any string" //(OPTIONAL)
"_property1_": { // _property1_ whose name is defined by an application
"uom": ..., //(REQUIRED) a predefined string or URI
"values": [...], //(REQUIRED) a JSON Array of values
"interpolations": [...],//(REQUIRED) a JSON Array of interpolation methods
"description": "any string" //(OPTIONAL) a JSON string
{ // another collection of dynamic properties which are measured at the same times
"datetimes": [...],
"_property2_": {...},
"_property3_": {...}
The temporalProperties
is a JSON array of collections of temporal properties whose results are ascertained at the same times.
A collection of temporal properties SHALL have one "datetimes" member and more than one property member whose name is defined by an application.
However, the value of the property member SHALL be a JSON object that has the following fields:
: A unit of measure is a quantity adopted as a standard of measurement [ISO 19103:2015]. The unit of a temporal property is represented as a URI denoting a unit-of-measure defined in a web resource or a predefined strings. This practice defines the following unit strings.
Unit strings | Descriptions |
print symbols |
From the Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)[1] |
null |
The |
text |
The |
image |
The |
: Each element of values is a string, number, null, or one of the literals: true and false. The number of elements is the same as the "datetimes" ones. There is an one-to-one correspondence between the elements of"values"
of a property object and"datetimes"
as a temporal sequence of pairs \((v,t)\), where \(v\) is a value of measurement and \(t\) is its sampling time.
If the values of a temporal property are measured at different times of "datetimes" , each SHALL be represented as a new element in the JSON array.
: The temporal property also needs to define an interpolation method like the temporal geometry. The object SHALL be a JSON array of interpolation methods whose instance is a pre-defined interpolation methods of"Discrete"
(default), and"Spline"
, or an interpolation formula used for polynomial interpolation in time.
"temporalProperties" : [
"datetimes" : [ "2017-03-13T01:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T02:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T03:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T04:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T05:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T06:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T07:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T08:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T09:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T10:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T11:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T12:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T13:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T14:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T15:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T16:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T17:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T18:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T19:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T20:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T21:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T22:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T23:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T24:00:00Z" ],
"NO2" : {
"uom" : "ppm",
"values" : [ 0.018, 0.013, 0.013, 0.014, 0.021, 0.034, 0.036, 0.047, 0.059, 0.052, 0.042, 0.031, 0.024, 0.02, 0.023, 0.022, 0.027, 0.025, 0.029, 0.03, 0.024, 0.02, 0.018, 0.016 ],
"interpolations" : [ "Stepwise" ]
"NO" : {
"uom" : "ppm",
"values" : [ 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.002, 0.002, 0.006, 0.012, 0.056, 0.085, 0.06, 0.039, 0.024, 0.013, 0.01, 0.009, 0.009, 0.009, 0.007, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.004, 0.003, 0.003 ],
"interpolations" : [ "Linear" ]
"datetimes" : [ "2017-03-13T01:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T03:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T04:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T05:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T06:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T07:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T08:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T09:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T10:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T11:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T12:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T13:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T14:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T15:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T16:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T17:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T18:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T19:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T20:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T21:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T22:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T23:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T24:00:00Z" ],
"CH4" : {
"uom" : "ppmC",
"values" : [ 1.97, 1.98, 1.97, 2.01, 2.19, 2.13, 2.06, 2.21, 2.14, 2.08, 2.04, 1.99, 1.97, 1.96, 1.95, 1.95, 1.96, 1.96, 1.97, 1.96, 1.95, 1.95, 1.95 ],
"interpolations" : [ "Discrete" ]
"THC" : {
"uom" : "ppmC",
"values" : [ 2.09, 2.05, 2.05, 2.09, 2.33, 2.26, 2.22, 2.45, 2.35, 2.25, 2.18, 2.09, 2.04, 2.04, 2.03, 2.02, 2.03, 2.05, 2.08, 2.06, 2.03, 2.03, 2.03 ],
"interpolations" : [ // The function is an example, no sense of working
"coefficients": [1.0, 3.0, 4.1], // v = at^2 + bt + c
"period": {
"begin": "2017-03-13T01:00:00Z",
"end" : "2017-03-13T05:00:00Z"
"coefficients": [5.0, 8.0], // v = at + b
"period": {
"begin": "2017-03-13T05:00:00Z",
"end" : "2017-03-13T24:00:00Z"
: A temporal property can have an optional member to describe a short description.
6.5. Spatiotemporal Bounding Box
A moving feature may have a member named "stBoundedBy"
, which indicates the boundary containing moving features in a spatiotemporal domain. To represent information on the coordinate range for moving features, this MF-JSON format follows GeoJSON’s "bbox"
The value of the bbox member is a 2*n array where n is the number of dimensions.
The temporal boundary is a temporal period of "begin"
and "end"
expressed in ISO 8601:2004.
"stBoundedBy": {
"bbox": [-10.0, -10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
"period": {
"begin": "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z",
"end" : "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"
6.6. Application Domain Variables (Foreign Members)
MF-JSON uses annotations to represent foreign members which are not described in this document and whose semantics are dependent on a domain or application specific requirement.
For this reason, MF-JSON defines foreign elements by extending the foreign member of GeoJSON.
For a name/value pair of a foreign member, the name always starts with the at sign (@), such as "@id"
, "@context"
, and so on.
6.7. Discussions
Coordinate Reference System
The IETF GeoJSON format recommends a single coordinate reference system based on WGS84[2].
In this version of MF-JSON, CRSs are fixed to WGS84 for space and ISO 8601:2004 for time; however, the coordinate reference systems need to be indicated in the case of an application request.
If the application requires an alternative CRS, the CRS of a GeoJSON object can be represented with its "crs" field as described in GeoJSON(2008)[3].
Circular Temporal Geometry
Some applications, such as the predication of hurricanes, need to represent a time-varying circular object. The IETF GeoJSON format excludes the circular types such as Circle or Ellipse.
No type for "Circle" and "Ellipse" is defined in this version of MF-JSON.
Geometry Object
A moving feature may have a member named "geometry" , which may represent its projection in coordinate space as points, curves, or surfaces. The representation of Geometry objects is same as GeoJSON.
7. RESTful API
This Clause provides a design example of a RESTful API as a form of service interface to handle moving features on the Web with ease of development and access, as well as being robust and scalable in server/client distributed environments. In general, Representational State Transfer (REST) focuses on resources and how to access to these resources over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). A few use cases of RESTful approaches for OGC web service interfaces are analyzed in the OGC Testbed 11 REST Interface Engineering Report [OGC 15-052r1]. OGC supports the use of RESTful interfaces and JSON encodings and this practice refers to the OGC SensorThings API [OGC 15-078r6] standard as a good example for RESTful principles.
7.1. General Information
Clients and servers exchange representations of resources via HTTP messages as shown in Figure 3. Clients send a request against the resources to the server in the form of a HTTP verb, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), protocol version, and request content (header and body). The server replies with a response message consisting of the protocol version followed by a status code and content.
7.1.1. Verb
Verb is an HTTP method: POST, GET, PUT/PATCH, and DELETE corresponding to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations, respectively. A client make a request with one of the following methods to be applied to the resource.
Creates a new resource. |
Retrieves a resource. |
Updates/Replaces an existing resource. |
Updates/Modifies an existing resource. |
Deletes a resource. |
7.1.2. URI
A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) provides a simple and extensible means for identifying a resource as being a locator, a name, or both. The general rules of URIs are defined in [IETF RFC 3986]. The RESTful API to support moving feature data uses a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for location and access of resources via the HTTP protocol. The basic components of URLs can be defined as follows:
SERVICE_ROOT: the identification of service endpoints for clients, usually formed as
. The "http" scheme is used to locate network resources via the HTTP protocol. The host is a domain name of a network host, or its IPv4 address as a set of four decimal digit groups separated by ".". The version is a API version. -
RESOURCE_PATH: the representation of a particular resource. By attaching the resource path after the service root URI, clients can address to different types of resources. (sub-clause 7.2).
QUERY_OPTIONS: clients can apply query options after the resource path to further process the addressed resources, such as sorting by properties or filtering with criteria (sub-clause 7.3).
7.1.3. Version
The service implementation shall support a HTTP version. This document assumes the protocol referred to as "HTTP/1.1" [IETF RFC 2616].
7.1.4. Status
The response message should contain a status code of the attempt to understand and satisfy the request. Depending on the first digit of a 3-digit integer code, it is classified into five roles:
1xx |
Informational - Request received, continuing process |
2xx |
Success - The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted |
3xx |
Redirection - Further action must be taken in order to complete the request |
4xx |
Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled |
5xx |
Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request |
Full list of status codes are defined in [IETF RFC 2616], Section 10. This document suggests usage of the following specific codes:
200 OK : General success status code.
201 CREATED: Successful creation of resources for POST or PATCH.
204 NO CONTENT: Successful operation for DELETE or PUT. There is nothing in the response body.
400 BAD REQUEST: General error of client request, such as a wrong parameter, missing data, etc.
404 NOT FOUND: The requested resource is not found.
406 Not Acceptable: The media type given in the Content-Type header field is not
. -
500 Internal Service Error: Unexpected condition during the request operations in a server side.
501 Not Implemented: The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.
7.1.5. Header
A general HTTP request/response message contains header fields consisting of a name, followed by a colon (":") and the field value. Detailed information on HTTP header fields are described in [IETF RFC 2616], Section 4.5 (General Header Fields), Section 5.3 (Request Header Fields), Section 6.2 (Response Header Fields), and Section 7.1 (Entity Header Fields). The RESTful API of moving features in this document concerns only the Content-Type field, and the other fields are left to the implementation of domain applications.
Content-Type: All request/response message SHALL contain the Content-Type field to indicate the media type of the entity-body. The Content-Type field has one of media types of
to interpret Moving Features JSON (MF-JSON) entities in the message body. -
Transfer-Encoding: A web server serves content as a stream (dynamically-generated content) with the Transfer-Encoding field set by
. The size of each chuck is sent right before the chuck itself, the representation of content is recommended to use the JSON Text Sequence format [IETF RFC 7464] for the streaming transfer. Content transfer is terminated by a final chunk of length zero.
The Host request-header field specifies the Internet host and port number of the resource being requested. If the service_root omits the request, the client needs to include this field. |
7.2. Resources
A request URI is constructed with a resource path for a corresponding resource item. Resources are the fundamental elements of the RESTful API. This API is designed by the resource classes and their relationships as shown in Figure 4.
7.2.1. Resource Classes
MovingFeature Class: Is the root resource to enable the client to access other resources as its properties. A MovingFeature resource is required to be implemented with the following properties in a moving-feature service:
Name | Description | Data type | Multiplicity and use | Editable |
@id |
It is the unique and system-generated identifier. Clients cannot edit its value. |
JSON Any (Null is not allowed) |
One (mandatory) |
NO |
temporalGeometry |
A navigation property to address the resource containing a temporal geometry. |
JSON Object<TemporalGeometry> (Null is not allowed) |
One (mandatory) |
temporalProperties |
A navigation property to address the resource containing temporal properties. |
JSON Array<TemporalProperty> or Null |
Zero-to-one |
properties |
A navigation property to address the resource containing static properties as name-value pairs. |
JSON Array<Property> or Null |
Zero-to-one |
JSON Any = False / Null / True / Object / Array / Number / String A resource instance whose type is specified, such as Geometry, DateTime, TemporalGeometry, TemporalProperty, Property, and so on, is a JSON Object. |
TemporalGeometry Class: The class for accessing the temporal geometry of moving features. A TemporalGeometry resource is required to be implemented with the following properties in a moving-feature service:
Name | Description | Data type | Multiplicity and use | Editable |
type |
Its value is one of "MovingPoint", "MovingLineString", "MovingPolygon", "MultiMovingPoint", "MultiMovingLineString", "MultiMovingPolygon", and "MovingGeometryCollection". |
JSON String |
One (mandatory) |
NO |
coordinates |
A collection of geometries represented by lists of sampled positions. |
JSON Array<Geometry> (or Null for collection types) |
Zero-to-one (mandatory for simple types) |
datetimes |
A collection of datetimes when the coordinates are sampled. |
JSON Array<DateTime> (or Null for collection types) |
Zero-to-one (mandatory for simple types) |
members |
A navigation property to address temporal-geometry elements of the collection types such as "MultiMovingPoint", "MultiMovingLineString", "MultiMovingPolygon", and "MovingGeometryCollection". |
TemporalGeometry (or Null for simple types) |
Zero-to-many |
NO |
interpolations |
A navigation property to address the interpolation methods. |
Interpolation (or Null for collection types) |
Zero-to-many (mandatory for simple types) |
TemporalProperty Class: The class for accessing the temporal properties of moving features. A TemporalProperty resource is optionally to be implemented in a moving-feature service. The minimum properties for the class are defined by:
Name | Description | Data type | Multiplicity and use | Editable |
name |
A name of dynamic attribute of feature. |
JSON String |
One (mandatory) |
YES (but, no duplication within a moving feature.) |
uom |
A symbol or URI to address the unit of measurement. |
JSON String or Null |
Zero-to-one |
values |
A collection of sampled values to represent dynamic changes of feature attribute. |
JSON Array<Number/String> |
One (mandatory) |
datetimes |
A collection of datetimes when the values are sampled. |
JSON Array<DateTime> |
One (mandatory) |
interpolations |
A navigation property to address the interpolation methods. |
Interpolation |
One-to-many (mandatory) |
Interpolation Class: The class for accessing an interpolation method. An Interpolation resource is required to be implemented with the following properties in a moving-feature service:
Name | Description | Data type | Multiplicity and use | Editable |
@id |
It is the unique and system-generated identifier. |
JSON Any |
One (mandatory) |
NO |
name |
A name of interpolation. |
JSON String |
One (mandatory) |
NO |
formulas |
A collection of formulas to estimate arbitrary values at time. |
JSON Any |
Zero-to-one |
NO |
For pre-defined methods such as "Discrete"
, "Stepwise"
, "Linear"
, and "Spline"
, the client cannot edit the names of methods.
This practice assumes that the name of a user-defined interpolation formula is automatically assigned by the service when moving features are inserted.
Property Class: The class for accessing the static properties of moving features. A Property resource is optionally to be implemented in a moving-feature service. The minimum properties for the class are defined by:
Name | Description | Data type | Multiplicity and use | Editable |
name |
A name of feature attribute. |
JSON String |
One (mandatory) |
YES (but, no duplication within a moving feature.) |
value |
A value of feature attribute. |
JSON Any |
One (mandatory) |
FeatureLayer Class: The class for a collection of moving features to manage data in a distinct (physical or logical) space; this is an optional resource and can be replaced by an Application-dependent feature. When the service implements this class, the following properties may be required:
Name | Description | Data type | Multiplicity and use | Editable |
name |
A property indicates the label of a FeatureLayer resource |
JSON String |
One (mandatory) |
YES (but, no duplication.) |
description |
A property describes a short comment about the layer |
JSON String |
One (mandatory) |
updateFrequency |
A property provides the connectivity of movement within a time interval (second) |
Integer |
One (mandatory) |
YES (but, the previous data are not affected.) |
features |
A navigation property to address each moving feature |
MovingFeature |
Zero-to-many |
The moving-feature service needs to manage the connectivity of features' movement by using the updateFrequency interval. If the updateFrequency interval is 0, the server does not manage the connectivity of movements. |
7.2.2. Resource Path Patterns
Each resource in the service has at least one URL. The recommended pattern of resource URL paths to address a collection of MovingFeature entities, a MovingFeature entity, and their properties may be formed as:
- SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures
- SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures(@id)
- SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures(@id)/temporalGeometry
- SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures(@id)/temporalProperties
- SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures(@id)/temporalProperties($NAME)
- SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures(@id)/properties
- SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures(@id)/properties($NAME)
@id is the identifier of moving feature; therefore, the server needs to return its identifier when a client inserts a new feature or provides a way to access each identifier. |
If the server implements the FeatureLayer resource, it is recommend that the path pattern of resource be formed as:
- SERVICE_ROOT/FeatureLayers/
- SERVICE_ROOT/FeatureLayers($NAME)/features
- SERVICE_ROOT/FeatureLayers($NAME)/features(@id)
- SERVICE_ROOT/FeatureLayers($NAME)/features(@id)/temporalGeometry
- SERVICE_ROOT/FeatureLayers($NAME)/features(@id)/temporalProperties
- SERVICE_ROOT/FeatureLayers($NAME)/features(@id)/temporalProperties($NAME)
- SERVICE_ROOT/FeatureLayers($NAME)/features(@id)/properties
- SERVICE_ROOT/FeatureLayers($NAME)/features(@id)/properties($NAME)
$NAME is replaced by a value of property name .
For the root type of resources, a server should take one resource type of MovingFeatures or FeatureLayers. Both a MovingFeatures and FeatureLayers resource cannot exist at the same level. |
7.2.3. Resource Path Examples
A client can make a request against the resources via URL using various HTTP methods: POST, GET, PUT/PATCH, and DELETE.
>>> Request
Content-Type: application/geo+json
"type": "MovingFeature",
"temporalGeometry": {
"type": "MovingPoint", // a geometry type to represent a trajectory object
"coordinates": [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0] ],
"datetimes": ["2011-07-14T22:01:01Z", "2011-07-14T23:01:01Z", "2011-07-15T00:01:01Z", "2011-07-15T01:01:01Z"],
"interpolations": ["Linear"]
"temporalProperties": [ //(optional)
"datetimes" : ["2011-07-14T22:01:01Z", "2011-07-14T23:01:01Z", "2011-07-15T00:01:01Z"],
"length": {
"uom": "", // a URL denoting a unit-of-measure
"values": [1.0, 2.4, 1.0],
"interpolations": ["Stepwise"]
<<< Response
“@id”: “mf0001",
“@created”: "2012-07-14T22:01:01" // Application-defined property
>>> Request
Content-Type: application/geo+json-seq
{ "type": "MovingFeature", "temporalGeometry": {...}, "temporalProperties": [...]}
{ "type": "MovingFeature", "temporalGeometry": {...}, "temporalProperties": [...]}
{ "type": "MovingFeature", "temporalGeometry": {...}, "temporalProperties": [...]}
<<< Response
“@id”: [“mf0001", “mf0002", “mf0003"]
“@created”: "2012-07-14T22:01:01" // Application-defined property
>>> Request
POST SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')/temporalGeometry HTTP1.1
Content-Type: application/geo+json
"type": "MovingPoint", // a geometry type to represent a trajectory object
"coordinates": [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0]],
"datetimes": ["2011-07-16T02:01:01Z", "2011-07-16T06:01:01Z"],
"interpolation": ["Linear"]
<<< Response
“@modified”: "2012-07-14T22:01:01" // Application-defined property
>>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')/temporalProperties HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
"datetimes" : ["2011-07-14T22:01:01Z", "2011-07-14T23:01:01Z", "2011-07-15T00:01:01Z"],
"length": {
"uom": "",
"values": [1.0, 2.4, 1.0],
"interpolations": ["Stepwise"]
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')/temporalProperties('dose') HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
"datetimes" : ["2011-07-14T22:01:01Z", "2011-07-15T12:01:01Z"],
"dose": {
"uom": "",
"values": [0.003, 0.003],
"interpolations": ["Discrete"]
>>> Request
PUT SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')/properties#name='title' HTTP1.1
<<< Response
7.3. Access Interfaces
The OGC Moving Features Access [OGC 16-120r3] document requires three types of operations for accessing moving feature data: Type A, Type B, and Type C as follows:
Type A: Retrieval of feature attribute
For example, these operations retrieve positions, trajectories, and velocities of a moving feature such as a car, a person, a vessel, an aircraft, and a hurricane. -
Type B: Operations between one trajectory object and one or more geometry objects
An example of these operations is “intersection” between a geometry object like an administrative boundary and a trajectory of a moving feature like a car, a person, a vessel, an aircraft, and a hurricane. -
Type C: Operations between two trajectory objects
An example of these operations is to calculate a distance of the nearest approach of a trajectory to another trajectory. The case studies are distance between a criminal agent and a police agent for predicting crime patterns or distance between soccer players for making proper tactics.
OGC Moving Feature Access provides a guideline for implementing interfaces to support moving feature data calculations in a database, data service, or an application using various programming languages or protocols (e.g., SQL functions, Java APIs, and Web APIs). This sub-clause exemplifies how to realize those operations using RESTful API based on a resource URL, followed by the query option parts. The client is able to retrieve a resource representation using a HTTP GET request.
This document basically follows the usage of query options ($filter, $count, $orderby, $skip, $top, $select, and $search) as used in the OGC SensorThings API standard [OGC 15-078r6].
The OGC SensorThings API provides a good example of adaptation in OData protocols [OData-Part1] and extension of geospatial query functions.
This practice employs the $select
, $filter
, and $search
options in moving feature operations.
In order to make a simple rule for the query options, the abstract operations of moving features as identified in [OGC 16-120r3] are re-categorized into three interfaces as shown in Figure 5: Harvest, Relation, and Analysis.
Interface GeoSpatial and Temporal are additionally defined to access derived properties from a TemporalGeometry and TemporalProperty resource.
The Figure 5 omits the parameters and return types of Type A, B, and C operations. The detailed specification of each operation in Type A, B, and C (gray color boxes) is described by the OGC Moving Features Access standard. The other interfaces (yellow color boxes) are not related to the OGC Moving Features Access standard. |
Harvest Interface: This interface mostly implements the Type A operations to retrieve feature attributes. The practice uses
to extend the geometry types not only 0-dimensional geometry objects but also 1- and 2-dimensional geometry objects instead of pointAtTime and timeAtPoint in the Moving Features Access document. In addition, operationstBoundedBy
is added to return the boundary object containing moving features in a spatiotemporal domain. This interface is realized with Query Option$select
. -
Relation Interface: This interface implements the topological relationship operations in Type B (between trajectory and geometry objects) and Type C (between two trajectory objects), such as disjoint and intersects. The practice changes the name of distanceWithin to
to exclude the distance parameter. Moreover, new relations ofenters
, andpasses
are defined to clarify its temporal order of topological changes of relation from intersects.
Figure 6 shows the examples of each relation. This interface is realized with Query Option$filter
Analysis Interface: This interface implements the analysis operations in Type B (between trajectory and geometry objects) and Type C (between two trajectory objects), such as nearestApproach and difference. The operations return a new object as a computation result. For example, operation "nearestApproach" with geometric object calculates the distance between a trajectory and the geometry or between two trajectories, and returns a distance in time. This practice additionally defines two more operations:
. Thebuffer
operation returns a temporal geometry (simple or collection) covering all points within a given distance from a target temporal geometry (simple or collection). Theconvoy
operation returns the minimum bounding temporal geometry enclosing a group of moving features such that these features are consecutively close to each other (the k-nearest neighbors from a target) during a given time period. Figure 7 shows the result examples ofbuffer
operations. This interface is realized with Query Option$search
GeoSpatial Interface: This interface provides the function
that returns the maximum dimension of leaf geometry objects andboundary
that returns the closure of the combinatorial geospatial boundary of all leaves (a foliation) for a temporal geometry resource. This interface is realized with Query Option$select
. -
Temporal Interface: This interface provides the functions
that returns a sub-object of a temporal geometry/property at a given time instant and time period, respectively. TheboundedBy
function returns the temporal range covering its prism. This interface is realized with Query Option$select
7.3.1. Query Option $select
The $select
query option requests the service to harvest the properties or return a value derived from properties. The operations of Harvest, GeoSpatial, and Temporal are realized with the $select
query option corresponding to a MovingFeature or FeatureLayer resource.
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')?$select=geometryAtTime(2008-02-04T00:00:00Z) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"geometryAtTime" : {
"type" : "POINT",
"coordinates" : [ 116.35072, 39.96354 ]
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures?$select=geometryAtTime(2008-02-04T00:00:00Z) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"@id" : "mf0001",
"geometryAtTime" : {
"type" : "POINT",
"coordinates" : [ 116.35072, 39.96354 ]
"@id" : "mf0002",
"geometryAtTime" : {
"type" : "POINT",
"coordinates" : [ 116.01843751281389, 39.909385232047136 ]
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')?$select=timeAtGeometry(POINT(116.4%2039.8)) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"timeAtGeometry" : [ "2008-02-07T13:00:37Z", "2008-02-07T13:00:51Z", "2008-02-08T13:35:57Z", "2008-02-08T13:36:06Z", "2008-02-06T13:08:32Z", "2008-02-06T13:08:29Z", "2008-02-07T23:04:51Z", "2008-02-07T23:04:55Z", "2008-02-06T23:09:41Z", "2008-02-06T23:09:56Z", "2008-02-04T00:36:14Z", "2008-02-04T00:36:23Z", "2008-02-05T13:17:28Z", "2008-02-05T13:17:39Z" ]
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures?$select=timeAtGeometry(POINT(116.4%2039.8)) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"@id" : "mf0001",
"timeAtGeometry" : [ "2008-02-07T13:00:37Z", "2008-02-07T13:00:51Z", "2008-02-08T13:35:57Z", "2008-02-08T13:36:06Z", "2008-02-06T13:08:32Z", "2008-02-06T13:08:29Z", "2008-02-07T23:04:51Z", "2008-02-07T23:04:55Z", "2008-02-06T23:09:41Z", "2008-02-06T23:09:56Z", "2008-02-04T00:36:14Z", "2008-02-04T00:36:23Z", "2008-02-05T13:17:28Z", "2008-02-05T13:17:39Z" ]
"@id": "mf0002",
"timeAtGeometry": ["2013-05-01T10:33:45Z"]
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures?$select=velocity(2008-02-04T00:00:00Z) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"@id" : "mf0001",
"velocity" : [ 0.0, 0.0 ]
"@id" : "mf0002",
"velocity" : [ -5.42125853725347E-4, 1.0906301588750913E-4 ]
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')?$select=timeAtCummulativeDistance(1,%22km%22) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"timeAtCummulativeDistance" : "2008-02-02T22:35:04Z"
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures?$select=stBoundedBy() HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"@id" : "mf0001",
"stBoundedBy" : {
"bbox": [-10.0, -10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
"period": {
"begin": "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z",
"end" : "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"
"@id" : "mf0002",
"stBoundedBy" : {
"bbox": ...,
"period": ...
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')?$select=subTrajectory(2008-02-03T23:00:00Z,2008-02-03T23:05:00Z) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"subTrajectory" : {
"type" : "MovingPoint",
"datetimes" : [ "2008-02-03T23:00:00Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:34Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:49Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:04Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:19Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:29Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:44Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:04Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:39Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:54Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:09Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:24Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:34Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:49Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:09Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:44Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:59Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:14Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:29Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:39Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:54Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:14Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:49Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:04Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:19Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:34Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:49Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:59Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:19Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:56Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:09Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:24Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:39Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:54Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:04Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:24Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:14Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:29Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:49Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:59Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:09Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:29Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:19Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:34Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:54Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:04Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:19Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:34Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:29Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:44Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:59Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:09Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:24Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:39Z", "2008-02-03T23:05:00Z" ],
"coordinates" : [ [ 116.35079, 39.96372 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35102, 39.96422 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96374 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96372 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35102, 39.96422 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96374 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35102, 39.96421 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96374 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35107, 39.96425 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35106, 39.96425 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35105, 39.96424 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35104, 39.96424 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96374 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35104, 39.96423 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96374 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ] ],
"interpolations" : ["Linear"]
The subTrajectory operation can also be realized by using the slice interface of temporal geometry as follows:
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')/temporalGeometry?$select=slice(2008-02-03T23:00:00Z,2008-02-03T23:05:00Z) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"slice": {
"type" : "MovingPoint",
"datetimes" : [ "2008-02-03T23:00:00Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:34Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:49Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:04Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:19Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:29Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:44Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:04Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:39Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:54Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:09Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:24Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:34Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:49Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:09Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:44Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:59Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:14Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:29Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:39Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:54Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:14Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:49Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:04Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:19Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:34Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:49Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:59Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:19Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:56Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:09Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:24Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:39Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:54Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:04Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:24Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:14Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:29Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:49Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:59Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:09Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:29Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:19Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:34Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:54Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:04Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:19Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:34Z", "2008-02-03T23:04:29Z", "2008-02-03T23:03:44Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:59Z", "2008-02-03T23:02:09Z", "2008-02-03T23:01:24Z", "2008-02-03T23:00:39Z", "2008-02-03T23:05:00Z" ],
"coordinates" : [ [ 116.35079, 39.96372 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35102, 39.96422 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96374 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96372 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35102, 39.96422 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96374 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35102, 39.96421 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96374 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35107, 39.96425 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35106, 39.96425 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35105, 39.96424 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35104, 39.96424 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96374 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ], [ 116.35104, 39.96423 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96374 ], [ 116.35079, 39.96373 ], [ 116.35076, 39.96383 ] ],
"interpolations" : ["Linear"]
However, the slice operation is for only one MovingFeature resource. This practice restricts the use of the GeoSpatial and Temporal interfaces to only TemporalGeometry or/and TemporalProperty resource types. The following examples show the use cases of each operation.
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')/temporalProperties('length')?$select=snapshot(2013-05-01T10:33:41Z) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"snapshot": {
"datetimes": ["2013-05-01T10:33:41Z"],
"length": {
"uom": "",
"values": [1.2],
"interpolations": ["Discrete"]
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')/temporalGeometry?$select=boundedBy() HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"boundedBy": {
"begin" : "2008-02-03T23:00:00Z",
"end" : "2008-02-03T23:05:00Z"
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')/temporalGeometry?$select=boundary() HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"boundary": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0] ]
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')/temporalProperties('length')?select=values gt 10 HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"temporalProperties": [{
"datetimes": ["2017-03-13T01:00:00Z","2017-03-13T21:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T23:00:00Z"],
"length": {
"uom" : "m",
"values": [10, 15, 20],
"interpolations": "Linear"
7.3.2. Query Option $filter
The $filter
query option allows clients to filter a collection of moving features that are addressed by a request URL. It can be applied to a specific moving feature or a collection of moving features. The $filter
option is evaluated for each moving feature in the collection, and returns the features where the expression of the Relation interface is true
in the response. For a specific feature, it returns true
or false
. The Relation interface is realized with the $filter
query option.
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')?$filter=disjoint(LINESTRING(1%202,3%204,5%206),2008-02-02T22:31:00Z,2008-02-02T22:40:00Z) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"disjoint": true
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures?$filter=intersects(POLYGON((30%2010%2C40%2040%2C20%2040%2C10%2020%2C30%2010)),2013-05-01T10:33:50Z,2013-05-01T10:36:41Z) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"intersects": [ "mf0001", "mf0003"]
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures?$filter=distanceWithin(POINT(103%201.0),2013-05-01T10:33:50Z,2013-05-01T10:36:41Z,100;km) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"distanceWithin ": null
The operations of Type C between two trajectory objects provide spatiotemporal relations (e.g., intersects). The current API tries to realize the Type C operation by a temporary method until an expression is developed for the request URL, such as the Well-Known Text (WKT) format for a geometry object. (1) Create a temporal resource of FeatureLayer as follows:
>>> Request POST SERVICE_ROOT/FeatureLayers HTTP1.1 Content-Type: application/geo+json { "name": "queryfeatures", "description": "temporal feature layer for query parameters" "updateFrequency": 0 } <<< Response 201 CREATED { “@id”: "queryfeatures", “@created”: "2012-07-14T22:01:01" } (2) Insert a query object into the feature layer as follows:
>>> Request POST SERVICE_ROOT/FeatureLayers('queryfeatures') HTTP1.1 Content-Type: application/geo+json { "type": "MovingFeature", "temporalGeometry": { .... } } <<< Response 201 CREATED { “@id”: "mf9999999", “@created”: "2012-07-14T23:01:01" } (3) Search intersected moving features from the bus layer with the query feature.
>>> Request GET SERVICE_ROOT/FeatureLayers('bus')/features?$filter=intersects(@id)&@id='mf9999999' HTTP1.1 <<< Response 200 OK Content_Type: application/geo+json { "intersects": [ "mf0001", "mf0003"] } |
7.3.3. Query Option $search
The $search
query option allows clients to analyze moving features or a specific moving feature, and returns a new object as a computation result. The Analysis interface is realized with the $search
query option.
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('mf0001')?$search=nearestApproachPoint(LINESTRING(116.35%2039.8,116.36%2040),2008-02-04T00:00:00Z,2008-02-04T00:10:00Z) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"nearestApproachPoint" : {
"type" : "MovingPoint",
"datetimes" : [ "2008-02-04T00:06:14Z", "2008-02-04T00:06:19Z" ],
"coordinates" : [ [ 116.35089, 39.96329 ], [ 116.35814635910225, 39.962927182044886 ] ],
"interpolations" : ["Linear"]
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures?$search=nearestApproach(LINESTRING(116.35%2039.8,116.36%2040),2008-02-04T00:00:00Z,2008-02-04T00:10:00Z) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"@id" : "mf0001",
"nearestApproach" : {
"datetimes" : [ "2008-02-04T00:06:14Z", "2008-02-04T00:06:19Z" ],
"distance" : {
"uom" : "m",
"values" : [ 7.265423889165578, 7.265423889165578 ],
"interpolations" : ["Linear"]
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures?$search=intersection(POLYGON((30%2010%2C40%2040%2C20%2040%2C10%2020%2C30%2010)),2013-05-01T10:33:50Z,2013-05-01T10:36:41Z) HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"@id": "mf001",
"intersection": {
"type": "MovingPoint,
"coordinates": [...],
"datetimes" : [...],
"interpolations": [...]
"@id": "mf003",
"intersection": {
The >>> Request GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures/properties?$search=bike HTTP1.1 <<< Response 200 OK Content_Type: application/geo+json [ { "@id": "mf001", "properties": { "name": "bike", "description": "fast bike" } } ] >>> Request GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures/properties('name')?$search=bike HTTP1.1 <<< Response 200 OK Content_Type: application/geo+json [ { "@id": "mf001", "name": "bike" } ] >>> Request GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures/temporalProperties?$search=(mountain OR bike) AND NOT clothing HTTP1.1 <<< Response 200 OK Content_Type: application/geo+json [ { "@id": "mf003", "temporalProperties": [{ "datetimes": ["2017-03-13T01:00:00Z","2017-03-13T21:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T23:00:00Z"], "messages": { "uom" : "text", "values": ["mountain bike", "mountain", "bike"], "interpolations": "Discrete" }, "annotations": { "uom" : "text", "values": ["a mountain bike", "a mountain", "a bike"], "interpolations": "Discrete" } }] } ] >>> Request GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures/temporalProperties('messages')?$search=(mountain OR bike) AND NOT clothing HTTP1.1 <<< Response 200 OK Content_Type: application/geo+json [ { "@id": "mf003", "messages": { "datetimes": ["2017-03-13T01:00:00Z","2017-03-13T21:00:00Z", "2017-03-13T23:00:00Z"], "values": ["mountain bike", "mountain", "bike"] } } ] |
7.3.4. Addressing Entities: $ref
, $value
This practice uses the symbolic resource $ref
, located at the service root or a FeatureLayer entity, to get the URL for addressing all entities.
The symbolic resource $value
is allowed to resolve to a single property value or to get a list of values of TemporalProperty and Property elements of a MovingFeatures resource in text/plain form.
>>> Request
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"url": ["MovingFeatures('m0001')", "MovingFeatures('m0002')"]
>>> Request
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"url": ["FeatureLayers('bus')", "FeatureLayers('typhoon')"]
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/FeatureLayers('typhoon')/$ref HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: application/geo+json
"url": ["features('m0001')", "features('m0002')"]
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/FeatureLayers/name/$value HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: text/plain
bus, typhoon
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('m0001')/properties/name/$value HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: text/plain
title, author
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('m0001')/properties('title')/$value HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: text/plain
Test Title
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('m0001')/temporalProperties/name/$value HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: text/plain
length, dose, picture
>>> Request
GET SERVICE_ROOT/MovingFeatures('m0001')/temporalProperties('length')/uom/$value HTTP1.1
<<< Response
200 OK
Content_Type: text/plain
Appendix A: Revision History
Date | Release | Author | Paragraph modified | Description |
2016-08-29 |
Kyoung-Sook KIM, Hirotaka OGAWA |
All |
Created |
2016-09-27 |
Kyoung-Sook KIM |
RESTful APIs: Resource types and interfaces |
Revised |
2016-10-23 |
Kyoung-Sook KIM |
Interpolation formulas, RESTful APIs |
Revised |
2017-01-15 |
Kyoung-Sook KIM |
RESTful APIs- Addressing Entities |
Added |
2017-03-15 |
Kyoung-Sook KIM |
Temporal Properties |
Revised |
2017-06-12 |
Scott Simmons |
All |
prepare for publication |